12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Compliance with NCATE/PSC Requirements New or Significantly Revised Program or Concentration, or New Degree Approval Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Kennesaw State University Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. 2. 3. The proposed Computer Science Education Add-On Endorsement program is designed to fit into the Kennesaw State University Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) conceptual framework, “Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching and Learning.” This developmental model provides a philosophical framework for all teacher education programs at KSU with the aim to produce teachers who are subject matter experts, facilitators of learning, and collaborative professionals. The structure of the program will emphasize the application of innovative pedagogical techniques for this technical material as well as a focus on diversity, global awareness and creativity to meet the standards. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. This program shall meet the requirements of Georgia Professional Standards Commission rule 505-3-062 Computer Science Endorsement Teacher Preparation program. Appendix A shows each of the requirements in the PSC standard and the KSU courses that provide the material for the candidate to meet that standard. The program will prepare candidates to teach the three courses in the Georgia Computing Pathway (as defined by the Georgia Department of Education). These courses are: o Computing in the Modern World o Beginning Programming o Intermediate Programming (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. The Computer Science Education program is in alignment with candidate initial level outcomes and proficiencies as specified in the PTEU Conceptual Framework (For a complete example of the PTEU Framework see http://www.kennesaw.edu/education/ncate/reports/CF_Final_9.29.pdf). Table 1 depicts the PTEU outcomes and proficiencies for all programs at the initial level as well as their designations to categories of “Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions” and their alignment with NCATE standards. Table 1. PTEU Outcomes and Proficiencies for Initial Programs OUTCOMES AND PROFICIENCIES Outcome 1: Subject Matter Experts 1.1. Candidate demonstrates broad, in-depth, and current knowledge of discipline content. D:\219546395.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 1.2: Candidate represents content accurately. 1.3: Candidate connects content to other disciplines and applies it to common life experiences. 1.4: Candidate uses pedagogical content knowledge effectively. Outcome 2: Facilitators of Learning 2.1 Candidate demonstrates knowledge of how learners develop, learn and think. 2.2: Candidate successfully motivates students to learn. 2.3: Candidate creates and implements instruction that embodies multiple cultures and a rich, diverse curriculum. 2.4: Candidate creates effective, well-managed and active learning environments. 2.5: Candidate creates environments that reflect high expectations for student achievement. 2.6: Candidate designs effective instruction. 2.7: Candidate implements effective instruction that positively impacts the learning of all students. 2.8: Candidate uses a variety of methods, materials, and technologies. 2.9: Candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to assess student learning. 2.10: Candidate uses the results of assessments to improve the quality of instruction. Outcome 3: Collaborative Professionals 3.1: Candidate communicates effectively orally and in writing. 3.2: Candidate reflects upon and improves professional performance. 3.3: Candidate builds collaborative and respectful relationships with colleagues, supervisors, students, parents and community members. 3.4: Candidate displays professional and ethical behavior. 4. (Assessment System) Identify (chart is preferable) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. Limit the total number of assessments to eight. See example of a chart template on next page. See Appendix B 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practices that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include how field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. D:\219546395.doc The final course in this program is the Student Teaching Experience (CSED 4417). Candidates will be expected to teach in at least one of the three courses in the Georgia Computing Pathway. Since this is an Add-On Endorsement, it is expected that candidates will perform this Student Teaching concurrently with their student teaching in another subject (such as mathematics). 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. As noted in the Office of Field Experiences the Computer Science Education program will require that the online Diversity Survey will be completed at the end of the program (See http://boce.kennesaw.edu/diversity for a complete example). (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. The very nature of the material being covered in this program dictates that some part of computer technology is being discussed and/or used in every class session during the program, as well as every lab and homework assignment. The pedagogy course (CSED 4416) is intended to foster innovative methods of teaching this material to students. D:\219546395.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Appendix B KSU Courses Meeting PSC Requirements (PSC Rule 505-3-.62) PSC Requirement 1.i.I The program shall prepare candidates who perform laboratory-based activities that demonstrate programming proficiency in a modern high-level programming language 1.i.II The program shall prepare candidates who demonstrate knowledge of and skill regarding common data abstraction mechanisms 1.i.III The program shall prepare candidates who demonstrate knowledge of and skill regarding program correctness issues and practices. 1.i.IV The program shall prepare candidates who design, implement, and test programs of sufficient complexity to demonstrate knowledge’s and skills includes in 1.i.I 2.i. The program shall prepare candidates who effectively use a variety of computing environments. 2.ii. The program shall prepare candidates who describe the operation of a computer system – CPU and instruction cycle, peripherals, operating system, network components, and application – indicating their purposes and interactions among them 3.i. The program shall prepare candidates who describe how data items are represented at the machine level. 3.ii. The program shall prepare candidates who identify and provide usage examples of the various data structures and files provided by a programming language 3.iii The program shall prepare candidates who describe elements (people, hardware, software, etc.) and their interaction within information systems (database system, the Web, etc.) D:\219546395.doc KSU Course meeting requirement CS 2301 – Programming Principles I CS 2301/2302 – Programming Principles I and II CS 2301/2302 – Programming Principles I and II CS 2301/2302 – Programming Principles I and II CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science IS 2101 Computers and Your World IS 2101 Computers and Your World CS 2301/2302 Programming Principles I and II CS 2301/2302 – Programming Principles I and II IS 2101 Computers and Your World 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 4.i. The program shall prepare candidates who demonstrate an understanding of computing and potential issues and skill at recognizing, researching, and analyzing issues to reach defensible conclusions. 4.i.i The program shall prepare candidates who analyze a variety of social issues related to the use of computers in society. 4.ii The program shall prepare candidates who demonstrate an understanding of significant historical events relative to computing. 4.iii The program shall prepare candidates who discuss enrichment activities for secondary computer science students. 5.i. The program shall prepare candidates who identify resources, professional organizations, strategies, activities, and manipulatives appropriate to teaching secondary computer science. 5.ii. The program shall prepare candidates who plan direct instruction involving simultaneous use of computing facilities by students. 5.iii The program shall prepare candidates who plan instruction involving students independently using computing facilities.. D:\219546395.doc IS 2101 Computers and Your World and CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science IS 2101 Computers and Your World and CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science and CSED 4417 Computer Science Teaching Practicum CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science and CSED 4417 Computer Science Teaching Practicum CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science and CSED 4417 Computer Science Teaching Practicum 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Appendix B Assessment System Computer Science Education Add-On Endorsement **(See g Instruments online at http://www.kennesaw.edu/education/ncate/instruments.html for complete descriptions) Name of Assessment 1. 2. Type or Form of Assessment Exams during each of the content courses During each course Curriculum Assessment Rubric & Peer Review Assessment Mid-level performance assessment of candidates ability to plan and implement appropriate teaching and learning experiences Assessment performed during student teaching experience (CSED 4416) PSC rule 505-3- Assessment of Student Teaching C Assessment performed during student teaching (CSED 4417) KSU Conceptual Framework Performance Outcomes Student Teaching Observations by KSU Faculty and Supervising Teacher Assessment performed during student teaching (CSED 4417) PSC rule 505-3- CPI – Student Teaching Final D:\219546395.doc N/S/I Standards Addressed By This Assessment PSC rule 505-3- Course Assessments 3. 4. When Assessment Is Administered Disposition Assessment 062 sections 1-4 062 section 5 062 section 5