Significantly Revised Program or Concentration, or New Degree Approval Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Kennesaw State University Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. 2. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. 3. (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. 4. (Assessment System) Using the curriculum matrix (next page), indicate where the subject area standards are addressed in the proposed curriculum. Then identify in the next chart (Assessment System) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practices that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include how field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. 7. (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. D:\99029678.doc Page 1 Compliance with NCATE/PSC Requirements New or Significantly Revised Program or Concentration, or New Degree Approval Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Kennesaw State University Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University (Bagwell College of Education is a key component of PTEU) is committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. Stein and Nelson (2003) created a framework from which to understand the leadership content knowledge (LCK) needed by leaders. In the LCK framework, teachers must know their subject and how to teach that subject to their students to achieve understanding. These are referred to as level one and two knowledge, respectively, in the LCK framework. Stein and Nelson (2003) argue that administrators who profess to be instructional leaders must have knowledge beyond this pedagogical content knowledge. Such administrators must have the ability to assist teachers to improve their performance in the classroom which requires the knowledge of teachers as learners, about effective ways of teaching teachers, in addition to having the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of school administrators and leaders (Stein & Nelson, 2003). They refer to these leadership skills, dispositions, and knowledge as level-3 leadership content knowledge. The Certificate program in Educational Leadership focuses on developing future administrators who possess level-3 leadership content knowledge. The philosophy of educational leadership programs at KSU is based on the premise that the knowledge, skills and dispositions required for educational leadership are acquired through content and context-specific study, meaningful practice of leadership behaviors and ongoing reflection. Acquisition of the knowledge and skills required for successful leadership is a developmental process. Leaders guide others and shape communities of learners to accomplish a shared vision. They lead best when they are ‘leaders of leaders’, articulating the values and beliefs of the diverse school community. To be effective, it is essential that educational leaders see themselves as lifelong learners and foster ongoing learning in all members of the school community. BCOE educational leadership programs are designed to foster the development of candidates as they progress through the stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert leaders through a rigorous integration of theory and practice while being guided by faculty and fieldbased mentors. The Certificate Program in Educational Leadership Program was designed along the guidelines of the PTEU Conceptual Framework. The goal of the new Certificate Program in Educational Leadership is to prepare program candidates who will become experts in assuming the roles of school leadership in education today. The program was designed from theory to practice to cover all areas of knowledge, skills, and disposition of educational leadership. In addition, the new program has incorporated many activities and assignments that are field based. The purpose is to allow program candidates the D:\99029678.doc Page 2 opportunities to validate by field experiences what they learn in class. This is in compliance with the “implementation of validated practices” as described in the PTEU Conceptual Framework. The new certificate program involves many current school administrators in the admission, delivery and assessment processes. The involvement of field practitioners as collaborative partners in teaching, learning and research has greatly enhanced the practicability of the EDL Certificate program. This is in agreement with “collaborative practices” as recommended by the PTEU Conceptual Framework. 2. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. This revised program is in full compliance with the six (6) standards of the Professional Standards Commission/ELCC and the ten (10) Georgia Board of Regents’ Strands. Please see PSC/NCATE/ELCC and Board of Regents Matrices in Attachment A. 3. (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. Candidates in the education program will demonstrate proficiencies in the six (6) standards of the Professional Standards Commission/ELCC and the ten (10) Georgia Board of Regents’ Strands. Please see PSC/NCATE/ELCC and Board of Regents Matrices in Attachment A. 4. (Assessment System) Identify (chart is preferable) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. Limit the total number of assessments to eight. Eight assessment methods have been identified to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. They are listed in Attachment B. 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practices that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include how field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. Field experiences are included in each course in the Certificate program in Educational Leadership and require candidates to demonstrate mastery of the BOR and PSC/ELCC standards. For example, candidates are required to complete field experiences involving Leadership Evaluation, School Culture Analysis, School Improvement Plan, Curriculum Audit, Data Action Plan, Student Discipline Tribunal, Diversity Plan, etc… For a complete listing of field experiences, see Attachment C. Field experiences are embedded into the general coursework and assessed as part of the candidate’s course grade. The professor develops and uses rubrics and/or checklists to assess the merit of each field experience. Field experiences comprise approximately 30% of each course grade. Candidates are required to complete and submit a Field Experience Log (Attachment D) for each field experience completed. In the Field Experience Log, candidates are required to indicate the D:\99029678.doc Page 3 proficiencies/standards mastered in their professional roles, reflect on their work, and indicate the impact on student learning. 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. The BOR strands and the PSC/ELCC standards include an emphasis on diversity. Therefore, candidates completing field experiences in the Educational Leadership Certificate program are required to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. See below the BOR and PSC standards referencing diversity. BOR Strands: 8i. Organize a school/system that reflects leadership decisions based on legal and ethical principles to promote educational equity. 10h. Advocate for policies and programs that promote the success for all students. 10i. Model impartiality, sensitivity to student diversity, community norms and values and ethical considerations in interactions with others. PSC Standards: 4. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, managing conflict and mobilizing community resources. Two levels of diversity are documented—working with diverse colleagues as well as working with diverse students. Attachment C indicates which field experiences involve diversity in student and/or colleague populations. In addition, the Field Experience Log requires candidates to indicate the populations involved in each field experience (Attachment D). The list of field experiences is shared with candidates and their field mentors to ensure that these activities are part of the candidates’ field experiences. Many of these field experiences engage candidates in working with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations from a leadership perspective. For example: a. Candidates in EDL 7600 School Operation and Community Relations are assigned to work with school administrators and teachers to solicit their perceptions of school facility’s impact on student learning. In this project, all facilities for safety and accommodation of exceptional students will be identified. b. Candidates in EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment are assigned to work with teachers in the regular classes that represent diverse student population. Candidates will observe class teaching activities and recommend approaches to teachers in working with a diverse student population. Diversity is a critical issue in P-12 schools and leaders must have the disposition required to handle diverse populations. Therefore, diversity has been included in the Candidate Disposition Assessment as well as the Disposition Indicators (CPA) (Attachment E). D:\99029678.doc Page 4 7. (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. The newly redesigned Educational Leadership Certificate program ensures candidates can integrate technology into their professional practice in three major ways. A. Technology standards are included in the program. The following PSC standards and BOR strands and indicators are required in the certificate program. PSC Standard/Element 2B. Instructional Program Indicator: 15. Lead professional staff to enrich curriculum and instructional by integrating the use of instructional technology. 16. Use and promote technology and information systems to monitor instructional practices and provide staff the information and assistance needed for improvement. 22. Use qualitative and quantitative data, appropriate research methods, technology, and information systems to make a case and develop a plan for organizational improvement. 2D. Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans 4A. Community 1. Using adult learning strategies, technology and research to design professional development plans focusing on authentic problems and tasks that promote new knowledge and skills in the workplace 10. Use effective time management procedures and strategies, including the use of technology to enhance efficiency. 7. Use technology to support effective communication. BOR Strand: 2. Instruction Indicator: 2d. Promote the use of technology to support student mastery of Georgia performance standards. 4. Data Analysis 4e. Uses technology tools for data analysis. 7. Performance Management & 7m. Use technology to support core system processes. Process Improvement 8. Managing Operations 8h. Promote technology to support administrative processes. B. Technology-Based Courses are included in the program. Courses: EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement D:\99029678.doc Page 5 C. Technology Integration is required in each course. Courses in the Educational Leadership Certificate program require candidates to use technology to demonstrate mastery of the standards. Candidates will use technology in a variety of ways, including developing presentations, creating word processing documents, analyzing spreadsheet data, using email to correspond with professors and cohort members, conducting research on the Internet, creating blogs and wikis, listening to podcasts, using web applications (ex: Google Docs), using interactive whiteboards, conducting surveys on the web, and developing an electronic portfolio. D:\99029678.doc Page 6 Attachment A Educational Leadership – Certificate Program Standards/Curriculum Matrices PSC/NCATE/ELCC Standards EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice 1. Vision a) Lead the development of a shared vision that promotes the success of all students based on appropriate data and research. b) Articulate the components of the vision and the leadership processes necessary to implement the vision. c) Lead the development and immplementation of a mission, strategic plan, and action plans driven by the shared vision. d) Work effectively and collaboratively with the board of education, building leaders, staff, parents, students, and community members to achieve the system's educational vision. EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2. Culture, Instr Program, Best Practices, Prof Growth Plans a) Promote the development of a positive school culture that is pervasively academic, focused on improvement that fosters a sense of belonging and cooperation. x b) Provide an effective instructional program based on a standards-based curriculum and Georgia's learning standards using research-based instructional strategies to design effective models of instruction that will enhance accelerate teaching and learning c) Apply best research-based practices to improve instruction for all for students. d) Design comprehensive prof growth plans that apply proven, systematic processes for improvement through: analyzing human performance; planning for improvements; & designing, dev. and supporting implementation of solutions to close performance gaps. D:\99029678.doc x Page 7 x EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations PSC/NCATE/ELCC Standards EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice e) Promote accountability by strategically planning, measuring, monitoring, organizing and managing systems and processes necessary to improve student achievement and organizational effectiveness. EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders x x EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations x 3. Managing the Organization, Operations and Resources a) Manage the organization by effectively and efficiently analyzing and organizing resources, processes and systems to support teaching and learning and organizational effectiveness. b) Manage operations within the structure of Georgia public education rules, regulations and laws through implementation of a comprehensive organizational development process. x c) Analyze and organize resources, processes and systems to support teaching, learning, and organizational effectiveness. x d) Create, implement and monitor a budget based on Georgia's educational funding procedures that supports teaching and learning and organizational effectiveness. x x x x x x x e) Provide and maintain facilities that support teaching and learning. x f) Recruit, hire and retain qualified personnel to support teaching and learning and organizational effectiveness and to dismiss those who have demonstrated unsatisfactory performance. x x x 4. Diverse Comm Interests, Mngt Conflict, Mobilizing Comm Resources a) Collaborate with families and other community members to increase involvement in school decisionmaking processes to have a positive effect on student learning. b) Respond to community interests and needs by collecting and organizing formal and informal information from multiple stakeholders to inform district decisionmaking. D:\99029678.doc Page 8 x x x x PSC/NCATE/ELCC Standards EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice c) Mobilize community resources to solve problems of common concern to the school and the community. EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy x d) Communicate student and school progress, local policies, Georgia law, and other important information to stakeholders through a variety of media. x 5. Integrity, Fairness, Legal, Ethical a) Act with integrity by demonstrating behaviors that affirm and communicate the importance of integrity and ethics in all interpersonal contact. x b) Act fairly by modeling impartiality, sensitivity to student diversity, community norms and values, and ethical considerations in interactions with others. x x x x d) Act legally by applying federal and Georgia statutes and regulations as required. 6. Larger Political, Soc, Econ, Legal, & Cultural Context a) Develop a continuing dialogue with economic and political decision-makers concerning the role of schools and social and educational opportunities for children. b) Build collaborative relationships with students, parents, members of the school board, and other community members that support improved social and educational opportunities for children. c) Influence the larger context through active participation in political and policy decision-making in the service of education, including proactive use of the legal system to protect students’ rights and improve students’ opportunities. Page 9 EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations x x x c) Act ethically by abiding by Georgia law, federal law, the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators and the rules and regulations of the Georgia Department of Education and Professional Standards Commission. D:\99029678.doc EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment x x x x x x x x x x x x x Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice 1. Curriculum a) Align a curriculum vertically and horizontally with the state curriculum standards including CEC, TESOL, and WIDA standards. b) Integrate curricula to make connections within and across subject areas including ESOL and SPED areas. EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change x x c) Audit a curriculum to determine the level of expectation and depth of understanding required for all students. d) Engage teachers in cooperative planning for curriculum implementation to ensure agreement on core content and required student performances. x x e) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of a standards-based curriculum. x x f) Use action research to review performance data and student work to refine curriculum implementation and innovation. 2. Instruction a) Engage teachers in cooperative work to design, monitor and revise instruction to ensure that students achieve proficiency on state curriculum standards and system expectations for learning. x x b) Lead others in the use of research-based learning strategies and processes. x c) Use techniques such as observation protocols to document that teachers use: x * Student work that reflects achievement of state curriculum standards. x * Differentiated instruction to accommodate student learning styles, special needs and cultural backgrounds. x * Strategies to elicit higher order thinking skills and processes, including critical thinking, creative thinking, and self-regulation. * Flexible grouping based on effective diagnosis and formative assessment. D:\99029678.doc EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement x x Page 10 x x EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change * Innovative strategies to address individual learning needs. x d) Promotes the use of technology to support student mastery of Georgia performance standards. x x e) Lead others in a collaborative process to set high expectations for all learners. x x f) Lead others in a collaborative process to set and use benchmarks and rubrics to generate student efficacy and responsibility. 3. Assessment a) Engage teachers in the use of assessment data to design and adjust instruction to maximize student learning and achievement. b) Use protocols to engage teachers in collaboration to determine desired results and to design assessment practices which are consistent, balanced, and authentic. c) Use protocols to engage teachers in review of student work products and performances used to adjust instruction. d) Promote the use of a variety of effective and balanced assessment techniques to control for bias. x x x x x e) Engage teachers in the use of formative assessment to provide effective and timely feedback on achievement of curriculum standards. f) Engage teachers in the collaborative analysis of assessment data to plan for continuous improvement for each student, subgroup of students, and the school as a whole. x x 4. Data Analysis a) Systematically collect and analyze multiple sources of data and use them to: * Identify improvement needs. * Determine root causes of performance problems. * Determine a course of action. * Monitor progress at frequent and regular intervals. * Celebrate accomplishments. D:\99029678.doc x Page 11 x x x x x x x x EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment b) Develop an appropriate presentation for an internal/external audience based on analysis of multiple sources of data. EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders x x x c) Analyze data from multiple sources to inform a decision about curriculum, assessment, and instruction. x d) Analyze data from multiple sources (including attention to WIDA standards) for comprehensive school improvement planning. x x e) Use technology tools for data analysis. 5. Organizational Culture a) Select or develop and use instruments designed to analyze beliefs, processes, and structures in a school or district that support or impede rigor in teaching and learning. x b) Develop action plans to address the results of an analysis of the school or system culture. x c) Develop and implement processes and structures that support a pervasively academic climate within a culture with high expectations for all students and adults. d) Engage participants in collaborative work and provide support systems that personalize work and learning for both students and adults. e) Develop and implement distributed leadership as part of the process of shared governance. x x x x x x f) Lead teachers to accept collective responsibility for school improvement and the learning and achievement of all students. 6. Professional Learning & Development a) Lead job-embedded professional learning that aligns with school improvement goals and supports student achievement. b) Apply knowledge about adult learning to develop and implement structures that support adult learning and collaboration. c) Evaluate the implementation and impact of professional learning on teacher practices, continuous school improvement, and student learning. D:\99029678.doc EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement x x x x x x Page 12 EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement d) Provide and protect time for job-embedded professional learning, such as mentoring, coaching, feedback, study groups, peer observation and learning teams. EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders x e) Model continuous learning by developing and maintaining a personal plan for self-improvement. x 7. Performance Management & Process Improvement a) Lead the collaborative development or revision of the vision, mission, and values/beliefs that will guide and inform the continuous improvement. x x b) Link individual and organizational goals, performance, and results. x x c) Develop measurable school-wide, grade-level, and teacher goals that focus on student achievement. x x d) Monitor the implementation of the school improvement or strategic plan and its impact on student achievement using an accountability system. x x x x e) Use appropriate performance management tools and processes to plan, measure, monitor and communicate about improvement x f) Identify and address barriers to leader, faculty and staff performance. X g) Provide interventions to address underperformance of leaders, faculty and staff. x X h) Identify and map core school/system processes and plan for their improvement. x x x x x i) Lead the analysis of school processes to determine their impact on learning time and plan for their improvement. j) Develop and implement high performance teams, such as school improvement teams, to improve school processes and performance. x x k) Use improvement results to make recommendations for continuation and/or modification of plans and processes. l) Develop and implement a succession plan for continuity and sustained effectiveness of the organization. D:\99029678.doc Page 13 x x x x EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice m) Use technology to support core system processes. 8. Managing Operations a) Organize a safe, orderly, and engaging learning environment, including facilities, that reflects state, system and local school rules, policies, and procedures. b) Manage operations within the structure of Georgia public education rules, regulations, and laws and the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators. EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement x x EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change x c) Work collaboratively to implement fiscal policies that equitably and adequately distribute all available resources to support success of all students. d) Develop a budget that aligns resources with databased instructional priorities. EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations x x x x x x x x EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders x e) Recruit, select and hire highly qualified and effective personnel (including those who teach English Language Learners). x x f) Retain effective personnel by ensuring positive working conditions. x g) Assess the school/district reporting system to ensure Georgia and federal requirements are met, including the filing of academic progress and maintaining clear, written documentation of legal issues. x h) Promote technology to support administrative processes. x i) Organize a school/system that reflects leadership decisions based on legal and ethical principles to promote educational equity. 9. Leading Change a) Drive and sustain change in a collegial environment focused on a continuous improvement model that supports all students meeting high standards. x x x x b) Utilize change theory to successfully initiate and sustain a change effort. x x c) Nurture faculty, staff and stakeholders as they engage in the change processes x x x x d) Build buy-in from faculty, staff and stakeholders for change implementation. D:\99029678.doc Page 14 x x Board of Regents Strands EDL 7100 Leadership Theory & Practice e) Develop strategies to engage stakeholders in the change process. x 10. Relationship Development a) Develop and lead communication strategies to support the school’s goals and student achievement. x b) Establish and maintain effective working relationships with governing agencies, such as a local board of education and the Georgia Department of Education. c) Actively engage parents, community, and other stakeholders in school decision-making and problemsolving processes to have a positive effect on student learning and to achieve the system’s vision. EDL 7200 Leadership in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change EDL 7405 Human Resources for School Leaders EDL 7500 Education Law & Policy x EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations x x x x x x d) Establish expectations for school councils and facilitate council leadership. x e) Establish mechanisms and structures for continuous feedback from all stakeholders and use feedback for continuous improvement. x f) Mobilize community resources to strengthen schools, families and student learning and engage the community in understanding and supporting the educational process of all students including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and other underrepresented populations. x x g) Recognize and provide culturally-responsive practices to multicultural and ethnic needs in the organization and the community. x h) Advocate for policies and programs that promote the success for all students. x x i) Model impartiality, sensitivity to student diversity, community norms and values and ethical considerations in interactions with others. j) Identify and analyze conflict and implement strategies for managing conflict. x k) Develop and implement a plan that influences the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context to advance student and teacher success. D:\99029678.doc x Page 15 x x x x x x x Attachment B Educational Leadership – Certificate Program Assessment System This chart is designed to 1) identify the assessments that will be used to verify how your candidates meet SPA/PSC/PTEU standards, 2) the course or field experience in which the assessment is required, 3) the semester the course is scheduled, and 4) faculty who teach the course or supervise the experience. This form should be completed at mid-term the preceding semester and distributed to all full-time and part-time faculty who have responsibilities in professional education course work/supervision. Please send a copy to Beverly Mitchell ( each semester. Type of Assessment 1 – ELCC [licensure assessment, or other content-based assessment] – Required - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/Assessment is Offered (check) Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment ___Summer 09 GACE – Educational Leadership Assessment EndPoint (Students are strongly advised to wait until the end of the program to take the GACE. However, it is possible that some students will choose to take it earlier in their program. Therefore, GACE scores will have to be collected each semester.) NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals PAAR: Knowledge Base for Leadership 2 – ELCC [assessment of content knowledge in educational leadership] – 1 2 GPA EndPoint ___Fall 09 _X_Spring 09 Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation __Summer 09 Examples: CPI, ISLA, PNR, Major Project, Lesson Plan – TOSS, etc Indicate the point in the program when assessment is administered (e.g. course, decision point (eg, admission to TOSS, midpoint, end of program, etc) D:\99029678.doc Page 16 Type of Assessment - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/Assessment is Offered (check) Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment Required ___Fall 09 NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals _X_Spring 10 PAAR: None 3 – ELCC [Assessment of ability to develop supervisory plan for classroom-based instruction] – Required NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals a) Instructional Supervision Assessment (ISA) EDL 7400 Leading Professional Learning & Change b) EDL Certificate Instructional & Supervision Assessment (ISA) (Redesign) ___Summer 09 _X__Fall 09 _X_Spring 10 PAAR: Instruction 4 – ELCC [assessment of internship/clinical practice] – Required a) Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI) Midpoint (2nd semester) Endpoint (3rd semester) NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals b) EDL Certificate – Mentor 2nd Semester (Redesign) and EDL Certificate – Mentor 3rd Semester (Redesign) (Collected by advisor and input into C&W) PAAR: Optional Institutional Assessment #1 D:\99029678.doc Page 17 ___Summer 09 _X__Fall 09 _X__Spring 10 Type of Assessment 5 - ELCC [assessment of candidate effects on student learning] – Required - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/Assessment is Offered (check) Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment a) Impact on Student Learning (ISLA) EDL 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement b) EDL Certificate ISLA (Redesign) ___Summer 09 _X_Fall 09 NCATE Standard 1f: Student Learning for Other School Professionals _X_Spring 10 PAAR: None 6 – ELCC [assessment of application of content knowledge] – Required NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals a) Portfolio Narrative Rubric (PNR) Endpoint (Completed by the advisor) b) EDL Certificate PNR (Redesign) ___Fall 09 _X_Spring 10 PAAR: Optional Institutional Assessment #2 7 – ELCC [assessment in organizational D:\99029678.doc ___Summer 09 a) Budget Development & Analysis (BDA) Page 18 EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations ___Summer 09 Type of Assessment management and community relations] – Required - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W b) EDL Certificate Budget Development Analysis (BDA) (Redesign) In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/Assessment is Offered (check) Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment ___Fall 09 NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals _X_Spring 10 PAAR: Managing Operations 8 – ELCC [additional assessment that addresses ELCC standards] – Optional NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 9 – PAAR: Curriculum NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals D:\99029678.doc a) School Community Relations (SCR) EDL 7600 School Operations & Community Relations b) EDL Certificate School Community Relations (SCR) (Redesign) ___Summer 09 ___Fall 09 _X_Spring 10 a) Curriculum Audit Assessment (CAA) EDL 7200 _X_Summer 09 Leading Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment b) EDL Certificate Curriculum Audit Assessment (CAA) (Redesign) _X_Fall 09 Page 19 Type of Assessment - WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – - WHO – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W In What Course/Transition Point The Assessment is Administered2 Semester(s) Course/Assessment is Offered (check) Faculty Responsible for Course/Assessment _X__Spring 10 10 – PAAR: Assessment NCATE Standard 1e: Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals 11 – PAAR: Dispositions for Leaders NCATE Standard 1g: Dispositions for All Candidates D:\99029678.doc a) Assessment for Learning Analysis (AFLA) EDL 7200 _X_Summer 09 Leading Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment b) EDL Certificate Assessment for Learning Analysis (AFLA) (Redesign) _X_Fall 09 _X_Spring 10 Midpoint (2nd semester) Endpoint (3rd semester) a) Candidate Disposition Assessment (CDA) b) EDL Certificate CDA – Mentor 2nd Semester (Redesign) and EDL Certificate CDA – Mentor 3rd Semester (Redesign) (Collected by advisor and input into C&W) Page 20 ___Summer 09 _X_Fall 09 _X_Spring 10 Attachment C Field Experiences & Diversity Orientation Course EDL 7100 EDL 7200 EDL 7305 EDL 7400 EDL 7405 EDL 7500 EDL 7600 Field Experience Assignments 1. Leadership Evaluation 2. School Culture Analysis 3. School Improvement Plan Analysis 4. School Change Project 1. Curriculum Audit 2. Assessment for Learning Analysis 3. Implementing Protocols 4. Impact on Student Learning 1. Data Action Plan 1. Professional Learning Current Reality 2. NSDC Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI) 3. Professional Learning Action Plan 4. Instructional Supervision Assessment 1. Human Resources Project 1. Student Discipline Tribunal Exercise 2. Teacher Dismissal Exercise 3. Student Records Exercise 4. School Board Meeting 1. Facility Impact on Student Learning Survey 2. Completion of a PERT Chart 3. School Community Relations Plan 4. Budget Development Analysis 5. School Council Review CD = Colleague Diversity D:\99029678.doc SD = Student Diversity Page 21 Diversity Orientation CD, SD CD SD CD, SD SD SD CD CD, SD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD SD CD SD CD, SD CD, SD CD CD Attachment D Field Experience Log Date(s) Activity/Time Standards [mm/dd/yy] [Amount of Time] [BOR Strand/Indicator] DIVERSITY (Place an X in the box representing the ethnic populations involved in this field experience.) Diversity P-12 Students P-12 Faculty/Staff Race/Ethnicity: Asian Black Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Native White Multiracial Subgroups: Students with Disabilities Limited English Proficiency Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals CANDIDATE REFLECTIONS: How did this field experience impact student learning? What did you learn from completing this field experience? How did this learning relate to the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of an educational leader? How did it enhance your ability to lead? How could this field experience be modified to make it more meaningful and relevant to aspiring educational leaders? D:\99029678.doc Page 22 Attachment E Candidate Disposition Assessment KSU Candidate: Person Completing Assessment: L1 L2 L3 L4 Rating No Evidence Limited Evidence Clear Evidence, MEETS Clear, Consistent, and Convincing Evidence, EXCEEDS Date: KSU Supervisor: (Place X) Mentor: (Place X) Description The candidate’s performance offers no evidence of achieving this performance standard. The candidate’s performance offers limited evidence of achieving this performance standard. The candidate’s performance offers clear evidence of MEETING this performance standard. The candidate’s performance offers clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of EXCEEDING this performance standard. Disposition Rating Candidate believes in, values, and… L1 1. LEADERSHIP & VISION – Leads, supports, and contributes to a shared vision of learning with high expectations and standards for all students. 2. SCHOOL CULTURE - Contributes to a positive school culture and instructional program conducive to high levels of learning for all students. 3. CHANGE - Models openness to change and collaborative processes to ensure continuous school improvement. 4. CURRICULUM – Supports a systematic process for monitoring and evaluating implementation of a curriculum aligned to the GPS and district expectations for learning. 5. INSTRUCTION – Promotes standards-based instruction that is research-based, engaging, authentic, and requires higher order thinking and problem solving skills. 6. ASSESSMENT – Supports a cohesive and comprehensive assessment system designed to ensure that assessment and evaluation data are analyzed to plan for continuous improvement and adjust instruction to promote the academic success of all P-12 students. 7. TECHNOLOGY - Supports faculty and staff in the effective use of technology to promote teaching, learning, and school leadership. 8. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING - Guides and supports job-embedded professional learning that is standards-based, results-driven, and meets the learning needs of all students and staff. 9. RESOURCES - Maximizes equitable use of all fiscal resources—giving priority to student learning, safety, and curriculum and instruction. 10. COMMUNITY - Collaborates with colleagues, families, and community to strengthen school effectiveness. 11. DIVERSITY - Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respects the diversity of all students, including those with learning disabilities and those who come from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds and other underrepresented populations. 12. LAW & ETHICS - Applies laws and procedures fairly, wisely, and considerately and models personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness. D:\99029678.doc Page 23 L2 L3 L4 Candidate Disposition Indicators Candidate believes in, values, and … 1. Leadership & Vision Creates a shared vision of learning with input from the entire school community. Promotes a shared philosophy of commitment and ownership to the vision, mission and goals that promote a culture of excellence. Communicates the school vision to staff, parents, and community members through the use of symbols, ceremonies, stories, and other activities. Develops a school improvement plan and monitors its implementation and impact on student achievement. Promotes ongoing, two-way communication among multiple stakeholder groups. Uses data in making leadership decisions. Promotes the use of research-based best practices for curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Sets high expectations for all students, staff, and faculty. 2. School Culture Develops and implements processes and structures that support a pervasively academic climate within a culture with high expectations for all students and staff, including publicly celebrating improvements in student learning. Builds coherency and alignment by “reculturing” the school around state and federal accountability systems. Enforces school rules, practices, and procedures which foster a sense of community and belonging to ensure that staff and students maximize their capacity for teaching and learning. Uses group process skills to build consensus, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts. Builds positive, nurturing relationships with students to improve student attendance, dropout rates, and graduation rates. Encourages a culture of responsible risk-taking and innovation. 3. Change: Utilizes change theory to successfully initiate innovative, research-based ideas for school improvement. Builds buy-in from faculty, staff, and stakeholders for change initiatives by basing changes on an analysis of data including student assessment results, student and family demographic data, and an analysis of community needs. Understands the change process and gives innovative ideas time to yield positive results. Nurtures and supports faculty, staff and stakeholders as they engage in the change process by providing the necessary resources to successfully implement a change initiative. 4. Curriculum Participates in curriculum development by aligning the curriculum horizontally and vertically to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS), and developing curriculum maps, units and frameworks. Monitors and evaluates the implementation of the curriculum and determines the level of expectation (rigor) and depth of understanding required for all students. Integrates the curriculum to make connections within and across subject areas. Reviews unit plans, assessment tools, and student work with individual teams of teachers. D:\99029678.doc Page 24 5. Instruction Uses curriculum documents to plan instruction (curriculum maps, units, frameworks). Differentiates instruction to accommodate student learning styles, special needs and cultural backgrounds. Facilitates the use of technologies to support and enhance instructional methods that develop higherlevel thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Uses flexible grouping strategies based on effective diagnosis and formative assessment. Cooperatively works with other teachers to design, monitor, and revise instruction to ensure that students are meeting and exceeding the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). 6. Assessment Develops and uses benchmarks and rubrics to generate student efficacy and responsibility Uses assessment data to design and adjust instruction to maximize student learning and achievement Uses protocols to engage teachers in collaboration to determine desired results and to design assessment practices which are consistent, balanced, and authentic Examines student work products and performances in order to monitor the achievement of standards and adjust instruction Uses a variety of effective, balanced assessment techniques Engages teachers in the use of assessment data to design and adjust instruction to maximize student learning. 7. Technology Models the routine, intentional, and effective use of technology. Uses technology for communication and collaboration among colleagues, staff, parents, students, and the larger community. Maintains awareness of emerging technologies and their potential uses in schools. Identifies, uses, and promotes appropriate technologies to enhance and support instruction and standards-based curriculum leading to high levels of student achievement. Expects teachers to use technology to support teaching and learning. Provides a technology-rich learning environment to meet the individual and diverse needs of all students. Uses technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and student learning. Promotes and enforces privacy, security, and online safety related to the use of technology. 8. Professional Learning Creates and participates in professional learning communities that stimulate, nurture, and support faculty and staff in increasing their content knowledge and improving their professional practice. Engages in job-embedded professional learning that aligns with school improvement goals and supports student achievement. Provides and protects time for job-embedded professional learning, such as mentoring, coaching, feedback, study groups, peer observation and learning teams. Models continuous learning by developing and maintaining a personal plan for self-improvement. Evaluates the implementation and impact of professional learning on teacher practices, continuous school improvement, and student learning. Provides for and ensures that faculty and staff take advantage of quality professional learning opportunities for improved teaching and learning. D:\99029678.doc Page 25 Assists new teachers by participating in the school’s teacher induction program. 9. Resources: Maximizes equitable use of all fiscal resources—giving priority to student learning, safety, and curriculum and instruction. Uses and selects human, technological, and material resources effectively to ensure the academic success of all students. Maintains the school facility so it is clean and conducive for teaching and learning. Develops and maintains an accurate and balanced budget that aligns resources with school improvement goals. Actively seeks external resources to facilitate teaching and learning. Contributes to the organization of school/community partnerships to strengthen schools, families and student learning. 10. Community: Mobilizes community support and involvement in school functions. Attends and plays a supportive role in PTA activities. Participates in school/community events. Involves parents in the education of their children. Supports and/or serves on the school council. Establishes and maintains an effective working relationship with governing agencies, such as the local board of education and the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). 11. Diversity: Recognizes and provides culturally-responsive practices to multicultural and ethnic needs in the organization and the community. Advocates for policies and programs that promote the academic success of all P-12 students, including those with learning disabilities and those who come from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds and other underrepresented populations. Provides leadership and support to programs serving students with special needs and exceptional needs. Accommodates diverse school and community conditions and dynamics. Ensures diverse interests are represented in all school functions. Celebrates diversity in school activities and functions. Capitalizes on diversity (cultural, ethic, racial, economic, and special interest groups) of school community to improve school programs and meet the diverse needs of students. Models impartiality, sensitivity to student diversity, community norms and values, and ethical considerations in interactions with others. 12. Law & Ethics Manages operations within the structure of Georgia public education rules, regulations, and laws and the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators. Identifies, communicates, models, and enforces social, legal, and ethical practices. Participates in the development of policies that clearly enforce copyright laws. Discusses the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Code of Ethics with staff to promote understanding and compliance. D:\99029678.doc Page 26