Office: Science 530 Email: anytime

EDMT 5714: Geometry & Measurement
Spring 2009
Department of Mathematics
Darryl L. Corey
Office: Science 530
Office Hours: TR 11:15am – 12:15p.m. and by appointment
Email: anytime
REQUIRED TEXT: Elementary Geometry for College Students (4th Ed) by Alexander
& Koeberlein. Houghton Mifflin.
Course notes and online recourses will also be used.
EDMT 5714 is an asynchronous online content-leveling course specifically designed for
students who plan to enroll in the University System of Georgia’s Science and
Mathematics MAT Online Consortium. It provides students with the foundation in
Geometry and Measurement needed to successfully pass the Georgia Assessments for the
Certification of Educators (GACE) exam. Topics include principles of measurement,
principles of Euclidean geometry, and coordinate and transformational geometry. This
course does not count towards any degree program at KSU.
Conceptual Framework
The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is
committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as
teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high
levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in
classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. To that
end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates as they progress through stages of
growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual
framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state.
To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching
and learning are entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices
can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way,
candidates are facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU
recognizes values and demonstrates collaborative practices across the college and
university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this
collaboration with professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents
and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of assisting Georgia
schools in bringing all students to high levels of learning.
Knowledge Base:
Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases:
preservice, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as
Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the
teaching-learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believes that the concept
of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders.
Researchers describe how during the continuum phase teachers progress from being
Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved
elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an endstate but a process of continued development.(in process – from Conceptual Framework,
Draft 17)
The faculty of Kennesaw State University endorses the standards for the preparation of
teachers of mathematics proposed by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) in A
Call for Change: Recommendations for the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers of
Mathematics and by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in the
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics and the Professional
Standards for Teaching Mathematics and subscribed to by the National council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education. Thus, this course is designed so that future teachers
View mathematics as a system of interrelated principles
Communicate mathematics accurately, both orally and in writing
Understand the elements of mathematical modeling
Understand the use of calculators and computers appropriately in the
teaching and learning of mathematics
Appreciate the development of mathematics both historically and culturally
(A Call for Change, 1991)
Understand the mathematics content that is necessary to teach grades P-8 in
the schools envisioned by the MAA and the NCTM.
This course emphasizes not only the comprehension of the content knowledge, but
also the ability to communicate that content. In addition, the principles advocated in
the NCTM Standards are woven throughout the course, so that the Professional
Learning Facilitator will have knowledge of the kind of pedagogy that is being
prescribed and will be able to serve as a change agent. This course will require the
students to solve problems, think critically, and reflect.
Use of Technology:
The Professional Standards Commission requires technology Standards for Educators.
Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the master
teacher preparation program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve
student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the
courses, candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional
media, especially microcomputers, to assist teaching. They will master use of productivity
tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and Internet, and feel confident to design
multimedia instructional materials, create WWW resources, and develop an electronic
learning portfolio.
Diversity Statement
A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the
needs of the different learning styles of diverse learners in class. Candidates will gain
knowledge as well as an understanding of differentiated strategies and curricula for
providing effective instruction and assessment within multicultural classrooms. One
element of course work is raising candidate awareness of critical multicultural issues. A
second element is to cause candidates to explore how multiple attributes of multicultural
populations influence decisions in employing specific methods and materials for every
student. Among these attributes are age, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender,
geographic region, giftedness, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and
socioeconomic status. An emphasis on cognitive style differences provides a
background for the consideration of cultural context.
Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for
persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.A number of services are available to support
students with disabilities within their academic program. In order to make arrangements
for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services
(ext. 6443) and develop an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of
disability is required. Please be aware there are other support/mentor groups on the
campus of Kennesaw State University that address each of the multicultural variables
outlined above.
Goals & Course Objectives
The KSU teacher preparation faculty is strongly committed to the concept of teacher
preparation as a developmental and collaborative process. Research for the past 25 years
has described this process in increasingly complex terms. Universities and schools must
work together to successfully prepare teachers who are capable of developing successful
learners in today’s schools and who choose to continue their professional development.
Objectives for EDMT 5714: Student will be able to:
1. Identify appropriate units for finding and expressing measurements (e.g., length,
perimeter, area, density, speed)
2. Demonstrate knowledge through problem solving for selecting and using
appropriate measurement tools (e.g., ruler, protractor).
3. Convert from one unit to another within the customary and metric systems of
4. Solve problems involving perimeter, area, surface area, or volume of geometric
figures and shapes (e.g., polygons, circles, spheres, prisms, cones)
5. Analyze various views (e.g., cross sections, nets) of three-dimensional shapes
6. Apply the concept of similarity, scale factors, and proportional reasoning to solve
measurement problems
7. Apply the language of mathematical argument (e.g., definition, axiom, theorem,
converse of a statement, inverse of a statement)
8. Analyze and applying properties related to points, lines, planes, and angles
9. Apply properties of similarity and congruence to solve problems and justify
10. Analyze and applying properties of triangles (e.g., Pythagorean theorem, triangle
inequality), quadrilaterals, and other polygons to solve problems and justify
11. Analyze and applying properties of circles, lines that intersect circles (e.g.,
secants, tangents), and related angles to solve problems
12. Apply the properties of two- and three-dimensional figures to solve problems
13. Identify transformations (e.g., reflections, translations, rotations, dilations) of
figures represented in the coordinate plane
14. Apply symmetry to explore plane figures and their properties
15. Use concepts and properties of slope, midpoint, parallelism, perpendicularity, and
distance to explore properties of figures in the coordinate plane
16. Identify, analyze, and graph equations of conic sections (e.g., circles, hyperbolas,
ellipses, parabolas)
17. Plot points and use the distance formula in 3-space
18. Identify equations of planes and spheres in 3-space
19. Solving problems using vectors expressed using rectangular coordinates and
vectors expressed using magnitude and direction.
Academic Honesty Statement
As state in the University Catalog, KSU expects that all students will pursue their
academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Any work that students present in
fulfillment of program or course requirements should represent their own efforts,
achieved without giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance. Any student who is
found to have violated these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action. (from
current KSU handbook).
Participation (Attendance):
There are many activities planned for this course, some of which require that you post
written responses to problem solving activities on the Course Web site using the
Discussion Board, Virtual Chat, and Other areas. Although the online learning activities
are asynchronous and provide a degree of flexibility in terms of when and where you
participate, it is critical that you adhere to the course schedule.
Participation Grade
Full participation in all online discussion, whether instructor-facilitated, studentfacilitated or small group, is required. When participating in an online discussion
adhere to the following guidelines:
Identify yourself when entering the discussion (anonymous comments and
questions are not acceptable).
Join online class discussions/activities within the designated time frames. The
instructor or facilitator should provide a schedule for participation.
Interpreting and handling the parallel nature of branch/threaded discussions
in conferences and email messages is difficult when you have been “out of
the loop.” Keeping up with the activity schedule is an effective way of
managing information overload.
Take time to carefully read and think about other students’ comments before
responding to facilitator questions. We want to generate knowledge, not
duplicate it!
Post relevant comments, thought provoking questions, and responses to
questions posed by others. One of the advantages of asynchronous
communication is that you have time to think before responding, thus
enhancing the quality of dialogue. Take advantage of this!
At scheduled intervals, your instructor will check the Discussion Board
conferences to monitor your participation. You will be assessed on the
frequency in which you participate and the content of your contributions to
the activity. Your instructor will be looking for unique contributions that
reflect a thoughtful analysis of the course material.
Course Outline
Principles of Measurement
Euclidean geometry
Coordinate Geometry
D. Transformational geometry
Grading Policies: Your grade will be determined by performance on tests, homework,
weekly activities grades, quizzes, and a comprehensive final exam as follows:
Four quizzes (25 points each)
Online Discussion/Participation
Mid-term Cumulative Exams
Group Problem Solving
Final Cumulative Exam
Total Points
100 points
50 points
150 points
150 points
250 points
700 points
pacing during summer session, it is important that you read ahead and prepare for each
class. Daily grades will be based on readings and positive participation during each class
session. Math is not a spectator sport. Math is learned by doing, therefore I expect you
to actively participate in solving and presenting problems at the board and at your desk
on a daily basis. Homework is critical to your success in this course. Although practice
homework problems will be assigned after each section and reviewed in class, I will
grade a homework assignment from each section. Graded homework will be posted on
WEBCT. Each day I will devote some time at the beginning of class to the discussion of
practice homework problems. I will answer as many questions as time permits, but in the
event that I am unable to answer all your questions please plan on using office hours to
clarify any issues I cannot help with during class time.
be substituted for the lowest test or announced quiz grade or for one missed test or
announced quiz. If you miss a test or quiz due to illness or an emergency on the day of
the test, contact me immediately.
Grade Scale:
582 – 650
90 – 100
517 – 581
80 – 89
452 – 516
70 – 79
387 – 451
60 – 69
386 & below
59 & below