KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE PROPOSAL OR REVISION, Cover Sheet (10/02/2002) Course Number/Program Name EDL 9350 Economics of Education Department Educational Leadership Degree Title (if applicable) EdD in Leadership for Learning Proposed Effective Date Fall 2011 Check one or more of the following and complete the appropriate sections: xx New Course Proposal Course Title Change Course Number Change Course Credit Change Course Prerequisite Change Course Description Change Sections to be Completed II, III, IV, V, VII I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III Notes: If proposed changes to an existing course are substantial (credit hours, title, and description), a new course with a new number should be proposed. A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as part of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each existing course incorporated into the program. Minor changes to a course can use the simplified E-Z Course Change Form. Submitted by: Faculty Member Approved _____ Date Not Approved Department Curriculum Committee Date Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Department Chair Date College Curriculum Committee Date College Dean Date GPCC Chair Date Dean, Graduate College Date Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Vice President for Academic Affairs Date Approved Not Approved President Date KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE/CONCENTRATION/PROGRAM CHANGE I. Current Information (Fill in for changes) Page Number in Current Catalog Course Prefix and Number Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisites Description (or Current Degree Requirements) II. Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses) Course Prefix and Number: EDL 9350 Course Title _ Economics of Education ____________ Credit Hours Three (3) credit hours Prerequisites Admission to Doctoral Program in Education Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements) Adequacy and equity in the provision of school services and support are crucial concerns of the public school administrator. The course addresses the financial management of education through the lens of basic economic theory and how the American economy provides funding for public education. The focus is on how funds are administered and the trends toward more efficient utilization of resources, including an introductory view from a global perspective. The approach is a business management appreciation of the complexity and magnitude of education as an important resource in the public sector. III. Justification The course is framed within Distributed School Leadership Practice (DSLP), one of the leading authors of which is James Spillane of Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. Early in 2006, Spillane rejected the commonly held notion that leadership was either the act of a heroic individual or of several individuals who shared leadership responsibilities. In his book, Distributed Leadership, Spillane postulates that “…leadership…is a practice…that is the product of joint interactions of school leaders, followers and aspects of their situation such as routines and tools” (p. 3). The course is taught by faculty with expertise in school leadership, collaboration, and diversity. Topics are presented in an integrated manner, such that school transformation is seen as whole school reform initiative where performance-based practice is the hallmark (Leithwood, Day, Sammons, Harris, & Hopkins, 2006) and the tenets of Distributed School Leadership Practice (Spillane, 2006), therefore, are embedded within all activities. Program design supports team building and connections among school districts (building and system), universities, and beginning leadership candidates. This design is consistent with the Bagwell College of Education goal of providing a collaborative framework for developing expertise in teaching, learning, and leadership within the EdS and EdD program. It is anticipated that participants will mirror this expectation in their future organizational settings. Residency module activities are problem-based and assist individuals in developing an internal focus and disposition to meet the challenges and opportunities within leadership practice in their respective career paths and organizational settings. Economics of Education Understanding equity and adequacy issues related to education finance are the foundation of school finance policies that produce higher levels of student achievement. By understanding how to begin improving the productivity of the education dollar, a closer examination is required in alternative state school finance structures, their costs, impacts on different types of local school districts, and relationship to education reform. Understanding current resource use patterns in education in the United States and how to reallocate resources to better use is critical for the development and design of school finance policies that improve equity and adequacy. Through familiarity with the school finance system in Georgia and access to data from other states and a brief overview of other countries, becoming familiar with the research literature on school finance, further developing conceptualization, data acquisition and data analysis skills for education policy analysis, school leaders will gain expertise in influencing school and district decisions regarding effective resource allocation that impacts student performance. IV. Additional Information (for New Courses only) Instructor: TBA Text: Odden, A.R. & Picus, L.O. (2008). School finance: A policy perspective, 4th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN – 13: 978-0-07-352592-1. Guthrie, J.W., Springer, M.G., Rolle, R. A., & Houck, E.A. (2007). Modern education finance and policy. (Peabody College Education Leadership Series) 1/E. Columbus, OH: Allyn & Bacon. Prerequisites: Admission to Doctoral Program in Leadership for Learning Objectives: EDL Course Objectives (KSD) 1. To understand equity and adequacy issues related to education finance and how to design school finance policies to improve equity and adequacy KS 2. To examine alternative state school finance structures, their costs, impacts on different types of local school districts, and relationship to education reform KS 3. To understand current resource use patterns in education and how reallocate resources to better uses in ways that produce higher levels of student performance KSD 4. To understand the productivity of the education dollar and options for improvement KSD 5. To become familiar with the education finance system in Georgia KS 6. To become familiar with the research literature on school finance K 7. To become familiar with the litigation on school finance in the US and specifically in Georgia K EdS/EdD GLISI Leader PTEU Roles Performance Outcomes ELCC/ PSC Standards BOR Strands 7 Operations 3 7, 8 4, 7 Process Imp. Change 6 4 4 Process Imp. Change 6 8 Data Analysis 4, 6 4, 6 7 6 Process Improvement Operations 7 6 8 6 8 3 8 Operations 7 8. To master basic terminology inherent in the area of school finance (i.e., millage, Basic Education Subsidy, assets, debt, various formulas) KS 9. To identify areas associated with ethics violations KSD 10. To generate strategies designed to plan/manage district budgets, both short and long term KSD 7 Data Analysis 8 Performance 1,2,3,4,7 Performance 3 8 5 8 3, 6 4, 7, 8 Instructional Method - The candidates and university supervisor will use WebCT Vista for communication and course management. Please check daily for postings, mail, and announcements. Instructional methods may include, but are not limited to: Problem-Based Learning Proficiency Examination Cooperative Learning Document-Based Inquiry Case Study Analysis Method of Evaluation Evaluation: Attendance and Participation Choice Project Exam Journal A= 90% -100% - B= 80% - 89% 5% 55% 20% 20% C= 70% - 79% F= 69% or lower V. Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only) Resource Amount Faculty Other Personnel Equipment Supplies Travel New Books New Journals Other (Specify) TOTAL Funding Required Beyond Normal Departmental Growth n/a VI. COURSE MASTER FORM This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President. The form is required for all new courses. DISCIPLINE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE FOR LABEL (Note: Limit 30 spaces) CLASS-LAB-CREDIT HOURS Approval, Effective Term Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U) If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas? Learning Support Programs courses which are required as prerequisites APPROVED: ________________________________________________ Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __ VII Attach Syllabus EdD Leadership for Learning I. COURSE: EDL 9350 Economics of Education Credit: 3 Credit Hours II. INSTRUCTOR: Office: Phone: III. IV. E-Mail: Office Hours: CLASS MEETINGS Dates: TBA Day/Times: TBA Bldg/Room: TBA TEXTS & READINGS: Sugested Required Text: Odden, A.R. & Picus, L.O. (2008). School finance: A policy perspective, 4th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN – 13: 978-0-07-352592-1. Guthrie, J.W., Springer, M.G., Rolle, R. A., & Houck, E.A. (2007). Modern education finance and policy. (Peabody College Education Leadership Series) 1/E. Columbus, OH: Allyn & Bacon. Supplemental Readings: American Psychological Association (2010>. Publications manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed). Washington, DC.: American Psychological Association. Readings as assigned Other information sources on school finance Education Commission of the States Web site: National Center for Educational Statistics: Web Site: General Sources: Economics of Education Review, which is edited in the U.S., but with many international articles as well as domestic ones. Education Economics, which is edited in the UK, but with many U.S. and international articles. The Journal of Human Resource V. COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION Adequacy and equity in the provision of school services and support are crucial concerns of the public school administrator. The course addresses the financial management of education through the lens of basic economic theory and how the American economy provides funding for public education. The focus is on how funds are administered and the trends toward more efficient utilization of resources, including an introductory view from a global perspective. The approach is a business management appreciation of the complexity and magnitude of education as an important resource in the public sector. VI. JUSTIFICATION The course is framed within Distributed School Leadership Practice (DSLP), one of the leading authors of which is James Spillane of Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. Early in 2006, Spillane rejected the commonly held notion that leadership was either the act of a heroic individual or of several individuals who shared leadership responsibilities. In his book, Distributed Leadership, Spillane postulates that “…leadership…is a practice…that is the product of joint interactions of school leaders, followers and aspects of their situation such as routines and tools” (p. 3). The course is taught by faculty with expertise in school leadership, collaboration, and diversity. Topics are presented in an integrated manner, such that school transformation is seen as whole school reform initiative where performance-based practice is the hallmark (Leithwood, Day, Sammons, Harris, & Hopkins, 2006) and the tenets of Distributed School Leadership Practice (Spillane, 2006), therefore, are embedded within all activities. Program design supports team building and connections among school districts (building and system), universities, and beginning leadership candidates. This design is consistent with the Bagwell College of Education goal of providing a collaborative framework for developing expertise in teaching, learning, and leadership within the EdS and EdD program. It is anticipated that participants will mirror this expectation in their future organizational settings. Residency module activities are problem-based and assist individuals in developing an internal focus and disposition to meet the challenges and opportunities within leadership practice in their respective career paths and organizational settings. Economics of Education Understanding equity and adequacy issues related to education finance are the foundation of school finance policies that produce higher levels of student achievement. By understanding how to begin improving the productivity of the education dollar, a closer examination is required in alternative state school finance structures, their costs, impacts on different types of local school districts, and relationship to education reform. Understanding current resource use patterns in education in the United States and how to reallocate resources to better use is critical for the development and design of school finance policies that improve equity and adequacy. Through familiarity with the school finance system in Georgia and access to data from other states and a brief overview of other countries, becoming familiar with the research literature on school finance, further developing conceptualization, data acquisition and data analysis skills for education policy analysis, school leaders will gain expertise in influencing school and district decisions regarding effective resource allocation that impacts student performance. VII. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK SUMMARY Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning & Leadership The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates as they progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates at the doctoral level develop into leaders for learning and facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes values and demonstrates collaborative practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration with professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of assisting Georgia schools in bringing all students to high levels of learning. Use of Technology: Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional media. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and Internet, and they will develop the confidence to design multimedia instructional materials, and create WWW resources. The students will be linked through WebCT Vista and via a listserv that will be utilized in processing the comprehensive experiences of the doctoral program. The members of each cohort will be linked in a similar way as they move through the program. The emerging technologies will be utilized with the parallel expectation that participants demonstrate a high degree of technological literacy in retrieving and sharing information and resources Educational Specialist and Doctorate of Education The knowledge, skills and dispositions (KSD’s) of the graduates of the Doctorate of Education program in the Bagwell College of Education reflect the unique aspects of this degree. Collaboratively developed by faculty from across the university and in consultation with community/school partners, these outcomes and proficiencies delineate the high expectations we have for graduates who will be Leaders for Learning. Clearly, the proficiencies reflect the complex nature of student learning in advanced degree programs leading to a terminal degree. Consequently, many of the proficiencies listed below incorporate aspects of knowledge, skills and dispositions within a single proficiency. These proficiencies are clearly linked to our conceptual framework, The Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. VIII. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND PTEU PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES: The Professional Teacher Education Unit prepares school leaders who understand their disciplines and principles of pedagogy, who reflect on their practice, and who apply these understandings to making decisions that foster the success of all learners. As a result of the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of these courses, participants will demonstrate outcomes that embody the constructs of DSLP, the ten BOR Performance Strands, the ELCC standards, the PSC standards for Residency, and the roles recommended by Georgia’s Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI). As this course is outcomes-driven, successful individuals must provide evidence of meeting the following complementary PTEU EdS/EdD Performance Outcomes: 1. Fosters an organizational culture that facilitates development of a shared vision, school improvement and increased learning for all students. 2. Implements sustainable educational change and process improvement 3. Creates 21st century learning environments that advance best practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. 4. Engages in applied research that supports data-driven planning and decision making for the improvement of schools and learning. 5. Builds collaborative relationships, teams and community partnerships that communicate and reflect distributed leadership for learning. 6. Embraces diversity by demonstrating intercultural literacy and global understanding. 7. Facilitates professional learning and development that enhance and improve professional practice and productivity. 8. Exercises professionalism and ethical practice. EDL Course Objectives (KSD) 1. To understand equity and adequacy issues related to education finance and how to design school finance policies to improve equity and adequacy KS 2. To examine alternative state school finance structures, their costs, impacts on different types of local school districts, and relationship to education reform KS 3. To understand current resource use patterns in education and how reallocate resources to better uses in ways that produce higher levels of student performance KSD 4. To understand the productivity of the education dollar and options for improvement KSD 5. To become familiar with the education finance system in Georgia KS 6. To become familiar with the research literature on school finance K 7. To become familiar with the litigation on school finance in the US and specifically in Georgia K 8. To master basic terminology inherent in the area of school finance (i.e., millage, Basic Education Subsidy, assets, debt, various formulas) KS 9. To identify areas associated with ethics violations KSD 10. To generate strategies designed to plan/manage district budgets, both short and long term KSD EdS/EdD GLISI Leader PTEU Roles Performance Outcomes ELCC/ PSC Standards BOR Strands 7 Operations 3 7, 8 4, 7 Process Imp. Change 6 4 4 Process Imp. Change 6 8 6 7 6 8 6 8 3 8 Data Analysis 4, 6 4, 6 Process Improvement Operations 7 Operations 7 7 Data Analysis 3 8 8 Performance 5 8 1,2,3,4,7 Performance 3, 6 4, 7, 8 IX. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS: Instructional Methodology: The candidates and university supervisor will use WebCT Vista for communication and course management. Please check daily for postings, mail, and announcements. Instructional methods may include, but are not limited to: Problem-Based Learning Proficiency Examination Cooperative Learning Document-Based Inquiry Case Study Analysis Required Activities: Select One Project: (55 % of Grade) Adequacy and/or Equity Project – 15 page paper Analyze the equity and/or adequacy of the school finance system in two states. Identify the main school finance problem(s), and suggest a school finance reform to “fix” the issue(s) chosen. Include appropriate simulation summary tables and research citations for equity and/or adequacy numbers. OR Use of school resources – 15 page paper Describe the resource use in a local school, together with a proposal on resource reallocation. Identify at least 3 problems or goals in which members of an educational organization might be interested. Include appropriate data to support your goals and support your reasoning with a review of the literature. OR State Finance Reform – 15 page paper Select 3 areas for reform in Georgia’s funding formula. Provide a clear argument for the need for reform and suggestion(s) for improvement addressing the issues of equity and/or adequacy. Include appropriate data to support your recommendations and evidence in literature review Theoretical Framework Support: Assessment: Course Objectives: .Garner (2004); Psacharopoulos & Patrinos (2004) Tsang (2002); Hanushek (2003). Temin, (2003). Loeb & Reininger (2004). Holistic All objectives Final Exam: (20% of Grade)Candidates will demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions through a comprehensive final exam that addresses the course objectives Theoretical Framework Support: Assessment: Course Objectives: Holistic All objectives Attendance and Participation: (5% of Grade.) Attendance and participation in all university and school/system based activities is required for successful completion of module activities. Candidates are expected to complete the assigned readings and/or assigned activities each week and participate in class discussions demonstrating understanding of the readings. Theoretical Framework Support: Assessment: Course Objectives: X. Holistic All objectives EVALUATION AND GRADING: Evaluation: Attendance and Participation Choice Project Exam Journal A= 90% -100% B= 80% - 89% 5% 55% 20% 20% C= 70% - 79% F= 69% or lower Note: All written work should reflect careful organization of material and the high standards of investigation associated with college-level studies. All work submitted that requires documentation should follow APA format. Manuscripts must be proof read to ensure accuracy in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Rubrics will be shared with candidates as a means of establishing an understanding of expectation of graduate study in the BCOE and at KSU. Every effort will be made by the instructor to be fair and equitable in the assignment of grades through multiple processes noted above. In the final analysis, the assigned grade will be based on the best professional judgment of instructor. XI. TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE and Suggested Readings Date Activity INTRODUCTION: THE SCOPE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION, THE PROBLEM OF SCHOOL Week 1 FINANCE, AND SCHOOL FINANCE ADEQUACY School Finance Overview: Introduction of Major School Finance Concepts Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 1. SCHOOL FINANCE EQUITY AND ADEQUACY Week 2 School Finance Litigation: From Equity to Adequacy Odden and Picus (2008), Ch. 2 Vincent v. Voight, 1997 -- Wisconsin Supreme Court school finance court decision. Lindseth, Alfred. (2004). Adequacy Lawsuits: The Wrong Answer for our kids. Education Week, June 9 UW) Guthre, James and Matthew Springer (2004). Courtroom Alchemy. Education Next Vol. 7, no 1, see: Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 A Framework for School Finance: From Equity to Adequacy Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 3. Allan Odden. (2003). Equity and Adequacy in School Finance. Phi Delta Kappan, 85 (2). III. IDENTIFYING ADEQUATE RESOURCES AND REALLOCATING SCHOOL FUNDS TO THOSE RESOURCES What is an Adequate Level of Resources? Mark Fermanich, Michelle Turner Mangan, Allan Odden, Lawrence O. Picus , Betheny Gross & Zena Rudo. (2006). Washington Learns: Successful Districts Study. Report prepared for theK12 Advisory Committee of Washington Learns. Jennifer Imazeki & Andrew Reshovsky. (July 2004). Estimating the costs of meeting the Texas educational accountability Standards. Report for the plaintiffs in West Orange-Cove v. Neeley. Resource Allocation: How Are Education Dollars Currently Spent? Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 6. Karen Hawley Miles. (1995). Freeing Resources for Improving Schools: A Case Study of Teacher Allocation in Boston Public Schools. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 17(4), 476-493. Amy Schwartz. (1999). School Districts and Spending in the Schools. In William Fowler, Jr., Ed. Selected Papers in School Finance 1997-1999. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Available online at: David Monk and S. Hussain. (2000). Structural Influences on the Internal Allocation of School District Resources: Evidence from New York State. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 22(1), 1-26. Resource Reallocation: How Dollars Could Be Spent More Effectively Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 7 Allan Odden and Sarah Archibald. (2001). Committing to Class-Size Reduction and Finding the Resources to Implement It: A Case Study of Resource Reallocation in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 9(30). Online journal: Allan Odden, Sarah Archibald and Anita Tychsen. (1999). Farnham Elementary School: A Case Study of Resource Reallocation. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, Consortium for Policy Research in Education. Available online at: PROVIDING ADEQUATE DOLLARS TO SCHOOLS AND DISTRICTS Getting Adequate Dollars to the Schools: District Budgeting Guest Speakers: CFO from a school district Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 8. Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Weel 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 XII. Fund the Child. 2006. Report from the Fordham Foundation. Rosalind Levacic, Kenneth Ross, Brian Caldwell & Allan Odden. (2000). Funding Schools by Formula: Comparing Practice in Five Countries. Journal of Education Finance. 25(4), 489-515. Funding education in the United States A Summary of Previous Research in Georgia on School Finance US taxes, regressive and progressive, corporate taxes Alternative funding for school construction and capital projects Getting Adequate Dollars to Districts: State School Finance Formulas and Their Various Impacts Odden & Picus (2008), Chapters 9 Please bring your laptop computer to class, with the 20 district simulation downloaded on it. We will show you how to use or download the 20 district and state simulations State Equity and Adequacy Odden & Picus (2008), Chapter 11. Please Bring Laptops to Class. Guest Speaker: School Principal Miller, L, Roza, M, & Swartz, C (2004). A cost allocation model for shared district resources: A means for comparing spending across schools. Center on Reinventing Public Education. New Approaches to Teacher Salary Structures Odden and Wallace. (2007). How to Achieve World Class Teacher Compensation. St. Paul: Freeload Press. Available for free at: Odden & Picus (2008), chapter 12 Putting it All Together: The Cost of Education Odden, A, Goetz, M, & Picus, L. (2008). Using Available Evidence to Determine Educational Adequacy. Education Finance and Policy. Summer 2008, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pages 374-397. Odden, A. R., Picus, L. O., & Goetz, M. (under review). A 50-state strategy to school finance adequacy. Journal of Education Policy. Final Exam Project Presentation Final Class Odden and Picus (2008), Chapter 7. Rubenstein, R., Schwartz, A., Stiefel, L (2006). Rethinking the intradistrict distribution of school inputs to disadvantaged students. Paper presented for “Rethinking Rodriquez: Education as a fundamental right. University of California—Berkeley. POLICIES Diversity: A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the needs of the different learning styles of diverse learners in class. Candidates will gain knowledge as well as an understanding of differentiated strategies and curricula for providing effective instruction and assessment within multicultural classrooms. One element of course work is raising candidate awareness of critical multicultural issues. A second element is to cause candidates to explore how multiple attributes of multicultural populations influence decisions in employing specific methods and materials for every student. Among these attributes are age, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, geographic region, giftedness, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. An emphasis on cognitive style differences provides a background for the consideration of cultural context. Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to support students with disabilities within their academic program. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (ext. 6443) and develop an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required. Please be aware there are other support/mentor groups on the campus of Kennesaw State University that address each of the multicultural variables outlined above. The development of an appreciation of diversity as a core organizational value and its use as a resource will give direction to the activities of the doctoral seminar and of the whole doctoral program. Consideration will be given to diversity in developing the membership of the cohorts in the interest of ensuring that the collaborative cohort experience contributes to the development of such personal and organizational core values. Professionalism- Academic Honesty: KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Faculty of the EdS and EdD programs abide by the policies and guidelines established by the university in their expectations for candidates’ work. Candidates are responsible for knowing and adhering to the guidelines of academic honesty as stated in the graduate catalog. Any candidate who is found to have violated these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action consistent with university policy. For example, plagiarism or other violations of the University’s Academic Honesty policies could result in a grade of “ F” in the course and a formal hearing before the Judiciary Committee. Papers should be a synthesis of information reported in your own words and with proper documentation. Professionalism- Participation/Attendance/Submission of Assignments/Use of Technology During Class/Seminars: Part of your success in this course is related to providing peer reviews and feedback to your colleagues regarding course assignments; participating and interacting in course activities; collaborating and working equitably with colleagues; and treating colleagues and the professor with respect both in and out of class. Furthermore, responding effectively and appropriately to feedback from your peers and the professor/supervisor is another measure of your professionalism. Please be prepared by bringing all materials and readings to meetings and seminars. All readings assignments must be completed prior to meetings and seminars. We depend on one another to ask pertinent and insightful questions. Professionalism also includes appropriate audience behaviors during lectures and presentations. When someone is speaking to the group or making a presentation, professionals do not engage in conversations or other distracting behaviors that detract from the audiences’ attention to the speaker. Absences may be considered excused only in the case of personal or a professional emergency and only if approved by the professor/supervisor in advance or as soon as possible after the emergency event. Using technology during class/seminar (laptops, cell phones, etc.) to check personal e-mail or engage in activities not associated with course content is not acceptable and will likely result in a reduction of course participation points. Engaging in personal conversations while professor/supervisor or groups are presenting is not acceptable and will likely result in a reduction of class participation points. A break will be provided for snacks and personal use of technology. In sum, a lack of professionalism will likely result in grade reduction. XIII. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Blau, F., & Kahn, L. M. (2000). Gender differences in pay. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14, 75-99. Garner, C.W. (2004). Education finance for school leaders. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Georgia’s Leadership Institute for School Improvement (2008). Tools for planning and improving leader performance. Hall, R. (2002). The value of education: evidence from around the globe. In: Education in the Twenty-first Century, ed. by E. Lazear, 25-40. Hoover Institution Press. Hanushek, E. (2003). The importance of school quality. In Our Schools and Our Future… Are We Still at Risk? ed. By Peterson, P. 141 – 173. Hoover Institution Press. URL: Kremer, M. R. (1995). Research on schooling: What we know and what we don't know: A comment on Hanushek, The World Bank Research Observer, 10, 2, 247-254. Leithwood, K., Day, D., Sammons, P., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2006). Successful school leadership. What it is and how it influences pupil learning. (Research Report 800). University of Nottingham. Levin, H.M. (1995). Raising Educational Productivity. In M. Carnoy, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education. Oxford, U.K.: Pergamon Press 283-291. Loeb, S., & Reininger, M. (2004). Public policy and teacher labor markets. Sections 1-6. URL: National Council on Teacher Quality. The NCTQ square off: Are teachers underpaid? Two economists tackle an intractable controversy. URL: National Commission on Excellence in Education. 1983. Nation at Risk. Washington, D.C., pp. 5-36. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2002). Standards for advanced programs In educational leadership. \ Psacharopoulos, G., & Patrinos, H.A. (2004). Returns to investment in education: A further update. Education Economics, 12, 111-134. Report of the US Department of Education Commission on the Future of Higher Education (Draft). August 2006. The Promise: Higher Education has never been more important to our country. pp. 1-5. URL: Master%20Draft%20--%208-3-06%20w%20watermark.pdf Spillane, J. P. (2006). Distributed leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Temin, P. (2003). Low pay, low quality. Education Next, 3, 8-13. URL: Tsang, M. (2002). Comparing the costs of public and private schools in developing countries. In Cost-Effectiveness and Educational Policy, ed. by Henry Levin and Patrick McEwan, pp. 111-136. Wolfe, B., & Zuvekas. S. (1997). Nonmarket Outcomes of schooling: External benefits of education. International Journal of Educational Research, 27, 491-502 URL: Websites: the_Center_for_Public_Education.htm (The Center for Public Education) (Georgia State Education Rules and Policies) (Georgia Department of Education)