12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Compliance with NCATE/PSC Requirements Online Teaching Endorsement Kennesaw State University Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. Contact Beverly for templates related to Standards/Curriculum Matrix and Assessment System (next 2 tables) that are appropriate for your program. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. The Online Teacher Endorsement program offered by the Department of Instructional Technology within the Bagwell College of Education at Kennesaw State University (KSU) aligns with and supports the following conceptual framework: The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates’ progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates are facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes, values and demonstrates collaborative practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration with professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of assisting Georgia schools in bringing all students to high levels of learning. The Online Teaching Endorsement Program supports the Bagwell College of Education’s commitment to preparing accomplished teachers and leaders through the collaborative development of expertise in teaching and learning. This commitment is consistent with the conceptual framework of the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU), which outlines a vision for developing educators from novice to proficient to expert and leader. By developing experts in online teaching, the Instructional technology department aims to foster the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be an effective user and facilitator of online learning technologies and research-based techniques to improve teaching and learning. In concert with the PTEU vision, the goal of the Online Teaching Endorsement program is to establish teachers who are experts in their field, facilitators of twenty-first century learning, and collaborative professionals who are active leaders contextualizing high-quality virtual learning experiences for K-12 education. This program further develops Kennesaw State University’s philosophical foundation emphasizing ethics, leadership and community engagement by preparing an accomplished community of technology leaders to advocate for high standards as school systems increasingly implements online learning for K-12 learners. The PTEU embraces the development of educational professionals who, as collaborative partners, engage in local, state, national, and international endeavors in teaching, research, and service to become subject matter experts capable of facilitating high levels of learning within diverse student populations. The proposed Online Teaching Endorsement embraces these ideals by promoting scholarly activity that supports inquiry, research, and the validation of instructional technology initiatives aimed to bring all Georgia students to higher levels of learning through innovative online learning activities. Kennesaw State University faculty are committed to promoting candidates who achieve intellectual proficiency in a challenging and facilitative collegial environment that fosters high-quality academic preparation, pedagogical study, and professional technology integration and facilitation experiences. 1 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 2. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. [APPENDIX A] This program is based on the field-specific content standards published by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) for approving endorsement programs that prepare individuals to teach classes in an online learning environment. These requirements and standards are used to approve professional education units and educator preparation programs. These standards are included in Appendix A of this document. 3. (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. There are no institutional standards in addition to the GaPSC standards for the Online Teaching Endorsement. 4. (Assessment System) Using the curriculum matrix [APPENDIX B], indicate where the subject area standards are addressed in the proposed curriculum. Then identify in the next chart (APPENDIX C) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. The three items to follow should be addressed as well in narrative form: a) Transition Points Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element a. Your program may include some or all of the following transition points: Program Entry, Student Teaching Entry, Student Teaching Exit, Program Exit, and Employment (or Induction after Hire). In this part of the report, describe the transition points used in your program, and relate or align them with the requirements your candidates have to satisfy to accomplish each of the transitions. Also summarize deliberative processes used by your faculty to determine which candidates are able to transition successfully at each point. (If the preparation program includes different options, please include descriptions of transition points for each option. The Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) program in the Department of Instructional Technology has the following 4 transition points: (1) Admission, (2) Beginning Point, (3) MidPoint, and (4) Endpoint. . 1. Admission 1. Baccalaureate degree from an acceptably recognized accredited college or university. 2. A minimum undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale). Candidate must obtain and submit official transcripts from EACH college attended, including those institutions where degrees were NOT earned. Note - Candidates interested in seeking the Online Teaching Endorsement from the PSC must hold a clear renewable teaching certificate or Technical Specialist (TS) Certificate (Level 4 or higher) or Permit (Level 4 or higher) from Georgia in any teaching field. (PSC 505-3-.85) Candidates interested in seeking the Online Teaching Certification from KSU do not need a clear and renewable teaching certification. 2. Beginning Point (Semester 1) At the beginning of the program, candidates are assigned an advisor. Each semester, the advisor updates the advisement sheet for the candidate and ensures that he/she is progressing successfully. Candidates are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA or they may be removed from the program. If candidate GPAs fall below a 3.0, the advisor meets with the candidate to offer support and assistance. The advisor continues to do this throughout the program to ensure that students are transitioning successfully from one semester to the next. 2 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 In the beginning of the program, candidates complete one program assessment, Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA), in ITEC 7480 Introduction to Online Learning. For this assessment, candidates are required to construct a syllabus for an online course, which will include a course description, measurable learning objectives, course schedule, grading information, and several course policy components. The OSA addresses 20 GaPSC standards/elements. Candidates are rated on a 4-pt evaluation scale (L1-L4) on this assessment. Scores of L3 and L4 meet and exceed standards and are considered desirable. Scores lower than an L3 do not meet standards and are flagged for administrative follow-up by the Candidate Assessment Committee (CAC). The CAC consists of the program coordinator, advisor, department chair, and any professor who may have concerns regarding the candidate. The purpose of the CAC is to follow-up on any program assessment scores lower than an L3. The CAC will meet and initiate remediation procedures if deemed necessary. 3. Midpoint (Semester 2) In the midpoint of the program, the advisor continues to update the advisement sheet ensuring students are transitioning successfully from one semester to the next. If candidate GPAs fall below a 3.0, the advisor meets with the candidate to offer support and assistance. In the midpoint of the program, the Online Course Assessment (OCA) is completed in ITEC 7481, Designing and Developing Online Learning. This course requires candidates to design and develop an online course in a Learning Management System (LMS) demonstrating mastery of 32 of the PSC standards/elements. The online course components will include a welcome to the course and site navigation; basic support, directions, and guidance; community-building activities; course syllabus and orientation; learning modules; student learning assessments; and a course evaluation. On the OCA, candidates are rated on a 4-pt evaluation scale (L1-L4). Scores of L3 and L4 meet and exceed standards and are considered desirable. Scores lower than an L3 do not meet standards and are flagged for administrative follow-up by the Candidate Assessment Committee (CAC). 4. Endpoint (Semester 3) In the endpoint of the program, the advisor continues to update the advisement sheet ensuring students are transitioning successfully from one semester to the next. If candidate GPAs fall below a 3.0, the advisor meets with the candidate to offer support and assistance. In the endpoint of the program, candidates complete two final program assessments. The Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR) is completed in ITEC 7482 Facilitating Online Learning and requires candidates to develop a portfolio demonstrating mastery of 30 of the PSC standards/elements related to facilitating an online course with actual students. Under the supervision of their ITEC 7482 professor, candidates are required to implement a 4-6 week online or blended learning practicum experience with actual students. This online practicum experience is online teaching comparable to a traditional studentteaching experience. The portfolio includes artifacts and reflections from this online teaching experience. The candidate’s professor serves as a mentor and completes the Mentor Evaluation (ME), rating the candidate’s proficiency on 24 of the PSC standards/elements. On each assessment, candidates are rated on a 4-pt evaluation scale (L1-L4). Scores of L3 and L4 meet and exceed standards and are considered desirable. Scores lower than an L3 do not meet standards and are flagged for administrative follow-up by the Candidate Assessment Committee (CAC). 3 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 SUMMARY OF TRANSITION POINTS Transition Points Assessments or Requirements Graduate Application Admission Baccalaureate degree from an acceptably recognized accredited college or university. A minimum undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale). Candidate must obtain and submit official transcripts from EACH college attended, including those institutions where degrees were NOT earned. Clear renewable teaching certificate or Technical Specialist (TS) Certificate (Level 4 or higher) or Permit (Level 4 or higher) from Georgia in any teaching field. (PSC 505-3-.85) Advisor Evaluation – minimum of 3.0 GPA Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA) Advisor Evaluation – minimum of 3.0 GPA Online Course Assessment (OCA) Advisor Evaluation – minimum of 3.0 GPA Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR) Mentor Evaluation (ME) Beginning Point Midpoint Endpoint b) Data Collection, Analysis and Evaluation Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element b. Describe the processes and procedures used to regularly and systematically collect, compile, aggregate, summarize, and analyze candidate and program performance data. The Instructional Technology (ITEC) departmental faculty have instituted regular and systematic procedures for collecting, analyzing, and evaluating candidate performance data. At the heart of this system is the Chalk and Wire assessment system. This system is used to collect program and unit level student performance data. All program assessments described in this report are collected through the Chalk and Wire assessment system. Each semester, it is the program coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that program assessments are completed by ITEC faculty. In an ITEC departmental meeting, the Program Coordinator discusses which assessments are required in each course. An assessment schedule is given to each faculty member and reminder emails are sent throughout the semester. If any faculty member does not complete a required assessment, the program coordinator sends this information to the department chair who promptly ensures the data is collected. Faculty members are trained regularly on the use of Chalk and Wire to ensure they understand how to enter assessment data into the system. Once the data is entered into Chalk and Wire, the tools within the system allow program coordinators to compile, aggregate, and summarize the data. Reports are generated containing a variety of charts, tables and graphs facilitating the data analysis process. Data analysis takes place at both the unit and program levels. Twice a year, the Instructional Technology program faculty members participate in the Professional Teacher Education Unit’s (PTEU’s) official Data Reflection meetings. At these meetings, the departmental faculty reviews data from the previous semester (or, in the case of fall meetings, data 4 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 from the previous summer and spring semesters) and, using specifically designed reporting forms, adds to an ongoing record of how candidates are performing. This collaborative experience provides the departmental faculty with a snapshot of candidate performance. In addition to the unit level data analysis meetings, monthly departmental meetings provide a venue for program level data analysis. Regular discussions of the assessment system and periodic data analysis sessions regularly and systematically occur within departmental meetings. Given that program assessment is an ongoing and evolving activity, these sessions provide the basis for re-evaluation and revision of how and what kind of data are collected. Policy, curriculum, pedagogical, and rubric changes are implemented as a result of this systematic data analysis process. The ITEC faculty reviews all assessments for fairness, accuracy, consistency and bias. The faculty reviews the effectiveness of the rubrics at the end of each semester and makes any necessary revisions. While multiple revisions make it difficult to conduct longitudinal analysis of candidate outcomes, the faculty members feel the revisions are necessary to adequately measure candidate effectiveness in meeting the standards. c) Use of Data for Program Improvement Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element c. Describe the processes and procedures used to evaluate the efficacy of this program, the processes and procedures used to make candidate performance data available to candidates and faculty, and how candidate and program performance data are used to initiate changes in the program. The Online Teaching Endorsement program will be reviewed on a regular and systematic basis for its effectiveness. Since the program is a part of the PTEU, program faculty will participate in the annual PTEU Data Reflections Day. This day has occurred each fall usually in October since 2003. On this day, program faculty members meet to review and discuss data from the previous academic year. Data that are reviewed include program level assessments, unit assessments, and results from the diversity survey. Program evaluations completed by program candidates, P-12 personnel and employers are also reviewed. In addition to the annual data reflection meetings, engaging in data reflections is a standing item on our monthly departmental meeting agendas. The program coordinator aggregates the data from various program level assessments and presents the information to faculty to analyze and review. The data is used to make changes to our instruction, as well as to our assessments. We also make changes to our program sequence if necessary. These monthly data reflections determine what types of changes we make to our overall curriculum. We engage in the data analysis process to ensure continuous improvement of our program. The Instructional Technology Advisory Board is also consulted for information about current trends, needs, and issues in the field of online learning. The Advisory Board consists of professionals and individuals working in a variety of online learning positions. Based on the information gathered, the faculty will note strengths and weaknesses in our program and make any necessary changes to improve our program. 5 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practice that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include: a) How members of the professional community work with the program to design, deliver and evaluate field experiences The Online Teaching Endorsement program was developed by a curriculum committee and in a collaborative manner with representatives from leaders at the Georgia Department of Education’s Georgia Virtual School (GVS) as well as with online learning leaders in P-12 schools. The Department of Instructional Technology formed a curriculum committee to lead the development of the Online Teaching Endorsement. Members of the curriculum committee worked with online learning leaders to plan the online practicum experiences. Members of the curriculum committee also worked with the advisory board to seek input on content, activities, assessment strategies and other resources. The chair of the curriculum committee worked with the Director of the Georgia Virtual School to discuss a partnership for completing the online practicum experience completed during ITEC 7481. The chair also contacted the Supervisor of the Cobb Virtual Academy to discuss program goals and course content. Additionally, the chair of the curriculum committee contacted the Supervisor of Online Staff Development Programs in Cobb County for input on course content, activities, and assessment strategies. b) Required qualifications for school-based faculty who supervise candidates in clinical practice (i.e. cooperating teachers, coaches, mentors, etc.) Candidates in the Online Teaching Endorsement will complete two online practicum experiences. During the first online practicum in ITEC 7481, candidates will be placed in an online course to observe an actual online course being delivered to students. The cooperating teacher must possess a valid teaching certificate and be certified in the appropriate subject area for which they are teaching. They must have at least one year of online teaching experience and receive satisfactory online teaching evaluations. During the second online practicum experience in ITEC 7482, the professor will serve as the mentor to the candidates as they teach 4-6 weeks of an actual online/blended class with students. All professors teaching in the Online Teaching Endorsement program will have experience teaching in an online or blended learning environment. c) Methods used to ensure that candidates have field experiences in all required grade levels: Early Childhood: grades PK-K, 1-3, and 4-5; Middle Grades: grades 4-5 and 6-8; P-12: grades PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12; Secondary fields: grades 6-8 and 9-12 According to PSC Rule 505-3-.85 candidates must complete an online practicum or online internship experience appropriate to the candidate’s grade level and field of certification. Therefore, when candidates complete their online practicum experience in ITEC 7481, they will do so in a field and grade level for which they are certified. d) How field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. As indicated in the table below, candidates in the Online Teaching Endorsement program engage in two (2) field experiences (ITEC 7480 and ITEC 7481) and two (2) online practicum experiences (ITEC 7481 6 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 and ITEC 7482). The field experiences require candidates to apply course work in classroom and school settings and reflect on their practice in the context of theories on online teaching and learning. Candidates are required to log their field experience activities and hours. The course assignments have been developed as field-based experiences and a minimum of 30 hours of field work is required to complete the class assignments. Additionally, candidates are required to design and complete 10 additional hours of field experiences related to teaching and learning online. Candidates complete a total of 80 hours of field experiences. Additionally, candidates are required to complete two (2) online practicum experiences for a total of 70 hours. The online practicum experiences differ from the field experiences in that candidates are immersed in a current online course with students observing and teaching under the supervision of an online teacher. Overall, candidates complete a total of 150 hours of field and online practicum experiences. FIELD EXPERIENCES Course #1 ITEC 7480: Introduction to Online Learning Field Experience #1 Legal Issues WebQuest, Syllabus, Online Teacher Evaluation Rubric Candidates are required to design and complete a minimum of 10 additional hours of field experiences in their schools/districts. These field experiences should be focused in areas of online and blended learning. TOTAL Course #2 ITEC 7481: Designing & Developing Online Learning Field Experience #2 10 40 GRAND TOTAL 80 Observing an Online Course (2 weeks) Online Practicum Experience #2 Teaching an Online Course (4-6 weeks) 7 40 TOTAL ONLINE PRACTICUM EXPERIENCES Online Practicum Experience #1 Course #3 ITEC 7482: Facilitation of Online Learning 10 # of Hours 30 Online Course Development Candidates are required to design and complete a minimum of 10 additional hours of field experiences in their schools/districts. These field experiences should be focused in areas of online and blended learning. Course #2 ITEC 7481: Designing & Developing Online Learning # of Hours 30 # of Hours 20 # of Hours 50 GRAND TOTAL 70 TOTAL HOURS 150 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 During the 1st semester, candidates are required to complete an online course syllabus for one of their field experiences. This field experience is assessed through the Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA). During the 2nd semester, candidates design and develop an online course. This field experience is assessed with the Online Course Assessment (OCA). During the 3rd semester, candidates are required to complete an online practicum experience in which they teach an online/blended course for 4-6 weeks. This experience is assessed using the Mentor Evaluation (ME). Also during the 3rd semester, candidates are required to complete an electronic portfolio of the activities they completed during the online practicum experience. The portfolio is assessed with the Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR). All of this assessment data is used to help faculty determine how to improve field experiences in the future. Field Experience Log Candidates are required to document their field experiences in ITEC 7480 and ITEC 7481 using the field experience log. For each field experience, they are required to document the grade level (P-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12), race/ethnicity, and subgroup (ELL, economically disadvantaged, students with exceptionalities) with which they worked. Additionally, candidates are required to reflect on their field experiences describing what they learned, how their learning relates to the standards, and how the field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning. 8 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Part I. Log FIELD EXPERIENCE LOG Title of the Field Experience Description of the Field Experience The PSC standards/elements met by the Field Experience Course/Semester # of Hours DIVERSITY TABLE Place an X in the box representing the ethnic population(s) or subgroup(s) involved in the completion of the field experience. Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 Race/Ethnicity: Asian Black or African American Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Aleuts White Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders Two or more races Subgroups: Students with Exceptionalities English Language Learner Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals 9-12 FIELD EXPERIENCE REFLECTION 1. What did you learn about technology facilitation and leadership from completing this field experience? 2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator? Refer to the standards/elements you selected for this field experience and use the language of the standards in your answer. Reflect on all 3— knowledge, skills, and dispositions. 3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be assessed? 9 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Part II: Reflection CANDIDATE REFLECTIONS: (Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question) 1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about online teaching and learning from completing this field experience? 2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, enthusiasm) required of an online teacher? (Refer to the standards you selected in Part I. Use the language of the PSC standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.) 3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be assessed? 10 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with P-12 students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. Include: a. Curriculum that supports knowledge about diverse populations; ensuring diverse placements The PSC standards for the Online Teaching Endorsement include an emphasis on diversity. Therefore, candidates completing field experiences in the Online Teaching Endorsement program are required to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. See below the PSC Online Teaching Endorsement standards referencing diversity. See Appendix D for a full description in the Diversity Tables outlining how the curriculum supports knowledge about diverse populations. PSC Standards Related to Diversity: Candidates will incorporate within instructional designs sufficient support, directions, and guidelines for online learners. (II.i.VI) Candidates will differentiate instruction of students’ learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information. (II.i.IX) Candidates will facilitate regular and frequent teacher-student interaction, studentstudent interaction, and teacher-parent interaction in a variety of ways. (II.ii.II) Candidates will create assignments, projects and assessments that are aligned to address visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. (II.v.II) Candidates will provide continuous evaluation of students, to include pre- and posttesting as well as student input throughout the course. (II.v.IV) Candidates will create assessments, assignments and projects that address multiple intelligences. (II.v.VII) Candidates will respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students. (II.vi.I) Candidates will provide activities, modified as necessary, that are relevant to special education modifications, student age, cultural background and experiences. (II.vi.II) Candidates will encourage collaboration and interaction among all students. (II.vi.III) Candidates will employ effective self-evaluation tools to ensure their courses have a variety of timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery. (III.ii.I) Candidates will gather appropriate background and content knowledge assessment data for each student and base instruction on student assessment data. (III.iii.I) Candidates will provide opportunities for evaluating teaching effectiveness within the online environment (i.e., classroom assessment techniques, teacher evaluations, teacher peer reviews). (III.iii.IV) 11 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 The Online Teaching Endorsement has been designed and implemented with diversity components integrated into each course in the curriculum. See below for a description of the diversity in each class. ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning In this course, candidates are required to develop an online course syllabus that includes an ADA statement indicating their willingness to provide reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability. Additionally, candidates provide a list of key resources/URLs that might be helpful for students with disabilities. Readings in this course include SREB Standards for Quality Online Courses which address teachers engaging students in learning activities that addresses a variety of learning styles and preferences. Additionally, candidates are required to complete readings about building an online community and post a response to their blog about how they will build a trusting online learning environment that values diversity. Candidates are also required to find a student readiness survey for online learning to make available to students in their online class. Feedback from this survey helps candidates better meet the online learning needs of students from diverse populations. ITEC 7481 – Designing & Developing Online Learning In this course, candidates design and develop an online learning experience that differentiates instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, academic achievement, cultural backgrounds, learning styles, interests, and experiences. Candidates must also ensure that the course adheres to universal design principles ensuring that all students with disabilities can access content. The course must contain documentation related to the Learning Management System’s (LMS) accessibility features and information on how students with learning disabilities can receive support services. Students are also evaluated on their ability to design courses that are accessible via minimal or public access to technologies. Candidates are required to review an online course for minimum “accessibility” standards and complete an accessibility checklist. ITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online Learning In this course, candidates research accommodations and modifications in an online learning environment and identify at least 3-5 strategies they will use when teaching an online class. Candidates complete a learning styles inventory, describe their personal learning style, and describe what strategies they will use to accommodate different learning styles in an online classroom. b. Experiences working with diverse faculty The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) has a diverse faculty with respect to gender and ethnicity, including faculty who are American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, and White. Additionally, the PTEU has faculty with a variety of religious affiliations and sexual orientations. The PTEU is committed to increasing the number of minority faculty. All efforts will continue within the college and the PTEU to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse faculty. Within the PTEU, full-time faculty includes representation from both genders. Minority faculty account for 16.1% of the total full time Bagwell College of Education, compared with a university-wide minority (Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, and Hispanic) presence of 18.8%. Instructional Technology education faculty members account for 2% of the total number of PTEU faculty. Additionally, candidates will work with diverse mentor teachers at virtual schools to complete their field experiences. The Department of Instructional Technology will work to ensure that candidates are placed with diverse mentors when completing their field experience. 12 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 c. Experiences working with diverse peers Faculty and staff within the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) actively recruit candidates for all educational programs from a variety of diverse settings. The Department of Instructional Technology participates in campus-wide recruitment activities such as campus visits to individual districts and schools. In spring 2011, the Instructional Technology Department aggressively recruited candidates from Area 2 in Cobb County, a very diverse setting within the Cobb County School District. This recruitment effort yielded a cohort of 20 candidates with 50% white, 20% black, 5% Hispanic, 5% Asian, and 5% undeclared. Within the coursework for the Online Teaching Endorsement, candidate work teams are frequently created to ensure candidates have an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with diverse peers. In addition, candidates are encouraged to complete field experiences with diverse candidates in diverse settings with diverse populations at all P-12 school levels. 7. (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. The Online Teaching Endorsement program fosters the development of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be an effective ONLINE teacher in today’s schools. The use of technology is essential to the program and emphasized in every course. The goal of the program is to establish online teachers who demonstrate expertise in facilitating twenty-first century teaching and learning in an online environment. Courses in the Online Teaching Endorsement program require candidates to use technology in a variety of ways. One of the most important technology tools in online learning is the Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS is the core technology piece for operating an online learning program. The LMS is the set of technology tools that houses course content and provides the framework for communication between students, teachers, and parents. Candidates learn how to use an LMS to develop an online course emphasizing the use of many synchronous and asynchronous tools including discussion boards, chat tools, and electronic whiteboards. Candidates also learn many assessment tools for developing online tests and quizzes. Additionally, candidates learn how to use the LMS tools to track and monitor student progress. Finally, candidates use technology to create an electronic portfolio demonstrating mastery of the PSC Online Teaching Endorsement standards. 8. (Capacity) How does the program ensure that its resources are adequate to prepare candidates to meet professional, state, and institutional standards? The Online Teaching Endorsement program is completely online. The resources needed include a robust Learning Management System provided by the Information Technology Services (ITS) at KSU. GeorgiaVIEW is the current LMS, and it is provided free of charge to all programs within the university and fully supported by ITS. Additionally, faculty members are needed to teach in the endorsement program. In order to maintain a balance between faculty teaching in the M.Ed. in Instructional Technology and the Online Teaching Endorsement program, we plan to offer the endorsement program once per year (summer, fall, spring). Faculty resources are more than adequate to meet this demand. 13 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 APPENDIX A PSC State Standards Online Teaching Endorsement Standard I: Content Knowledge, Skills, and Concepts for Instructional Technology (i) The program shall insure that the candidate possesses knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers) as well as competency in technology specific to an online learning environment. I effectively use and assist others in word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. II effectively use Internet browsers, email applications and online etiquette. Candidates additionally can design and maintain a module using an online course learning management system. III incorporate visual resources into an online module. IV utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic whiteboards, etc.). V troubleshoot typical software and hardware problems. VI effectively use and incorporate subject specific developmentally appropriate software in an online learning module. VII demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. VIII model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (i) The program shall prepare candidates to plan, design, and incorporate strategies to encourage active learning, interaction, participation and collaboration in the online environment. demonstrate effective strategies and techniques that actively engage students in the learning process, I in designing, and assessing online learners and instruction. II apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. III create and maintain a community by creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust, establishing consistent and reliable operating norms, and supporting individuality and empowerment. IV facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among learners. V promote collaborative learning through reflection and social negotiation. VI incorporate within instructional designs sufficient support, directions, and guidelines for online learners. 14 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 VII lead online instruction groups that are meaningful, project-based, inquiry-oriented. VIII model and demonstrate effective moderator techniques to facilitate active student participation. IX differentiate instruction of students’ learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information. X apply technology to increase productivity. XI apply technology to engage students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (ii) The program shall prepare candidates to proactively lead an online classroom in a manner that enhances the likelihood of student success, through regular feedback, prompt responses to student questions and concerns, and clear expectations. consistently model effective communication skills and maintain records of applicable communications I with students. II facilitate regular and frequent teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, and teacherparent interaction in a variety of ways. III provide an effective online syllabus that lays out the terms of the class interaction for both teacher and students, defines clear expectations for both teacher and students, details the grading criteria and appropriate and inappropriate behavior for students, and explains the course organization to students. IV provide an online syllabus with objectives, concepts, and ideas, and learning outcomes in a clearly written, concise format. (Also includes key components in syllabus: expectations for interactions, grading criteria, inappropriate behavior criteria, class organization, etc.) V use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. VI provide timely, constructive feedback to student assignments and VII provide clearly defined statements informing students what to expect in terms of their response time. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (iii) The program shall prepare candidates to model and encourage legal, ethical, safe and healthy behavior in an online environment. I establish standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate uses of the Internet and written communication. II clearly identify the risks of academic dishonesty in online testing and creates assessment opportunities, which limit this risk. III demonstrate an awareness of technology impact on student testing performance. IV provide a copyright statement or disclaimer which clearly identifies the owner(s) of the course and the 15 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 source(s) of the material students are about to use. V inform students of the significance and responsibilities associated with Acceptable Use Policies (AUP). VI use appropriate strategies and resources for dealing with student issues arising from inappropriate use of electronically-accessed data or information. VII inform students of their right to privacy and the conditions under which their names or online submissions may be shared with others. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (iv) The program shall enable the candidate to fully experience online learning from the perspective of an online student. I apply experiences as an online student to develop successful strategies for teaching online. II demonstrate the ability to anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom. III experience the perspective of the online student through his or her responsiveness and empathetic behaviors toward students. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (v) The program shall prepare candidates to develop and deliver assessments, projects, and assignments which meet learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. I continually review all materials and Web resources for alignment with course objectives and standards and or appropriateness. II create assignments, projects and assessments that are aligned to address visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. III use authentic assessment of student acquired knowledge and skills as part of the evaluation process. IV provide continuous evaluation of students, to include pre- and post- testing as well as student input throughout the course. V develop a triangulation of the assignments, assessments and standards-based learning goals. VI create assignments that are authentic and relevant to the content and should elicit a response from the student comparable with the level of competency demanded in the related task. VII create assessments, assignments and projects that address multiple intelligences. Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (vi) The program shall prepare candidates to be responsive to special education and cultural differences among students in the online classroom, and to encourage intercultural interaction and inclusive learning. I respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students. 16 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 II provide activities, modified as necessary, that are relevant to special education modifications, student age, cultural background and experiences. III encourage collaboration and interaction among all students. IV provide student-centered lessons and activities that are based on concepts of active learning and that are connected to real-world applications. V provide opportunities for students to consider meaning and reflect on new knowledge. Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (i) The program shall require demonstrated competence in creating and implementing assessments in online learning environments in ways that assure validity and reliability of instruments and procedures. I create or select effective assessment instruments to measure online learning that reflect sufficient content validity (i.e., adequately sample the content that they are designed to measure) and reliability (i.e., produce consistent results from administration to administration). II implement online assessment measures and materials in ways that insure instrument validity and reliability. III assess student knowledge and instruction in a variety of ways. Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (ii) The program shall require demonstration of effective strategies enabling students’ to complete self and peer assessments as they fulfill course requirements. I employ effective self-evaluation tools to ensure their courses have a variety of timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery. II provide opportunities for student self assessment within courses. Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (iii) The program shall require demonstrated competence in using data and findings from assessment to modify instructional methods and guide student learning. I gather appropriate background and content knowledge assessment data for each student and base instruction on student assessment data. II review student responses to test items in online testing software to identify issues in testing or pedagogical strategies. III demonstrate awareness of observational data (i.e., tracking data in electronic courses, web logs, email, etc.) and its uses in monitoring course progress and effectiveness. IV provide opportunities for evaluating teaching effectiveness within the online environment (i.e., classroom assessment techniques, teacher evaluations, teacher peer reviews). 17 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 APPENDIX B Online Teaching Endorsement Standards/Curriculum Matrix Standards Based On: PSC Online Teaching Endorsement Standards Directions: In the far left column, use numbers corresponding to the specific standards in the set or use 1-2 word descriptors (preferred) so as to identify the specific standard. Replace the generic prefix and course number in the columns with the actual prefix and number of each course. Then determine where the standard is addressed in the curriculum by using a “” or “X” in the intersecting cell. If additional columns are needed for courses, develop a second table. You may also wish to develop this chart in EXCEL and download into this document. We will accept whatever works best for you. STANDARD Standard I: Content Knowledge, Skills, and Concepts for Instructional Technology (i) The program shall insure that the candidate possesses knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers) as well as competency in technology specific to an online learning environment. I effectively use and assist others in word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. II effectively use Internet browsers, email applications and online etiquette. Candidates additionally can design and maintain a module using an online course learning management system. III incorporate visual resources into an online module. IV utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic whiteboards, etc.). ITEC 7480 ITEC 7481 X X ITEC 7482 X X V VI troubleshoot typical software and hardware problems. effectively use and incorporate subject specific developmentally appropriate software in an online learning module. VII demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. VIII model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. 18 X X X X X X X X X X X X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD ITEC 7481 Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (i) The program shall prepare candidates to plan, design, and incorporate strategies to encourage active learning, interaction, participation and collaboration in the online environment. I demonstrate effective strategies and techniques that actively engage students in the learning process, in designing, and assessing online learners and instruction. II III apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among learners. V promote collaborative learning through reflection and social negotiation. VI incorporate within instructional designs sufficient support, directions, and guidelines for online learners. VII X X X create and maintain a community by creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust, establishing consistent and reliable operating norms, and supporting individuality and empowerment. IV X X X X lead online instruction groups that are meaningful, project-based, inquiry-oriented. X VIII model and demonstrate effective moderator techniques to facilitate active student participation. IX X X differentiate instruction of students’ learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information. X X apply technology to increase productivity. X XI ITEC 7482 apply technology to engage students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity. 19 X X X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (ii) The program shall prepare candidates to proactively lead an online classroom in a manner that enhances the likelihood of student success, through regular feedback, prompt responses to student questions and concerns, and clear expectations. I consistently model effective communication skills and maintain records of applicable communications with students. II III IV V VI ITEC 7481 X X facilitate regular and frequent teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, and teacherparent interaction in a variety of ways. provide an effective online syllabus that lays out the terms of the class interaction for both teacher and students, defines clear expectations for both teacher and students, details the grading criteria and appropriate and inappropriate behavior for students, and explains the course organization to students. provide an online syllabus with objectives, concepts, and ideas, and learning outcomes in a clearly written, concise format. (Also includes key components in syllabus: expectations for interactions, grading criteria, inappropriate behavior criteria, class organization, etc.) ITEC 7482 X X X X X X X use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. X provide timely, constructive feedback to student assignments. X VII provide clearly defined statements informing students what to expect in terms of their response time. 20 X X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (iii) The program shall prepare candidates to model and encourage legal, ethical, safe and healthy behavior in an online environment. I establish standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate uses of the Internet and written communication. II clearly identify the risks of academic dishonesty in online testing and creates assessment opportunities, which limit this risk. X demonstrate an awareness of technology impact on student testing performance. IV provide a copyright statement or disclaimer which clearly identifies the owner(s) of the course and the source(s) of the material students are about to use. X inform students of the significance and responsibilities associated with Acceptable Use Policies (AUP). X use appropriate strategies and resources for dealing with student issues arising from inappropriate use of electronically-accessed data or information. X inform students of their right to privacy and the conditions under which their names or online submissions may be shared with others. X VI VII Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (iv) The program shall enable the candidate to fully experience online learning from the perspective of an online student. I apply experiences as an online student to develop successful strategies for teaching online. II demonstrate the ability to anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom. III experience the perspective of the online student through his or her responsiveness and empathetic behaviors toward students. 21 ITEC 7482 X III V ITEC 7481 X X X X X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD ITEC 7481 ITEC 7482 X X Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (v) The program shall prepare candidates to develop and deliver assessments, projects, and assignments which meet learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. I II III IV V continually review all materials and Web resources for alignment with course objectives and standards and or appropriateness. create assignments, projects and assessments that are aligned to address visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. X use authentic assessment of student acquired knowledge and skills as part of the evaluation process. provide continuous evaluation of students, to include pre- and post- testing as well as student input throughout the course. X X X X develop a triangulation of the assignments, assessments and standards-based learning goals. X VI VII create assignments that are authentic and relevant to the content and should elicit a response from the student comparable with the level of competency demanded in the related task. X create assessments, assignments and projects that address multiple intelligences. X 22 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD ITEC 7481 ITEC 7482 X X X X X X Standard II: Online Teaching and Learning Methodology, Management, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions (vi) The program shall prepare candidates to be responsive to special education and cultural differences among students in the online classroom, and to encourage intercultural interaction and inclusive learning. I respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students. II III IV V provide activities, modified as necessary, that are relevant to special education modifications, student age, cultural background and experiences. encourage collaboration and interaction among all students. provide student-centered lessons and activities that are based on concepts of active learning and that are connected to real-world applications. X provide opportunities for students to consider meaning and reflect on new knowledge. X Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (i) The program shall require demonstrated competence in creating and implementing assessments in online learning environments in ways that assure validity and reliability of instruments and procedures. I create or select effective assessment instruments to measure online learning that reflect sufficient content validity (i.e., adequately sample the content that they are designed to measure) and reliability (i.e., produce consistent results from administration to administration). X II implement online assessment measures and materials in ways that insure instrument validity and reliability. X III assess student knowledge and instruction in a variety of ways. X 23 X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 ITEC 7480 STANDARD Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (ii) The program shall require demonstration of effective strategies enabling students’ to complete self and peer assessments as they fulfill course requirements. I employ effective self-evaluation tools to ensure their courses have a variety of timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery. II ITEC 7481 ITEC 7482 X provide opportunities for student self assessment within courses. X Standard III: Effective Online Assessment of Teachers (iii) The program shall require demonstrated competence in using data and findings from assessment to modify instructional methods and guide student learning. I gather appropriate background and content knowledge assessment data for each student and base instruction on student assessment data. II review student responses to test items in online testing software to identify issues in testing or pedagogical strategies. III demonstrate awareness of observational data (i.e., tracking data in electronic courses, web logs, email, etc.) and its uses in monitoring course progress and effectiveness. 24 X X X X X 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 APPENDIX C Assessment System Online Teaching Endorsement In this chart, list the 6-8 (if applicable) assessments that will be used to verify how your candidates meet national/state/institutional standards. If a state licensure exam in the content area is not required, you should substitute an assessment that verifies candidate attainment of content knowledge. This table is set up for “initial” programs and parallels the Faculty Assessor and Assessment Form (FAAR). Contact Beverly Mitchell for new advanced, cert-only, endorsement, and EdL program charts. Type of Assessment 1 – PAAR/PSC [Institutional Assessment] – Required NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 1 2 - - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – -NOTES- a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W a) Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA) In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/ Assessment is Offered Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment Record any special circumstances, changes or locations of anomalies Beginning Point ITEC 7480 Introduction to Online Learning Summer 12 Cohort 1 Instructor: Rubric # N/A b) ITEC OTE Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA) Rubric # Fall 12 Spring 13 N/A Examples: CPI, ISLA, PNR, Major Project, Lesson Plan – TOSS, etc Indicate the point in the program when assessment is administered (e.g. course, decision point (eg, admission to TOSS, midpoint, end of program, etc) 25 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment 2 – PAAR/PSC [Institutional Assessment] – Required NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 3 – PAAR/PSC [Institutional Assessment] – Required - - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – -NOTES- a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/ Assessment is Offered Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment Record any special circumstances, changes or locations of anomalies a) Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR) Endpoint ITEC 7482 Facilitating Online Learning Summer 12 N/A Fall 12 Cohort 1 Instructor: Rubric # Spring 13 N/A Summer 12 N/A Fall 12 Cohort 1 Instructor: Rubric # Spring 13 N/A b) ITEC OTE Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR) Rubric # a) Mentor Evaluation (ME) b) ITEC OTE Mentor Evaluation (ME) Rubric # Endpoint ITEC 7482 Facilitating Online Learning NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 26 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment 4 – PAAR/PSC [Institutional Assessment] – Required NCATE Standard 1f: Student Learning for Other School Professionals - - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – -NOTES- a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/ Assessment is Offered Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment Record any special circumstances, changes or locations of anomalies Midpoint: ITEC 7481 Designing & Developing Online Learning Summer 12 N/A a) Online Course Assessment (OCA) b) ITEC Online Course Assessment (OCA) Rubric # N/A Fall 12 Spring 13 27 Cohort 1 Instructor: Rubric # 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 APPENDIX D Diversity Tables Proficiencies are assessed on an ongoing basis through Socratic instruction. Projects are graded by instructor and peers. Student projects have to reference readings on achievement gap and low-income/high performance students. Program Area: Online Teaching Endorsement, Instructional Technology Department Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Understand English language learners and students with exceptionalities Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning, Readings, discussions, presentations, and development of a course syllabus. Where/how proficiencies are assessed ITEC 7480 – In developing an online course syllabus, candidates are required to include an ADA statement indicating their willingness to provide reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability. Additionally, candidates provide a list of key resources/URLs that might be helpful for students with disabilities. Additionally, candidates read articles on how to make appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities and engage in a discussion forum on how they will make accommodations in their online class. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course. 28 ITEC 7481 –In developing and designing an online course, students must show proficiency in building learning modules (Section V of Online Course Project) that “Differentiate instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed the Online Course Project Are aware of different learning styles ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning, Readings include SREB Standards for Quality Online Courses which addresses teachers engaging students in learning activities that addresses a variety of learning styles and preferences. ITEC 7480 – The Online Learning National Standards Review assignment is assessed as part of the final grade. ITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online Learning Candidates complete a learning styles inventory, describe their personal learning style, and describe what strategies they will use to accommodate different learning styles in an online classroom. ITEC 7482 – The learning styles assignment is assessed as part of the final grade and as part of the Portfolio Assessment Rubric. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course ITEC 7481 – In developing and designing an online course, students must show proficiency in building learning modules (Section V of Online Course Project) that: Differentiate instruction based on students’ diverse talents and learning needs PSC OTE (II. i. IX); (II.vi.I) Address multiple intelligences, including the needs of visual, auditory, and tactile learner PSC OTE Standards: (II. v. II), (II. v. VII) This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project 29 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Adapt instruction or services appropriately for all students, including: □ linguistically diverse students Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills □ culturally diverse students ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course □ students with exceptionalities ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning, Readings, discussions, presentations, and development of a course syllabus. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop a online course 30 Where/how proficiencies are assessed ITEC 7481 –In developing and designing an online course, candidates must show proficiency in building learning modules (Section V of Online Course Project) that “Differentiate instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project ITEC 7481 –In developing and designing an online course, candidates must show proficiency in building learning modules (Section V of Online Course Project) that “Differentiate instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project ITEC 7480 – In developing an online course syllabus, candidates are required to include an ADA statement indicating their willingness to provide reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability. Additionally, candidates provide a list of key resources/URLs that might be helpful for students with disabilities. 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed Additionally, candidates read articles on how to make appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities and engage in a discussion forum on how they will make accommodations in their online class. ITEC 7482 – Facilitating Online Learning ITEC 7482 – The Accommodations and Modifications Candidates research accommodations and assignment is assessed as part of the final grade and modifications in an online learning assessed on the Portfolio Assessment Rubric (PAR). environment and identify at least 3-5 strategies they will use when teaching an online class. ITEC 7481 – Designing & Developing Online Learning – Candidates are required to review an online course for minimum “accessibility” standards and complete an accessibility checklist. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course 31 ITEC 7481– The Accessibility Checklist assignment is assessed as part of the final grade. ITEC 7481 –In developing and designing an online course, students must show proficiency in building learning modules (Section V of Online Course Project) that Differentiate instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed Candidates must also provide introductory information to their online course (Section B: Basic Support, Directions and Guidance) that includes: ADA-compliance statement by the LMS publisher PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards (II.i.VI) Instructor statement on how universal design principles were applied in constructing the specific course within the LMS and class-specific instructions on how students with documented ADA disabilities can access the course content/receive required support services PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards (II.i.VI) Instructions how students who believe they may have an ADA disability can receive testing and diagnostic services PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards (II.i.VI) This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project Connect lessons, instruction, or services to: □ students’ experiences ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course ITEC 7481 – Candidates must provide the following in Section C: Community Building in their Online Course Project: Method for students to introduce themselves to one another and to set foundations for a learning community (II, ii, II); (II. vi. III) Methods for students to provide instructor and peers with information about their current knowledge on the content to be covered, their professional experiences, and their learning styles/preferences (II. ii. II); (II. vi. III); (III. ii. I); (II. iii. I) 32 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project Students are also required to create learning modules (Section E of Online Project) that: Differentiates instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project □ students’ cultures ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course 33 ITEC 7481 – Candidates are required to create learning modules and assessments (Section E , Fof Online Project) that: Differentiates instruction based on students’ special education modifications, age, cultural and linguistic background, academic achievement, cultural background, and experiences PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). Gather appropriate background and content knowledge assessment data throughout the course for each student, so that instruction can be customized to students’ group and individual learning needs throughout the course. PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) (III. iii. I) Are modified to accommodate special education needs, student age, cultural background and experiences 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards (II. vi. II) These criteria are measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project Communicate with students and families in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to: □ cultural differences □ gender differences Incorporate multiple perspectives in the: □ subject matter being taught □ services being provided Develop a classroom and school climate that values diversity Demonstrate classroom behaviors that are consistent with the idea of fairness Demonstrate classroom behaviors that are consistent with the belief that all students can learn ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning – Readings and Blog Postings ITEC 7480 – Candidates are required to read about building an online community and then post a response to their blog about how they will build a trusting online learning environment that values diversity. ITEC 7480 –Introduction to Online Learning – ITEC 7480 – Candidates read articles on online cheating Readings and Discussions and discuss how they will handle cheating in their online class. This prepares them to treat all students the same when they engage in academic dishonesty. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing ITEC 7481 – Candidates are required to create learning Online Learning - Readings, discussions, and modules (Section E of Online Project) that: design/develop an online course Exemplify that ALL students can learn and have the opportunity to learn in the online course PSC Online Teaching Endorsement (OTE) Standards: 34 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Candidate proficiencies related to diversity are assessed Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills ITEC 7480 – Introduction to Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and development of a course syllabus. ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course Use feedback from student assessments for improving their knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions in order to help students from diverse populations to learn ITEC 7480 Introduction to Online Learning – Online Course Syllabus ITEC 7481 – Developing and Designing Online Learning, Readings, discussions, and design/develop an online course 35 Where/how proficiencies are assessed (II.vi.I); (II.vi.II). This criteria is measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project ITEC 7480 – In developing an online course syllabus, candidates are required to include an ADA statement indicating their willingness to provide reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability. Additionally, candidates provide a list of key resources/URLs that might be helpful for students with disabilities. This component is assessed on the Online Course Assessment (OCA). ITEC 7481 - Candidates are assessed on diversity standards in Sections B, C, and E of their Online Course Project (Welcome, Community Building, Online Modules and Assessment) ITEC 7480 – Candidates are required to develop a course syllabus that includes technology requirements. A student readiness survey for online learning is made available to students in this section of the syllabus. This component is assessed on the Online Syllabus Assessment (OSA). ITEC 7481 - Candidates are required to plan measures to collect ongoing data from their students in Section F of their Online Project (Evaluation of Course and Instructional Practices) for the purposes of improving their online course design. An evaluation of student readiness to engage in online learning, in general, and the specific modes of delivery 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Candidate Proficiencies in initial and advanced programs: Course work and P-12 experiences where candidates acquire the knowledge and skills Where/how proficiencies are assessed used in the course PSC OTE Standards (III. ii. I) Student input on course materials and instructional practices throughout the course so that ongoing improvements to course content and delivery can be made PSC OTE Standards (II. v. IV) Opportunities for evaluating teaching effectiveness within the online environment (i.e., classroom assessment techniques, teacher evaluations, teacher peer reviews) so that ongoing improvements can be made. PSC OTE Standards (III. iii. IV) These criteria are measured by the Assessment Rubric for the Online Course Project 36 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 37