09.24.08 EDL Concentration for EdS Attachment “L” Candidate Disposition Indicators 1. 2. Organizational Culture and Shared Vision for Distributed Leadership a. Enlists others in understanding the organization’s/team’s core values and beliefs. b. Advocates group commitment to the organization’s/team’s core values and beliefs. c. Models behavior that is highly consistent with the organization’s/team’s core values and beliefs. d. Works with colleagues to establish buy-in and support in implementing the organization’s/team’s strategic goals and action plans. Change and Process Improvement a. Demonstrates strong support for continuation of process improvements at school among parents, community members, peers, school, and/or district administrators. b. Demonstrates a sustained commitment to improving the educational process that cuts across individual classrooms and the school’s curriculum. c. Promotes the three goals of the EdS program in Leadership for Learning d. Uses distributed practice to develop teacher leaders. 3. Best Practices in Research, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment a. Supports efforts to improve the performance of underperforming students in marginalized groups. b. Demonstrates a current and sound understanding and appreciation for best practices, grounded in the literature for school reforms aimed at improving the learning environment. c. Demonstrates initiative in utilizing technology to facilitate the development of 21st Century learning environments. d. Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation for the value of research in guiding, planning, and decision-making in schools. e. Respects and values the importance of protecting human subjects through IRB approval. f. Promotes dissemination of research findings to the profession. 4. Collaboration, Partnerships, and Distributed Leadership a. Contributes more than his/her fair and equitable share to the group’s work and helps others complete their tasks. b. Successfully engages others in productive teamwork, drawing on their individual strengths and promoting responsibility for group success. c. Facilitates creation of important partnerships and alliances for group success. d. Often inspires others with good ideas. e. Listens actively to the ideas of others. f. Regularly gives helpful, supportive advice, feedback, and encouragement to others. 09.24.08 EDL Concentration for EdS g. h. i. j. k. l. Mediates conflict and facilitates compromise. Models non-judgmental and non-accusatory behavior. Is highly accepting and respectful of others. Helps the group stay focused on goals. Routinely divides and shares leadership responsibilities for achieving goals. Uses time well. 5. Diversity a. Uses culturally responsive practices to improve teaching and learning; and, ultimately, b. Demonstrates sensitivity to the diversity of learners in schools and their needs. c. Regularly seeks out and participates in professional development activities that expand awareness of current issues in multicultural and intercultural education. d. Values individuals and their uniqueness. e. Recognizes and provides culturally-responsive practices to multicultural and ethnic needs of the organization and the community. f. Advocates for policies and programs that promote the academic success of all P-12 students, including those with learning disabilities and those who come from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds and other underrepresented populations. g. Provides leadership and support to programs serving students with special needs and exceptional needs. h. Accommodates diverse school and community conditions and dynamics. i. Ensures diverse interests are represented in all school functions. j. Celebrates diversity in school activities and functions. k. Capitalizes on diversity (cultural, ethnic, racial, economic, and special interest groups) of the school community to improve school programs and meet the diverse needs of students. l. Models impartiality, sensitivity to student diversity, community norms and values, and ethical considerations in interactions with others. 6. Professionalism and Ethical Practice a. Uses time well and respects the time of others. b. Consistently conducts his/her tasks and interactions with others in accordance with state and federal laws, accepted professional practices, and community norms and regulations, and encourages other to do likewise. c. Consistently demonstrates honesty and trustworthiness in interactions with others and encourages others to do likewise. d. Routinely places welfare of others above his/her self-interests and encourages others to do likewise. e. Never fails to recognize and give appropriate credit to the group and its members for their successes and good work. f. Completes tasks in a timely manner and allows for revision and rehearsal. g. Completes tasks that are typically exemplary in nature.