COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ECE 3X05 Foundation of Early Childhood Education: This course explores the foundations of early childhood education and provides an overview of the historical, philosophical, social, psychological, and contemporary influences in the field of Early Childhood Education. Current Federal legislative policies and trends in the State of Georgia which impact children from birth to age five will be explored. Candidates will examine how both child developmental theories and public policies influence various curricula and program models. Candidates will explore variety of early childhood settings and programs. ECE 3X10 Human Reproduction, Prenatal Development, Health & Safety: : This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with the knowledge and understanding of the human body and its reproductive system, pregnancy and prenatal development. This course will focus on the relationship of heredity and the environment and its effect on conception and prenatal development as it relates to future learning. Teacher candidates will gain a better understanding of the stages of pregnancy and labor, the responsibilities of becoming parents and the role of prenatal and perinatal professionals (Lamaze instructors, midwifes, physicians, nurses, genetic counselors etc.) Health and safety factors that may influence prenatal development (genetics, teratogens, diet, nutrition, alcohol, drugs, etc) will also be explored. ECE 3X15 Growth & Development in Birth-Five Years: This course is designed to assist candidates in developing knowledge and understanding of the developmental ages and stages of children from birth through age five years, especially within the context of cultural, historical, political and familial group care settings. This course will include an observation requirement. Verification of professional liability insurance will be required. ECE 3X20 Fostering Young Children’s Learning through Play: This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with the knowledge and understanding of children’s play in a variety of settings. A review of play theories as well as a historical approach to play will be presented. Teacher candidates will have the opportunity to explore the relation of play with to curriculum development and assessment. Issues regarding gender, culture, social economic status, stress and personality types will be discussed in relationship to play. ECE 3X25 Language Development in Infants & Toddlers: This course is designed as an introduction to the study of language acquisition and development in typically and atypically developing infants and toddlers. Emphasis will be given to ages and stages of language development, family and cultural influences, and the importance of a language-rich environment. Candidates will participate in field experiences and observations. Verification of professional liability insurance will be required. ECE 3X30 Developmental Aspects of Movement & Physical Domain: This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to understand the importance o f movement in the development and education of young children. Movement exploration, including problem solving and guided discovery activities will be studied and experienced. Candidates will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of children’s games and rhythmic activities as well as create and implement these activities with children in field experience. ECE 3X35 Principles of Inclusive Early Childhood Education: This course is designed to assist the teacher candidate in preparing environments to meet the needs of diverse children with developmental delays, cognitive, language, and emotional differences. Legal issues and definitions of terms involving preschool special education will be addressed. Curriculum modification and environmental accommodations for children with special needs will be reviewed. Assessment techniques and the role of service providers will be discussed. ECE 3X40 Development of Language & Literacy in Young Children: This course is designed to assist teacher education candidates in developing knowledge and understanding about language and literacy development in3-, 4-, and 5-year old children. Emphasis is on the concurrent and interrelated development of reading and writing; the role of families and culture; designing curricula, materials, and environments to facilitate emergent literacy; assessing young children's language and literacy development; and, meeting the needs of diverse young learners. ECE 4X05 Families and Communities: Partners in Education: This course is designed to assist the teacher candidate in preparing to work with diverse families and the community within child development environments. Issues regarding culture, family composition, families as partners and the role of the community as a part of the child’s world will be discussed. Teacher candidates will discuss the issues facing the family and how professionals can work closely with families in educating young children. ECE 4X10 Administration of Early Care & Learning Programs: This course addresses planning for child care and education facilities including staffing, licensing, organizing space and equipment, nutrition and health policies, parent and community relations. The purpose of this course is to provide the teacher/facilitator with an opportunity to understand the importance and application of developmentally appropriate practices and examine the role and responsibilities of the early childhood education administrator and teacher in a preschool setting. Observations in preschools will be required. Verification of professional liability insurance is required before placement in observation. ECE 4X15 International Approaches to Early Care & Learning: This course addresses comparative early care of infants and children in international settings including countries in Asia and Africa, France, Central and South America, Italy, Australia, and others. Candidates will explore the role of the mother in birthing, neo-natal and early care and education. Theories and application of various approaches to early childhood education will be explored as they relate to professional development. Topics include Montessori Education, Bank Street School, Reggio Emilia Approach, Waldorf-Rudolph Steiner Education, British Infant Schools, the French Maternelle and others. ECE 4X20 Second Language Acquisition in the Young Child: Teacher candidates will develop a clear understanding of language proficiency levels for the fours skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and learn appropriate approaches, methods and techniques for working with ELL children and their families. Candidates will examines major theories related to ELL families, and principles of linguistic systems (phonological, syntactic, and semantic) and their acquisition as they occur in first and additional languages. Additionally, they will explore the relationship of oral and written language and become familiar with assessment techniques and devices for evaluating the development of an additional language. ECE 4X25 Art and Music in Early Learning: Sensorial experiences provide the foundations for all cognitive growth. Sensorial development can be richly enhanced through the use of developmentally appropriate materials which address the child’s learning through the senses. Work with these materials promotes success in future learning. In this course, candidates will have the opportunity to explore, create and analyze the use of music and creative representation in the developing learning processes of young children, aged three to five years. Field experience will provide candidates with the opportunity to observe, interpret and document children’s responses to art and music. ECE 4X30 Children’s Literature: This course is an introductory study of literature for children. It focuses on selecting and using quality literature to engage young children with books from a variety of cultures and across genres. Emphasis is placed the artistic and literary merit of children's literature, appropriate books for children and their diverse needs, and involving families in literature-based experiences with their children. ECE 4X35 Discovery & Exploration of Scientific Concepts: This course is designed to study science processes, principles and practices that are essential to integrating science in an early childhood classroom. Emphasis will be placed on inquiry, life science, physical science, earth and space science in the early childhood classroom. In addition, curriculum goals, planning, implementing and evaluating instruction in science will be included. Includes field experience as well as the use of educational technology. ECE 4X40 Math & Technology for Young Children: This course provides the teacher candidate with the opportunity to create and implement curriculum for young children that focuses on math and technology. It will include a review of the NAEYC framework for developmentally appropriate practice and the Georgia PreK content standards. A field experience component will provide development of skills in observing, interpreting and documenting children’s learning processes. ECE 4X45 Student Teaching and Seminar: Curriculum & Environments: This course is designed to assist teacher candidates in developing, planning and implementing strategies of learning for infants, toddlers and preschool children ages birth to five years. Teacher candidates are required to participate in a full time teaching experience under the supervision of approved early child care professionals and a university supervisor. The teaching experience is designed to assist the teacher candidate in the application of developmentally appropriate practices with diverse preschool children. The full time teaching experience must include eight weeks (or equivalent) of planning, participation and instruction in an environment with young children birth to three years of age and eight weeks (or equivalent) of planning, participation and instruction in an environment with young children three to five years of age. Teacher candidates will also meet with a university supervisor on a weekly basis in a seminar format to attain addition knowledge in working with infants, toddlers and young children, review teaching and planning strategies and discuss concerns during field placement. Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in the teaching experience. Teacher candidates must apply and receive approval from Center of Field Experience and Partnerships and acceptance into the Department of Early Childhood Education prior to taking this course. (See Catalog for Student Teaching requirements)