Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a Graduate Course

Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a
Graduate Course
(To be used only for courses already approved by the UPCC or GPCC)
Title of Undergraduate Course
Course Prefix & Number
__BIOL 4399_______________________
Department Offering Course
__Biology and
Title of Graduate Course
Course Prefix & Number
__BIOL 6399_______________________
Graduate Program
__Master of Science in Integrative
Please provide a brief rationale for cross-listing these courses.
The undergraduate seminar class is built around the traditional
research presentation model where active researchers, internal and external,
present their research and then have a discussion of their results with the
audience (in this case students). This model has a lot of advantages for
getting students engaged with relevant active research and with
communicating. This also challenges students to evaluate testable
predictions using complex data analysis. These skills are as important,
arguably more important, to graduate students as they are to undergraduate
students. We recognize this in the MSIB degree program by requiring
graduate students to take 2 seminars during their tenure. By having these
undergraduate seminars cross-listed for the graduate students, this will
expand the disciplinary opportunities for the graduate students beyond the 1
seminar/semester that we currently offer.
In what ways will there be a substantial difference between
undergraduate and graduate instruction?
In the undergraduate version of the course, students are primarily
evaluated on their attendance and ability to participate in a limited
discussion. In the graduate course, students are expected to attend the
presentation itself along with a significant post-presentation
discussion that will include the graduate students and other active
researchers. In addition, the graduate students will have to write a
couple of extra papers expanding on the scientific arguments under
discussion in a couple of the seminar classes.
In what ways are there substantially greater expectations for students
enrolled for graduate credit?
The graduate students must be able to engage the research on a more
dramatic level. They will need to be able to critically evaluate the
research for validity and challenge active researchers enough to fully
adjudicate the scholarship under discussion. In addition, the papers
the graduate students must write will require extensive out-of-class
literature review and a detailed critical review of the research in
In what ways will the combined instruction of graduate and
undergraduate students will be structured to ensure appropriate
attention to both groups?
Undergraduates will be managed primarily during the class period.
Graduate students will be expected to spend additional time with each of the
presenters. In addition, the papers that the graduate students must write will
be critically evaluated themselves by the instructors for clear communication
and ability to write proper scientific arguments.
Who will be the Instructor of Record for this course (the instructor of
a cross-listed course must meet the university requirements for
Provisional or Full Graduate Faculty status).
We are actually proposing that this cover multiple sections. Each of
the undergraduate seminars will be staffed by different faculty under
different sections. As such, we expect the same of the graduate
course. I’ve listed out the individuals who currently run seminars in
the department and all of them are either provisional graduate faculty
or have applied for such.
(6) Please attach an undergraduate syllabus and a graduate syllabus for
the cross-listed course (the requirements and expectations
for students in each course must be identified in separate syllabi,
which clearly identify evidence of substantially greater expectations
for students enrolled for graduate credit.
Please provide a summary diagram showing a comparison of
requirements and expectations for undergraduate and graduate
students enrolled in the course.
Program Director __________Date
Approved _________________________________________________
Department Chair
Approved _________________________________________________
GPCC Chair
Approved _________________________________________________
Graduate Dean
BIOLOGY 4399 – Seminar
Instructor: Scott Reese, Ph.D.
Office: SC 323
Office Hours:
Office Phone: 770-423-6168
Lecture Room:
Lecture Time:
Course Online: D2L
Skype: doctor_reese
Aug 20
Aug 27 Reese-Opening Presentation
Sept 3 No Class-Labor Day.
Sept 10 Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Sept 17
Sept 24
Oct 1
Oct 8
Oct 15
Oct 22
Oct 29
Nov 5
Nov 12
Nov 19
Nov 26
Dec 3
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Discussion of written paper
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker
Reese-Final Discussion and evaluation
BIOL 4399 - Seminar
Attendance/Participation: Class attendance and participation is expected and will be
used in the grading scheme. You will be expected to critically read articles from the
primary literature and come to class prepared to discuss their content. You are expected
to be an active participant in all of these discussions. Please arrive before the
beginning of class so as not to disturb your fellow students. Mute all cell phones, pagers,
Participate in 10-16 sessions;
Participate in <10 sessions;
The final grading scale may be adjusted at the discretion of the instructor and will be
announced via WebCT.
Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability or medical condition
needing academic accommodations of class-related activities or schedules must contact
the instructor immediately. Written verification from the KSU disAbled Student Support
Services is required. No requirements exist that accommodations be made prior to
completion of this approved University documentation. All discussions will remain
Academic Honesty: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the
Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic
honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to
University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic
work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials,
malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student
identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through
the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an
“informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal
hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one
semester suspension requirement.
You are expected to follow the regulations as stated on pages 233-236 of the 2003-2004
of the Kennesaw State University Undergraduate Catalog. Plagiarism and cheating of
any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying papers and not providing proper
literature citations. Any violations of the Student Conduct Regulations will be handled
through the University Court.
Recycling Policy: REDUCE WASTE AND RECYCLE. If possible, please use
(purchase) recycled goods. On campus, paper can be recycled in the bins found in the
front of each classroom and aluminum cans can be recycled in the appropriate containers
in the hall. Please do not mix waste with the materials to be recycled. It's your planet,
your campus, your health & well-being and your economy -- help them all by
recycling. See page 248 of the current catalog for the KSU Position Statement on
Environmental Awareness.
URL: Copies of this syllabus, along with other material relevant to this course, can be
found on the course Homepage. The URL for the course Homepage is:
Office Hours: My office hours are listed on the first page of this syllabus. I encourage
you to avail yourself of them. If you cannot make it to any of these scheduled hours,
please make an appointment. I'm certain that we can find a mutually acceptable time to
Your continued presence in this course signifies your acceptance of the policies and procedures outlined
BIOLOGY 6399 – Seminar
Instructor: Scott Reese, Ph.D.
Office: SC 323
Office Hours:
Office Phone: 770-423-6168
Lecture Room:
Lecture Time:
Course Online: D2L
Skype: doctor_reese
Aug 20
Aug 27
Sept 3
Sept 10
Sept 17
Sept 24
Oct 1
Oct 8
Oct 15
Oct 22
Oct 29
Nov 5
Nov 12
Nov 19
Nov 26
Dec 3
Introduction and Presenting Research
Reese-Opening Presentation
No Class-Labor Day.
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Discussion of written paper
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker – Paper 1 due
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker
External Speaker
Internal/Student Speaker – Paper 2 due
Reese-Final Discussion and evaluation
BIOL 6399 - Seminar
Attendance/Participation: Class attendance and participation is expected and will be
used in the grading scheme. You will be expected to critically read articles from the
primary literature and come to class prepared to discuss their content. You are expected
to be an active participant in all of these discussions. Please arrive before the
beginning of class so as not to disturb your fellow students. Mute all cell phones, pagers,
etc. There are 2 papers required for the semester. Details of the papers can be found on
the D2L, please read over the material before coming to class.
Participate in 13-16 sessions; turn in 2
Participate in <13 sessions; turn in <2
The final grading scale may be adjusted at the discretion of the instructor and will be
announced via WebCT.
Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability or medical condition
needing academic accommodations of class-related activities or schedules must contact
the instructor immediately. Written verification from the KSU disAbled Student Support
Services is required. No requirements exist that accommodations be made prior to
completion of this approved University documentation. All discussions will remain
Academic Honesty: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the
Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic
honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to
University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic
work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials,
malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student
identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through
the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an
“informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal
hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one
semester suspension requirement.
You are expected to follow the regulations as stated on pages 233-236 of the 2003-2004
of the Kennesaw State University Undergraduate Catalog. Plagiarism and cheating of
any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying papers and not providing proper
literature citations. Any violations of the Student Conduct Regulations will be handled
through the University Court.
Recycling Policy: REDUCE WASTE AND RECYCLE. If possible, please use
(purchase) recycled goods. On campus, paper can be recycled in the bins found in the
front of each classroom and aluminum cans can be recycled in the appropriate containers
in the hall. Please do not mix waste with the materials to be recycled. It's your planet,
your campus, your health & well-being and your economy -- help them all by
recycling. See page 248 of the current catalog for the KSU Position Statement on
Environmental Awareness.
URL: Copies of this syllabus, along with other material relevant to this course, can be
found on the course Homepage. The URL for the course Homepage is:
Office Hours: My office hours are listed on the first page of this syllabus. I encourage
you to avail yourself of them. If you cannot make it to any of these scheduled hours,
please make an appointment. I'm certain that we can find a mutually acceptable time to
Your continued presence in this course signifies your acceptance of the policies and procedures outlined