EdD in Leadership for Learning
FORM 02/25/04
PROGRAM OR CONCENTRATION NAME:_EdD In Educational Leadership for
DEPARTMENT:_Educational Leadership
Check One or More of the Following and Complete the Appropriate Sections
Sections to be Completed
_____New Program Proposal**
___xx__Change in Program/Concentration/Degree Requirements
_____New Concentration Proposal
**A new course proposal is required for each new course that is part of the new program
Submitted by:
Faculty Member
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Curriculum Committee
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Chair
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College Curriculum Committee
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College Dean
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
EdD in Leadership for Learning
GPCC Chair
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Dean, Graduate Collelge
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Vice President for Academic Affairs
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Learning
Kennesaw State University
August 26, 2010
Department of Educational Leadership
Bagwell College of Education
Proposed Start Date: Spring 2011
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Program Description
Objectives of the Program
Justification and Need for the Program (Revision)
The purpose of this proposal is to revise the Admissions Requirement for the
EdD in Educational Leadership for Learning to eliminate requirements that are
redundant to holding applicable certification; and to eliminate illustrative
examples that are unnecessary.
Procedures Used to Develop the Program
The proposal for the EdS/EdD in Leadership for Learning was approved by the
Teacher Education Curriculum Committee (TEC) of the Bagwell College of
Education and subsequently, Kennesaw State University's Graduate Policy &
Curriculum Committee (GPCC), prior to its submission to the Board of Regents
(BOR) for review and approval by the University System of Georgia (USG). The
program was approved by the BOR and by SACS in September 2006. The
Educational Leadership EdD concentration was not submitted at that time as
Educational Leadership programs were under revision by the Board of Regents
and the Professional Standards Commission.
The Educational Leadership EdD in Learning for Learning will operate under the
academic supervision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of
Graduate Studies, the Dean of the Bagwell College of Education and the Chair of
the Department of Educational Leadership. Coordinating support and operational
assistance will be provided by the BCOE Associate Dean for Graduate Programs,
the Director of Specialist Programs and the staff of the Graduate Program Office
(GPO) in the Teacher Education Advisory Center (TEAC). The program will
benefit from the oversight and participation of the university-wide Professional
Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) as well.
The Educational Leadership concentration of the EdD program in Leadership for
Learning was developed by a design team and in a collaborative manner with
representatives from leaders in P-12 settings. Specific design team and P-12
partner’s responsibilities included:
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Department Faculty’s Contributions:
Reviewing and researching the literature to establish a rationale and
theoretical framework for the program.
Developing curriculum maps with objectives derived from Standards for
Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership (National Policy Board
for Educational Administration, 2002), BOR Principles, and PSC
Developing syllabi for residency modules to include content, activities,
assessment strategies, and resource bibliographies.
Linking all activities to program objectives.
Developing assessment criteria.
Compiling references to support the residency module.
Reviewing reports.
Recommending the Educational Leadership concentration EdD to
department faculty for approval.
Facilitating the TEC and GPCC review process and revising as
Coordinating partnerships with partner schools/districts.
Working with PSC for program approval.
Preparing for program implementation.
P-12 Leaders’ Contributions
1. Meeting with faculty individually and in small groups to discuss program
goals and residency module structure.
2. Reviewing doctoral courses and providing feedback.
In addition to practitioner input, the program design committee’s decisions were
principally informed by the following literature:
Brimley, V., Jr.. & Garfield, R. R. (2008). Financing education in a climate of
change. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Copeland, M. A. & Knapp, M. S. (2006). Connecting leadership with learning: A
framework for reflection, planning, and action. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Cuban, L., Darling-Hammond, L.; & Fuhrman, S. et al (2004). Who’s in charge
here: The tangled web of school governance and policy. Harrisonburg, VA.,
R. R. Donnelley.
Cunningham, C. A. & Billingsley, M. (2006). Curriculum webs. Boston, MA:
Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Dufour, R., Dufour, R., Eaker, R. & Karhanek, G. (2004). Whatever it takes: How
professional learning communities respond when kids don’t learn.
Bloomington, IN: National Education Service.
Goleman, D. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional
intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Gordon, S. P. (2004). Professional development for school improvement:
Empowering learning communities. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Gudykunst, W. B., & Kim, Y. Y. (2003). Communicating with strangers: An
approach to intercultural communication (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGrawHill.
Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. A. (2007). The leadership challenge (4th ed.). San
Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Martin, J. M. & Nakayama, T. K. (2007). Intercultural communication in contexts
(4th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Miller, M. D., Linn, R. L., & Gronlund, N. E. (2008). Measurement and assessment
in teaching (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ornstein, A. C. & Hunkins, F. P. (2004). Course design: a guide to curriculum
development for teachers. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Rebore, R. (2007). Human resources administration in education: A management
approach (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Sergiovanni, T. J. (2009). The principalship: a reflective practice perspective (6th
ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Smith, R., (2005). Human resources administration: A school-based perspective
(3rd ed.). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Sowell, E. J. (2005). Curriculum: An integrative approach. Upper Saddle River,
MH: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.
Spring, J. (2006). Pedagogies of globalization: The rise of the educational security
state. Mahwah; Lawrence e=Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Swarez-Orozco, M. & Qin-Hilliard, D. B. (2004). Globalization; Cultural and
education in the new millennium. Berkeley, CA: University of California
EdD in Leadership for Learning
West, M. & Petersen, P. (Eds.). (2007). School money trials: The legal pursuit of
educational adequacy. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institute Press.
Wheatley, M. (2005). Finding our way: Leadership of an uncertain time. San
Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Wright, R. J. (2007). Tests and measurements in the age of accountability.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Curriculum: Degree Program Requirements
The Educational Leadership concentration of the Educational Doctorate (EdD) in
Leadership for Learning is designed for experienced educators. Candidates who
require Transitional Module experiences must be referred for admisisons by their
respective schools/districts. The program will be delivered in cohorts for the core
courses and offered through a combination of on-campus seminars, school/district
based performance, and on-line learning experiences specifically designed so that
candidates maximize collaboration with professional colleagues and peers.
Instruction will involve the use of a variety of instructional methods including, but
not limited to, problem-based learning, modules, case-studies, research and
individual projects. Application of learning to school-based issues and problems is
a critical component of this applied program. Candidates in the program are
required to be employed as teachers or administrators in a school district.
Transfer of Credit:
Transfer credit will not be accepted for the core course requirements that are central
to the program’s distinctive focus. Consequently, transfer credit considerations will
typically be restricted to courses in the concentration, guided electives, and the initial
courses in applied research methods. Decisions about the acceptability of transfer
credit will be made on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the
concentration advisor and Director of the Doctoral and Specialists Programs.
Program Admission Requirements (EdD)
Expected qualifications for applicants to be considered for admission will typically
1) an earned Educational Specialist in education or a related field;
2) Georgia PL-6 certification or L-6 certification or its departmentally approved
equivalent (such as a Georgia L-6 certificate)
3) Graduate Aptitude & Achievement Index Score of at least 3500 (Graduate
Index Score = GRE Quantitative Score plus GRE Verbal Score times GPA for all
post-master’s work; and
EdD in Leadership for Learning
4) Current full time employment as a professional educator with at least four years of
teaching and/or administrative experience in P-12 education.
Applicants to the program must submit the following:
1. Official transcript of college coursework, both undergraduate and
graduate from the degree granting institutions;
2. Evidence of completion of Educational Specialist degree or its equivalent
in a related field;
3. Georgia certification or documentation of approprirate certification as
approved by the department;
4. Copies of Official scores on the General Test of the Graduate Record
Exam within the past five years;
5. All relevant professional teaching and/or administrative certificates;
6. Professional Profile detailing related professional qualifications;
7. Reflections on Leadership; and
8. Official request for consideration of transfer courses
The admissions process for the Educational Leadership EdD degree will have
three levels of review as described below.
Level 1: The Kennesaw State University Graduate Admissions Office under the
supervision of the Dean of Graduate Studies will conduct the first level of review.
The Graduate Admissions Office will assemble all materials submitted by the
candidate and enter the data into Banner and Knowledge Web. Once all materials
are complete, the Graduate Admissions Office will forward the completed
application packet to the Bagwell College of Education Graduate Programs Office
for the second level of review. Simultaneously, the Graduate Programs Office,
under the supervison of the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the Bagwell
College of Education will confirm completion of the packets and assemble them for
Level 2: The BCOE Graduate Programs Office will evaluate each candidate’s
application making sure it is complete AND that the candidate meets the minimum
requirements for consideration for admission to the Educational Leadership
concentraiton in the EdD in Leadership for Learning degree program. Application
packets for those candidates meeting all minimum requirements will be forwarded
to the Educational Leadership Coordinator. The final pool of qualified applicants
for admission will be identified by the EdD Program and Admissions Committee
who will forward a list of candidates recommended for admission to the Director
of the Doctoral and Specialist program.
Level 3: The final evaluation of applicant files and approval for admission will be
conducted by the Bagwell College of Education’s Doctoral and Specialist Admissions
Committee. That committee, composed of doctoral educational specialist program
faculty representatives, will employ rubrics to systematically evaluate the merits of
EdD in Leadership for Learning
each applicant’s admission file. The Committee’s recommendation for admission into
the program will be based upon the collective professional judgment of the overall
merits of the applicant’s case in the context of the quality of the applicant pool and the
availability of openings in concentration. Consequently, the more qualified applicants
there are for a limited number of new student openings, the more competitive the
selection process becomes.
The determination of the merits of each applicant’s case will focus on a number of key
variables that are vitally important to a candidate’s ability to successfully complete a
specialized academic program at the EdD level, which includes a major applied
research contribution to the field of education related to the improvement of schools
and student learning. Those factors include: related undergraduate and graduate
degrees (master’s required); academic performance and achievement; professional
teaching and administrative certifications; professional employment in K-12 schools;
verbal and writing skills; quantitative and problem solving skills; evidence of teaching
effectiveness; evidence of educational leadership; compatible educational
philosophies and professional ethics; and other related contributions and
achievements of note.
Course Offering Schedule and Plan-of-Study for the Educational Doctorate
Program in Leadership for Learning
Candidates for the EdD must complete minimally 9 credit hours of the Common
Core, 12 required credit hours in the Concentraion, 12 elective hours, and a
minimum of 9 dissertation hours. If accepted to the program, candidates may
request up to 9 credit hours of graduate work beyond the MEd to be applied
toward the EdD degee. Transfer credit will not be accepted for the core course
requirements that are central to the program’s distinctive focus and to the
development of the program’s cohort experience. Consequently, transfer credit
considerations will typically be restricted to courses in the concentration, guided
electives, and the initial course in applied research methods. However, final
decisions about the acceptability of transfer credit will be made on a case-bycase basis and must be approved by the concentration advisor and Director of
the Doctoral and Specialist Programs.
Course Offering Schedule
EdD Common Core in Research
(9 Credit Hours)
The focus in the Common Core is for candidates to develop shared leadership
expertise by building networks of influence and working across boundaries.
Through collaborative case study and problem based learning experiences
embedded in the context of schools, cohorts of candidates, regardless of
concentrations, work together to tackle the tough, ambiguous challenges
prevalent in today’s P-12 schools. Candidates develop an understanding of and
EdD in Leadership for Learning
proficiency in a variety of distributed leadership roles and demonstrate their
expertise as required in the eight Performance Outcomes.
The courses are:
EDRS: 9100: Research: Qualitative (3 credit hours)
This course is an advanced study of qualitative research methodologies including
ethnography, case study, and phenomenology. Students will examine a variety of
data sources (e.g. interviews, observations) and methods of analysis (e.g. memo
writing, coding). Students will conduct research as they formulate their research
questions, collect and analyze data, and write a research report.
EDRS: 9200: Research: Quantitative (3 credit hours)
This course is an in-depth study of and application of selected quantitative
research designs. Course also involves advanced study of descriptive statistics,
inferential statistics, and non-parametric tests traditionally utilized in social and
behavioral research. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the process of
social and educational research in applied settings. Candidates will deepen their
expertise in designing and conducting research and analyzing quantitative data.
Candidates will conduct these analyses using quantitative statistical software,
interpret their findings, and communicate their results ethically, clearly and
EDUC 9800 – Doctoral Seminar (3 hours)
In the doctoral seminar students will accomplish the following: (1) development
of a concept paper that frames the dissertation, and (2) admission to candidacy
through a college-approved qualifying experience. This seminar provides
opportunities for doctoral students to work individually with members of their
respective committees as well as with peers. This is a three-credit seminar which
may be repeated. Prior to enrollment, the doctoral student must complete twelve
hours of graduate level research coursework.
Growth and Flexibility
As the Educational Leadership EdD program in Leadership for Learning
continues to grow, each concentration area will need to assess its resources and
capabilities for possible expansion to meet the demands of the market.
Opportunities may arise to meet school district requests to tailor a cohort of
candidates to suit their particular needs. International demands may call for the
initiation of a special cohort to prepare their educational leaders.
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Courses in Educational Leadership
Semester I
EDRS 9100 Research: Qualitative (3 credit hours)
Concentration or Elective (3 credit hours)
Semester II
EDRS 9200 Research: Quantitative (3 credit hours)
Concentration or Elective (3 credit hours)
Semester III
Concentration and/or Electives (6 credit hours)
Semester IV (Spring)
Concentration and/or Electives (6 credit hours)
Semester V (Summer)
Concentration and/or Electives (6 credit hours)
Semester VI (Fall)
EDUC 9800 – Doctoral Seminar (3)
Semester VII – to completion
EDUC 9900 – Doctoral Dissertation
Minimum of 9 credit hours
Concentration Course Descriptions - Required
EDL 9881: Special Education and Advanced School Law.
Special Education and Advanced School Law is a second-tier law and policy
course, deepening students’ understandings and application of school policy,
governance and regulation. The course particularly focuses on federal and state
laws and regulations of students with exceptionalities (including, but not limited
to, English-language learners, students in transition, and students with
exceptionalities). Through this lens, students will explore policy development
and implementation in education.
EDL 9882: Educational Planning for Transformation: This course is designed
to inform doctoral candidates how policies and practices are developed and
implemented through writing policy briefs in areas of interest. Understanding the
value and use of qualitative and quantitative research in the formulation of
policies and practices is an integral part of the course. Candidates will focus on
the process of policy development and the impact of outside forces on the
operation of schools and school districts with the goal of becoming informed
practitioners. This course will be of interest to school leaders, policy makers, and
EdD in Leadership for Learning
those employed in governmental agencies and institutions where decisions are
policy driven.
EDL 9883: Performance for Educational Executives: Politics, Power, and
This course introduces the conceptualization of schooling as politics and is
designed to help students understand the political contexts and the institutional
environment in which educators operate. Through a general awareness of
conceptual frameworks (such as system framework, diffusion framework, values,
demands and interest groups, micro and macropolitics), used to examine the
politics of education, students will obtain, assess, and assemble data and
interpret those data to discover connections and contradictions about the
concepts from the readings and literature relating to our current educational
climate. This course includes a performance-based field experience.
EDL 9884: Emerging Leadership Trends in Curriculum, Instruction, and
This course explores different strategies for bringing about change leading to
curriculum, institutional improvement, evaluation, and reform. The focus is on
guiding doctoral candidates toward understanding trends and issues with an
emphasis on curriculum, instructional methods, and effective assessments.
Candidates will engage in research that identifies political, ethical, and societal
changes that impact curriculum, instruction and assessment. Special attention is
given to the educational leader’s role in building a strong collaborative culture
and increasing systems capacity to change.
EDL 9900 Dissertation (1-9 repeatable)
Course work supports and guides doctoral candidates in the implementation of
their research and the development and defense of the dissertation. This format
and structure will provide individual time with the Doctoral Committee and
collegial and academic support from their peers. Course may be repeated as
Electives Descriptions – Select 12 credit hours
EDL: 9310 Educational Facilities
This course examines the concepts, procedures and importance of facilities
planning in the educational process. Candidates will learn all the practical skills of
facility inventory, need assessment and evaluation. The course is intended to
cover major aspects of school facilities planning at elementary, secondary and
post-secondary levels. (3 credit hours)
EdD in Leadership for Learning
EDL 9320: Media, Community & Public Relations
This course provides knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for school
leaders to fully engage with school, district, community, and beyond in the
promotion of ongoing communication between and among all stakeholders,
including those whose primary language is other than English. Candidates will
develop and enhance communication skills that promote the vision and mission
of schooling for the purpose of increasing student achievement, strengthening
faculty and staff relations, and advancing stakeholder support. Additionally, the
pressing matters of interactions with the mass media and crisis management are
included. There is a focus on the ways and means by which school leaders
address the multiple prevailing values across a community to solicit school and
community partnerships with the aim of understanding the proactive measures
which will ensure positive perceptions of the school and its educational products.
(3 credit hours)
EDL 9330: Comparative Education
The course provides an overview of frameworks, major concepts and current
trends in comparative education. It examines how different countries address
issues common to all education systems and enables candidates to read,
discuss, analyze and interpret relevant studies and scholarship in this
area. Special attention is devoted to similarities and differences in educational
policy and practice related primarily to elementary and secondary levels of
education in different countries. (3 credit hours)
EDL 9340: Ethics for Educational Leaders
This course is designed to provide educational leaders with a research-based
paradigm for ethical decision making. Various codes of ethics and case studies
will be analyzed and applied to general and specific situations. Doctoral
candidates will engage in dialogue, research and reflection to develop a personal
code of ethics which will be applied in a school-based activity. Research and
anecdotal information from journals and texts will be utilized to inform ethical
decision making on local issues. (3 credit hours
EDL 9380: Economics of Education
Adequacy and equity in the provision of school services and support are crucial
concerns of the public school administrator. The course addresses the financial
management of education through the lens of basic economic theory and how
the American economy provides funding for public education. The focus is on
how funds are administered and the trends toward more efficient utilization of
resources, including an introductory view from a global perspective. The
approach is a business management appreciation of the complexity and
magnitude of education as an important resource in the public sector. (3 credit
EdD in Leadership for Learning
EDL 9360: Beyond Policy: Reforming Schools Through Learner-Centered
Education and Leadership
Exploration and investigation of emerging research on learning, leading, and
change which when considered in combination provide a framework for
understanding and leading schools as continuously evolving, living systems.
Using a learner-centered leadership paradigm, students critically analyze the
industrial, corporate and business models of education which historically focus
on standards, narrowing of curriculum and high stakes tests as sole measures of
achievement and develop a vision for and/or create learner-centered educational
systems. (3 credit hours)
EDL 9370: Critical Issues for Student Learning: Exploring the Literature
A doctoral seminar focused on analysis and problem solving of a current topic of
vital concern relevant to teaching, leading and student learning in P-12 schools.
Course readings are selected individually, designed to foster problem-based
inquiry, and focus on effective leadership practice in students’ respective
professional settings. (3 credit hours repeatable one time)
EDL 8860: Transition Between Building and System Levels
This residency module focuses on developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions
required for completing an area at the building or system level that were not met
during the completion of a performance-base program or during other
coursework. The candidate will enroll in 1-3 credit hours of credit depending on
the analysis of needs as determined by the collaboration between the university
and school/district. (3 credit hours)
Advisor Approved Elective (3 credit hours)
All faculty course assignments and additional faculty resources will be provided
from currently employed, graduate level faculty. Faculty expertise and support
will assure that the Educational Leadership EdD, at the same time, ensuring that
KSU will continue to provide high quality instruction across the Department of
Educational Leadership’s embedded Educational Specialist degree and Masters
degree. KSU will continue to comply with NCATE guidelines restricting graduate
faculty teaching loads to nine credit hours in order to accommodate greater
expectations for engagement in research.
All members of the EDL faculty will be involved in delivering the concentration
courses and many of the elective courses and activities in the Educational
Leadership concentration of the EdD in Leadership for Learning. Faculty
participation is shown according to faculty areas of expertise and specialization:
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Faculty in the department of Educational Leadership maintain and demonstrate
sustained scholarship activity and agendas consistent with expectations of
faculty working in educational leadership programs. Funds have been designated
in the Educational Leadership Department budget to support faculty
development. Members of the EDL faculty are encouraged to make best use of
the funds to attend professional conferences and workshops advancing their
professional growth. Travel funds are available for faculty to participate in
significant educational conferences at the state, national, and international levels.
Aside from departmental and college- level support for travel, the KSU
Foundation, Office of Graduate Studies, and the International Office have
supplemented faculty travel funds for professional endeavors.
Faculty members from the Department of Educational Leadership have traveled
internationally to share professional educational expertise, to gain knowledge
of educational practices around the world, and to establish partnerships with
international peers. It is the culture of the Department of Educational Leadership
to collaboratively pursue scholarly activities.
Members of the Educational Leadership faculty are actively engaged in research
activities in educational leadership. They frequently present at important state,
national, and international conferences of the following organizations:
EdD in Leadership for Learning
State conferences:
Georgia Educational Research Association
Georgia Association of Teacher Education
Georgia Association of School Business Officials
Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators
Georgia P-16 Annual Conference
Georgia Association of Educators
Georgia Compensatory Educations Leaders Conference
Alabama Association for Young Children
Alabama Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators
Florida Association for the Education of Young Children
Regional Conferences:
Mid-Western Regional Education Association
Southern Association of School Business Officials
Southeastern International Reading Association
Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators
Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration
National Conferences:
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Association of School Personnel Administrators National Conference
American Educational Research Association
American Reading Forum
Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development
Association of Teacher Education
National Council of States on Inservice Education
National Council of Teachers of English
National Educational Technology Conference
National Staff Development Council Conference
Student First Success For All Conference
ESOL Conference on Effective Collaborative Practices
International Conferences:
Association of School Business officials International
College Reading Association
Hawaii International conference of Education
International Reading Association
International Literacy and Educational Research Network Conference on
International Society for Educational Planning
International Society for Technology in Education
EdD in Leadership for Learning
National Council of Teachers of English, France
Sino-American Education consortium
Educational Leadership faculty scholarly publications often appear in
professional refereed journals such as:
AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice
Affective Reading Education Journal
American School Board Journal
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Bilingual Research Journal
Chronicle of Higher Education
Classroom Leadership
Contemporary Education Psychology
Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership
College Student Journal
Eastern Education Journal
Education Week
Educational Planning
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational Psychological Review
Educational Research and Development
GaETC Journal
Gateways to Teacher Education
Georgia Educational Researcher
Indiana Reading Journal
International Journal of Learning
Journal of College and Characters
Journal of Excellence in College Teaching
Journal of Reading Education
Journal of southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators
Journal of Reading Education
Journal of Technology in Teacher Education
Journal of Ethics in Leadership
Journal of School business Management
Journal of Instructional Psychology
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, and Perspectives
Journal of Educational Technology
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
Journal of School Public Relations
Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Leading and Learning with Technology
Louisiana Research Journal
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Mississippi Reading Journal
Principal Leadership
Reading Horizons
School business Affairs
School Facility Planner
TESOL in Action
Tech Trends
Grant Applications and Contracts:
The faculty also has been successful in grant applications and contracts. The
following are examples of approved external grants and contracts submitted by
Educational Leadership faculty in the past few years:
Chan, T. C. (2002). A comparison of student achievement, attitude and behavior
between portable classrooms and permanent classrooms. A research
project funded by the Council of Educational Facility Planners International.
Chan, T. C. (2006). The impact of technology facilities on student learning. A
research project funded by the Council of Educational Facility Planners
International ($8,500).
Holliday, E. (2006). African American male initiative. Grant approved by the
Georgia Board of Regents to identify potential African American college
bound students and assist them in graduating from college ($30,000).
Holliday, E. (2006-2007). Blog2 Learn. Grant to work with male students in the
improvement of their language arts instruction through the use of Weblogs
($45,937 for 2006 and $47,480 for 2007).
Jiang, B. (2003). Fulbright Group Travel Program. Grant approved by U.S.
Department of Education ($63,000).
Jiang, B. (2000). Three year EFL professional development for Colegio Morelos
De Cuernavaca, Colegio Morelos De Cuernavaca, Mexico. ($50,000).
Jiang, B. (2001, 2002, 2003). Title V summer faculty development travel grant to
attend summer institutes at the University of Incarnate Word, Harvard
University, and the University of Portland ($2,000 each year).
Williamson, J. (2006) Three year strategic technology plan for the State Schools
for the Blind and the Deaf. Contract awarded by the division of
Instructional Technology and Media, Georgia Department of Education
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Williamson, J. (2006). A survey of technology leaders in Georgia. Contract
awarded by the Division of Instructional Technology and Media, Georgia
Department of Education.
Books published, edited, in press or under contract by Educational
Leadership Faculty include:
Chan, T. C. & Richardson, M. D. (2005). Ins and outs of school facility
management. Scarecrow Education Publishing Company.
Ouyang, R., & Chan, T. C. (2007). (Eds.). Education. Series on Western
Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Beijing, China: Chin
Remmin University Press.
Jiang, Y. S. & Chan, T. C. (1990). A conceptual framework of modern
educational administration. Kwangtung, China: Kwangtung Higher
Education Press.
Dishman, M. & Cagle, C. (2008). Modern education law (Volume 4 of the
Peabody College Leadership Series). New York: Allyn and Bacon.
Murphy, d., & Dishman, M. (2008). Educational records. Lanham, MD: Rowman
Littlefield Education.
Murphy, d., & Dishman, M. (2007).The American Association of School
Personnel Administrators’ Family and Medical Leave Act compliance
manual. Kansas City, MO: AASPA.
Dishman, M., & Murphy, D. (2006). The Fair Labor Standards Act and American
schools. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield Education.
Disman, M. & Murphy, D. (2005). The Georgia Association of School business
Officials Fair Labor Standards Act compliance manual.
Murphy, d., & Dishman, M. (2005). The Georgia Association of School Business
Officials family and Medical Leave Act compliance manual.
Holliday, H. E. (2007). Gender education in 7 steps: Reigniting the academic pilot
lights of boys and girls? Atlanta, GA: Jedco Press.
Williamson, J., & Redish, T. (in press). A standards-based preparation program
for technology leaders and facilitators. Eugene, OR: International Society
for Technology in Education.
EdD in Leadership for Learning
Outstanding programs of this nature at other institutions
Survey and Comparative Analysis.
January 2008 marks the initial offerings of the newly redesigned Educational
Leadership programs across the state. No other BOR institutions have
embedded EdS/EdD programs. Two institutions have developed doctoral
programs leading to PL-7 certification. The KSU Educational Leadership program
is unique and distinctive, having no counterpart in the state.
Unique Features of KSU’s program:
The uniqueness of the EdD in Leadership for Learning was previously and
thoroughly discussed on pages 2-4 of this proposal.
Inventory of pertinent library resources (Not Applicable)
Facilities (Not Applicable)
Administration (Not Applicable)
Assessment (Not Applicable)
Fiscal and Enrollment Impact, and Estimated Budget (Not
The umbrella EdS/EdD in Leadership for Learning program received BOR
approval to begin and SACS approval to begin. The program will meet all
requirements of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for leadership
certification at the PL-7 level.
Business Content Audit:
Referencing the Business Content Worksheet, does this program or
concentration, incorporating the information proposed herein, have “traditional
EdD in Leadership for Learning
business subject” content delivered by faculty or programs administered by the
Coles College of Business? *
_____ Yes
If “yes,” complete a Business Content Worksheet and
obtain necessary approvals as indicated.
__X__ No
_____ Exempt Graduate programs administered by the Coles College
are exempt.
* All graduate programs exceeding 50% business content are automatically required to
meet AACSB International business accreditation standards. The purpose of the audit is
to prevent the unintended, undesirable compulsory inclusion of programs subject to
AACSB standards.
Affirmative Action Impact (Not Applicable)
XIV Degree Inscription (Not Applicable)