Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a Graduate Course


Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a Graduate Course

(To be used only for courses already approved by the UPCC or GPCC)

Title of Undergraduate Course ______Medicinal Chemistry___________________________

Course Prefix & Number

Department Offering Course

_______________CHEM 3010_________________________


Title of Graduate Course

Course Prefix & Number

Graduate Program

___Medicinal Chemistry_______________________________

_____CHEM 5010____________________________________

_______Masters of Arts in Teaching Science (MAT-Science)__

(1) Please provide a brief rationale for cross-listing these courses.

One of the primary objectives of the MAT-science degree program is to provide prospective teachers with the appropriate depth and breadth in their subject area so that they are fully prepared to convey current, in-depth, and accurate content knowledge to their students. This course, CHEM 5010, is intended to deepen and broaden the graduate students’ understanding of ideas in CHEM 1212, 3361/3362, and 3500, and introduce them to topics in medicinal chemistry and the role of chemists in drug design and drug development. CHEM 3010 is currently offered as an upper-level elective content course.

(2) In what ways will there be a substantial difference between undergraduate and graduate instruction?

Instruction during class will focus on helping undergraduate and graduate students understand the core concepts of medicinal chemistry while the graduate students will independently, and with guidance outside of class time as needed, seek to find connections and intersections between this course and the state-adopted secondary science curriculum, the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). The expectation is that the graduate student will have a stronger foundation of content knowledge and will thus be expected to extend that understanding further than his/her undergraduate colleague.

(3) In what ways are there substantially greater expectations for students enrolled for graduate credit?

Graduate students will be expected to develop and give a longer presentation than the other students and will do it individually, rather than in pairs. Graduate students will be expected to do two additional assignments. One of these assignments will be to develop a lesson plan for their students using drug molecules as examples to illustrate/explain the topic ( e.g.

physical properties or chemical reactions). The second assignment will be to become informed about a

particular drug (prescription, over-the-counter, or illegal drug) and write a 1-2 page discussion of that drug’s mechanism of action and side effects. This should be written at a level that can be understood by the students they would be teaching.

(4) In what ways will the combined instruction of graduate and undergraduate students will be structured to ensure appropriate attention to both groups?

Students will participate in the same classroom discussions and lectures, do the same homework assignments, and make presentations. Undergraduate presentations will be 10 min. in length while the graduate students will be expected to give a longer and more detailed presentation of their topic (approx. 30 min in length).

(5) Who will be the Instructor of Record for this course (the instructor of a crosslisted course must meet the university requirements for Provisional or Full

Graduate Faculty status).

Jennifer Powers, Ph.D., 15 years of experience at KSU; undergraduate faculty status

(6) Please attach an undergraduate syllabus and a graduate syllabus for the crosslisted course (the requirements and expectations for students in each course must be identified in separate syllabi, which clearly identify evidence of substantially greater expectations for students enrolled for graduate credit.

See attached syllabi

(7) Please provide a summary diagram showing a comparison of requirements and expectations for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the course.

CHEM 3010/5010

Undergraduate Expectations



Describe the process of new drug approval in the United States.

To be able to use primary literature, databases, and internet and to obtain information about drug development, mechanism of action and toxicity for a pharmaceutical agent.


To appreciate how drug development has changed through the years and have a

Graduate Expectations

Same as undergraduate with the following additional expectations and modifications:

11. Make a 30 minute presentation that incorporates several of the above items for a drug not discussed in class.

12. Pick a prescription or over-the-counter drug that might be taken by students

(e.g. asthma drug, ADHD drug,

basic understanding of techniques commonly used today in drug design.


Classify the main biological targets of drugs and gives examples of the types of interactions of drugs with their targets.


Explain the concept of structure-activity relationships, show common structural changes made during drug discovery/development, and summarize types of physicochemical parameters commonly used in SAR studies.


Explain why water solubility and lipid solubility are important factors related to drug effectiveness and give examples of structural changes and formulations used to alter these properties.


Define the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination; predict common metabolites of drugs.


Understand that there are often many different biological targets one can choose for a particular disease, and why drug specificity is hard to achieve.


Have a molecular level understanding of the mechanism of action of several common classes of drugs and be able to communicate this understanding either orally or in a written format.


To gain an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature this field.


Make a short presentation that incorporates several of the above items for a drug not discussed in class.

Tylenol) and develop a short handout

(1-2 pages) that discusses how this drug acts at a level that could be understood by their students.

13. Pick any chemistry topic and develop a lesson plan using drug molecules as examples to illustrate/explain the topic

(e.g. physical properties or chemical reactions).

Approved______________________________ ____Graduate Program Director__________Date

Approved___________________________________Department Chair __________Date

Approved_____________________________________ GPCC Chair __________Date

Approved____________________________________ Graduate Dean __________Date
