Teacher Education Council KH 1101 4/8/10 In attendance: Voting Members: Undergraduate: Maurice Wilson (EECE), Barbara Salyer (MGE), Michael Dias (Secondary, TEC co-chair), Diana Gregory (PK-12 rep. and TEC co-chair), Graduate: Gwen McAlpine (ECE M.Ed.), Kadian Callahan (MAT), Earl Holliday (EdL) Harriett Bessette (Ed.D./Ed.S. Coordinator), Academic Support Representatives: Pam Cole (Dean undergrad, CFEP), Rachel Blasé (TEAC), Feeland Meadows (EECE), Beverly Mitchell (Assoc. Dean, accreditation) 10 of 12 voting members present Ex-Officio (nonvoting) attending: Arlinda Eaton (Dean), Taha Mzoughi (MAT Physics) --good item for subcommittee – look at forms and determining which are the current forms is on job of the task force. Then only place forms are posted i I. Approval of Minutes a. March 18, 2010 –Earl Holliday moved approve, Harriet Bessette 2nd; no discussion, all in favor; so moved. II. Old Business – Second Readings a. PHED 5400 Course Proposal - Taha changed the course description as requested. He reminded us that in MAT Physics, students need help conceptualizing and putting ideas in simple terms for the adolescents they teach. Earl moved to accept on 2nd read with removal of “Practicum II” from Course Title. Motion seconded by Gwen McAlpine. III. New Business a. EECE B-5 Montessori Concentration - Jim Cope presented suggested order of courses for this concentration. Feeland Meadows presented some details of the program. It offers candidates credential to work with children ages birth to 6 years. Fits into regular curriculum. Contributes to pre-school programs. Helps students complete GACE requirements. b. Pam Cole – referred to previous birth-5 program that went through review last year, and asked how they will present this to UPCC, so they see this is part of another program. Jim Cope explained, it’s not a new program but a change. Pam suggested look at the MGE reading concentration as a model. c. Earl Holliday asked if this may involve a lab school. Feland responded that it could, and concentration will serve 220 children 5 weeks to 6 yrs. Most 6 year olds finish this program able to read, and perhaps in two languages. The TEC Minutes 8 April 20010 1 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. manipulative aspect augments reading skill development. Earl ask if this Montessori program may displace the traditional that we’ve had - Feland thinks it may happen in China but not here due to entrenched ways; Earl asked if there are any other Montessori concentrations offered in the area. Feland explained, ours is only accredited one in GA; there are some private certification routes. 3 public schools in Dekalb, 2 Charter schools Savannah, there is some interest in implementing Montessori programs; KSU will open the door that may help it to flourish. Dianna – summarizes that we need an executive summary for the concentration. Jim Cope affirms that they have it are ready to send to BoR, and we will upload that to TEC. Dianna – also need to find if there’s a form; adding something to existing program, so it’s a change; need to find the right form and use it. Beverly - - commends Feland’s work on syllabi in recent months. Beverly requested additional information on assessments and field experiences. Jim Cope responded that we must send this to PSC by Sept 1, or wait 2 years before they’ll review. Intent is to get it approved to submit by Sept 1, or this program is on hold for 2 years. The compliance form, in my Jim’s view, is a separate issue than what goes thru TEC and UPCC. Beverly responded that it is discussed and required at this level, because the compliance form has so much in it relating directly for program approval by PSC (details of diversity, technology, capacity, assessments, field experience). Jim wants to get proposal to UPCC early in Fall 2010 semester. Bev asked Feland to speak to the 4 practicum desing; is last one considered student teaching? What’s distinction between student teaching and clinical experience? And For 4435, 1-7-5? 0-9-6 = 0 in class, 9 in lab, 6if all of these are 15 wks in school, how does that equate; what does that involve. Feland – first in infant, 2nd is toddlers, etc. Jim- your question is about contact hours Beverly – It would help if we could see a chart of your field experiences; spell out the nature of the field experience and those that are prior to the comprehensive student teaching format. And the PSC, if you go to the rule 505-3-01 it does not have the Birth-5 yet, so I inquired of their expectation. Their answer was a question: What are you doing in traditional program? Raynice is proposing student teaching experience to occur at Kindergarten level, and the PSC contact said the field experiences of both (traditional and Montessori) programs are expected to be similar. l. Cole – for the four courses that have field experiences, this will add words but the verification of professional liability - - also add “criminal history background check” as this is a requirement in catalog course description. Jim suggested listing this as a prerequisites statement with Maurice suggesting it should be a corequisite. TEC Minutes 8 April 20010 2 m. Harriett to Feland – lots of early child centers out there say they’re Montessor, will our certification lead our students to the “official” Montessori certification? Feeland – there are several “officail” Montessori certifications available with various national affiliations; we are both nationally accredited and graduates must pass exam by national examiner. Pan-American Mont Society – that gets you the job at a Montessori School, not the BS degree or state certificate. n. Jim Cope asked, if we get compliance form completed, and we move this forward Earl Holliday asserted strong support for this cutting edge program that allows us to lead in this area; not unreasonable request; Beverly suggested EECE provide (1) program change form, (2) executive summary (2pages), (3) compliance form, (4) chart of field experience, (5) criminal history and liability in course description of all field exp’s , maybe in prereq and this in syllabus as well, (6) business contact form for UPCC. Harriett moved to accept on first reading, appending these changes; Maurice seconded, all approved, so moved. IV. Heads Up i. Dr. Eaton – Curriculum Approval Process – affirms Dianna’s need for ad hoc committee on TEC to improve webpage and offer clearer communication about the curriculum approval process. Dean Eaton suggested that this committee also continue and complete the document articulating the overall curriculum approval process. ii. We need to determine if TEC process/structure must parallel that of other committees such as UPCC/GPCC, and aspects such as student representatives, student right to vote. iii. Need to review term policy for TEC. iv. Timeline subcommittee of TEC look at draft of guidelines to start beginning of Fall 2010. General agreement that this should be started in the fall and not now. Dianna suggested we form that committee this spring to augment their timely work. Forward progress is critical – we’ve been trying to get this done since 2006! v. Dianna Gregory, Earl Holliday and Mike Dias volunteered to work on this. Next meeting: Proposal Deadline: May 6, 2010 April 22, 2010 The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM. Minutes submitted by Mike Dias, 5/3/10. TEC Minutes 8 April 20010 3