Teacher Education Council KH 1101 8/16/10 In attendance: Voting Members:

Teacher Education Council KH 1101
In attendance: Voting Members:
Undergraduate: Maurice Wilson (EECE), Barbara Salyer (MGE), Michael Dias (TEC co-chair),
Diana Gregory (PK-12 rep. and TEC co-chair), Michelle Goodsite (Secondary)
Graduate: Gwen McAlpine (ECE M.Ed.), Earl Holliday (EdL), Harriett Bessette (Ed.D./Ed.S.
Coordinator), Changnam Lee (INED, M.Ed.)
Academic Support Representatives: Rachel Blasé (ESS), Pam Cole for Beverly Mitchell (Assoc.
Dean, accreditation)
Minutes of Teacher Education Council, August 16, 2010 (KH 1101)
I. Approval of May 6, 2010 Minutes
Motion to approve May 6 TEC minutes from Dr. Holliday, second Dr. Bessette, all in favor, so
II. Old business – Second Readings
Montessori Concentration in B.S.Ed. Birth through Five Major
Suggested Four-Year Schedule: (Word)
Concentration Overview/Summary: (Word)
Change in Program Form: (Word)
Proposed New Courses:
ECE 3405: A Conceptual Framework for Early Childhood Education
Proposal Form (Word)
and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 3410: Human Reproduction, Perinatal Development, Health, Safety and
Proposal Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 3415: Infants: Stages of Growth and Development & Developmentally Appropriate
Care and Activities
Proposal Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 3420: Observation and Supervised Practice Teaching -- Infants
Proposal Form (Word)
and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 3435: Toddlers: Stagies of Growth and Development Appropriate Care and
Proposal Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 3445: Observation and Supervised Practice Teaching -- Toddlers
Proposal Form (Word)
and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4305: Motor Development and Refined Control of Movement Proposal Form (Word)
and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4315: Sensorial Development, the Cornerstone of Cognitive Growth
Proposal Form
TEC Minutes 16 August 2010
(Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4320: Observation and Supervised Practice Teaching - - Early Childhood I
Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4335: Acquisition of Language and Literacy Skills in One or More Languages
Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4336: The Competent Manufacture & Presentation of Language Materials
Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4345: Preparing the Mathematical Mind of the Young Child
Proposal Form (Word) and
Syllabus (Word)
ECE 4355: Observation and Supervised Practice Teaching - - Early Childhood II
Form (Word) and Syllabus (Word)
NCATE Compliance Form (Word)
PSC Materials:
Assessment of Curriculum Effectiveness Matrix
Impact on Student Learning Assignment
Impact on Student Learning in a Montessori Classroom
Lesson Plan Assignment
Example of Complete Lesson Plan
Planning Assessment of Lesson Plans
Montessori CPI with Rubric
Montessori Portfolio Narrative Rating Scale
Dr Cope summarized two refinements made to proposal as requested in previous meeting
And presented webpage with all documentation for Professional Standards Commission, NCATE
Compliance, and new course proposals. Dr. Cope also presented Assessment and Review Chart.
Key difference in this program as opposed to ECE is inclusion of 4 field experiences tied to
courses as opposed to TOSS and Student Teaching. This has been vetted by the ECE Curriculum
2nd reading with UPCC is next step. Questions/concerns – none.
Gwen moved to accept on 2nd read; Early seconded. All in favor, none opposed, none abstained;
so moved.
Next meeting:
Proposal Deadline:
Thursday September 9, 2010
Thursday August 26, 2010
Earl moved to adjourn, Gwen seconded, so moved.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 PM.
Minutes submitted by Mike Dias, 8/16/10.
TEC Minutes 16 August 2010