Policy Title Issue Date Effective Date Last Updated Responsible Office Contact Information I. Global Learning Fee Scholarship May 15, 2007 August 15, 2008 October 15, 2014 Vice President for Student Success Global Learning Fee Director Phone: 470-578-2423 Email: ddumas@kennesaw.edu Policy Purpose Statement Kennesaw State University (KSU) recognizes global learning as an educational priority and seeks to prepare its students for a global market by increasing the number of students who participate in education abroad experiences. The Global Learning Fee (GLF) provides financial assistance to all eligible KSU students who participate in education abroad experiences. This document describes the policies and procedures that apply to establishing, changing, and administering the Global Learning Fee. II. Background In the fall of 2007, a Global Learning Student Activity Fee was approved by the Kennesaw State University Student Fee Committee for the purpose of providing financial support for education abroad experiences. Later that year, the Georgia Board of Regents (BOR) approved a $14 per semester Global Learning Fee. In spring of 2015, the BOR approved a reduction of the fee to $11 due to increased revenue as a result of the consolidation with Southern Polytechnic State University. Collection of the Global Learning Fee began in the fall of 2008. In April of 2008, President Papp, KSU President, confirmed in a memorandum that “Student Success will administer and direct the Global Learning Fee via a process somewhat similar to that used by SABAC.” In addition, Papp emphasized that “Student Success is to “disburse funds collected from the fees, and to make totally sure that the use of all funds is completely and clearly tracked and recorded.” III. Scope The Global Learning Fee Scholarship (GLF) applies to Kennesaw State University students, faculty, and staff. IV. Definitions and Acronyms A. BOR - Board of Regents B. Community Engagement – any active, intentional activity related to course outcomes which meet community-identified needs. Examples include but are not limited to service learning projects, community based research, internships or community education/preservation activity. V. C. EAO - Education Abroad Office D. GLF - Global Learning Fee. A student activity fee paid by KSU students for the purpose of providing financial assistance for any of the following: 1. credit-based student education abroad programs including internships, research, exchanges, and global community engagement programs 2. noncredit student experiences abroad including presentations, competitions and performances in which the student is actively engaged in the experience 3. education abroad student assistants (STAR students) 4. faculty/staff site visits for the purpose of program development E. GLFC – the Global Learning Fee Committee reviews and recommends policy and acts as an advisory board to the VP of Student Success. The student-chaired committee meets at least three times per year. For an organizational and membership chart, see Attachments A and B. F. GLF Director - administrator responsible for implementing the GLF policies and procedures and acts as an advisor to the GLFC. G. OFA - Office of Financial Aid H. SABAC – The Student Activities and Budget Advisory Committee I. SAP - Satisfactory Academic Progress, definition found at: http://financialaid.kennesaw.edu/policies_guides/sap_policy.php J. STAR student - an education abroad student assistant selected by the faculty program director Policies The GLFC determines the eligibility requirements and the Global Learning Fee director administers the process under the executive leadership of the Vice President for Student Success. A. It is GLFC policy that students participating in an education abroad program meets the defined eligibility criteria. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Recipients must be a KSU degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student participating in a KSU approved education abroad program. Programs may be either for credit or noncredit experiences. All non-credit programs such as presentations, performances, service learning, and competitions must have prior approval by the GLFC or the Global Learning Fee director before the scholarship can be awarded. Non-KSU programs must be pre-approved by the EAO. 2. A student must pay the GLF during the term in which they travel abroad. This includes summer students who only participate in credit and non-credit summer education abroad experiences. 3. A student may only receive one scholarship per academic year. When a student receives a scholarship, the student will not be eligible for a second scholarship until the next academic year. Once a student selects the scholarship term, it cannot be switched to another term within the same academic year. 4. 100% e-learners are not required to pay the Global Learning Fee and they are not eligible to benefit from the fee unless they elect to pay the Global Learning Fee for at least two consecutive terms including the term of travel. 5. A student must meet SAP requirements for the term in which they receive the scholarship or else the scholarship will not be disbursed. ATTACHMENT C 6. Community Service Requirement All students who receive the scholarship must complete five hours of community service within the published deadlines. There are two options that will satisfy the service requirement. Option 1: A student completes a local service project. Student arranges a five-hour service project, completes the service, and then reports the service online in OwlLife using the Service Requirement Form. After electronic verification has been received, the Global Engagement Director will submit their name to the Office of Financial Aid for further eligibility determination and the scholarship is applied to their account. The service must be completed prior to the trip, not afterwards, and no earlier than the Studio Abroad application date. Service completed after the trip will not be recognized for a scholarship. Option 2: For those faculty who build in an international community service project into their EA program and have received approval by the EA Program Review Committee for the community service project, students enrolled in these approved programs will not be required to do any additional service for the scholarship. They complete at least eight hours of international service. Exclusions or Exceptions 1. KSU students who are identified as 100% e-learners are not required to pay the fee and not, therefore, eligible to receive the scholarship. Exception: e-learners that have elected to pay the fee for at least two consecutive semesters, including the term in which they travel abroad, are eligible to apply for the scholarship. B. 2. KSU students on education abroad programs that have not been approved by the Education Abroad Office are not eligible for the scholarship, including exchange students taking courses that KSU has not preapproved. 3. Part-time faculty and staff are not eligible for site development funds. The Global Learning Fee Committee determines GLF scholarship award amounts and conditions. Scholarships may be awarded until the GLF fund has been depleted. 1. Scholarship amounts are based on the availability of funds and are approved annually. Current year scholarship ranges are found in Attachment D. 2. Scholarship categories include: a. standard, for credit education abroad programs b. non-credit student experiences abroad including presentations, competitions, and performances c. program development for faculty and staff site visits d. study abroad student assistants (STARS) e. community engagement awards 3. Application procedures for standard credit education abroad programs are as follows: a. scholarship lists are generated as students apply for a program using Studio Abroad b. the GLF director reviews and approves the scholarship list and forwards it to the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) c. the OFA reviews and applies the scholarship to each eligible student d. the GLF director notifies each student of their award and reiterates the scholarship eligibility requirements e. the scholarship is disbursed to the students’ accounts based on federal regulations 4. Application procedures for non-credit education abroad experiences are as follows: a. faculty or staff program director submits a non-credit education abroad experience application to the EAO and the GLF Director b. awards for non-credit experiences can be applied as long as the student is enrolled in at least one credit hour for that term b. remaining steps are the same as IV.C.3.a-e 5. Application procedures for faculty and staff site visits for the development or improvement of an education abroad site a. b. c. d. e. f. 6. the GLFC accepts faculty applications on or before November 1 and April 1 using the “Site Visit Application.” a small task group made up of GLFC members and EAO staff reviews the proposals and makes recommendations to the GLFC at- large within two weeks of the application deadline GLFC reviews and approves awards based on the strength of the proposal and limits each award to no more than $2,000 per person or $3,000 per program if more than one faculty/staff apply for the same site the GLF Director notifies the applicants of their award faculty and staff are expected to follow the KSU travel guidelines within 30 days of the site visit return, the faculty/staff member completes the “Site Visit Report Form.” STAR students are selected by the education abroad faculty program director. The number of STAR students per program is based on the number of KSU students registered for the program. Open to credit and non-credit programs. Deadlines can be found at www.kennesaw.edu/gls/ . The ratio is as follows: 5-14 students = 15-26 students= 27-39 students= 40+ students= 7. a. Faculty program director selects STAR student(s) based on individual program selection criteria. b. Once selected, the student is responsible for contacting the GLF director and completing the required Human Resource forms. c. The GLF director will send a list of the current term’s STAR students to the OFA each term. d. The hire is not complete and official until all paperwork has been approved by HR. The student must complete the Human Resource Office requirements at least 14 days prior to program departure and may result in cancellation of the hire. Community Engagement awards are available to education program students and individual students. Below is the process for this additional award and involves the following steps: a. b. c. d. e. C. 1 STAR 2 STARs 3 STARs 4 STARs for faculty directed programs, the faculty should complete the online “Community Engagement Application” when submitting their program proposal for student proposals, such as exchanges, the “Community Engagement Application” must be submitted within the published deadlines for that term. Deadlines can be found at www.kennesaw.edu/gls/ the GLF director will review applications and notify faculty and students eligibility application does not guarantee acceptance of the proposal students on solo experiences such as interns and research students must produce evidence of their service to the GLF within 30 days of their return The Global Learning Scholarship is considered a reimbursement. However, as a service to students, KSU will deduct the approved amount of the scholarship from the education abroad program fees prior to the payment EAO deadline. For cancellations, withdrawals, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) failure, and incompletes, the following actions are taken: D. 1. for cancellations - the scholarship will not disburse into a student’s account and the student must contact the Education Abroad Office to determine if any unrecoverable expenses are due back to EAO. 2. for all withdrawals (W) and SAP failure- the scholarship has usually been disbursed into the student’s account. Therefore, the scholarship will be removed from the student’s account and the student will be debited the scholarship amount in Owl Express. A hold will be placed on the student’s account until the charges have been fully repaid. 3. for faculty approved incompletes, if for any reason the student travels abroad but is unable to complete the experience the student may retain the scholarship. If the student fails to satisfy the incomplete by the end of the term following the education abroad experience, the scholarship is revoked and a hold will be placed on the student’s account until repaid. To be considered for a Global Learning Scholarship, students must meet the following deadlines: Scholarship and STAR Deadlines By Term Fall August 1 December October 1 Spring December 1 Maymester (trips leaving prior to June 1) April 15 Late Summer (trips leaving after May) May 15 Service and Community Engagement Application Deadlines Fall July 1 December Oct 1 Spring Nov 15 Maymester April 1 Late Summer May 1 ATTACHMENT A Organizational Chart Kennesaw State University President Vice President of Student Success Director of Global Learning Fee Collaborative and Advisory Groups Global Learning Fee Committee Vice Provost of International Affairs Office of Financial Aid Global Engagement Committee Office of Education Abroad ATTACHMENT B FY 2014 Global Learning Fee Committee Student Representatives – all voting members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Owls Abroad (EAO student) American Minorities Student Adult Learner Programs International Student Association Student Government Association Student Government Association Graduate Student Center for Student Leadership Ex-officio – voting members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Full-time faculty Full-time faculty Assistant Director of International Student Retention Services Career Services representative Education Abroad Office advisor Office of Financial Aid representative Ex-officio - non-voting members 1. 2. 3. 4. Vice President of Student Success Director of the Global Learning Fee Dean of Students Education Abroad administrator ATTACHMENT C Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Recipients Federal regulations, HEA Sec. 484(c), §668.16, 668.34, require all schools participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs to have a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy that conforms to the requirements detailed below. These requirements apply to all students as one determinant of eligibility for financial aid. • Your SAP status is based on your entire academic record, at all schools attended (includes all transferrable hours), regardless of whether you received financial aid. • SAP is calculated each semester after grades have been posted to academic history by the Registrar’s Office. • If after the first term of attendance you are not making SAP, you will be put on a Warning status and allowed to keep aid for one term. Your continued eligibility will be determined after the next term check point. • If your SAP status is Failure after the check is performed, you will not qualify for financial aid for the following term. • If your SAP status is Failure and you cannot mathematically attain SAP requirements following the next term, an appeal will not be permissible. Documented mitigating circumstances may allow continued eligibility on a case--‐ by--‐case basis and will required an academic plan. • A student may appeal their SAP Failure status only twice during their Academic career at KSU. Documented mitigating circumstances may allow additional appeals on a case--‐by--‐ case basis. ATTACHMENT D Scholarship Award Categories and Ranges for FY 2015 Category 1. Standard, for credit, study abroad programs including internships, intensive research and service programs 2. Non-credit student experiences abroad including, presentations, competitions and performances 3. Faculty/Staff site visits for program development Estimated Funding With Community Engagement Component* ≤17 days Award Amount $600 $850 (8 hrs. of engagement) $125,000 18-49 days $850 $1,225 (16 hrs. of engagement) $436,521 50 + days $1,600 $2,100 (24 hrs. of engagement) $100,000 $850 ( 8 hrs. of engagement) $85,000 Duration $600 Up to $2,000 per faculty/staff $43,000 $29,000 for faculty $10,000 for EAO staff $4,000 for SS staff 4. Study Abroad Student Assistants (STARS) $500 per student 6. Contingency Fund $32,000 $70,000 Estimated TOTAL $891,521