9 November 2015 Dear Requestor, What follows is a substantial number of questions related to requesting one or more of the NSF Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities (LAOF). There are four parts to the overall request form: Part I: General Information covers basic information about the PI(s) team, project basics, funding, and previous LAOF use. Part II: Operational Considerations and Logistics is especially important if the request is for a complex, international or multi-agency field campaign as it focuses on project support activities above and beyond the LAOF support. Part III: Data Services and Management focuses on overall project data management activities such as the data management plan, data sources, long-term data archival and the use of the EOL Field Catalog. Part IV: Facility Specific Requests is a collection of forms that cover each of the NCAR/EOL platforms available. Included are the two NSF/NCAR aircraft (C-130, GV), airborne instrumentation (HCR, AVAPS, HSRL), the S-Pol radar, the Integrated Sounding System, and the Integrated Surface Flux Facility. P It is essential that you fill out the questions posed in Part I through Part III to the best of your knowledge, while the number of forms under Part IV depends on the facilities needed for your project. Please note that the services listed under Part II and III will require additional NSF program funds, so their usefulness to the campaign and overall scope should be discussed with your NSF Program Manager. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Brigitte Baeuerle at 303/497-2061 or baeuerle@ucar.edu. Updated November 2013 PI - Project - Facility Update 15 November 2015 Page 2 PI - Project - Facility REQUEST FOR NCAR/EOL SUPPORT PROJECT ACRONYM SPRING 2016 OFAP MEETING Submitted on day month year By [PI Name] Update 15 November 2015 Page 3 PI - Project - Facility PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION CORRESPONDING PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Name Institution Phone/Email Co-Investigator(s) and Affiliation(s) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title & Acronym Project Location Date of Field Deployment Phase NSF Facilities requested FUNDING NSF Program Officer Name NSF Proposal Number Proposal Status How many additional science proposals will your co-investigators submit to NSF to participate in this campaign? Do you expect other, non-NSF support? If yes, from whom? In preparation () / submitted () / funded () PUBLICATIONS RESULTING FROM PREVIOUS LAOF SUPPORT Please list your publications that resulted from previous use of LAOF Project Name LAOF used Publication Citation & Year Update 15 November 2015 Digital Object Identifier Page 4 PI - Project - Facility ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT Please attach the one-page summary of your NSF/agency proposal Update 15 November 2015 Page 5 PI - Project - Facility EXPERIMENT DESIGN Please provide details about the experiment design. How will the instruments/platforms requested be used to address scientific objectives and hypotheses? If this is a second year request for continuation of a program, please provide a summary or highlights describing the results of the first field phase. EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Please describe your planned E&O activities. List the anticipated number of graduate and undergraduate students who will be involved directly and in a meaningful way in field work and/or data analysis related to this project. Please also describe any planned outreach activities for K-12 and the public. Update 15 November 2015 Page 6 PI - Project - Facility PART II – OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS & LOGISTICS Update 15 November 2015 Page 7 PI - Project - Facility PROJECT PLANNING AND COORDINATION Do you require a dedicated EOL Project Manager/Coordinator assigned to your project? Do you require assistance with various project coordination activities (e.g., monthly teleconferences, planning meetings, workshops)? Do you require help with the preparation of a Project Operations Plan? Will you conduct a project “Dry Run” before the actual field campaign? What other facilities/platforms outside the EOL suite will be deployed? Are any of them nonUS facilities? Are complex inter-facility or inter-agency permissions required for flight operations and/or other facility operations that are not routinely handled by EOL project management? Is there a need for integrated diplomatic arrangements? (e.g., customs, immigration, scientific research permit, focal point with local hosts/governments) Do you require assistance with Air Traffic Control coordination for non-NSF/NCAR aircraft? If this is an aircraft project, does the payload include transmitting lasers (lidars) that are non-eye safe? Do you require assistance with permits and leases for non-LAOF instrumentation? What kind of weather or other forecasting requirements do you have and how are these handled? Do you require assistance with coordinating and facilitating additional education and outreach activities? If yes, what activities do you have in mind? Update 15 November 2015 Page 8 PI - Project - Facility OPERATIONS SUPPORT AND COORDINATION How many participants will be involved in the field campaign (not including EOL staff) and where will they be located? Will there more than one project operations base? If there are multiple instrumentation and/or operations sites, what kind of operational coordination is needed? Will a Data Analysis Center1 suffice or do you need a Project Operations Center? What kind of communications capabilities do you require for the project? Will you require wet lab space, general lab space and/or storage space? LOGISTICS Will you be shipping hazardous/radioactive material? Will you be shipping consumables/expendables that will incur customs duties? Is there a need for coordinated shipping of instrumentation, supplies etc.? (Especially if this is a foreign deployment) Is there a need for the coordination of lodging or transportation? (Especially if this is a foreign deployment) Is there a need for a Site Manager at the deployment location? 1 A “Data Analysis Center” includes an EOL data storage server, group internet access, printer, a meeting room and collaborative work space. Staffing typically includes a System Administrator for the first 1-2 weeks to help get the computing infrastructure and the PI group’s laptops connected to the network. A full “Project Operations Center” typically includes the computing infrastructure and meeting rooms as above, plus a full-time project operations coordinator, a systems administrator, and a field catalog software engineer. EOL staff will be available to lead the daily planning meetings, and ground staff will be available to help with aircraft coordination in the case of operations in adverse weather conditions. Update 15 November 2015 Page 9 PI - Project - Facility PART III: DATA SERVICES AND DATA MANAGEMENT Update 15 November 2015 Page 10 PI - Project - Facility EOL FIELD CATALOG Is an EOL Field Catalog2 needed to facilitate information gathering, reporting and management? Do you need a Situational Real-Time Display Tool (e.g., Mission Coordinator Display) to actively monitor and direct operations? DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN, ARCHIVE AND DATA COLLECTION Please attach the proposed data management plan from your NSF/agency proposal Do you intend to request restricted data access? 3 What arrangements have been made for a comprehensive long-term project data archive, including the management and distribution of data from non-EOL platforms? Do you need EOL to provide such an archive? 2 Examples of EOL Field Catalog can be found at catalog.eol.ucar.edu Please note that EOL policy (www.eol.ucar.edu/content/data-policy) will make all EOL data publicly available once the data are quality controlled, typically in less than 6 months after project completion. If a PI wants to have exclusive access to these data for the first year, s/he has to officially request such a restriction from the EOL Director (grubisic@ucar.edu) no later than eight weeks prior to the start of an experiment. The burden will fall on the requesting PI to request the restriction and to monitor data distribution and access to the data once the restrictions are in place. Update 15 November 2015 Page 11 3 PI - Project - Facility What standard operational data products and datasets do you want EOL to collect? Standard operational data products and datasets are those routinely available from various data sources. What custom data products and datasets do you want EOL to collect? Custom data products and datasets are those that require special arrangements, permissions and/or are not freely available. What data analysis products and datasets will you and/or your Co-PIs provide during the deployment? Data analysis products and datasets include those from user instrumentation, preliminary data plots etc. Do you plan on moving/transmitting a large amount of data back to your home institution during the deployment? Please provide a volume estimate. Beyond the requested EOL datasets, will you need additional data that are provided by other investigators but are not part of the project archive? Update 15 November 2015 Page 12 PI - Project - Facility PART IV: FACILITY SPECIFIC REQUEST FORMS Update 15 November 2015 Page 13 PI - Project - Facility NSF/NCAR Aircraft (C-130 and GV) and Airborne Instrumentation Contact Information: Dr. Pavel Romashkin (303/497-1027; pavel@ucar.edu) - Questions related to facility requests, project management, schedules etc. Dr. Jorgen Jensen (303/497-1028; jbj@ucar.edu) – Questions related to EOL/RAF instrumentation Dr. John Orlando (303/497-1486; orlando@ucar.edu) – Questions related to ACOM instrumentation In general it is recommended that contact be made with RAF prior to submitting the final request form. Airborne Instrumentation: Each research payload is unique and will typically consist of some combination of EOL, ACOM and user-supplied instrumentation. The tables in this document list available airborne sensors and measurements. Please note that different instruments require differing levels of support. Instrumentation is therefore separated into four categories: 1) Standard Instrumentation, i.e., provided on all projects 2) Instrumentation by Request, i.e., instrumentation that can be added to the research payload without added expense or staff in the field, and standard data processing with output is included in the primary dataset. 3) Instrumentation by Special Request, i.e., the addition of one or more of these systems will require added expense for expendables and additional support crew for a field deployment. Special data processing will be required by science staff or outside participants. 4) Instrumentation under Development, i.e., instruments that are currently under development or being modified. Adding these systems to a payload will add expenses for expendables, additional support crew and special data processing carried out by science staff or outside participants. Inclusion of any “Instrumentation by Special Request” systems will have to be coordinated via discussions with RAF, ACOM and the science support teams assigned to those systems. Please direct all questions related to RAF instrumentation to Dr. Jorgen Jensen, and chemistry measurements to Dr. John Orlando. Inclusion of any “Instrumentation Under Development” will depend upon the timing of your deployment and the projected status of the system in question. For a more detailed description of the airborne instrumentation, see www.eol.ucar.edu/aircraftinstrumentation. Payload Limitations: The number of requested instruments routinely exceeds the available space on the aircraft. We therefore ask PIs to indicate the priority of each measurement in addressing their research goals. The rating to be used is as follows: 1) R for required 2) D for desired 3) left blank if not needed Update 15 November 2015 Page 14 PI - Project - Facility Wing Store Configurations: Basic information on possible wing store configurations, rack space requirements and operator status is included in the tables. There are a total of 10 wing pod canister positions. On the GV, there are three basic wing store configuration options: Configuration 1: 6 pylons (12 canisters) Configuration 2: 2 pylons (4 canisters) Configuration 3: 6 pylons (8 canisters and 2 large pods) User-supplied Instrumentation: Detailed information on specific systems and platform infrastructure related to mounting user-supplied equipment can be found in the C-130 and GV Handbooks, available on the EOL web site (www.eol.ucar.edu/about/our-organization/raf). All user-supplied equipment must meet RAF safety and design specifications. Refer to RAF Bulletin No. 3, No. 13 (http://www.eol.ucar.edu/raf/Bulletins/) Base-level Satcom Support: All projects will receive a base level of SATCOM support, which will include “Chat” (IRC), a simple data feed to the ground of approximately 100 variables and an approximately 50 Kb image transfer once every 3-4 minutes. Additional services can be arranged through CDS. If you desire more frequent image delivery to the aircraft or from the aircraft, access to satellite product web pages and field catalog graphics from the aircraft or instrument control from the ground please contact us early to discuss requirements and allow for scheduling. Update 15 November 2015 Page 15 PI - Project - Facility NSF/NCAR C-130 https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/c-130 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Preferred base of operations Alternate base of operations Preferred flight period Total number of research flight hours requested Total number of flights requested Estimated duration of each flight Total number of flights per week Particular part(s) of day for flights Do you plan to fly night missions? (i.e., landing after midnight or work before 5 AM local time) Average flight radius from base Desired flight altitudes(s) Will there be operations in foreign or military airspace? Number of scientific observers on each flight (max is 15) Will you require satellite communications above base level? DESCRIPTION OF DESIRED FLIGHT PATTERN(S), PRIORITIES, AND ESTIMATE NUMBER OF FLIGHTS Please include graphics and flight pattern images as needed Update 15 November 2015 Page 16 C-130 STANDARD INSTRUMENTATION Description Static Pressure Dynamic Pressure Cabin Pressure Ambient Temperature Cabin Temperature Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature Aircraft Position, Altitude, Ground Relative Speeds, Accelerations and Attitude Angles (IRU) Aircraft Position and Ground Relative Speeds (GPS) GPS w/ Omnistar XP or TerraStar D accuracy 3 - Dimensional Wind Fields CN Concentration – Butanol Icing Rate (presence of supercooled cloud water) King Probe Cloud Liquid Water Content Remote (infrared) Surface Temperature Forward Digital Video SATCOM XCHAT Real Time Data Transfer to Ground Updated November 2013 Maximum Data Rate 25 sps 25 sps 1 sps 1 sps 1 sps 1 sps Location Fuselage C130: Fuselage and radome Electronics bay Fuselage Electronics bay Fuselage Sensor Quantity 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-50 sps 1 sps 10 sps 25 sps 25 sps 1 sps 25 sps 1 sps 1 fps N/A N/A Variable Electronics bay Fuselage Cabin overhead rack Radome Std. aperture Wing hard point Wing hard point Belly aperture Cockpit ADS rack ADS rack ADS rack 2 2 1 1 set 1 1 1/2 2 1 PI - Project - Facility C-130 INSTRUMENTATION BY REQUEST Description RAF INSTRUMENTATION: Fast Ambient Temperature Remote (infrared) Sky Temperature UV Hygrometer PCASP Aerosol Probe (0.1 – 3 um range) UHSAS Aerosol Probe (0.06 – 1 um) CDP Cloud Droplet Probe (2 – 47 um range) FSSP Cloud Probe (2 - 47 um range) OAP 2D Cloud Probe (25 um resolution, 64 bins) OAP 2D Precipitation Probe (150 um resolution, 56 bins) PVM-100 Cloud Liquid Water Content and Droplet Effective Radius SDI Aerosol Inlet System SMAI Aerosol Inlet HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (unheated) HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (anti-iced) HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (heated sampling line, all PFA or SS) HIMIL Fin Aft-Facing Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet Digital Video – side and/or down views ACOM INSTRUMENTATION: TECO Ozone (slow) Update 15 November 2015 Inlet or Maximum Data Rate Location Rack Space 25 sps 1 sps 25 sps 10 sps 10 sps 10 sps 10 sps Async. Async. 25 sps N/A N/A N/A N/A Fuselage Special aperture Std aperture Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Std aperture Std aperture Std aperture Std aperture 0 0 1/8 0 1/4 0 0 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 1/8 N/A N/A 1 fps Std aperture Std aperture Std window 1/8 0 0 0.1 sps Partial std aperture 1/4 Priority: R, D, or blank Page 18 PI - Project - Facility C-130 INSTRUMENTATION BY SPECIAL REQUEST Inlet or Maximum Data Rate Description RAF INSTRUMENTATION: Radiometric Air Temperature T of F Aerosol Mass Spectrometer 3V-CPI Cloud Particle Imager Medusa Flask Sampler AO2 Airborne Oxygen Analyzer CVI Counterflow Virtual Impactor (with UHSAS aerosol spectrometer, CN counter, water vapor TDL and filter sampler) Mission Coordinator Station AWAS Airborne Whole Air Sampler QCLS Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer (CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O) CIMS Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (SO2, HNO3, HNO4, HNO2 and others) ACOM INSTRUMENTATION: SMPS Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer (0.01 – 0.5 um range) Fast Ozone CO Carbon Monoxide Picarro CO2 and CH4 NO and NO2 TOGA Total Organic Gas Analyzer (C2-C10 organic range) HARP Radiometer Package (actinic flux only) Update 15 November 2015 Location Rack Space Number of Operators 1 sps SMAI, 0.017 sps Special Simple HIMIL Fin inlet Wing pod 0 0 Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture 1/2 1 1 0 1 1 Cabin w/ aperture 1 0.5 0.17 sps N/A Async. Cabin & 2 apertures Cabin Wing pod canister 1 1/2 1 1 0 or 1 1 Simple Cabin w/ aperture 1/2 0 Special Cabin w/ aperture 1 0 HIMIL, 0.017 sps HIMIL Simple Simple HIMIL Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Special Special Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture 1 1 1 0 Priority: R, D, or blank Page 19 PI - Project - Facility C-130 INSTRUMENTATION UNDER DEVELOPMENT Description Cryogenic Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature, incl. In-Flight Calibration VCSEL hygrometer LAMS Laser Air Motion Sensor (3D and 4D) Radar Altitude (Above Ground Level) CN Concentration – water UHSAS Aerosol Probe (0.06 – 1 um) FSSP 300 Aerosol Probe (0.3 – 20 um range) [End-of-life] GNI Giant Aerosol Impactor (sea-salt, 2 – 30 um range) OAP 2D Cloud Probe (10 um resolution, 64 bins) HOLODEC-II Cloud Particle Imager SID-2H Small Ice Detector Photometric Ozone Analyzer Broad Band Radiometers, up/down (visible and infrared, stabilized) Update 15 November 2015 Inlet or Maximum Data Rate Simple, 1 sps Rack Space Number of Operators 1/2 0 25 sps 50 sps 1 sps 25 sps 10 sps 10 sps Special Async. 3 sps Async. Simple Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/aperture or large pod Wing pod canister Electronics bay Partial std aperture Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Cabin aperture Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Cabin w/ aperture 0 1/2 0 1/4 1/4 0 1/8 0 1/4 1/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 sps Special aperture 0 Location Priority: R, D, or blank 1 0 1 0 0 Page 20 PI - Project - Facility USER-SUPPLIED SCIENTIFIC PAYLOAD Please provide the following information for each user-supplied scientific instrument. Instrument Name Yes/No Mission critical instrument Primary Contact Name, Institution, Phone and Email Individual weight of all components Complete size dimensions of all components Rack-mountable 19” panel space required (Note: depth beyond 25” will overhang in back) Yes/No Supplying your own 19” rack (Note: racks must survive 9G crash load.) Hazardous material required (cryogens, etc.) Compressed gases required (number of cylinders, frequency of replacement) Radioactive sources or materials Are there any export controlled parts in your equipment (e.g. ITAR, CCL)? If so, which? Inlet requirements: Gooseneck, Standard HIMIL, Anti-Iced HIMIL, Heated HIMIL, Fin HIMIL, Special, or User Supplied Can your instrument and inlet handle flight in cloud and precipitation? Maximum Power Draw (as shown on the instrument panel placard /watts, volts, amps) Average Running Power Measured (watts, volts amps) Type of power (DC, 60 Hz, 400 Hz) External sensor location (if any) Yes/No Are signal(s) to be recorded on RAF’s Data System? If yes: Signal format (digital, analog, serial): Full-scale Voltage: Range: Resolution: Sample Rate (1, 5, 250 sps): Do you need real-time, in-flight, RAF-measurement, serial data feed (RS232, RS422)? Doo you need IRIG or PPS time-code feed? Is special sensor calibration service required? Do you need a full-time operator during flight? Update 15 November 2015 Page 21 PI - Project - Facility Number of lap-top computers for on-board use Do you need to actively control your instrument from the ground using the SATCOM link (as opposed to just looking at real-time downloaded data)? Will EOL support be required in preparing the instrument(s) for use on the aircraft (other than inspection, installation and power hook-up)? EOL/RAF can provide design and fabrication support for hardware and electronic interfaces. (If so, specify type and lead time). Will you be using your own recording system? What additional recording capability is needed? Please provide details on the number of signals, their characteristics, format, synchronous, fire-wire, ethernet, etc. If nonstandard output formats and/or data rates are required, how often are the measurements needed? Note: The standard format for processed, RAF output data is net CDF. PAYLOAD GROUND SUPPORT NEEDS FOR USER-SUPPLIED INSTRUMENTATION Preflight Needs on flight days Postflight Needs on flight days Routine Maintenance on non-flight days Access (hrs) Power (hrs) Special support needs Update 15 November 2015 Page 22 NSF/NCAR GV https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/hiaper OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Preferred base of operations Alternate base of operations Preferred flight period Total number of research flight hours requested Total number of flights requested Estimated duration of each flight Total number of flights per week Particular part(s) of day for flights Do you plan to fly night missions (i.e., landing after midnight and work before 5 AM local time)? Average flight radius from base Desired flight altitudes(s) Will there be operations in foreign or military airspace? Number of scientific observers on each flight Will you require satellite communications above base level? DESCRIPTION OF DESIRED FLIGHT PATTERN(S), PRIORITIES, AND ESTIMATE NUMBER OF FLIGHTS Please include graphics and flight pattern images as needed Updated November 2013 GV STANDARD INSTRUMENTATION - PROVIDED ON ALL PROJECTS Description Static Pressure Dynamic Pressure Ambient Temperature Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature Aircraft Position, Altitude, Ground Relative Speeds, Accelerations and Attitude Angles (IRU) GPS Position, Altitude (MSL) Look at C-130 GPS w/ Omnistar XP or TerraStar D accuracy 3 - Dimensional Wind Fields Cabin Pressure Gas Dump Manifold Pressures Cabin Temperature Forward Digital Video SATCOM XCHAT Real Time Data Transfer to Ground Updated November 2013 Maximum Data Rate 25 sps 25 sps 1 sps 1 sps Location Fuselage Radome Fuselage Radome Sensor Quantity 2 2 2-4 2 1 – 50 sps 10 sps 10 sps Electronics bay ADS rack ADS rack 2 2 1 25 sps 1 sps 1 sps 1 sps 1 fps N/A N/A Variable Radome Electronics bay Wall tubes Electronics bay Wing pylon ADS rack N/A N/A 1 set 1 2 1 1 PI - Project - Facility GV INSTRUMENTATION BY REQUEST Description Fast Ambient Temperature VCSEL Hygrometer CN Concentration – butanol (low altitude only) UHSAS Aerosol Probe King Probe Cloud Liquid Water Content Icing Rate (presence of supercooled cloud water) CDP Cloud Droplet Probe (2 – 47 um range) FSSP Cloud Droplet Probe (2 – 47 um range) OAP 2D Cloud Probe (25 um resolution, 64 bins) Broadband radiometers, up/down (infrared) Remote (infrared) Surface Temperature Remote (infrared) Sky Temperature HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (unheated) HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (anti-iced) HIMIL Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet (heated sampling line, all PFA or SS) HIMIL Fin Aft-Facing Aerosol and Trace Gas Inlet Digital Video – side views Update 15 November 2015 Inlet or Maximum Data Rate 25 sps 25 sps 25 sps 10 sps 25 sps 1 sps 10 sps 10 sps Async. 1 sps Location Fuselage Aperture Cabin w/ aperture Wing pod canister Wing pylon Wing pylon Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister 2 apertures Rack Space 0 0 1/4 1/8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 sps 1 sps N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 fps Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Aperture Aperture Aperture Aperture Std windows 0 0 0 1/8 1/8 0 0 Priority: R, D, or blank Page 25 PI - Project - Facility GV INSTRUMENTATION BY SPECIAL REQUEST Description EOL/RAF INSTRUMENTATION: Radiometric Air Temperature Wind Gust Pod (anti-iced) T of F Aerosol Mass Spectrometer 3V-CPI Cloud Particle Imager Medusa Flask Sampler AO2 Airborne Oxygen Analyzer MTP Microwave Temperature Profiler HCR HIAPER Cloud Radar HSRL High Spectral Resolution Lidar (clouds, ice/water phase, aerosols) AWAS Airborne Whole Air Sampler QCLS Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer (CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O) CIMS Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (SO2, HNO3, HNO4, HNO2 and others) GISMOS Water Vapor Profiler CVI Counterflow Virtual Impactor (with UHSAS aerosol spectrometer, CN counter and water vapor TDL) Mission Coordinator Station ACOM INSTRUMENTATION: SMPS Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer (0.01 – 0.5 um range) Fast Ozone CO Carbon Monoxide Picarro CO2 and CH4 NO and NO2 TOGA Total Organic Gas Analyzer (C2 - C10 organic range) HARP Radiometer Package (spectrally resolved actinic flux and irradiance) Update 15 November 2015 Inlet or Maximum Data Rate Rack Space Number of Operators 0 0 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 0 0 1 1 0/1 1 0 1 2 sps HIMIL Cabin w/ aperture Wing pod canister Cabin w/ aperture Wing pod pylon Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Wing pod canister Large wing pod Cabin w/ 2 large optical windows Cabin w/ aperture 4 1 0 0/1 HIMIL Cabin w/ aperture 1 0/1 HIMIL 1 1 2 sp/hr Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ 4 side windows 1 0 or 1 Special N/A Cabin w/ aperture Cabin 1 1/2 1 0 or 1 HIMIL, 0.017 sps HIMIL HIMIL HIMIL HIMIL HIMIL 0.17 sps and 1 sps, resp. Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Cabin w/ aperture Tail, cabin & special aperture 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 sps 25 sps HIMIL Async. HIMIL HIMIL 0.06 sps 10 sps Location Priority: R, D, or blank Page 26 PI - Project - Facility GV INSTRUMENTATION UNDER DEVELOPMENT Inlet or Maximum Data Rate Simple, 1 sps LAMS Laser Air Motion Sensor (1D, 3D and 4D) Location Rack Space Number of Operators Cabin w/ aperture 1/2 0 50 sps Wing pod canister 1/2 0 CN Concentration – water 25 sps Cabin rack 1/4 0 GNI Giant Aerosol Impactor (sea-salt, 2 – 30 um range) OAP 2D Cloud Probe (10 um resolution, 64 bins) HOLODEC-II Cloud Particle Imager SID-2H Small Ice Detector Photometric Ozone Analyzer Special Async. 3 sps Async. HIMIL Aperture Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Wing pod canister Cabin w/ aperture 1/8 0 1/4 1/4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Description Cryogenic Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature, incl. InFlight Calibration Update 15 November 2015 Priority: R, D, or blank Page 27 PI - Project - Facility USER-SUPPLIED SCIENTIFIC PAYLOAD Please provide the following information for each user-supplied scientific instrument Instrument Name Yes/no Mission Critical Instrument Primary Contact Name, Institution, Phone, Email Individual weight of all components Complete size dimensions of all components Rack-mountable 19” panel space required (Note: depth beyond 25” will overhang in back) Yes/no Supplying your own 19” rack (Note: racks must survive 9G crash load.) Hazardous material required (cryogens, etc.) Radioactive sources or materials Are there any export controlled parts in your equipment (e.g. ITAR or CCL)? If so, which? Inlet requirements: Gooseneck, Standard HIMIL, Anti-Iced HIMIL, Heated HIMIL, Fin HIMIL, Special, or User Supplied Can your instrument and inlet handle flight in cloud and precipitation? Compressed gases required, number of cylinders and frequency of replacement (Aluminum cylinders only) Maximum Power Draw (as shown on instrument panel placard / watts, volts, amps Average Running Power Measured (watts volts amps) Type of power (DC, 60 Hz, 400 Hz) External sensor location (if any) Are signal(s) to be recorded on RAF’s Aircraft Data System? Yes/no If yes: Signal format (digital, analog, serial): Full-scale Voltage: Range: Resolution: Sample Rate (1, 5, 250 sps): Need real-time, in-flight, RAF-measurement, serial data feed Update 15 November 2015 Page 28 PI - Project - Facility (RS-232, RS422)? Need IRIG or PPS time-code feed? Special sensor calibration service required? Need full-time operator during flight? Number of lap-top computers for on-board use: Do you need to actively control your instrument from the ground using the SATCOM link (as opposed to just looking at real-time downloaded data)? Will NCAR support be required in preparing the instrument(s) for use on the aircraft (other than inspection, installation and power hook-up)? EOL/RAF can provide design and fabrication support for hardware and electronic interfaces. (If so, specify type and lead time). Will you be using your own recording system? What additional recording capability is needed? Please provide details on the number of signals, their characteristics, format, synchronous, fire-wire, ethernet, etc. If nonstandard output formats and/or data rates are required, how often are the measurements needed? Note: The standard format for processed, RAF output data is netCDF. On-site data access requirement: PAYLOAD GROUND SUPPORT NEEDS FOR USER-SUPPLIED INSTRUMENTATION Preflight Needs on flight days Postflight Needs on flight days Routine Maintenance on non-flight days Access (hrs) Power (hrs) Special support needs Update 15 November 2015 Page 29 PI - Project - Facility .HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) (AVAILABLE ON NSF/NCAR GV Aircraft and Ground-based) Contact: Dr. Jothiram Vivekanandan (vivek@ucar.edu; (303/ 497-8402)) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/hcr HCR OPERATIONS Antenna configuration (specify all desired): Up-pointing (near zenith) antenna Down-pointing (near nadir) antenna Side-pointing (near horizontal) antenna Maximum range (7.5 to 15 km typical) Range to first observational gate (typically 150m from radar) Number of range gates (100 to 400 typical, 700 MAXIMUM) Sampling along the beam/range 19.2 to 153.6 m typical) Sampling along the flight track (45-90 m typical) Minimum Sensitivity Needs (dBZ at 1 km) Typical sensitivity is -43 dBZ at 1 km Scientific rationale for above desired radar parameters (pertaining to the sensitivity needs and if outside the typical values) Summary of onboard radar display and communication needs Summary of on-site radar data access and analysis requirements Are the HCR standard data products sufficient (i.e., Doppler, co-pol and cross-polarization measurements i.e. reflectivity, linear depolarization) or do you also need non-standard HCR data products (Doppler spectra and microphysical retrievals such as particle size, liquid or ice water content)? If you need non-standard products, please justify Which EOL staff was consulted to help complete this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 30 PI - Project - Facility GPS DROPSONDE (AVAILABLE ON NSF/NCAR C-130 and NSF/NCAR GV Aircraft) Contact: Terry Hock (hock@ucar.edu; (303/ 497-2066)) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/avaps DROPSONDE OPERATIONS Proposed dropsonde aircraft Number of dropsonde systems requested Total number of dropsondes requested Planned number of dropsondes to be released on each mission Frequency (i.e., time between drops) at which dropsondes will be released Altitude at which dropsondes will be released Geographic location where dropsondes will be release Do you plan to drop sondes over land? If yes, does geographic location cover heavily populated areas, national parks or national wilderness areas? Will you provide one or more operators for the dropsonde system and if so, do they have previous experience? Are you aware of other sondes, either launched from the ground or other aircraft that may cause frequency interference? Please specify your data access needs. Do you need any real-time data, i.e., skew-T, x-y plots, hard copy? Do you need data to be sent to GTS? Do you have any special requirements that pertain to EOL support? If the request is for a non-EOL aircraft, will an aircraft data system be available? Which EOL staff was consulted to help complete this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 31 PI - Project - Facility High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) (AVAILABLE ON NSF/NCAR GV Aircraft & GROUND-BASED) Contact: Dr. Jothiram Vivekanandan (vivek@ucar.edu; (303/ 497-8402)) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/hsrl For ground and airborne operations, the standard range resolution of the HSRL is 7.5 m with a total range of 30 km. The data profiles can be recorded every 0.5s. For airborne operations this results in one profile every 100 m during flight. The accumulation period can be adjusted to longer times for ground operations if desired. Both the range and time resolution of the final data set can be increased in data processing process HSRL OPERATIONS Will HSRL be deployed on the ground or on the NSF/NCAR GV? If ground-based, do you want continuous operations? Are the HSRL standard data products sufficient (i.e., backscatter cross section, depolarization, extinction, optical depth) or do you also need non-standard HSRL data products (i.e., particle ID, oriented scatters, full backscatter matrix etc)? If you need non-standard products, please justify Please determined needed time and range resolution Please describe any special data requirements Do you have any special requirements that pertain to EOL support? Which EOL staff was consulted to help complete this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 32 PI - Project - Facility S-Band Dual Polarization Doppler Radar (SPOL) Contact: Dr. Tammy Weckwerth (tammy@ucar.edu,303/497-8790) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/spol OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Deployment location Deployment period Weather events during which collection is desired Typical attended radar operations schedule Estimated number of radar observation hours In addition to the standard attended operation mode, will you request the “unattended remote offsite operation” during which the radar can be scanned in a pre-specified scanning sequence or remotely controlled by a PI via internet? Please specify the desired mode of operation. Will you conduct Intensive Observing Periods (IOPs)? If yes, under which circumstances? How long does each IOP last? Please specify your communication needs (e.g., phone; chat; internet bandwidth; 2-way radio; etc.) How many of your staff will be available to help with S-Pol operations? Do you require the Ka-band wavelength radar? What auxiliary equipment will be located at the radar site? What are the size dimensions? Will it need to use S-Pol power exceeding 25 Amps? If so, will it require single or 3-phase power? 120 or 220 Volts? Update 15 November 2015 Page 33 PI - Project - Facility The standard S-Pol configuration has 3 scientific display stations and 3 additional seats with desk space. Is this sufficient to accommodate the maximum number of scientists and staff expected at S-Pol at any one time? If not what additional space needs do you have? What office equipment (e.g., computers, printers, monitors, etc) are you planning to bring to SPol? TYPICAL RADAR PARAMETERS Please indicate if the following standard operating parameters are acceptable? If not please specify the requirement PRF = 1000 Hz (range = 500 to 1300Hz) Max Range = 150 km Unambiguous Velocity = 25 m s-1 Range Resolution = 150 m (150 to 675 m) Type of Scans: Range Height Indicator (RHI), Plan Position Indicator (PPI), Vertically pointing, Staring Scan Rate: RHI = 6 deg s-1 (1 to 6 deg s-1) PPI = 10 deg s-1 (1 to 12 deg s-1) Polarization transmitting mode: Alternating Transmit (standard) Simultaneous Transmit (available) Standard S-band minimum sensitivity at various ranges: -45 dBZ at 1 km -25 dBZ at 10 km -5 dBZ at 100 km Standard Ka-band minimum sensitivity at various ranges: -37 dBZ at 1 km -17 dBZ at 10 km Will the following list of standard real-time products be sufficient? If not please specify what else is desired. Rain rate, (R-Z, R-Z/ZDR, R-KDP, R-KDP/ZDR, and a hybrid) Particle ID Refractivity Scientific rationale for the non-standard but desired radar parameters Please specify your radar control needs Please specify your radar display needs Update 15 November 2015 Page 34 PI - Project - Facility DATA ACCESS AND DISTRIBUTION Please specify your in-field real time data access needs for both S-Pol and auxiliary data. Will SPol data need to be distributed offsite in near real-time? Will you require recording of I and Q time series data? If so, approximately how many hours of recording are expected? Will post-project data distribution via ftp be sufficient? OTHER Do you have any special radar operating requirements that may require EOL development, including but not limited to: - COPLANE scanning - SZ phase coding - dual-wavelength LWC retrievals - dual-wavelength humidity retrievals Fast switching between alternating and simultaneous transmit modes Do you have any special requirements that pertain to EOL support (e.g., analysis center)? Which EOL staff was consulted to help complete this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 35 PI - Project - Facility Integrated Sounding System (ISS) – fixed or mobile Contact: Dr. William “Bill” Brown (wbrown@ucar.edu; (303/ 497-8774) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/iss ISS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Deployment location(s) Deployment period(s) Type and number of systems requested Will you conduct Intensive Observing Periods (IOPs)? If yes, under which circumstances? How long does each IOP last? Will you require sonde launches? If yes, what’s the total number of sondes needed? At what frequency will sondes be released? Is the SODAR and/or RASS needed? Will noise be an issue? Is the 449 MHz Modular Profiler system required? If yes, describe why. Is a mobile system (MISS) required? If yes, describe why. Do you have any special sampling requirements? Do you have experience in the analysis of profiler data and appropriate software tools? Please specify your data access needs. Do you need data in real-time? How many of your staff will be available full time to help with ISS operations? Do you have any special requirements that pertain to EOL support? Which EOL staff was consulted to help complete this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 36 PI - Project - Facility Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) Contact: Dr. Steven Oncley (oncley@ucar.edu, (303/ 497-8757)) or Tom Horst (horst@ucar.edu, (303 497-8838)) https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/isfs ISFS MEASUREMENTS Number of measurement sites Minimum/maximum separation of these sites Number and type of measurement at each site (e.g., 2 moisture flux, 5-level temperature profile) Number and description of NCAR-supplied nonstandard sensors: (www.eol.ucar.edu/content/isfs-sensor-list) Number and description of user-supplied sensors: Provide power requirements, data output (e.g., RS232 ASCII or 0-1V analog), and data handling (e.g., sampling rate, sorting by valve position). Note: Providing user-supplied sensors to EOL for pre-experiment testing is highly desirable. ISFS OPERATIONS Will an operations base be available or should EOL supply one? Location of the base station relative to measurement sites Logistics availability at base station: (e.g., power, phone, vehicle access, owner permission) Logistics availability at each measurement site Will there be intensive observation periods requiring 24-hour staffing? (ISFS data are collected continuously in any case) Availability of investigator-supplied staff: We encourage investigators and their students to participate in ISFS deployments, including reviewing data on-site Which EOL scientist or engineer was consulted before submitting this request? Update 15 November 2015 Page 37 PI - Project - Facility ISFS DATA NEEDS What data analysis methods do you plan to use? What averaging is needed for statistics? (ISFS default is 5 minutes) What data products are needed in real time? How should these be made available? (e.g., WWW, display at base) Post-project: EOL typically distributes statistics via the web. What additional data products (plots, high-rate data, derived products) are needed? Please specify any special data requirements What data analysis methods do you plan to use? Update 15 November 2015 Page 38 PI - Project - Facility APPENDIX I: RAF POSITION ON DROPPING OBJECTS, SUCH AS DROPSONDES FROM NCAR/NSF AIRCRAFT The Federal Air Regulations allow for dropping objects from aircraft with the following restriction (FAR 91.5): No pilot in command of a civil aircraft may allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight that creates a hazard to persons or property. However, this section does not prohibit the dropping of any object if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 2 Rules of the Air Part 3.1.4: Dropping or Spraying “Nothing shall be dropped or sprayed from an aircraft in flight except under conditions prescribed by the appropriate authority and as indicated by relevant information, advice and/or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.” This regulation is the basis for the RAF policy on dropping objects (dropsondes). While dropping dropsondes over the high seas is simply an air traffic separation and potential diplomatic problem, dropping over land significantly raises the complexity of this issue and reflects upon the liabilities of the U.S. Government, the National Science Foundation, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Therefore, we will take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage to persons or property. To accomplish this task requires that, as a minimum: (a) The RAF pilot in command will have a final say in the release of dropsondes on any given flight. (b) Dropsondes shall not be dropped over congested areas, including cities, major highways, etc. (c) Dropsondes shall not be dropped over airways or other areas of heavy air traffic, unless positive locations of other aircraft can be identified and avoided. (d) The RAF pilot in command shall take reasonable and appropriate precautions to identify the locations of other aircraft and persons or property on the ground for all drops. Reasonable precautions shall include, but may not be limited to: i. Locating drop locations during project/mission planning sessions in order to coordinate the release points with the FAA (or other authority) and the property owner(s) concerned. ii. Assuring that diplomatic clearances to release instrumentation in foreign airspace are obtained, when required. iii. Obtaining real-time clearance from the FAA (or other appropriate controller) to separate the drop from other known aircraft traffic. (e) RAF pilots shall be responsible for determination of any additional precautions that are required to avoid damage to persons or property (e.g. altitude restrictions, clearances from the Air Traffic Control (ATC)). They are responsible for communicating extraordinary restrictions not implicitly contained within this policy to EOL project management personnel in time for appropriate NSF review. Additional restrictions may also be a factor in dropsondes releases (e.g. wilderness area restrictions). Update 15 November 2015 Page 39 PI - Project - Facility It should be noted that EOL has successfully dropped sondes over land in projects such as MPEX and DEEPWAVE. Prospective PI’s that intend to request the aircraft for dropping objects are responsible for understanding the limitations and regulations that pertain to dropping objects, which will constrain what aircraft support they can successfully request. This memo is intended to provide guidance in this regard, but may not contain all the regulations that might apply to dropping in a specific location. Prospective investigators are encouraged to discuss their plans for dropping objects with RAF staff well in advance of the submission of a request for aircraft support, so that RAF staff can assist the investigators in this area. Update 15 November 2015 Page 40 PI - Project - Facility APPENDIX II: NSF / NCAR C-130 EOL/RAF Standard Airborne Scientific Measurements For details about instrument type and performance, consult the RAF Bulletins on the EOL web site at http://www.eol.ucar.edu/raf/Bulletins/ I. TIME Name Units Description Time sec Offset from Reference Start Time (units is reference time) II. INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM Name Units Description LAT LON THDG PITCH ROLL ACINS VSPD ALT GSF VEW VNS degree_N degree_E degree_T degree degree m/s2 m/s m m/s m/s m/s Inertial Latitude Inertial Longitude Aircraft True Heading Angle Aircraft Pitch Angle Aircraft Roll Angle Aircraft Vertical Acceleration IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity IRS-Computed Aircraft Altitude Inertial Ground Speed Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component III. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) Name Units Description GGLAT GGLON GGVEW GGVNS GGMODE GGSTAT degree_N degree_E m/s m/s none none GPS Latitude GPS Longitude GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component GPS Mode GPS Status IV. ALTITUDE AND POSITION Name Units Description GALT HGM232 PALT / F LATC LONC m m M / feet degree_N degree_E GPS Altitude Geometric (Radar) Altitude (APN-232) NACA Pressure Altitude GPS-Corrected Latitude GPS-Corrected Longitude V. AIRCRAFT AND METEOROLOGICAL STATE PARAMETERS Name Units Description ATTACK SSLIP PCAB PSX PSXC QCX degree degree mbar mbar mbar mbar Update 15 November 2015 Attack Angle, Reference Sideslip Angle, Reference Interior Cabin Static Pressure Raw Static Pressure, Reference Corrected Static Pressure, Reference Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference Page 41 PI - Project - Facility QCXC TTX DPX DPXC mbar deg_C deg_C deg_C Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference Total (Recovery) Temperature, Reference Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Reference Dew Point Temperature, Reference VI. THERMODYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS Name Units Description ATX TASX TASHC EDPC THETA THETAE TVIR RHUM RHODX SPHUM MR deg_C m/s m/s mbar K K deg_C % gram/m3 gram/kg gram/kg Ambient Temperature, Reference Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference Potential Temperature Equivalent Potential Temperature (Bolton) Virtual Temperature Relative Humidity Absolute Humidity, T-Electric, Reference Specific Humidity Mixing Ratio, T-Electric VII. WINDS Name Units Description UIC VIC WIC WSC WDC UXC VYC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Component GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component m/s m/s m/s m/s degree_T m/s m/s VIII. RADIATION Name Units Description RSTB Radiometric Surface Temperature deg_C IX. CLOUD PHYSICS Name Units Description PLWCC RICE Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content Raw Icing-Rate Indicator gram/m3 Volts XI. PARTICLES Name Units Description FCNC CONCN Corrected CN Counter Sample Flow Rate Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration vlpm count/cm3 XII. DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDING Name Units Description D_video images Digital images from forward looking camera (1 image per second) Update 15 November 2015 Page 42 PI - Project - Facility APPENDIX III: NSF / NCAR G-V EOL/RAF Standard Airborne Scientific Measurements For details about instrument type and performance, consult the G-V Investigators Handbook on the HPO website at www.hiaper.ucar.edu/handbook. I. TIME Name Time Units sec Description Offset from Reference Start Time (units is reference time) II. INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM Name Units Description LAT degree_N Inertial Latitude LON degree_E Inertial Longitude THDG degree_T Aircraft True Heading Angle PITCH degree Aircraft Pitch Angle ROLL degree Aircraft Roll Angle ACINS m/s2 Aircraft Vertical Acceleration VSPD m/s IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity ALT m IRS-Computed Aircraft Altitude GSF m/s Inertial Ground Speed VEW m/s Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component VNS m/s Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component III. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) Name Units Description GGLAT degree_N GPS Latitude GGLON degree_E GPS Longitude GGVEW m/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component GGVNS m/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component GGMODE none GPS Mode GGSTAT none GPS Status IV. ALTITUDE AND POSITION Name Units Description GALT m GPS Altitude PALT / F M / feet NACA Pressure Altitude LATC degree_N GPS-Corrected Latitude LONC degree_E GPS-Corrected Longitude V. AIRCRAFT AND METEOROLOGICAL STATE PARAMETERS Name Units Description ATTACK degree Attack Angle, Reference SSLIP degree Sideslip Angle, Reference PCAB mbar Interior Cabin Static Pressure – expected by 3/1/06 PSX mbar Raw Static Pressure, Reference PSXC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Reference Update 15 November 2015 Page 43 PI - Project - Facility QCX QCXC TTX DPX DPXC mbar mbar deg_C deg_C deg_C Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference Total (Recovery) Temperature, Reference - Deiced Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Reference Dew Point Temperature, Reference VI. THERMODYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS Name Units Description ATX deg_C Ambient Temperature, Reference - Deiced TASX m/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference TASHC m/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected EDPC mbar Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference THETA K Potential Temperature THETAE K Equivalent Potential Temperature (Bolton) TVIR deg_C Virtual Temperature RHUM % Relative Humidity RHODX gram/m3 Absolute Humidity, T-Electric, Reference SPHUM gram/kg Specific Humidity MR gram/kg Mixing Ratio, T-Electric VII. WINDS Name UIC VIC WIC WSC WDC UXC VYC Units m/s m/s m/s m/s degree_T m/s m/s Description GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Component GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component XVII. DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDING Name D_video Units images Update 15 November 2015 Description Digital images from forward looking camera (1 image per second) Page 44