12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Compliance with NCATE/PSC Requirements New or Significantly Revised Program or Concentration, or New Degree Approval Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Kennesaw State University Please be precise and specific in responding to these items. Responses to these items will accompany the standard UPCC or GPCC forms and, if required, PSC standards. Concise narrative will be sufficient. Contact Beverly for templates related to Standards/Curriculum Matrix and Assessment System (next 2 tables) that are appropriate for your program. 1. (CF) Describe how this program reflects the unit’s conceptual framework. 2. (National/State Standards) Specify applicable national and/or state standards to which this program will demonstrate compliance. Please attach a copy of the applicable standards. 3. (Institutional Standards) Specify candidate proficiencies to be demonstrated and assessed during the program. 4. (Assessment System) Using the curriculum matrix (next page), indicate where the subject area standards are addressed in the proposed curriculum. Then identify in the next chart (Assessment System) the unit and program assessments that will be used to determine if candidates meet proficiencies and standards. The three items to follow should be addressed as well in narrative form: a) Transition Points Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element a. Your program may include some or all of the following transition points: Program Entry, Student Teaching Entry, Student Teaching Exit, Program Exit, and Employment (or Induction after Hire). In this part of the report, describe the transition points used in your program, and relate or align them with the requirements your candidates have to satisfy to accomplish each of the transitions. Also summarize deliberative processes used by your faculty to determine which candidates are able to transition successfully at each point. (If the preparation program includes different options, please include descriptions of transition points for each option. b) Data Collection, Analysis and Evaluation Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element b. Describe the processes and procedures used to regularly and systematically collect, compile, aggregate, summarize, and analyze candidate and program performance data. c) Use of Data for Program Improvement Describe how this program meets the applicable portions of Standard 2, element c. Describe the processes and procedures used to evaluate the efficacy of this program, the processes and procedures used to make candidate performance data available to candidates and faculty, and how candidate and program performance data are used to initiate changes in the program. 5. (Field Experiences) Describe required field experiences and clinical practice that help candidates develop knowledge and skills in helping all students learn. Include: a) How members of the professional community work with the program to design, deliver and evaluate field experiences b) Required qualifications for school-based faculty who supervise candidates in clinical practice (i.e. cooperating teachers, coaches, mentors, etc.) c) Methods used to ensure that candidates have field experiences in all required grade levels: Early Childhood: grades PK-K, 1-3, and 4-5; Middle Grades: grades 4-5 and 6-8; P-12: grades PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12; Secondary fields: grades 6-8 and 9-12 d) How field experiences will be assessed and be intensive and extensive enough to demonstrate that candidates: 1) demonstrate the proficiencies in the professional roles, 2) reflect on their work, and 3) impact student learning. 6. (Field Experiences and Diversity) Describe how the program ensures that all candidates have opportunities to work with P-12 students with exceptionalities and from diverse populations. Include: a. Curriculum that supports knowledge about diverse populations; ensuring diverse placements b. Experiences working with diverse faculty c. Experiences working with diverse peers 7. (Technology) Describe how the program ensures candidates can integrate technology in their practice. D:\219547128.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 8. (Capacity) How does the program ensure that its resources are adequate to prepare candidates to meet professional, state, and institutional standards? D:\219547128.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Insert name of program here Standards/Curriculum Matrix Standards Based On: insert name of SPA/NBPTS/PSC standards here Directions: In the far left column, use numbers corresponding to the specific standards in the set or use 1-2 word descriptors (preferred) so as to identify the specific standard. Replace the generic prefix and course number in the columns with the actual prefix and number of each course. Then determine where the standard is addressed in the curriculum by using a “” or “X” in the intersecting cell. If additional columns are needed for courses, develop a second table. You may also wish to develop this chart in EXCEL and download into this document. We will accept whatever works best for you. Subject Area Standards D:\219547128.doc Prefix & Course Number XXXX-xxxx Required Course Work That Addresses Subject Area Standards Prefix & Prefix & Prefix & Prefix & Prefix & Prefix & Course Course Course Course Course Course Number Number Number Number Number Number XXXX-xxxx XXXX-xxxx XXXX-xxxx XXXX-xxxx XXXX-xxxx XXXX-xxxx Prefix & Course Number XXXX-xxxx 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Assessment System Insert Name of Program Here In this chart, list the 6-8 (if applicable) assessments that will be used to verify how your candidates meet national/state/institutional standards. If a state licensure exam in the content area is not required, you should substitute an assessment that verifies candidate attainment of content knowledge. This table is set up for “initial” programs and parallels the Faculty Assessor and Assessment Form (FAAR). Contact Beverly Mitchell for new advanced, cert-only, endorsement, and EdL program charts. Type of Assessment WHAT – - WHERE - - WHEN – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered 1 - [licensure assessment, or other content-based assessment] – Required Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation PAAR: GACE II (Georgia Content Assessment) Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation Data provided by Office of Associate Dean, Assessment and Accreditation NCATE Std 1a NCATE Standard 1a: Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates 1 2 - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment Summer Fall Spring Examples: CPI, ISLA, PNR, Major Project, Lesson Plan – TOSS, etc Indicate the point in the program when assessment is administered (e.g. course, decision point (eg, admission to TOSS, midpoint, end of program, etc) D:\219547128.doc 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W 2 - [content based assessment] – Required - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Summer PAAR/PSC: Assessment of Candidates’ Content Knowledge (Content Knowledge) Spring NCATE Std 1a NCATE Standard 1a: Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates 3 - [Assessment of candidate ability to plan and implement appropriate teaching and learning experiences] – Required Summer PAAR/PSC: D:\219547128.doc Fall - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W Assessment Candidates’ Professional & Pedagogical Knowledge & Skills (Planning) - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Fall Spring NCATE Standard 1b: Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates NCATE Standard 1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates 4 – [assessment of internship, practicum, or other clinical experience] – Required PAAR/PSC: Assessment of D:\219547128.doc Summer - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W Candidates’ Skills in Providing Instruction (Clinical Practice) NCATE Standard 1b: Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates NCATE Standard 1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates 5 - [assessment of candidate effect on student learning] – Required PAAR/PSC: Assessment of Candidates’ Effects on Student Learning (Effects on Student D:\219547128.doc - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Learning) NCATE Standard 1d: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates 6 - [dispositions’ assessment that addresses N/S/I standards] – Required PAAR/PSC: Assessment of Candidates’ Dispositions (Dispositions) NCATE Standard 1g: Professional Dispositions for All Candidates 7 - [additional assessment that addresses SPA/PSC standards] – D:\219547128.doc Summer Fall Spring Summer - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Optional PAAR/PSC: Optional Institutional Assessment #1 8 - [additional assessment that addresses SPA/PSC standards] – Optional PAAR/PSC: Optional Institutional Assessment #2 9 – [Unit Assessment if not included above] Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall D:\219547128.doc - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment 12-08-04, 1-10-05, 1-25-05, 2-15-06, 10-17-08, 11-13-08, 8-09, 6-2-10, 10-5-10; 12-16-10 Type of Assessment WHAT – a) Actual Title of The Assessment1 b) Actual Title of Rubric in C & W or Location if not in C &W - WHERE - - WHEN – In What Semester(s) Course/Transition Course/ Point The Assessment is Assessment is Administered2 Offered Spring 10– [Unit Assessment if not included above] Summer Fall Spring 11 – [Unit Assessment if not included above] Summer Fall Spring D:\219547128.doc - Alignment N/S/I Standards Addressed by This Assessment