Georgia Professional Standards Commission Teacher Leadership Endorsement Standards

Georgia Professional Standards Commission Teacher Leadership Endorsement
DRAFT – FALL 2009. Anticipated date of adoption – March 1, 2010.
Standard 1: The Teacher Leader demonstrates the ability to design, use, and
interpret multiple types of assessment in combination with other available data to
facilitate teachers’ design and use of varied diagnostic and evaluative
assessment tools to plan instruction and measure student learning.
Uses appropriate research strategies to EDL 7305
profile student performance and analyze
differences among individuals and
subgroups to identify resources and to
provide support services for all students.
Demonstrates the ability to facilitate
EDL 7305
teachers’ skills in the collection, analysis
and use of varied assessment data to
identify student learning needs, plan
instruction to address the identified
needs, and assess student progress
toward expected outcomes.
Understands the importance of the
EDL 7305
triangulation of data in teaching and
Facilitates the development of teachers’ EDL 7305
abilities to use multiple and balanced
assessments in the assessment of
Keeps people informed of professional EDL 7100
performance objectives.
Provides regular and timely feedback on EDL 7100
professional and student performance.
Implements a fair and unbiased system EDL 7305
of accountability for every student.
Standard 2: The Teacher Leader exhibits strong interpersonal skills and is
considered by peers and stakeholders to exhibit a high degree of
professionalism, ethics, collegiality, caring and task commitment focused on
efforts to improve student learning.
Promotes accountability by strategically EDL 7305
planning, measuring, monitoring,
organizing and managing systems and
processes necessary to improve student
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Teacher Leadership Endorsement Standards
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achievement and organizational
Develops and sustains trusting,
productive, and supportive relationships
with teachers, administrators, and other
colleagues individually and in teams.
Promotes the vision, mission and goals
of the organization.
Acts with integrity, fairness, and in a
legal and ethical manner.
Takes risks in order to initiate changes
and encourages others to consider them
as opportunities that will improve
student learning.
Applies effective problem-solving skills
when facilitating the work of adult
Uses shared decision-making and leads
teachers in developing shared goals,
norms, values, and a common mission
for student learning.
Supports appropriate decisions others
make on their own.
Establishes trust and mutual respect
when relating to others.
Admits a mistake when one is made.
Demonstrates a positive and caring
attitude toward others.
Adjusts to multiple demands, ambiguity
and change.
Treats others’ concerns and issues with
the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
Honor commitments, promises, and
Demonstrates persistence in achieving
Demonstrates a sense of excitement
and enjoyment about work, teaching,
and learning.
Recognizes own strengths and
Resolves conflicts constructively.
Confronts others when appropriate.
Demonstrates strong organizational and
record-keeping skills.
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Teacher Leadership Endorsement Standards
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EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7100
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
EDUC 7702
EDL 7100; 7305
EDUC 7702; EDL 7305
EDUC 7702
EDUC 7702
EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDUC 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7100
Models principles of ethical behavior
when dealing with any stakeholder.
Demonstrates ability to identify and
implement operational systems for
efficient classroom management.
Demonstrates ability to organize time to
focus upon quality instruction and
student learning.
Nurtures positive and productive
relationships among stakeholders.
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7100
EDL 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7100
Standard 3: The Teacher Leader demonstrates the ability to collaborate with all
stakeholders (parents, students, teachers, and community members) in planning
and implementing actions designed to improve student achievement and the
instructional process for students.
Uses effective conflict resolution,
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
problem solving and consensus-building
techniques in varied contexts.
Uses the knowledge of group dynamics, EDL 7100; EDL 7305
team building, process skills,
organizational development, systems
theory, and formal and informal, power
structures and relationships in school
and community contexts.
Shares visions and mission, develops
problem solving strategies, and
promotes a team approach in a
distributed leadership environment.
EDL 7100
Develops and supports collaborative
teams and promotes collegial
interactions that improve the
effectiveness of practice.
Improves the quality of colleagues'
collaboration and interaction with
families and other stakeholders.
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
Works collaboratively to develop
curriculum and assessments designed
to improve instruction and student
Promotes an atmosphere of
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
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EDL 7100
EDL 7305
Facilitates the open exchange
of ideas and information.
Helps others gain clarity about
role expectations
Appraises the ethical and legal
consequences before making a
Allows for stakeholder input and choice
in the decision-making process.
EDL 7305
EDL 7100
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
Standard 4: The Teacher Leader demonstrates strong oral and written
communication skills.
Articulates to all stakeholders the shared
vision and mission.
Listens for understanding to
stakeholders as they express concerns,
needs, and/or commendations.
Explains the impact and implications of
decisions to the team.
Communicates results and decisions in
a timely manner.
Communicates what resources are
needed and why.
Determines that people understand the
information being communicated.
Displays effective oral communication.
Displays effective written
Seeks and uses feedback from
Addresses concerns about the impact of
Facilitates the discussion of sensitive
Emphasizes the importance of
confidentiality when appropriate.
EDL 7100
EDL 7100
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDUC 7702
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
EDL 7100; 7305
EDL 7305
EDL 7100; 7305
Standard 5: The Teacher Leader demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of
his/her content discipline and curriculum standards.
Possesses an in-depth knowledge of
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EDUC 7702
their discipline, are knowledgeable
about the structure of the curriculum,
and understand how the program of
studies from various disciplines and
grades are related in order to design
and deliver meaningful and relevant
professional learning and engage all
Demonstrates knowledge of the Georgia EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
Performance Standards and are able to
use a variety of strategies to engage
teachers and administrators in
discussions about what students should
know, understand, and do in each
instructional unit based on those
EDL 7100; EDL 7305; EDUC 7702
Understands the discipline associated
with the team's work.
Applies discipline knowledge to lead
EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
Standard 6: The Teacher Leader facilitates the design and implementation of
action research based on data analysis for individual and group decision-making
in order to improve student achievement and instruction.
Diagnoses staff needs, implements
strategies to address needs, and
provides ongoing support.
Models research-based best practices.
Engages in action research and
facilitates colleagues in finding the right
approach and solutions to improve the
learning organization.
Obtains and guides others to relevant
information before making a decision.
Seeks diverse opinions before making
Experiments with new or different ideas
and approaches.
Uses research-based instructional
strategies to design effective models to
improve instruction and learning.
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EDL 7305
EDUC 7702
EDL 7305
EDL 7305; 7100
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
EDUC 7702
EDL 7305
Standard 7: The Teacher Leader is knowledgeable of research based best
practices in pedagogy and serves as a model for other educators.
Demonstrates a learning oriented focus
on teaching and learning.
Models research-based best practices.
Is knowledgeable of the adult learner.
Understands learning patterns of learner
Integrates appropriate technology to
support teaching and learning.
EDUC 7702
EDUC 7702
EDUC 7702
EDL 7305; EDL 7100
EDL 7305
Standard 8: The Teacher Leader facilitates the design and implementation of
coherent, integrated, and differentiated professional learning based on assessed
student and teacher needs.
Implements effective induction,
recruitment, retention, and outplacement
plans for staff.
Uses knowledge and strategies of adult
learning theory across teacher leader
Advances the professional skills of
colleagues by demonstrating and
applying expertise in observational skills
and in providing quality feedback in
order to support reflective practice
focused on improved curriculum,
instruction and assessment.
Constantly seeks to learn through
research, reading, and dialogue with
their peers and others with educational
EDUC 7702; EDL 7100
EDUC 7702; EDL 7100; 7305
EDL 7305
EDUC 7702
Uses a variety of strategies and
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
processes to engage individuals and
stakeholder groups in planning,
implementing, and monitoring individual,
team, and school change.
Understands and responds to the needs EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
of adult learners in planning and
delivering job-embedded professional
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Understands the continuous nature of
EDUC 7702
Plans and executes development
activities for the team that enhance the
team's level of discipline competence.
Teaches and models new behaviors.
EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
Translates higher-level vision for change EDL 7100; EDL 7305; EDUC 7702
into concrete actions.
Coaches and mentors team members
Encourages people to take assignments EDL 7100
that make the best use of their skills and
Standard 9: The Teacher Leader promotes the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a shared vision of learning supported by the
school/system community.
Becomes informed on emerging trends
and initiatives in order to help define
what the vision should be.
EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
Actively engages with colleagues to
create a collaborative learning
community that embraces a shared
vision of mission and desired results.
EDL 7100
Clarifies issues and keeps focus on the EDL 7100; EDUC 7702
elements of student learning and
instruction that are most important.
Sets a vision of professional excellence EDL 7100
for the team.
Focuses on professional performance.
EDL 7100; 7305; EDUC 7702
Sets a vision that fosters commitment of EDL 7100
the team.
Communicates why change is
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EDL 7100; 7305
Standard 10: The Teacher Leader promotes the development of a school culture
and environment that promotes excellence, is focused on improvement, and
fosters a sense of belonging and cooperation.
Creates an environment that
EDL 7100
encourages students and colleagues to
take risks while minimizing the fear of
initial failure.
Uses effective conflict resolution, team EDL 7100; EDL 7305
building, and consensus-building
techniques in a variety of contexts to
build a culture of collaboration, trust, and
high expectations.
Creates an environment that
encourages change when change is
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
Promotes an atmosphere where
mistakes can be discussed openly.
EDL 7100
Understands and explains general roles EDL 7100
and responsibilities of leadership at all
levels of the organization.
Engages in discussions with team
members about organizational culture
and its impact.
EDL 7100
Demonstrates an awareness of
EDL 7100; EDL 7305
unspoken and significant issues (hidden
agendas) in relations with others.
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