History Education Proposal Package Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………...2

History Education Proposal Package
Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………...2
Change in Degree Requirements…………………………………………………………………3-11.
Change in Existing Course (HIED 4413)…………………………………………………………12
Checklist for Proposed Program Changes………………………………………See Separate Document
Business Content Form……………………………………………………….
See Separate Document
New Course Proposal (HIED 4414)…………………………………………….See Separate Document
With/ Sample Syllabus
The proposal contains three changes to the new History Education Program that was
approved and considered active November 2, 2006:
Change in Program Requirements:
1. The replacement of three (3) currently required EDUC courses with the three
new EDUC courses that have been mandated by the Board of Regents to be
included in all teacher preparation programs in the system. The courses are: EDUC
2130: Exploring Teaching and Learning and EDUC 2120: Exploring Socio Cultural
Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts, EDUC 2110: Investigating
Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education.
2. Replace the currently required HIST 3376 with the newly developed HIST 4488.
3. The Division of the current HIED 4413 (Teaching of Social Sciences) which
carries 9 hours of credit, into two courses, HIED 4413 (6hours credit for on
campus methods class)& HIED 4414 (3 hours credit for 6 week field experience
For Change #3 see in Change in Existing Course Form included
New Course Proposal Form following Change on Program Requirement form.
as separate File.
Change in Degree Requirements/Major Program Requirements
Major or Degree Affected: BS in History Education
Responsible Department: History & Philosophy
Proposed Effective Date: Fall 2007
Signature Page
Submitted by:
Kay Reeve/ Jane McKinzey
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Nov. 7,
Department Curriculum Committee, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
General Education Council*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Professional Teacher Education Unit Program
Area*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Chair, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College/School Curriculum Committee AND/OR
Teacher Education Council*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College/School Dean, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee,
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Dean of Undergraduate & University Studies, Date
*For curriculum proposals involving General Education courses, there should be collaboration by
the Department Curriculum Committee and the General Education Council. For Teacher
Preparation proposals, there should be collaboration by the Department Curriculum Committee,
the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) Program Area Committee, the Teacher
Education Council, and the College/School Curriculum Committee.
Change in Degree Requirements/Major Program Requirements
Major or Degree Affected: BS in History Education
Please provide a brief summary of the changes proposed.
(E.g., increase in the number of hours of major field requirements, elimination of a track.)
1. Replace EDUC 2201, 2204, & 3308 with EDUC 2110, 2120, & 2130 as mandated by BOR.
2. Divide the current HIED 4413 into two separate classes for its on-campus and classroom
and field-based experience components.
3. Replace HIST 3376: Problems and Philosophies in World History with the new course HIST
4488: Approaches to World History
I. Current Information
Current Degree/Major Program Requirements: * Please note that a Program Name and
Requirements Change was approved by the UPCC on 11/02/06 The Text below is
what was approved and represents the History Education Program as it would
appear before the mandated Area F changes included in this proposal.
Major in History Education, B.S.
Bachelor of Science Degree
Leading to Certification for Grades 6-12
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of History & Philosophy
(770) 423-6294
This program is designed to prepare history and social studies teachers of adolescents, largely at the secondary
school level. It leads to 6-12 teacher certification in the teaching field of history in Georgia. Candidates complete
the equivalent of a major in history as well as in pedagogical studies. Candidates concentrate in history since that is
the principal social science discipline in the secondary education curriculum, and take additional course work in
several other social science disciplines as part of their cross-disciplinary teaching field preparation.
GENERAL EDUCATION (see previous listing of requirements)
EDUC 2201
Teaching and Schools in a Changing Society
Credit Hours
EDUC 2202
Life Span Development: Adolescent and Young Adulthood
GEOG 1101
Introduction to Geography
HIST 2111
HIST 2206
America to 1890
Origins of Great Traditions
HIST 2275
Local History Research
TEACHING FIELD REQUIREMENTS (courses to be chosen with advisor)
American History (Choose Three)
HIST 4410
Colonial America to 1789
HIST 4412
The Early Republic
HIST 4415
HIST 4451
Jacksonian America
Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST 4461
Gilded Age & Progressive Era
HIST 4471
HIST 3304
Recent U.S. History
History of Georgia
HIST 3310
HIST 3311
The Old South
The New South
HIST 3315
HIST 3321
History of the American West
Diplomatic History of the US
HIST 3331
History of Religion in US
HIST 3332
HIST 3333
U.S. Social and Cultural History
African American History to 1865
HIST 3335
HIST 3340
African American History Since 1865
U.S. Military Experience
HIST 3341
HIST 3345
Women in US History and Culture
Business and Economic History of US
HIST 3325
Introduction to Public History
HIST 4490
Special Topics Course (as appropriate)
European History (Choose One)
HIST 3337
Greek and Roman History
HIST 3350
England to 1688
HIST 3351
HIST 3360
Modern England
Russian Empire to 1917
HIST 3377
HIST 4440
History of Science
Medieval Europe
HIST 4444
Renaissance & Reformation
HIST 4445
HIST 4454
Age of Enlightenment
20th Century Europe
HIST 4455
HIST 4456
20th Century Russia
World War II
HIST 3307
HIST 4490
Introduction to the European Union
Special Topics Course (as appropriate)
Area Studies (Choose Two)
HIST 3334
Africans in the Diaspora
HIST 3357
HIST 3358
Africans in Asia
Africans in Latin America and he Caribbean
HIST 3366
History of Mexico and Central America
HIST 3367
History of Brazil
HIST 3372
HIST 3373
Ancient to Pre-Modern China
Modern India & Southeast Asia
HIST 3374
HIST 3382
Modern China & Japan
North Africa and the Middle East in Modern Time
HIST 3391
HIST 3392
History of West Africa
History of Southern, Eastern, and Central Africa
HIST 4475
War and Revolution in Southeast Asia
HIST 3393
HIST 4490
Emerging Themes in African History
Special Topics Courses (as appropriate)
World History Required Courses:
HIST 3305
HIST 3376
The World Since 1945
Problems and Philosophies in World History
Political Science
For US Gov’t. Emphasis: Choose ONE of the following courses:
POLS 3315
American Constitutional Law: Federalism
POLS 4415
Civil Liberties
POLS 4427
American Political Thought
For International Politics Emphasis: Choose ONE of the Following:
POLS 3334
Comparative Politics
POLS 3350
POLS 4435
American Foreign Policy
Comparative Foreign Policy
Geography (Choose Two)
GEOG 3310
Historical Geography
GEOG 3330
GEOG 3300
Economic Geography
Urban Geography
GEOG 3320
Political Geography
GEOG 3340
GEOG 3350
Cultural Geography
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 3312
GEOG 3360
Geography of Europe
Geography of China
GEOG 3700
GEOG 4490
Intro to Environmental Studies
Special Topics
(Must be admitted to Teacher Education Program before taking these courses)
EXC 3304
Education of Exceptional Students
EDUC 3308
HIED 4413
Learning, Motivation, and Classroom Management
Teaching Social Sciences (Prerequisite EDUC 3308)
Must be Admitted to Student Teaching before enrollment:
HIED 4475
Student Teaching in Social Science (6-12)
II. Proposed Information
Include an outline of the entire program. (Please underline or otherwise highlight
Major in History Education, B.S.
Bachelor of Science Degree
Leading to Certification for Grades 6-12
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of History & Philosophy
(770) 423-6294
This program is designed to prepare history and social studies teachers of adolescents, largely at the secondary
school level. It leads to 6-12 teacher certification in the teaching field of history in Georgia. Candidates complete
the equivalent of a major in history as well as in pedagogical studies. Candidates concentrate in history since that is
the principal social science discipline in the secondary education curriculum, and take additional course work in
several other social science disciplines as part of their cross-disciplinary teaching field preparation.
EDUC 2201
Teaching and Schools in a Changing Society
EDUC 2202
Life Span Development: Adolescent and Young Adulthood Emphasis
EDUC 2110
EDUC 2130
Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education
Exploring Teaching and Learning
GEOG 1101
HIST 2111
Introduction to Geography
America to 1890
HIST 2206
HIST 2275
Origins of Great Traditions
Local History Research
TEACHING FIELD REQUIREMENTS (courses to be chosen with advisor)
American History (Choose Three)
HIST 4410
Colonial America to 1789
HIST 4412
The Early Republic
HIST 4415
HIST 4451
Jacksonian America
Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST 4461
HIST 4471
Gilded Age & Progressive Era
Recent U.S. History
HIST 3304
HIST 3310
History of Georgia
The Old South
HIST 3311
The New South
HIST 3315
History of the American West
HIST 3321
HIST 3331
Diplomatic History of the US
History of Religion in US
HIST 3332
HIST 3333
U.S. Social and Cultural History
African American History to 1865
HIST 3335
HIST 3340
African American History Since 1865
U.S. Military Experience
HIST 3341
Women in US History and Culture
HIST 3345
HIST 3325
Business and Economic History of US
Introduction to Public History
HIST 4490
Special Topics Course (as appropriate)
European History (Choose One)
HIST 3337
HIST 3350
Greek and Roman History
England to 1688
HIST 3351
HIST 3360
Modern England
Russian Empire to 1917
HIST 3377
History of Science
HIST 4440
HIST 4444
Medieval Europe
Renaissance & Reformation
HIST 4445
HIST 4454
Age of Enlightenment
20th Century Europe
HIST 4455
HIST 4456
20th Century Russia
World War II
HIST 3307
Introduction to the European Union
HIST 4490
Special Topics Course (as appropriate)
Area Studies (Choose Two)
HIST 3334
HIST 3357
Africans in the Diaspora
Africans in Asia
HIST 3358
HIST 3366
Africans in Latin America and he Caribbean
History of Mexico and Central America
HIST 3367
HIST 3372
History of Brazil
Ancient to Pre-Modern China
HIST 3373
Modern India & Southeast Asia
HIST 3374
HIST 3382
Modern China & Japan
North Africa and the Middle East in Modern Time
HIST 3391
HIST 3392
History of West Africa
History of Southern, Eastern, and Central Africa
HIST 4475
HIST 3393
War and Revolution in Southeast Asia
Emerging Themes in African History
HIST 4490
Special Topics Courses (as appropriate)
World History Required Courses:
HIST 3305 The World Since 1945
HIST 3376 Problems and Philosophies in World History
HIST 4488 Approaches to World History
Political Science
For US Gov’t. Emphasis: Choose ONE of the following courses:
POLS 3315
American Constitutional Law: Federalism
POLS 4415
POLS 4427
Civil Liberties
American Political Thought
For International Politics Emphasis: Choose ONE of the Following:
POLS 3334
Comparative Politics
POLS 3350
POLS 4435
American Foreign Policy
Comparative Foreign Policy
Geography (Choose Two)
GEOG 3310
Historical Geography
GEOG 3330
Economic Geography
GEOG 3300
GEOG 3320
Urban Geography
Political Geography
GEOG 3340
GEOG 3350
Cultural Geography
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 3312
GEOG 3360
Geography of Europe
Geography of China
GEOG 3700
Intro to Environmental Studies
GEOG 4490
Special Topics
(Must be admitted to Teacher Education Program before taking these courses)
EXC 3304 Education of Exceptional Students
EDUC 3308 Learning, Motivation, and Classroom Management
EDUC 2120 Sociocultural Influences on Teaching and Learning
HIED 4413 Teaching Social Sciences (Prerequisites HIST 2275 &2206; Approval by Program Area)
HIED 4414 Teaching Social Sciences Practicum (6-12) (Prerequisites: HIST 2275& 2206)
Must be Admitted to Student Teaching before enrollment:
HIED 4475
Student Teaching in Social Science (6-12)
III. Justification for Change
1. New Education Courses:
In December of 2004 the Educator Preparation Academic Advisory Committee (EPAAC)
of the Board of Regents approved a new framework for Area F in teacher preparation.
This framework included a series of three courses in education that will serve as the
universal core content for pre-service teacher education programs in the University
System of Georgia. EPAAC charged the education Deans with the delineation of the core
content and the appointment of three faculty committees to design the three courses.
EDUC 2110: Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education was designed
to provided teacher educators with an education foundation which would include the
humanities and social sciences; EDUC 2120: Exploring Socio
Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts was designed to prepare
students to work with a growing diverse student population; and EDUC 2130: Exploring
Teaching and Learning looks at teaching and learning from a perspective that allows
instructors to reflect upon their own learning experiences and use this experience to better
inform their students. The course embraces educational psychology theory in its content.
The revised Area F will allow the University of Georgia System Colleges and
Universities to move closer to creating a seamless transition from two year to four year
2. Separation of HIED 4413 and HIED 4414:
While the social science/history education program has always separated its pre-student
teaching methodology course into an on campus period of study and preparation, and a
mentored field experience in the public schools, the former SSED program did not
formally separate the two components of its methodology and pre-student teaching field
experience practicum into two courses at the time that the other Secondary Programs
made that change. To formally recognize the distinctions between classroom study and
simulated application, and implementation of instruction based on sound content
knowledge and appropriate methodologies in the 6-12 classroom, the two components of
the former SSED 4413 will be divided into HIED 4413 (the on-campus instructional
course) and HIED 4414 (the field-based course) and assessed independently.
3. Replace HIST 3376 with HIST 4488: The newly developed HIST 4488 will address
broad questions concerning approaches to world history and include reflection on the best
approaches for teaching the subject. HIST 3376 is becoming more focused on providing a
study of historiography in a more traditional form. While the new History 3376 is highly
appropriate as a capstone experience for history majors and as a background for possible
graduate study, it is not as well suited for History Ed. Majors. HIST 4488, on the other
hand is designed to provide a study of world history and the historiography of world
history that is applicable for both history majors and as a approach to teaching world
history in the public school classroom. (See sample syllabus attached.)
Supporting Analyses of the Program –
When degree and/or major program requirements are being revised, it is an opportunity to
reconsider the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the entire structure of the program.
Following are some questions designed to provoke thoughtful evaluation of a program.
If a program is being substantially revised, written responses to each of these items
should be included as part of the proposal for the UPCC.
If a minor change is being made to a program, writing out responses to all items is not necessary.
However, UPCC members may ask about these issues during their evaluation of any proposal.
What are the primary learning outcomes of the program?
What assessment findings have led to the proposed change(s)?
#1. Inclusion of EDUC 2110, 2120, 2130 in all teacher preparation programs is mandated by the
#2. The division of the campus and field based components of the Methodology course will allow
more focused and accurate assessment of student competency in each of the two separate
components of the class. Occasionally students must retake the field component of SSED
(HIED) 4413. Teaching of Social Sciences (6-12). When the field experience is embedded in
the existing SSED 4413, students must retake the entire 9-hour block. Dividing the
coursework from the field experience will make it possible to remediate students and have
them retake the field experience only.
#3. World History is a state mandated requirement in Georgia. KSU has become a recognized
center for
in-service training of World History teachers through its NEH and College Board funded AP
History Certification Institute. History 4488 provides History Education majors a grounding in
the same
content and approaches provided to practicing professionals seeking AP certification in the
of World History.
3. Evaluate the prerequisites.
Why are the specified courses needed as prerequisites?
Why are there no prerequisites for some courses?
What is the desired sequence of prerequisites?
How often are the prerequisites offered?
Where within the program is an introductory overview of the major?
What are the capstone experiences of the program?
Where within the program are there application activities and what are the activities?
(E.g., field experiences, practicums, applied projects, undergraduate research, service
learning, co-ops, internships, studio work, practical problem solving.)
Where and how do the following occur in the program?
Writing, reading, critical thinking, presenting
Participative and collaborative learning
Use of information technology
Global and multicultural perspectives
What are the required courses that contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of the
Change in Existing Course
Major or Degree Affected: BS in History Education
Responsible Department: History & Philosophy
Proposed Effective Date: Fall 2007
Signature Page
Submitted by:
Kay Reeve/ Jane McKinzey
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Nov. 7,
Department Curriculum Committee, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
General Education Council*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Professional Teacher Education Unit Program
Area*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Chair, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College/School Curriculum Committee AND/OR
Teacher Education Council*, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College/School Dean, Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee,
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Dean of Undergraduate & University Studies, Date
*For curriculum proposals involving General Education courses, there should be collaboration by
the Department Curriculum Committee and the General Education Council. For Teacher
Preparation proposals, there should be collaboration by the Department Curriculum Committee,
the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) Program Area Committee, the Teacher
Education Council, and the College/School Curriculum Committee.
Change in Existing Course
Existing Course Prefix/Number/Title __HIED 4413________________
Department __History & Philosophy_
Degree Title (if applicable) _History Education_________
Proposed Effective Date ___Spring 2007_____________ _________
Please indicate what changes are being proposed:
_____ Change in course number __X__ Change in course description
_____ Change in course title ___X_ Change in prerequisite/corequisites
_X___ Change in credit hours
_____ Other change (please identify) ______________________________________
I. Current Information
Page Number in Current Catalog: page 383
Course Information in Catalog: SSED 4413. Teaching of Social Science(6-12)
Credit Hours: 7-6-9
Prerequisite: HIST 2275; HIST 2206; EDUC 3308.
An examination and application of curriculum issues, learning theories, teaching
strategies, instructional materials, and assessment procedures for teaching secondary
school social science in the multicultural and diverse classrooms of today. Includes a
secondary school field experience in social science teaching and seminars. Emphasizes
those practices suggested by research in secondary social science education and
encouraged by our accrediting agencies. Proof of professional liability insurance is
required prior to receiving a school placement.
List all other pages in current catalog course name must change: none
II. Proposed Information (fill in completely & highlight changes)
Course Prefix & Number: HIED 4413: Teaching of Social Science (6-12)
Course Title (limit 30 characters) for Schedule Book (only if course title is changed):
Credit Hours: 6-0-6
Prerequisites: Hist 2275; Hist 2206; Permission of Program Area
Course Description:
An examination and application of curriculum issues, learning theories, teaching
strategies, instructional materials, and assessment procedures for teaching secondary
school social science in the multicultural and diverse classrooms of today. Includes a
secondary school field experience in social science teaching and seminars. Emphasizes
those practices suggested by research in secondary social science education and
encouraged by our accrediting agencies. Proof of professional liability insurance is
required prior to receiving a school placement.
III. Justification for Change
Occasionally students must retake the field component of SSED 4413 (HIED 4413):
Teaching of Social Science. When the field experience is embedded in the existing
SSED 4413 (HIED 4413), students must retake the entire 9-hour block. Dividing the
coursework from the field experience will make it possible to remediate students and
have them retake the field experience only. This change aligns HIED with the
practices of the other secondary education programs.