NOTES FROM THE THIRTEENTH FORMAL COORDINATED ENERGY AND WATER-CYCLE OBSERVATIONS PROJECT (CEOP) TELECONFERENCE ON MODEL OUTPUT DATA ISSUES HELD ON 13 JULY 2010 First Draft, 3 August 2010 1. INTRODUCTION The Thirteenth Coordinated Energy and Water-Cycle Observations Project (CEOP) Model Output Teleconference took place on Tuesday 13 July 2010 at 13:00 UTC. The issues that were brought up and discussed on the subject conference call included: (i) The Pan-GEWEX Meeting in Seattle, August 2010 (ii) The 10-Year Dataset Project initiation (iii) Model output format conversion task (iv) Data integration services status (v) Model groups activities status (vi) Center status reports Participants The participants were: Toshio Koike (CEOP Co-Chair, Tokyo, Japan Frank Toussaint (MPI, Hamburg, Germany) Burkhardt Rockel (ICTS, Geesthacht, Germany) Michael Ek (NCEP, Maryland, USA) Mike Bosilovich/ (GMAO, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA) Sid Katz (NCEP, Maryland, USA) David Mocko (GMAO, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA) Yoshiyuki Kudo (JAXA, Tokyo, Japan) Hiroko Kato Beaudoing (GLDAS, Maryland, USA) Lawrie Rikus (BoM, Melbourne, Australia) Tomas Kral (ECMWF, Reading, UK) Alessandro Perotto (EMC, Milan Italy) Paul Earnshaw (UKMO, Exeter, UK) Sam Benedict (CEOP International Coordination Function) Petra Koudelova (CEOP International Coordination Function) Dennis Lettenmaier (CEOP Co-Chair, USA), Peter van Oevelen (Washington DC, USA, GEWEX Office), Steve Williams (Data Management, Boulder, Colorado, USA), Joerg Wegner /Hans Luthardt (MPI, Hamburg, Germany), Dirceu Luis Herdies (CPTEC, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil), , Stephane Belair (MSC, Dorval, Canada), Hideaki Kawai (JMA, Tokyo, Japan), Satoko Miura (JAXA, Tokyo, Japan) and Yonsook Enloe (NASA, North Carolina) had advised that they could not participate. 2. NEXT CONFERENCE CALL The next, 14th CEOP Model Output Teleconference is scheduled on Tuesday 5 October, 12:30 UTC. Benedict/Koudelova have the action (A1) to inform the group of the details of the next call nearer to the time of the call and to coordinate the origination of the call. 3. MODEL OUTPUT DATA GROUP GENERAL ISSUES 3.1 Opening and WCRP and GEWEX related issues (3.1a) Benedict welcomed everyone on the call and appreciated the work that the CEOP Model Output group had undertaken in response to the action items from the last call.. (3.1b) Koike reiterated that a 10-Year Dataset project had been initiated in response to the climate modeling community need of a high quality observation data of a sufficient length for evaluation of climate models under the CMIP5 project and quantification of model projections uncertainties. This activity was proposed by the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel (WOAP) and is compliant with the CEOP commitment taken at the 3rd Annual CEOP Meeting in Melbourne in August 2009 to develop the CEOP 10- year dataset as well as with the GEWEX post 2013 Imperatives ( The WOAP suggested activity, coordinated by CEOP (T. Koike) and CMIP5 (Karl Taylor), is envisioned as a collaborative effort of a broader observation and climate modeling communities including GEWEX/CEOP, LandFlux-EVAL, GSWP, AsiaFlux, from the observation side. The targeted dataset will consists of in-situ as well as satellite observations from multiple providers including CEOP, FLUXNET, AsiaFlux, iLEAPS. The 10-Year Dataset project was discussed with the LandFlux-EVAL, FLUXNET, AsiaFlux, and GSWP representatives at the occasion of the HESSS2 Meeting in Tokyo in June and it was agreed that a Whitepaper would have been developed and submitted for discussion at the Pan-GEWEX meeting in August. (3.1c) Benedict reiterated that the 2nd Pan-GEWEX meeting would take place in Seattle, USA, 23 – 27 August 2010 ( The Pan-GEWEX meeting will address how the GEWEX panels and their projects and working groups will continue to work over the next 2 years to achieve their short-term goals, and how they will evolve to accomplish post 2013 Imperatives. This process will include determining what enabling infrastructure is necessary and developing a strategy for dealing with the GEWEX and WCRP cross cutting or overarching themes. According to the updated Pan-GEWEX agenda, each panel (including CEOP, GRP, and GMPP) will have one and a half day (Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th morning) of separate sessions dedicated to its own issues. A CEOP evening session on Thursday 26th August has been added on the CEOP request. In addition, a half day for panel interaction is scheduled on Wednesday 25th afternoon. Further information including logistics details can be found at the meeting website. It was also noted that considering the outcomes the individual GEWEX Panels including CEOP are expected to deliver at the Pan-GEWEX meeting, the available time might not be sufficient to also address all the necessary CEOP internal planning issues to the full extent. Accordingly, it has been decided that the Pan-GEWEX meeting CEOP sessions would not fully substitute the 4 th CEOP Annual Meeting event and that would be considered to take place early in 2011. (3.1d) The group was advised that the next edition of the Special CEOP Issue of GEWEX News would be published in August/September that would include scientific articles on energy budget modeling in dryland areas and on linkages between the Asian Summer Monsoon and the Mediterranean region, an article on the Extremes, updates on DIAS as well as recent CEOS activities, and other information. 3.2 JAXA CEOS/WGISS Test Facilities (WTF) for CEOP (3.2a) Kudo reiterated that, the system had continued to run smoothly at: and 150 users were registered. He reiterated that due to a technical issue at MPI/DKRZ, most of the MOLTS data from the CEOP Phase 1 period that had been included on the system were not available anymore. These data, however, is still available in the native format via ftp download from the MPI/DKRZ archive. (3.2b) Kudo further reported that the development for the system expansion had advanced and introduced the concept of the JAXA expanded “Water Portal” (this name is to be discussed and confirmed) under CEOS that is based on the WTF-CEOP prototype. Participants were provided with the reference slides prior to the call summarizing the plans for the system expansion as well as noting specific questions on possible features of the system search functions and user interface (See Attachments 1, 2, 3). These slides were referred during the call and the participants were asked to provide answers/suggestions from their point of view as users. However, certain questions required more detailed discussion and thus it was suggested that a separate focused call be held in the near future to address the questions on preferable features of the interface and data search functions. Also, the participants were asked to provide their answers/suggestions to Kudo in written form prior to that special call. (3.2c) Consequently, several persons including Kato-Beaudoing, Ek, Rockel, and Toussaint answered the questions in writing prior to this special call that was held on 27 July 2010. These prior inputs helped to form the basis for the discussion and were greatly appreciated. Several points were addressed at the special call however, certain issues remained that cannot be resolved at a conference call and should be discussed at a focused face-to-face meeting between the JAXA/RESTEC team and a small “user team”, which – as it was agreed – would be represented by UT experts from Prof. Koike’s group. Koike has action (A2) to contact Miura and Kudo from the JAXA/RESTEC team and arrange such a meeting soon. The results and possible ensuing actions for other members on the CEOP Modeling group will be communicated by via email in due course. 3.3 MPI/DKRZ Current Status (3.3a) Wegner reported that development of new server software was underway and should be completed by the end of July. Testing will then be finished by mid-August and then the new system will be in full operation. (3.3b) Wegner further reiterated that due to a technical issue, certain MOLTS data had accidentally been lost from the Oracle database where the data were accessible for the WTF CEOP system. Since reinserting these data back to the database would require significant amount of manual work, the MPI team has decided NOT to perform this but rather to focus on the CEOP Phase 2 data that are now being submitted in the agreed to CF compliant NetCDF format and that will be accessible for the WTF CEOP system via an OPeNDAP server. Consequently, Toussaint advised the group that installation of the TDS/OPeNDAP server and Phase 2 MOLTS input had been completed. The available data (JMA 2007 to 2009-05 and ECMWF 200801) are available at: Also the normalized lists for the OPeNDAP access keywords in the text format can be downloaded by the http server. Presently, some jobs are running to nomalize the file names following last years agreements as specified in the README file there. It is still necessary to layout and configure the TDS in a performing way. 3.4 CEOP Model Output format issues (3.4a) It was reiterated that the Unified table of the MOLTS variables had been completed by B. Rockel based on the responses from 5 Centers including NCEP, JMA, GLDAS, EMC, and ECMWF. The updated table is copied below in Attachment 4. The analysis has shown that 130 quantities out of the 240 on the original list are being provided by at least one of the centers and thus the list was trimmed to include these 130 variables. Also naming convention for CMIP5 has been included in the table in order to show the relation between the individual Centers and CMIP5 output. Katz voiced that NCEP would provide an updated list of variables and that would be incorporated into the table. Williams mentioned that they had completed the conversion software to re-format the Reference Site data to NetCDF and compared the parameters and units between the Reference Site and Model Output version of the NetCDF files (CF convention). Most of the parameters have matched and thus the Reference Site data team will proceed with the conversion of available Reference Site data to the NetCDF format. (3.4b) In addition, it was stressed out again that it would be highly desirable to update model output documentation. The center representatives were asked to review the documentation currently in the database associated with their Center’s data and update it as soon as practical (action A3). (3.4c) It was mentioned that regarding the recent involvement of new Reference Sites, it would be useful to update the list of MOLTS points. Koudelova has action A4 to update the list accordingly in cooperation with Williams. 3.5 CEOP Global Model Study ( Bosilovich reiterated that the MAC 2.0 version of the dataset had been added to their ftp site ( It includes ERA Interim, GMAO MERRA and JMA reanalyses data and in addition to the previous version, it provides daily and monthly basin averages including MDB and La Plata basins. This is considered final product of the MAC project. If anybody has a question related to the MAC datasets, they should contact Dr. David Mocko ( 4. CURRENT STATUS OF NWPCs 4.1 GLDAS by Hiroko Kato Kato reiterated that their team was working on new version of the GLDAS datasets that was generated using the Princeton forcing data and employing the CATCHMENT model resolving the land water processes. When the new version is finished it will replace the current GLDAS product. 4.2 BoM by Lawrie Rikus Rikus reported that their new modeling system was running in operational mode on new computers and possible contribution to CEOP is being discussed. Rikus will advise the group of further progress on the next call. 4.3 GMAO by Mike Bosilovich Bosilovich reiterated that the 30 years of the GMAO MERRA reanalysis had been completed and was available on-line through the NASA GES DISC server: He pointed out that they strongly recommend people to use this their sever for downloading the data, as they are patching certain data files, so that will always have the latest and most up to date version. It may be possible that copies of the MERRA datasets has been made by certain data centers but these copies are NOT official MERRA and may not reflect the latest updates. 4.4 NCEP by Sid Katz Katz reported that the NCEP team was implementing a major model upgrade including finer spatial resolution. He also noted that they were anticipating approval from the MPI team on a MOLTS NetCDF format sample file sent earlier. When the format is approved, they will begin to send the data routinely. 4.5 ECMWF by Tomas Kral Kral reported that the format conversion software had been completed and tested a sample file of data (January 2008) had been sent to MPI. When the format is confirmed by Toussaint, they will begin to send the data routinely. He further reiterated that an issue was found in the model output, namely the multilevel flux fields, that was most probably caused by a bug in the model. Further information on the investigation results can be obtained by communicating with T. Kral ( Kral also reiterated that the team was working on an upgrade of their forecasting modeling system that included higher spatial as well as vertical resolution. 4.6 JMA by Toshio Koike Koike mentioned that JMA was submitting their output regularly, in the format required by CEOP. Nevertheless, JMA has been encountering a problem with the MPI interface when sending data, it seems restricted and slows down the upload process. JMA representatives are communicating this issue with the MPI team. 4.7 EMC by Alessandro Perotto Perotto reported in writing that their new global model was finally set up and running daily on the new computers. Perotto will start creating MOLTS and gridded data for CEOP soon and supposes to have data prepared for upload by the time of the next call. ATTACHMENT 1: JAXA CEOP Water Portal –Introduction ATTACHMENT 2: JAXA Portal Category Questions ATTACHMENT 3: JAXA Portal MOTLS Data Interface Questions ATTACHMENT 4: Updated Table of CEOP MOLTS unified variable names Green color means that the particular center provides this variable. CEOP MOLTS Unified Table 2010/04/12 CEOP name TOT_PREC CMIP5 / AR5 name pr hfss ASHFL_S rlds ATHDW_S T_G ALHFL_S ts hfls rsds ASODW_S PS T_2M QV_2M ps tas huss No of CF GCMs standard_nam providing e the parameter (this table) 5 precipitation_flu x 5 surface_upward _sensible_heat _flux 5 surface_downw elling_longwave _flux_in_air 5 surface_temper ature 5 surface_upward _latent_heat_flu 5 surface_downw elling_shortwav e_flux_in_air 5 surface_air_pre ssure 5 air_temperature 5 specific_humidit y 4 surface_altitude 4 air_temperature 4 eastward_wind CF units kg m-2 s-1 W m-2 W m-2 K W m-2 W m-2 Pa K kg kg-1 U orog ta ua U_10M uas 4 eastward_wind m s-1 V va 4 northward_wind m s-1 V_10M vas 4 northward_wind m s-1 hus cl 4 4 4 ELEV T VEG_TYPE QV CLC P T_SO AEVAP_S plev tsl 4 air_pressure 4 evspsbl 3 rlus 3 ATHUP_S wap 3 OMEGA rsus 3 ASOUP_S 3 FR_VEG lwsnl 3 W_SNOW GPH RUNOFF_S VABS_10M surface_cover specific_humidit y cloud_area_fra ction_in_atmos phere_layer water_evaporati on_flux surface_upwelli ng_longwave_fl ux_in_air lagrangian_tend ency_of_air_pre ssure surface_upwelli ng_shortwave_f lux_in_air vegetation_area _fraction lwe_thickness_ of_surface_sno w_amount geopotential_he ight surface_runoff_ flux wind_speed zg 3 mrros 3 sfcWind rls 3 3 surface_net_do wnward_longwa ve_flux ATHB_S rss ASOB_S 3 surface_net_do wnward_shortw ave_flux FR_LAND_SEA_ICE 3 IWV prw zmla DZ_PBL SNOW_DEPTH snd snw SNOW_S m K m s-1 1 kg kg-1 1 Pa K kg m-2 s-1 W m-2 W m-2 amount total precipitation rate surface time: mean sensible heat flux surface time: mean downward long wave radiation surface temperature surface latent time: mean heat flux surface downward time: mean shortwave radiation surface pressure 2m temperature 2m specific humidity elevation temperature U-component wind U-comp tenmetre wind V-component of wind 10m meridional wind speed vegetation type Specific humidity cloud_height: high, medium sum (assuming and low cloud maximum cover random pressure soil_depth: 0-10 cm down, mean soil water time: mean evaporation flux time: mean time: mean time: mean m kg m-2 s-1 time: mean m s-1 W m-2 time: mean W m-2 time: mean kg m-2 m JMA NCEP old EMC This Accum, element KG m-2 is output GLDAS ECMWF past 3hr mean instanta neous past 3hr mean instanta neous This element profile, not profile, not in separat profile, not profile profile This profile element each layer is in separat possibly added past 3hr mean surface upward long wave flux W-component wind 1 m long name time: mean Pa s-1 1 3 atmosphere_wa ter_vapor_cont 3 atmosphere_bo undary_layer_th ickness 3 surface_snow_t hickness 3 surface_snow_ cell_methods profile, not surface surface upward shortwave radiation Vegetation This Cover element no surface snow output amount (SNOW geopotential height This surface runoff element wind speed surface net downward longwave radiation surface net downward shortwave radiation sea 0 land 1 ice This discreet 2 fraction element 0,1 or 2 Total Moisture This Q element Planetary Boundary Layer Height m snow depth kg m-2 water equivalent of accumulated instanta neous, in possibly added possibly added past 3hr mean past 3hr mean FR_ICE RAIN_CON RAIN_GSP sic prcprof prsprof SOIL_TYPE CLCT clt ALB ASOUP_T rsut rlut ATHUP_T ngwave_flux Z0 W_SO PREC_CON mrlsl prc clw QC tauu AUMFL_S tauv AVMFL_S PMSL RUNOFF psl mrro RUNOFF_G QI SNOW_CON SNOW_GSP cli prsnc prsns rsdscs ASODWCS_S rldscs ATHDWCS_S FR_SNOW 3 sea_ice_area_f raction 3 convective_rain fall_flux 3 stratiform_rainf all_flux 3 soil_type 2 cloud_area_fra ction 2 surface_albedo 2 toa_outgoing_s hortwave_flux 2 toa_outgoing_lo snc RAIN W_LIQ rsdt ASODW_T clwvi 2 surface_roughn ess_length 2 moisture_conte nt_of_soil_layer 2 convective_pre cipitation_flux 2 mass_fraction_ of_cloud_liquid _water_in_air 2 surface_downw ard_eastward_s tress 2 surface_downw ard_northward_ stress 2 air_pressure_at _sea_level 2 runoff_flux 2 subsurface_run off_flux 2 mass_fraction_ of_cloud_ice_in 2 convective_sno wfall_flux 2 stratiform_snow fall_flux 2 surface_downw elling_shortwav e_flux_in_air_a ssuming_clear_ 2 surface_downw elling_longwave _flux_in_air_as suming_clear_s 2 surface_snow_ area_fraction 2 rainfall_flux 2 liquid_water_co ntent_of_soil_la 1 toa_incoming_s 1 IWATER 1 W_I FR_LAND REL_HUM sftlf 1 hur 1 1 AHFLD_S 1 HFLD_S 1 IUQVFL 1 IVQVFL hurs 1 1 snm 1 POR RELHUM_2M SNOW_MELT SNOW_MELT_SN tauugwd AUGRW_S 1 1 hortwave_flux atmosphere_clo ud_condensed_ water_content canopy_water_ amount land_area_fract ion relative_humidit y downward_heat _flux_in_soil downward_heat _flux_in_soil eastward_atmo sphere_water_v apor_transport_ across_unit_dis northward_atm osphere_water _vapor_transpo rt_across_unit_ soil_porosity relative_humidit y surface_snow_ melt_flux surface_snow_ melt_amount atmosphere_ea stward_stress_ due_to_gravity_ wave_drag 1 ice fraction kg m-2 s-1 time: mean kg m-2 s-1 time: mean 1 1 1 W m-2 time: mean W m-2 time: mean m kg m-2 kg m-2 s-1 Convective rainfall rate large scale rainfall rate soil type total cloud cover surface albedo toa upward short wave flux TOA outgoing longwave radiation surface roughness time: mean Pa time: mean Pa time: mean This element Specific liquid This element water is output (sign is N m-2 eastward stress opposit) northward stress kg m-2 s-1 time: mean kg m-2 s-1 time: mean Drainage kg m-2 time: mean kg m-2 s-1 time: mean Specific ice water convective snowfall rate large scale snowfall rate W m-2 time: mean sfc SW net rad. clear sky W m-2 time: mean sfc LW net rad. clear sky kg kg-1 1 time: mean kg m-2 surface snow area fraction rainfall rate Soil water time: mean area: mean where land kg m-2 kg m-2 1 1 toa downward shortwave radiation cloud condensed water content canopy water amount land-sea fraction relative humidity downward heat flux in soil Total ground heating W m-2 time: mean W m-2 time: mean kg m-1 s-1 time: mean zonal humidity flux kg m-1 s-1 time: mean meridional humidity flux m3 m-3 possibly added kg m-2 s-1 time: mean kg m-2 s-1 time: sum time: mean This element possibly added The unit is [kg m- each layer is total possibly precipita added possibly added land-sea mask past 3hr mean ground heat flux possibly added possibly added snowmelt rate eastward flux of gravity wave stress instante nous (sign is N m-2 opposit) Soil porosity 2m relative humidity % Pa mean convective precipitation mean sea level pressure Total runoff Pa W m-2 in separat soil moisture kg kg-1 kg m-2 s-1 This element The unit is [ kg mThe unit is [ kg m- N m-2 tauvgwd AVGRW_S QVDT SOHR TEX 1 atmosphere_no rthward_stress_ due_to_gravity_ wave_drag 1 tendency_of_w ater_vapor_con tent_of_atmosp here_layer 1 net_rate_of_ab sorption_of_sho rtwave_energy 1 TMAX_2M tasmax 1 net_rate_of_ab sorption_of_lon gwave_energy_ in_atmosphere 1 air_temperature TMIN_2M tasmin 1 air_temperature THHR UQVFL VQVFL W W_ICE AEVAP_C ASBHFL ASNOWHFL rsutcs ASOUPCS_T ASSHFL CLC_CON DQVDT_ADV DQWDT_ADV DSEFL_DIFF DTDT DTDT_ADV FR_QWQI 1 eastward_water _vapor_flux 1 northward_wate r_vapor_transp ort_across_unit _distance_in_at mosphere_laye 1 upward_air_vel ocity 1 frozen_water_c ontent_of_soil_l 1 water_evaporati on_flux_from_c anopy 1 downward_heat _flux_at_groun d_level_in_sno 1 surface_snow_ melt_and_subli mation_heat_flu 1 toa_outgoing_s hortwave_flux_ assuming_clear _sky 1 surface_snow_ sublimation_he at_flux 1 convective_clou d_area_fraction 1 tendency_of_sp ecific_humidity_ due_to_advecti 1 tendency_of_m ass_fraction_of _cloud_conden sed_water_in_a ir_due_to_adve 1 downward_dry_ static_energy_fl ux_due_to_diffu 1 tendency_of_air _temperature 1 tendency_of_air _temperature_d ue_to_advectio 1 mass_fraction_ of_cloud_conde nsed_water_in_ 1 HR_CON Pa time: mean meridional stress due to gravity wave drag kg m-2 s-1 time: mean tendency of total moisture W m-2 time: mean 1 W m-2 K K kg m-2 s-1 time: mean time: maximum within days time: minimum within days time: mean kg m-1 s-1 m s-1 kg m-2 kg m-2 s-1 time: mean HTOP_CON IDIV_QV IDQV_CON IDQV_GSP 1 convective_clou d_top_height 1 downward_wat er_vapor_flux_i n_air_due_to_di ffusion 1 tendency_of_at mosphere_wate r_vapor_conten t_due_to_conve 1 layer mean longwave heating rate DQVDT is similar but unit DTDT_ SHRT is similar, DTDT_L ONG is similar but the 2m max temperature 2m min temperature zonal moisture This flux element This element Water Vapor Meridional Flux is output as IVQVFL vertical wind velocity Frozen soil water content Intercepted water evaporation Snow basal heat flux W m-2 W m-2 W m-2 time: mean W m-2 time: mean 1 kg kg-1 s-1 Snow phase change energy toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky Snow Sublimation Heat Flux convective cloud cover dqdt advection kg kg-1 s-1 W m-2 T flux: Vert diffusion K s-1 tendency of total K s-1 dtdt advection 1 cloud water/ice concentration W m-2 time: mean W m-2 time: mean 1 HR_GSP layer mean shortwave heating rate fraction of sand, clay and silt N m-2 m layer mean convective latent heating layer mean stratiform latent heating rate height of convective cloud top DTDT_ CONV is DTDT_L ARGE is similar Q flux: Vert diffusion kg m-2 s-1 kg m-2 s-1 time: mean kg m-2 s-1 time: mean DQVDT convective _CONV moistening rate is similar DQVDT stable moistening rate _LARG E is soil type in separat max with max with possibly added 1 IDTDT tendency_of_air _temperature 1 tendency_of_at mosphere_wate r_vapor_conten 1 atmosphere_ne t_rate_of_absor ption_of_shortw ave_energy 1 atmosphere_ne t_rate_of_absor ption_of_longw ave_energy 1 water_vapor_co ntent_of_atmos phere_layer 1 IQVDT ISOHR ITHHR IWV_m lrghr K s-1 vertically averaged tendency of temperature local moisture tendency kg m-2 s-1 time: mean W m-2 time: mean Shortwave heating rate W m-2 time: mean Longwave heating rate kg m-2 specific humidity W m-2 Stable Latent Heating Rate 1 lrgmr 1 air_pressure_at _cloud_base 1 air_pressure_at _convective_clo ud_base 1 air_pressure_at _cloud_top PBAS PBAS_CON PTOP PTOP_CL PTOP_CON QV_S mrso SNOW_SUB SNOW_SUB_SN SOB ST_E THB THETA_2M UMFL 1 air_pressure_at _cloud_top 1 air_pressure_at _convective_clo ud_top 1 soil_moisture_c ontent 1 surface_snow_ sublimation_am 1 surface_snow_ sublimation_am 1 net_downward_ longwave_flux_i n_air 1 snow_thermal_ energy_content 1 net_downward_ shortwave_flux _in_air 1 air_potential_te mperature 1 downward_east ward_momentu m_flux_in_air 1 UMFL_DIFF USTAR 1 1 1 tendency_of_w ater_vapor_con tent_due_to_tur bulence 1 VMFL_DIFF VW_SO RELHUM Pa 1 volume_fraction _of_water_in_s 1 relative_humidit y time: mean Pa Pa time: mean Pa Pa kg m-2 kg m-2 time: sum kg m-2 time: sum W m-2 J m-2 time: mean Snow thermal energy T flux: SW rad K Pa high, medium and low cloud base pressure convective cloud base pressure high, medium and low cloud top pressure cloud top pressure (when cloudy) convective cloud top pressure surface moisture Snow evaporation Snow evaporation DTDT_L ARGE is similar but the DQVDT _LARG E is similar but the unit is T flux: LW rad W m-2 Pa vdfhr vdfmr Stable Moistening Rate kg m-2 s-1 This element is output as DTD DQVDT is similar DTDT_ SHRT is similar but the DTDT_L ONG is similar but the time: mean potential temperature Momentum flux, u component This element is output U flux: Vert diffusion m s-1 friction velocity W m-2 Turbulent Heating Rate kg m-2 s-1 Turbulent Moistening Rate Pa V flux: Vert diffusion 1 soil moisture 1 relative humidity DTDT_ DIFF is similar but the DQVDT _DIFF is similar but the SOILH2 O is