12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Compliance with NCATE/PSC Requirements New or Significantly Revised Program or Concentration, or New Degree Approval Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Kennesaw State University Master of Art in Teaching Foreign Languages Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. The Master of Art in Teaching (MAT) Foreign Languages supports the Bagwell College of Education’s commitment to preparing teachers through the collaborative development of expertise in teaching, learning, and leadership. This commitment is consistent with the conceptual framework of the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU), which outlines a vision for developing educators from novice to proficient to expert and leader. The MAT Program aims to foster the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be effective facilitators of the teaching and learning process. In concert with the PTEU vision, the goal of the MAT in Foreign Languages is to prepare foreign language teachers who are experts in their field, facilitators of twenty-first century learning, and collaborative professionals who are advocates in their profession. Graduates will possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction. 2. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. The MAT in Foreign Languages meets the Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is a member of NCATE (National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education). There are six standards and 16 supporting standards. These standards serve as the primary learning outcomes of the program (See Appendix B). 3. (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. The 16 supporting standards described in the Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers serve as the primary learning outcomes of the program. They are aligned with the PTEU Outcomes and Proficiencies. (See Appendix D) 4. (Assessment System) Identify (chart is preferable) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. Limit the total number of assessments to eight. See chart template on next page. D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Assessment System MAT in Foreign Languages In this chart, list the 7-8 assessments that will be used to verify how your candidates meet national/state/institutional standards. If a state licensure exam in the content area is not required, you should substitute an assessment that documents candidate attainment of content knowledge. Name of Assessment Type or Form of When Assessment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment Assessment1 Is Administered2 1 - [licensure assessment, or other content-based assessment] - Required 2 - [Assessment of content knowledge in language to be taught] - Required 3 - [Assessment of candidate 1 2 GACE Content (for French, German, & Spanish) Oral Proficiency Interview & Writing Proficiency Test (for Chinese & Japanese) Portfolio Narrative Rubric FLED Unit Plan Program admission 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. 1b: Understanding Linguistics. 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. FLED 7735: Professional Portfolio 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. 1b: Understanding Linguistics. 1c: Identifying Language Comparisons. 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. 2c: Integrating Other Disciplines in Instruction. 3a: Understanding Language Acquisition and Creating a Supportive Classroom 3b: Developing Instructional Practices That Reflect Language Outcomes and Learner Diversity 4a: Understanding and Integrating Standards in Planning 4b: Integrating Standards in Instruction 4c: Selecting and Designing Instructional Materials 5a: Knowing Assessment Models and Using Them Appropriately 5b: Reflecting on Assessment 5c: Reporting Assessment Results 6a: Engaging in Professional Development 6b: Knowing the Value of Foreign Language Learning FLED 7710 & 7712: 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. Examples: exam, performance assessment, licensure exam, portfolio, project, reflection, action research, etc Indicate the point in the program when assessment is administered (e.g. course, decision point – midpt, end of program, etc) D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 ability to plan and implement appropriate teaching and learning experiences] Required Teaching Foreign Languages I & II 1b: Understanding Linguistics. 1c: Identifying Language Comparisons. 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. 2c: Integrating Other Disciplines in Instruction. 4a: Understanding and Integrating Standards in Planning 4c: Selecting and Designing Instructional Materials 5a: Knowing Assessment Models and Using Them Appropriately 4 – [assessment of internship, practicum, or other clinical experience] Required Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI) FLED 7720: Practicum II 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. 1b: Understanding Linguistics. 1c: Identifying Language Comparisons. 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. 2c: Integrating Other Disciplines in Instruction. 3a: Understanding Language Acquisition and Creating a Supportive Classroom 3b: Developing Instructional Practices That Reflect Language Outcomes and Learner Diversity 4a: Understanding and Integrating Standards in Planning 4b: Integrating Standards in Instruction 4c: Selecting and Designing Instructional Materials 5a: Knowing Assessment Models and Using Them Appropriately 5b: Reflecting on Assessment 5c: Reporting Assessment Results 6a: Engaging in Professional Development 6b: Knowing the Value of Foreign Language Learning 5 - [assessment of candidate effect on student learning] Required Impact on Student Learning Analysis (ISLA) FLED 7720: Practicum II 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. 2c: Integrating Other Disciplines in Instruction. 3a: Understanding Language Acquisition and Creating a Supportive Classroom D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 3b: Developing Instructional Practices That Reflect Language Outcomes and Learner Diversity 4a: Understanding and Integrating Standards in Planning 4b: Integrating Standards in Instruction 4c: Selecting and Designing Instructional Materials 5a: Knowing Assessment Models and Using Them Appropriately 5b: Reflecting on Assessment 6a: Engaging in Professional Development 6 - [Assessment of candidate oral proficiency] - Required 7 - [additional assessment that addresses ACTFL standards] - Optional Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Teaching Philosophy Program admission 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. FLED 7720: Practicum II 1a: Demonstrating Language Proficiency. 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. 2c: Integrating Other Disciplines in Instruction. 3a: Understanding Language Acquisition and Creating a Supportive Classroom 3b: Developing Instructional Practices That Reflect Language Outcomes and Learner Diversity 4a: Understanding and Integrating Standards in Planning 4b: Integrating Standards in Instruction 5a: Knowing Assessment Models and Using Them Appropriately 5b: Reflecting on Assessment 5c: Reporting Assessment Results 6b: Knowing the Value of Foreign Language Learning 8 - [additional assessment that addresses ACTFL standards] - Optional Action Research Project FLED 7735: Professional Portfolio 3a: Understanding Language Acquisition and Creating a Supportive Classroom D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practices that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include how field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. Field experiences and clinical practices are distributed throughout the program: First semester (Summer I) EDUC 6100L (Practicum I), taken together with EDUC 6100 (Development, Psychology, & Diversity of the Learner): An experiential, service learning project in which candidates work (mentoring, tutoring, interviewing, etc.) with students, one-on-one, focusing on development, needs, exceptionalities, diversity, and learning styles. Assessment includes eportfolio, student learning outcome rubrics, reflective journaling, and tests. Second semester (Fall I) FLED 7703 (Research in Second Language Acquisition): Field experiences in this course are designed to provide the candidate with the opportunity to apply and reflect on concepts relating to the cognitive, affective, and biological mechanisms that underlie language acquisition. Candidates observe foreign language classrooms in elementary, middle, and high schools. Assessment includes e-portfolio and observation report rubrics. FLED 7708 (Curriculum & Assessment in Foreign Languages): Field experiences in this course are designed to provide the candidate with the opportunity to observe and reflect on current practices in curriculum design and assessment in foreign language education. Candidates observe foreign language classrooms in elementary, middle, and high schools. Assessment includes e-portfolio and observation report rubrics. Third semester (Spring I) FLED 7710 (Teaching Foreign Languages I): This methods course focuses on effective practices for teaching a foreign language in elementary and middle school. Candidates learn how to plan, implement, and sustain a standards-based foreign language program. They are placed in foreign language classrooms in elementary and middle schools where they observe teachers and implement short lessons. Assessment includes e-portfolio and the Candidate Performance Instrument. FLED 7712 (Teaching Foreign Languages II): This methods course focuses on effective practices for teaching a foreign language in high school. Candidates learn how to plan, implement, and sustain a standards-based foreign language program. They are placed in foreign language classrooms in high schools where they observe teachers and implement short lessons. Assessment includes e-portfolio and the Candidate Performance Instrument. Fifth semester (Fall II) FLED 7720 (Foreign Language Education Practicum II): This course is designed to provide candidates with an intensive clinical experience that includes planning, implementing, assessing, and adjusting instruction appropriate to the needs, abilities, and learning styles of all learners. Candidates spend approximately 40 hours per week in an appropriate elementary, middle, or high school. Assessment includes e-portfolio, Candidate Performance Instrument, and Impact on Student Learning Assignment. D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Sixth semester (Spring II) FLED 7730 (Foreign Language Education Practicum III): This course completes the candidate’s clinical experiences in K-12. They choose two field placements among elementary, middle and high school levels and spend approximately 20 hours per week in the classroom assisting the teacher, and implementing, assessing, and adjusting instruction appropriate to the needs, abilities, and learning styles of all learners. Assessment includes eportfolio, Candidate Performance Instrument, and Impact on Student Learning Assignment. FLED 7735 (Professional Portfolio in Foreign Language Education): Candidates work independently under the supervision of the course instructor to implement an action research project at the same school they complete their clinical experience in FLED 7730. Each semester, candidates must show satisfactory completion of the field/clinical experiences to continue in the MAT in Foreign Languages program without remediation. 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. Candidates’ developing knowledge of and skills with diversity supports the goals of the Conceptual Framework. The Professional Teacher Education Unit (the Unit) expects initial certification candidates to engage in collaboration to become experts in teaching and learning. They become nurturing facilitators of learning in a constructivist environment that meets the needs of all learners. These expectations are clearly explained in the Conceptual Framework and presented in the Impact on Student Learning Rubric (ISLR) and Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI), used to evaluate candidates’ progress throughout the initial candidate preparation programs. Standard 3b (Developing Instructional Practices That Reflect Language Outcomes and Learner Diversity) of the Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers, which serve as the basis for the program’s learning outcomes, requires that candidates develop a variety of instructional practices that reflect language outcomes and articulated program models and address the needs of diverse language learners. This standard is addressed throughout the program and candidates must meet the performance expectations outlined in the standard’s rubrics to graduate and receive a recommendation for certification. The Unit's use of the phrase "every student" is inclusive of these attributes of multicultural populations: Age, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, geographic region, giftedness, language, race, religion, sexual orientation and socio economic status. Program faculty will work with the Office of Field Experiences to ensure that students are placed in a variety of settings so they have opportunities to work with students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. To assess the effectiveness of the program in preparing candidates to work with a diverse student population, candidates complete a comprehensive Diversity Survey at the end of the program. (See http://bcoe.kennesaw.edu/diversity) In addition, the MAT in Foreign Languages requires candidates to either study abroad or complete community-based immersion experiences. Assignments in the language courses (18 credit hours) include projects, discussions, and reflections that address the following Program Standards: 1c: Identifying Language Comparisons. Candidates know the similarities and differences between the target language and other languages, identify the key differences in varieties of the target language, and seek opportunities to learn about varieties of the target language on their own. D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 2a: Demonstrating Cultural Understandings. Candidates demonstrate that they understand the connections among the perspectives of a culture and its practices and products. 2b: Demonstrating Understanding of Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions. Candidates recognize the value and role of literary and cultural texts and use them to interpret and reflect upon the perspectives of the target cultures over time. The candidates themselves will be from diverse cultural backgrounds, and since they complete all professional course work as a cohort, they will have the opportunity to network and bond with one another in a multi-cultural social environment that supports teacher development. 7. (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. The MAT in Foreign Languages meets the Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. The matrix below shows how technology is infused throughout the program. Kennesaw State University [MAT in Foreign Languages] Program Area Achievement of the Georgia Technology Standards for Educators The ISTE Technology Standards address three areas (Basic Operations and Concepts, Personal and Professional Use of Technology, and Application of Technology in Instruction) and are divided into six categories listed in Table 1. Table 1: ISTE NETS Technology Standards I. TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS – Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology. B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. II. PLANNING AND DESIGNING LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS AND EXPERIENCES – Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers: A. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. B. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. D. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment. TEACHING, LEARNING, AND THE CURRICULUM – Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers: A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. C. Apply technology to develop students’ higher order skills and creativity. III. D:\99013836.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 D. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. IV. V. VI. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION – Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Teachers: A. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE – Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers: A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. B. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. C. Apply technology to increase productivity. D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. SOCIAL, ETHICAL, LEGAL, AND HUMAN ISSUES – Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply that understanding in practice. Teachers: A. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use. B. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. C. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity. D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources. E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. Table 2 lists the performance objectives identified in the ISTE NETS and correlates these objectives with the required courses, activities and assignments of [insert name of program here] teacher education candidates that provide evidence of achievement of the objectives. Table 2: Correlation of [MAT in Foreign Languages] Candidate Technology Skills and ISTE NETS/NCATE/Georgia Technology Standards Professional Profile GENERAL PREPARATION Performance Objective (and ISTE Standard) 1. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. (I) 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of common input and output devices; solve routine hardware and software problems; and make informed choices about technology systems, resources, and services. (I) 3. Use technology tools and information resources increase D:\99013836.doc Course (and assignment) - All courses (word processing, PowerPoint, email, Internet, WebCT Vista) - FLED 7708 (word processing, PowerPoint, email, Internet, web page construction) - All courses (word processing, PowerPoint, email, Internet, WebCT Vista) - Language courses (on-line discussion, internet Evidence to Show Candidate Achievement - Rubric - Rubric - Rubric 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Professional Profile Performance Objective (and ISTE Standard) productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning. (I, III, IV, V) 5. Use technology resources to facilitate higher order and complex thinking skills, including problem solving, critical thinking, informed decision making, knowledge construction, and creativity. (I, III, V) PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION D:\99013836.doc Course (and assignment) research) - FLED 7710/7712 (word processing, PowerPoint, email, Internet, web page construction) - FLED 7710/7712 (PowerPoint, Internet activities, video, on-line discussion, web page construction) Evidence to Show Candidate Achievement - Rubric 6. Collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works using productivity tools. (I, V) - All language courses (on-line discussion, web-publishing) - FLED 77(annotated technology bibliography, word processing, Power Point - Reflection rubric 1. Identify the benefits of technology to maximize student learning and facilitate higher order thinking skills. (I, II) - FLED 7703 (class discussion of learning theory) - FLED 7710/12 (class discussion of learning theory) - Reflection rubric 2. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate uses of technology for teaching and learning while using electronic resources to design and implement learning activities. (II, III, V, VI) - FLED 7708 (Technology Resource analysis & reflection) - FLED 7710/12 (Reflective planning for learning assignments) - FLED 7720 (Field Experience Technology analysis & reflection) - Reflection Rubric 3. Identify technology resources available in schools and analyze how accessibility to those resources affects planning for instruction. (I, II) - FLED 7708 (Technology Resource analysis & reflection) - FLED 7720 (Field Experience Technology analysis & reflection) - Reflection Rubric 4. Identify, select, and use hardware and software technology resources specially designed for use by PK12 students to meet specific teaching and learning objectives. (I, II) 5. Plan for the management of electronic instructional resources within a lesson design by identifying potential problems and planning for solutions. (II) 6. Identify specific technology applications and resources that maximize student learning, address learner needs, and affirm diversity. (III, VI) - FLED 7703 (class discussion of learning theory) - FLED 7708 (curriculum & technology assignment; technology in assessment assignment) - FLED 7708 (curriculum & technology assignment) FLED 7710/12 (Reflective planning for learning assignments) - FLED 7710/12 (standardsbased unit plan integrating assistive and adaptive technology; annotated technology resource list) - Reflection Rubric - Assessment Rubric -Curriculum Rubric - Reflection Rubric - Unit Plan Rubric - Bibliography Rubric 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06 Professional Profile STUDENT TEACHING Performance Objective (and ISTE Standard) Course (and assignment) 7. Design and teach technology – enriched learning activities that connect content standards with student technology standards and meet the diverse needs of students. (II, III, IV, VI) 8. Design and peer teach a lesson that meets content area standards and reflects the current best practices in teaching and learning with technology. (II, III) 1. Apply troubleshooting strategies for solving routine hardware and software problems that occur in the classroom. (I) 2. Identify, evaluate, and select specific technology resources available at the school site and district level to support a coherent lesson sequence. (II, III) 3. Design, manage, and facilitate learning experiences using technology that affirm diversity and provide equitable access to resources. (II, VI) 4. Create and implement a wellorganized plan to manage available technology resources, provide equitable access for all students, and enhance learning outcomes. (II, III) 5. Design and facilitate learning experiences that use assistive technologies to meet the special physical needs of students. (II, III) - FLED 7710/7712 (unit plan integrating technology & micro-teach with technology) 6. Design and teach a coherent sequence of learning activities that integrates appropriate use of technology resources to enhance student academic achievement and technology proficiency by connecting district, state, and national curriculum standards with student technology standards (as defined in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students). (II, III) Evidence to Show Candidate Achievement - Unit Plan Rubric - Micro-teach Rubric - FLED 7710/7712 (microteach with technology) Micro-teach Rubric FLED 7720/7730 (PowerPoint, Internet activities, video, word processing, Smartboard) - FLED 7720/7730 (annotated technology resource list, PowerPoint, Internet activities, video, word processing, Smartboard) - FLED 7720/7730 (PowerPoint, Internet activities, video, word processing, Smartboard) CPI - FLED 7720/7730 (annotated technology resource list, PowerPoint, Internet activities, video, word processing, Smartboard) - ISLA - CPI - PNR - FLED 7710/12 (standardsbased unit plan integrating assistive and adaptive technology) - FLED 7720/7730 (standardsbased lesson plans integrating assistive and adaptive technology) - FLED 7710/12 (standardsbased unit plan integrating technology) - FLED 7720/7730 (standardsbased lesson plans integrating technology) - Unit Plan Rubric - CPI - PNR - CPI - PNR - CPI - PNR - Unit Plan Rubric - CPI - PNR *NA – The assignment does not involve the direct teaching of learners. The impact on student learning is not applicable. D:\99013836.doc