Executive Summary

Executive Summary
The proposed Master of Education in Instructional Technology is designed to prepare candidates with the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions necessary to:
 teach technology applications in a P-12 setting;
 demonstrate effective use of technology to support student learning of content;
 provide professional development, mentoring, and basic technical assistance for other teachers who require support in their
efforts to apply technology to support P-12 student learning (ISTE/NCATE, 2004) and
 improve instruction and increase student achievement; and
 serve as building/campus-level technology facilitators
This program is aligned to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for Technology Facilitation (TF).
These ISTE/NCATE technology facilitation standards encompass
1. Technology Operations and Concepts;
2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences;
3. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum;
4. Assessment and Evaluation;
5. Productivity and Professional Practice;
6. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues;
7. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments and;
8. Leadership and Vision (ISTE/NCATE, 2004).
As schools and districts continue to adjust to the evolving demands of a technological society, the need for expert technology
leadership becomes paramount. Schools are spending millions of dollars on technology and not getting an “academic” return on their
investment. As schools in the Kennesaw State University service area implement innovative instructional technologies, they need
leaders to drive and support the reform effort. For example, schools and districts are beginning to implement 1:1 initiatives in which
all students are issued a laptop computer. This initiative will revolutionize teaching and learning for teachers and students while
simultaneously increasing the demands on technology professionals. Effective instructional technology leadership to support these
types of school-wide technology initiatives is crucial.
Most traditional Instructional Technology programs emphasize: (1) instructional technology design and theory; (2) library/media
technology; and (3) corporate training. Very few programs are aligned to the ISTE TF standards and focus specifically on preparing P12 educators to use technology to improve teaching and learning.
The program will be housed in the Bagwell College of Education, specifically in the newly proposed Instructional Technology &
Educational Foundations Department.
Curriculum: Degree Program Requirements
The Master of Education Program in Instructional Technology is planned to prepare and develop teachers to direct school
improvement toward higher levels of student learning and achievement through the use of instructional technology. It is designed for
participants who have a T-4 Teaching Certificate. This program enables experienced teachers to complete the Master’s program in six
semesters. Candidates will complete 33 hours of specialized course work taught by full and part-time graduate faculty and experienced
technology specialists. The program will be delivered in cohorts offered in a blended format, both on campus and on-line.
The Masters program will be delivered in six semesters through the use of direct instruction, on-line collaboration, cohort planning,
and individual projects based on relevant and authentic problems experienced in today’s schools. Field-experiences are required
throughout the program of study. During the course of study, participants will develop a classroom or school-based instructional
technology research project to be implemented and completed as part of the program requirements. Candidates will be expected to
develop, present, and defend a professional portfolio that provides evidence that they have their knowledge, skills, and dispositions
required to master the ISTE Technology Facilitation standards.
Program Admission Requirements:
Approval of applicants to the M. Ed. Program will be made by Kennesaw State University by using the following criteria:
The applicant must hold a baccalaureate degree in Education from an accredited institution and hold a valid T-4 Teaching
Certificate in Georgia.
The applicant must submit a professional resume documenting education, teaching experiences, and record of instructional
technology experiences.
The applicant must have at least one year of teaching experience before enrolling in the program.
The applicant must submit a statement of support from a current principal or another current school or district administrator.
The applicant must submit one mentor form from a current administrator, Instructional Lead Teacher, Instructional
Technology Specialist, teacher, etc. at the building or district levels with instructional technology knowledge and experience.
The applicant must exhibit a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 2.75 or above (4.0 scale).
The applicant must demonstrate mastery of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers by having
completed the Georgia Special Technology Requirement.
Course Offering Schedule and Plan-of-Study
The scheduling of course offerings is planned to go over a consecutive period of six semesters covering a total
of 36 hours. Successful completion of the courses listed in the degree program will result in a T-5 Teaching
Certificate in the State of Georgia.
1st Semester
ITEC 7400
ITEC 7410
21st Century Teaching and Learning (3)
Instructional Technology Leadership (3)
2nd Semester
ITEC 7420
ITEC 7430
Productivity Tools for Teaching & Learning (3)
Internet Tools in the Classroom (3)
3rd Semester
ITEC 7440
ITEC 7450
Multimedia in Education (3)
Web Design and Development (3)
4th Semester
ITEC 7460
ITEC 7470
Professional Learning & Technology Innovation (3)
Educational Research (3)
5th Semester
ITEC 7480
ITEC 7490/
EDL 7770
6th Semester
ITEC 7495
ITEC 7500
Facilitating Online Learning
Educational Technology Support, Maintenance, and Operations (3)
Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues in Instructional Technology (3)
Capstone Experience & Portfolio (3)
TOTAL – 36 hours
Additional Course:
ITEC 7555 – Special Topics in Instructional Technology (0-3)