Getting to Attend a Conference By Waheedah Shabazz-El Penn CFAR CAB Chair U.S. Positive Women’s Network 1 OVERVIEW What is a conference Who actually pays Misconceptions/Truths Three (3)ways to there What it means to attend Where do I find conference information Scholarships The (2) Most Important Scholarship Questions The Challenge: 2 A Conference is a medium where ideas are exchanged. A chance to learn what others around the country/world are A chance to showcase the work you do in the community and the doing in their own communities to stop the spread of HIV and to assure that everyone who needs treatment is getting it. work your community is doing to address the needs of people with HIV/AIDS and people at risk of contracting HIV. What is a Conference #1 Misconception A Luxury Vacation, where some agency or organization sends you away and pays all of your expenses. Truth Several days of back to back meetings, symposiums and workshops ….. from 8:00am to 6:00pm Many times you may have to come out of your own pocket if you really want to attend. Rarely will anyone pay for all of your expenses Sometimes you have to use your money and then be reimbursed. 4 What is a Conference Misconception A chance to go out of town and let your hair down and get your freak on. Truth An opportunity to for you to be an ambassador who will respectfully represent your city, group, organization or yourself 5 What it Means to Attend a Conference Misconception A chance to brag and boast about where you have been Truth A chance hear about new break throughs in HIV prevention, treatment and research that you can in turn bring back and share in your own city, group or organization …….. 6 What it means to Attend a Conference Misconception To visit the Hot Spots and pick up some cuties. Truth A chance to meet connect and exchange ideas with other people who want to kick this virus in the ass. And get Involved! Though generally you may have some free time to shop or take a local tour. 7 What it Means to Attend a Conference Some people feel that: The Truth is : “Some agency/organization should send me to a conference”. Generally organizations do Not just send people to conferences. “Agencies have their picks when it People must apply to the conference themselves. comes to sending people to conferences”. “I’m just not good enough to go to a conference”. Sometimes organizations may support a staff person. Anyone can attend ….but you must be willing to do some of the footwork. 8 Where do I Find Out About Conferences? Check the announcement boards at all agencies where you go for service. Check the announcements boards in the AIDS Library (if you’re in Philly) Collect information at tabling events.. read them & visit their websites. Ask your Case Manager Ask about conferences in support groups Go to the internet Join the PWN 9 Going on the Internet to find HIV Conferences: Go to: Type in 2011 HIV Conferences Type in 2011 Minority HIV Conferences Type in 2011 Women HIV Conference Type in 2011 MSM HIV Conferences Type in 2011 Trans Gender Conferences Type in 2011 HIV and Prison Conferences Type in a specific organizations website like “National Association of People with AIDS 10 1. Search the site for: 2. Calendar of events 3. Select a conference 4. Save the Page to your favorites 5. Print or download the Scholarship Registration 6. Pay attention to the dead lines. 11 One Way to Attend is: Present a Workshop or Poster Presentation Every conference puts out a “call for abstracts” An abstract is a (short paragraph) describing what your workshop or poster presentation will be about. Make certain your presentation relates to the theme of the conference. You can always make the actual presentation or poster at a later date. Submit your proposal before the deadline. 12 Another Way to Attend: Apply for a Media Registration If you are affiliated or write articles for a local or national paper, radio, TV Even if you submit articles to a newsletter you may be able to apply for a Media Registration Join the Prison Health Newsletter Team or the Support Center for Prison Advocacy Start your own Newsletter or Blog Page Write letter s to the Editor of a local/national paper. NOTE: A Media registration will only get you in the conference: You still may have to arrange for your travel and lodging. 13 Another Way to Attend: APPLY for a Conference Scholarship Some conferences will offer full scholarships which include registration, airfare and lodging. Many conferences offer partial scholarships that may only include registration and lodging. If this is the case you will have to arrange your own travel. 14 Where do I Get the Travel Money? Pay out of pocket…you may be reimbursed upon arrival. (pre-arranged agreement) Once you receive your scholarship ask an organization or agency where you volunteer/work assist you with your travel. Ask your religious fellowship Ask family and friends for help. Start a fundraiser; selling chances or bake sales, art, braid hair, babysit, landscaping, tutoring, etc 15 Even if you get awarded a partial scholarship ...some conference scholarship committees will not even book your hotel room until you show them that you have made your travel arrangements. 16 Remember: Scholarships are a Competition! You must be able to make the work you do on behalf of your community STAND OUT! The (2) Most Important Questions asked on Scholarship Applications 1. Explain the work you do for your community? 2. Explain how you and your community will benefit from your attendance at this conference ? Explain the work you do for your community? Facilitate support group Member of Planning Council Block Captain Member of Positive Committee CAB Member Start my own support group Work at the clothing bank Walk with a team in the AIDS Walk Help with HIV Ministry in my place of worship Member of the CPG Volunteer history Skills sharing Peer Education Work with prison groups If you have difficulty answering this question …ask yourself what are some next steps for you? 19 Explain how you and your community will benefit from your attendance at this conference “I will share the information I learn at the conference with”…………. “I will share it by”………………. ……………………………………………………………… If you have difficulty answering this question …ask yourself what are some next steps for you? If you need help putting the words together, ask for help. 20 Re-CAP : How to get to a Conference Check Boards at all agencies Check boards at the AIDS Library Collect and read info from tabling events Ask you case manager Search for the conference you are interested in. 6. Look for calendar of events 7. Click onto the scholarship application. 8. Submit your completed scholarship application or abstract before the deadline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 21 Joining National Networks will give you an edge. Conference Scholarship Committees give preference to members of their networks. You may want/have to become a member of their network by sending in a donation or a membership fee. 22 Penn CFAR CAB Members at NAPWA If the conference is in your City Volunteer to join the Host Committee Volunteer to pack conference bags, work the registration desk, collect evaluations, be a local tour guides or do shifts in the PWA Lounge. In exchange for your time and services you get to attend the conference and the exhibition halls for free. You will not need a hotel room, since you’ll be coming from home. You will be able to bring your own snacks from home. 24 If you are traveling to a conference you will need: Conference Registration Valid Identification Passport if you plan to travel outside of the US Transportation…..Air, Train or Bus Ground Transportation… once you arrive …Taxi, Shuttle, or Metro fare Lodging……hotel/ hostel or with friends /family If you stay at a hotel you may need a Debit or Credit Card to check in ...just for room incidentals Meals………some (but not all) meals may be supplied by the conference. 25 Make Yourself Conference Ready…… by working for your community. 26 A Conference is: A way for you to showcase what you are involved in your community. A way to meet people from other parts of the country/world who are working on similar projects A Conference is: A way to get yourself re-energized; knowing that you are not alone in your work. A way to obtain information to bring back to better your community Make yourself conference ready by working For Your Community. Thank you for your Attention: Waheedah Shabazz-el Teresa Sullivan 30