M.Ed. in Reading/Secondary School
II. COURSE TITLE: Young Adult Literature in Secondary Schools
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Cole, Pam. (2008). Young Adult Literature in the 21st Century. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Most current issue of SIGNAL Journal and/or The Alan Review (both are nationally recognized, scholarly journals that focus on
young adult literature)
A selection of young adult literature titles will be required. Titles will be subject to change each semester as new titles are
released and national awards are given. Students will also have the opportunity to choose young adult literature titles that meet
the needs and interests of their students. As a class, students will read approximately 10 titles.
In this course, candidates will build upon their understanding and use of young adult literature in secondary school classrooms.
Candidates will read, review, and evaluate a wide-range of contemporary young adult literature genres, trends and issues, while
concurrently reviewing and evaluating methodologies for teaching. Candidates will be asked to design and develop classroom and
school-based literature activities and programs to enhance instruction and foster motivation.
Mastery of reading skills is basic to successful learning in every school subject. Content teachers can further their education by pursuing
an advanced degree in Literacy. The M.Ed. in Reading/Secondary Schools will facilitate teacher acquisition of skills and competencies
needed to help students read, write and understand content material; it will also aid teachers in identifying literacy problems, providing
required interventions, and assisting all students in improving literacy skills. A M.Ed. in Reading will provide the incentive, as well as
the opportunity, for teachers to become effective teacher leaders who assist their colleagues in improving literacy among secondary
schools students in Georgia.
The market for young adult literature is enormous and continues to grow with hundreds of titles being released each year. New and
innovative instructional activities use contemporary young adult literature in secondary school classrooms. This course will provide
candidates with the resources to stay informed of a variety of genres, trends and issues in contemporary young adult literature and in
methodologies for teaching with young adult literature. In addition to professional resources, candidates will read contemporary young
adult literature over a wide range of genres and styles. Candidates will implement various new strategies within their own classrooms and
reflect on the implementation. Further, this course will push candidates to see themselves in the role of a reading specialist who can
provide support for other classroom teachers and organize school-based literature activities and programs.
Conceptual Framework
Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching and Learning
The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise among candidates
in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of
learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that
support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates as they progress through stages of growth from novice
to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development,
not an end-state. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are entwined and
that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that
way, candidates are facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes, values and demonstrates collaborative
practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration with
professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal
of assisting Georgia schools in bringing all students to high levels of learning.
The graduates of advanced programs at Kennesaw State University, in addition to being effective classroom teachers, also develop
expertise as effective teacher leaders who are self-directed, value a spirit of inquiry, and facilitate learning in all students; they
1. Are committed to students and their learning.
2. Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
3. Are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
4. Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
5. Are members of learning communities.
Knowledge Base
Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: preservice, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell,
Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching-learning
process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believes that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers
and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during the continuum phases teachers progress from being Novices learning to survive in
classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is
not an end-state but a process of continued development.
This course is designed for graduate candidates who are completing a program of study leading to a M.Ed. in Adolescent
Education/Literacy. The knowledge base for this course is reflected in the textual readings, references, objectives, assignments and inclass activities. Program candidates will have an opportunity to demonstrate pedagogical knowledge and skills related to student needs
and motivation, various family and community literacies and the process of active learning.
The professional learning facilitator:
Demonstrates the knowledge of content required to facilitate learning.
Demonstrates the knowledge of students needed to facilitate learning.
Demonstrates the knowledge of standards and best pedagogical practices to facilitate learning.
Demonstrates skill in creating a facilitative learning environment.
Demonstrates skill in creating facilitative learning experiences.
Demonstrates professionalism.
Has students who are successful learners.
Use of Technology:
Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information
technologies will be integrated throughout the graduate program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student
learning and meet IRA Reading Standards. Candidates in this course will explore and use instructional media to assist teaching. They will
use multimedia to design instruction, support student use of virtual texts as a source of reading material, and navigate young adult
literature databases.
Candidates in EDRD 7816 will be required to be involved in leadership and school-based activities directed at the improvement of
literacy teaching and learning. Appropriate activities may include, but are not limited to, attending and presenting at professional
conferences, analyzing classroom- and school-based literature programs and needs, and leading and presenting professional development
activities at the school, district, state, or national level. Candidates are expected to be skillful collaborators who are capable of working
with reading teachers, content area teachers, media specialists, and administration to meet the literacy needs of the students.
Diversity Statement:
A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the needs of the different learning styles of diverse learners in
class. Candidates will gain knowledge as well as an understanding of differentiated strategies and curricula for providing effective
instruction and assessment within multicultural classrooms. One element of course work is raising candidate awareness of critical
multicultural issues. A second element is to cause candidates to explore how multiple attributes of multicultural populations influence
decisions in employing specific methods and materials for every student. Among these attributes are age, disability, ethnicity, family
structure, gender, geographic region, giftedness, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. An
emphasis on cognitive style differences provides a background for the consideration of cultural context.
Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to support students with
disabilities within their academic program. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled
Student Support Services (ext. 6443) and develop an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required.
Please be aware there are other support/mentor groups on the campus of Kennesaw State University that address each of the multicultural
variables outlined above.
The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) prepares learning facilitators who understand their disciplines and principles of
pedagogy, who reflect on their practice, and who apply these understandings to making instructional decisions that foster the success of
all learners. The following grid aligns course objectives with the International Reading Association Professional Reading Standards,
NCATE standards, and the Candidate Performance Instrument:
Course Objectives/IRA
Professional Candidate
2.2 Use a wide range of instructional
practices, approaches, and methods,
including technology-based
practices, for learners at differing
stages of development and from
differing cultural and linguistic
1.2 Possesses an interdisciplinary
understanding of the role reading
plays in the content areas and
accurately represents
understanding through use of
multiple explanations, technologies
and/or strategies.
Literature Activity
School-Based Literature
2.4 Uses multiple methods,
technologies, both print and
nonprint resources and
organizational arrangements
(including various grouping
options) to meet goals articulated
for individual students, class
instruction and the overall school
improvement plan.
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum
materials in effective reading
instruction for learners at different
stages of reading and writing
development and from different
cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
2.1 Treats students equitably and
provides equitable access to the
full curriculum by respecting
individual differences and
adjusting (or assisting teachers in
adjusting) practices accordingly.
2.4 Uses multiple methods,
technologies, both print and
nonprint resources and
organizational arrangements
(including various grouping
options) to meet goals articulated
for individual students, class
instruction and the overall school
improvement plan.
Professional Book Reviews
Literature Activity
Analysis of Student Interests
4.1 Use students’ interests, reading
abilities, and backgrounds as
foundations for the reading and
writing program.
1.1 Possesses broad, current and
specialized knowledge of reading
(e.g., foundations of the
reading/writing process, major
components of reading, reading
research and histories of reading)
and demonstrates this knowledge
to colleagues, parents and students.
School-Based Literature
Analysis of Student Interests
School-Based Literature
2.3 Creates a safe, well-managed,
challenging and inclusive learning
environment that supports student
interests, reading abilities, and
4.2. Use a large supply of books,
technology-based information, and
nonprint materials representing
multiple levels, broad interests, and
cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
4.3 Model reading and writing
enthusiastically as valued lifelong
4.4 Motivate learners to be lifelong
2.4 Uses multiple methods,
technologies, both print and
nonprint resources and
organizational arrangements
(including various grouping
options) to meet goals articulated
for individual students, class
instruction and the overall school
improvement plan.
Professional Book Reviews
3.3 Displays positive dispositions
toward reading and the teaching of
reading by modeling
reading/writing as valued lifelong
Professional Book Reviews
3.3 Displays positive dispositions
toward reading and the teaching of
reading by modeling
reading/writing as valued lifelong
Analysis of Student Interests
3.2 Reflects regularly upon daily
practice, and draws upon
experience and the professional
literature to design and conduct
research aimed at improved student
Professional Book Reviews
Analysis of Student Interests
School-Based Literature
School-Based Literature
5.1 Display positive dispositions
related to reading and the teaching of
3.3 Displays positive dispositions
toward reading and the teaching of
reading by modeling
reading/writing as valued lifelong
Analysis of Student Interests
School-Based Literature
Professional Book Reviews. Candidates will read, evaluate, and write a professional book review for each of the class-wide
required young adult literature titles (10 total). Candidates will have an opportunity to read professional book reviews from SIGNAL
Journal and The ALAN Review and evaluate these as models (50 points).
Literature Activity Implementation. Candidates will create three classroom-based activities that they will implement with their
students. Activities will be created using young adult literature, but are not limited to the titles used in this course. Candidates are
encouraged to learn about the materials that are available to them at their schools in their media center. Candidates will collect
classroom artifacts during the implementation in order to reflect on the implementation (100 points).
Analysis of Student Interests. Oftentimes, students are unaware of their interests in Literacy, and one experience with a great book
can turn a non-reader into an avid reader. Candidates will work with students to uncover interests, attitudes, and motivation toward
Literacy. Using the data, candidates will a) discuss findings with the school media specialist and other reading specialists to
determine what is available for students, b) research a wide range of potential young adult literature titles (from various forms and
genres) to meet student interests, and c) look for common themes among student interests to form classroom or school-based
literature programs (such as book clubs). Candidates will organize their findings in a report (100 points).
School-Based Literature Program. Based upon findings from the Analysis of Student Interests, candidates will design a literature
program or project that is school-based. The design must take into consideration a) reading and writing opportunities for students, b)
student interest and motivation, and c) multiple classes and teachers. A presentation of the program will be presented during class
(150 points).
School-Based Activities. Candidates in EDRD 7816 will be required to be involved in leadership and school-based activities
directed at the improvement of literacy teaching and learning. Appropriate activities may include, but are not limited to, attending
and presenting at professional conferences, analyzing classroom- and school-based literature programs and needs, and leading and
presenting professional development activities at the school, district, state, or national level. Candidates are expected to be skillful
collaborators who are capable of working with reading teachers, content area teachers, media specialists, and administration to meet
the literacy needs of the students.
Candidate Self-Evaluation of Meeting Standards. Candidates conduct self-evaluation on his/her progress in meeting the IRA
standards designated for this course. Self-evaluation must represent thoughtful reflection upon the standards in concert with the field
experience required by the course as well as the professional literature. Format of candidate reflection will be provided by the
instructor. (50 points).
IX. Evaluation and Grading Scale:
90 – 100%. =A
80 – 89% =B
70 – 79% =C
60 – 69% =D
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and
Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions
regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or
academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or
services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established
procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an "informal" resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade
adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one semester suspension
The expectations for attending class are in accordance with the Graduate Catalogue. All students are expected to attend classes in
accordance with the scheduled time of the course. Should you be absent, you are responsible for making up the work missed. In-class
activities may not be made up.
Introduction to Topic: National Organizations, Awards, Databases, Journals, etc.
Defining Young Adult Literature; Professional Book Reviews
The Right Book for the Right Reader; Using Surveys, Questionnaires, and More
Trends & Issues: Popular Culture Influence
Genre Focus: Realistic Fiction
Genre Focus: Historical Fiction;
Trends & Issues: Redefining the Classics
Genre Focus: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Genre Focus: Nonfiction
Trends & Issues: Young Adult Literature & Writing
Genre Focus: Romance, Humor & Sports
Genre Focus: Mysteries, Thrillers, & Horror
Trends & Issues: Censorship
Other forms and formats
Alvermann, D. E. (2001). Reading adolescents reading identities: Looking back to see ahead. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,
44(8), 676 - 690.
Blasingame, J. (2004). How Will Life Be in 3003? Visions of the Future in Young Adult Literature. SIGNAL, 27(1), 5-11.
Bucher, K., & Manning, M. L. (2006). Young Adult Literature: Exploration, Evaluation, and Appreciation. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Cai, M. (2006). Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Reflection on Critical Issues. Charolette, NC: Information Age
Clark, R. E. C. (2005). Tantalizing tidbits for middle schoolers: Quick booktalks for the busy middle school and jr. high library media
specialist. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Books.
Clark, R. E. C. (2007). Tantalizing tidbits for teens 2: More quick booktalks for the busy high school library media specialist. Columbus,
Ohio: Linworth Pub.
Donelson, K. L., & Nilsen, A. P. (2005). Literature for Today's Young Adults (seventh ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Gates, P. S., & Mark, D. L. H. (2006). Cultural Journeys: Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults. Lanham, MD:
Scarecrow Press.
Gates, P. S., Steffel, S. B., & Molson, F. J. (2003). Fantasy literature for children and young adults. Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Harvey, S. (1998). Nonfiction matters: Reading, writing, and research in grades 3-8. Portland: Stenhouse Publishers.
Helbig, A. K., & Perkins, A. R. (2001). Many Peoples, One Land: A Guide to New Multicultural LIterature for Children and Young
Adults. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press.
Herald, D. T. (2003). Teen genreflecting: A guide to reading interests (2nd ed.). Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
Hunt, P. (2005). Understanding children's literature: Key essays from the second edition of The International companion encyclopedia of
children's literature (2nd ed.). London ; New York: Routledge.
Jones, P., & Shoemaker, J. (2001). Do it right!: Best practices for serving young adults in school and public libraries. New York: NealSchuman Publishers.
Lesesne, T. S. (2003). Making the match: The right book for the right reader at the right time, grades 4-12. Portland, Me.: Stenhouse
Loertscher, D. (2008b). Flip This Library. School Library Journal, 54(11), 46-48.
Middendorp, J. E. V., & Lee, S. (1994, May/June). Literature for Children and Young Adults in a History Classroom. The Social Studies,
Salem, L. C. (2006). Children's literature studies: Cases and discussions. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
Tomlinson, C. M., & Lynch-Brown, C. (2007). Essentials of Young Adult Literature. Boston: Pearson.
Wade, S. E., & Moje, E. B. (2000). The role of text in classroom learning, Volume III. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson &
R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of reading research (Vol. III, pp. 609 - 627). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Wiseman, D. L., Many, J. E., & Altieri, J. (1997). When the literary response is: "I like the book - it is funny." Where do we go from
here? Georgia Journal of Reading, 17-25.
Wood, K. D., & Dickinson, T. S. (2000). Promoting literacy in grades 4 - 9. Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon.