KSU/SPSU Consolidation Course Proposal for Curriculum Fall 2014 Approval for Fall 2015 Implementation College Department Program Course Prefix and Number Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite(s) Area Course Description Computing and Software Engineering Software Engineering and Game Design and Development Master of Software Engineering SWE 6813 Component Based Software Development 3 SWE6623 __Area F __ Major Required _X_ Major Elective This course covers the concepts, foundations, and architectures of component-based software development (CBSD) and its related technologies. Component-based tools and languages, approaches for implementation of CBSD, including designing, building, assembling, and deploying reusable COTS and in-house software components are discussed in depth. The current concrete realizations of component technologies will be explored. Students will do projects focused on the life cycle of software components. Learning Objectives for this course 1. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of component-based software engineering 2. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of model-driven architecture 3. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of service-oriented architectures None – elective. Contribution of the course to the program outcomes Assessment plan and process We use FCARS – Faculty Course Assessment Reports – for every course we teach, and then we have annual Assessment Retreats where we assess how well each course has done over the previous 3 years. Each course is evaluated and assessed at an Assessment Retreat in a threeyear cycle. Instruction Delivery Method _x_ Traditional On Campus _x_ Fully Online __ Quality Matters Approved __ Hybrid (describe) – It may be offered as half-web. Jonathan Lartigue This is required as in the past under SPSU; this was an existing course, so no new funding is required, but funding to pay faculty to implement the Proposal Lead Author Funding Required Lab Fees or special tuition course is the same as it has been in the past at SPSU. None Sample Course syllabus: SWE 6813 Component Based Software Development Instructor : T.B.D. Pre-requisite: SWE 6623 Text-Book(s): 1. John Cheesman and John Daniels, UML Components: A Simple Process for Specifying ComponentBased Software, Addison Wesley, 2001. ISBN 0201708515 2. Wang and Qian, Component-Based Programming, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. ISBN 0471644463 Catalogue - Course Description: This course covers the concepts, foundations, and architectures of component-based software development (CBSD) and its related technologies. Component-based tools and languages, approaches for implementation of CBSD, including designing, building, assembling, and deploying reusable COTS and inhouse software components are discussed in depth. The current concrete realizations of component technologies will be explored. Students will do projects focused on the life cycle of software components. Course Goals/Outcomes: 1. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of component-based software engineering 2. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of model-driven architecture 3. Understand, discuss, and apply the principles of service-oriented architectures Course Grades: Class participation and attendance: 5% Assessments (quizzes): 5% Assignments: 15% Proctored Tests: 20% Proctored Final Exam: 30% Project: 25% Instructional Delivery Methods and Attendance Policy: Courses will meet for lecture, with lectures recorded and available for viewing as recordings (asynchronous). Lectures will include demonstrations. In-class laboratory experiences will include explanation and lab process and expectations. This course may be available as a full distance-learning course. Course Requirements and Assignments: The course will meet for traditional lecture. Students will be expected to meet for lecture, take all exams and quizzes, participate in laboratory experiences and assignments, and complete and turn-in laboratory or project reports as well as homework assignments for grading. Academic Honesty Statement: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an "informal" resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one semester suspension requirement. Students are encouraged to study together and to work together on lab assignments as per the instructor’s specifications for each assignment; however, the provisions of the STUDENT CONDUCT REGULATIONS, II. Academic Honesty, KSU Graduate Catalog will be strictly enforced in this class. Students are required to work INDEPENDENTLY on homework assignments. Schedule and Topic Coverage: Week Lecture Topic 1 Introduction to component systems; 4 3 2 6 7 8 Requirements definition; Component specification Component identification Component interaction Provisioning and assembly, introduction to model-driven architecture Building models and metamodels, mappings, and elaboration Service oriented architectures, services as building blocks Preliminary project presentations 9 Introduction to COM/COM+ 10 Introduction to EJB 11 Intro to web services; SOAP; REST; JSON; 12 COTS solutions; COTS myths and other lessons 13 Intro to CORBA; principles; rise and fall of CORBA 14 15 16 Final project presentations Final project presentations; course review. Final Exam 5 Reference Wang and Qian, Chapter 1 Cheesman and Daniels, Ch. 1 & 2 Chessman and Daniels, Ch. 3,4,7 Chessman and Daniels, Ch. 5 Chessman and Daniels, Ch. 3 & 6 Chessman and Daniels, Ch. 8 Supplemental readings Supplemental readings Supplemental readings None Wang and Qian, Chapter 6 Supplemental readings Wang and Qian, Chapter 3 & 4 Supplemental readings Wang and Qian, Chapter 8 Supplemental readings Supplemental readings Wang and Qian, Chapter 5 Supplemental readings None None As per Semester Schedule