Data Retreat Meeting August 12, 2015 Present

Data Retreat Meeting
August 12, 2015
Present: Michelle Rogers, Anne Wall, Alicia Coakley, Vicky Smith, Ling Wang,
Rebecca Darrough, Judy Castleberry, Eric Branscome, Tom Buttery, Gary Stewart,
Jennifer Snyder, Carlette Hardin, Don Luck, Erin Lynch, Barbara Peterson, Audrey
Bullock, Donna Dey, Charmaine Lowe, Ron Roberts, Marsh Lyle-Gonga, Jennie
Preston-Sabin, Benita Bruster, Anthony Sanders, Larry Lowrance, Lisa Lewis, Linda
Davis, Rebecca McMahan, Ann Assad, Gina Grogan, John McConnell, Moniqueka Gold,
Shirley Walrond, Joe Jerles, Lauren Wells, Ellen Taylor, Bettie Barrett, Marcy Maurer,
Deborah Buchanan, Jennifer Yantz, Bobette Bouton, Tim Wesley, Lisa Barron, Katherine
Email from Registrar’s Office ( GPA’s):
 Revised TBR policy (2:01:00:00) for figuring transfer students’ GPA.
o When a student transfers, their credit hours will not be included in their
quality points. (An example of a transcript was provided for faculty to
o They will receive credit for hours, but not their GPA.
o It is up to each individual college to include or to not include the GPA for
all transfer students.
o The College of Education has decided to treat all transfer students as if
they have been an APSU student for their entire academic career, so all of
their transfer courses will be included in their GPA.
o Faculty will be able to view the transfer student’s overall GPA in AP
OneStop – Click on the Student Information Menu link and the Student
GPA link is located at the bottom of the page under “inclusive combined”.
PRAXIS (handout included in folder)
 No changes to test or scores.
Praxis workshop
 We can still pay for any faculty members who would like do a Praxis workshop.
Please, let Dr. Hardin know, so the paperwork can be processed for payment.
CAEP (New Requirements)
 CAEP GPA admission requirement is 3.0 or higher now.
o The College of Education’s GPA average is 3.44.
o The state department’s requirement for admission is 2.75.
 The group average performance on nationally normed ability/achievement
assessment such as ACT, SAT, or GRE:
o is in the top 50% from 2016-2017
o is in the top 40% from 2018-2019
o is in the top 33% by 2020
o The average ACT for APSU is 22, but only 1/3 of our students take the
o The state requires an ACT score of 21 and SAT of 1020.
At this time CAEP is not recognizing Praxis I.
CAEP will require an 80% pass rate on either the first or second administration of
the PRAXIS II exams.
RTI² (see handout)
 All preparation programs must include training to our support candidates’
readiness to deliver instruction informed by Response to Instruction and
Intervention Framework (RTI²).
 Candidates not seeking an endorsement in Special Education should be prepared
to deliver instruction and Intervention at the Tier I and II level.
Teacher Ed. Council (handout provided)
 Meets every second Wednesday of the month at 3:30.
Review Team List (handout provided)
 All Annual Program Review (APR) reports are due to Dr. Hardin by September
 Dr. Hardin will send the report electronically to all program chairs.
 Last year’s reports are on our website.
 Please make sure to include the data that was given today when writing the APR
Appeal Policy
 A reminder that the appeal policy appears on our website and that specific dates
are given for when paperwork is due.
State Report Card Highlights (handout provided)
 The College of Education had 186 program completers in the 2012-2013 cohort
and a 100% pass rate on the Praxis II.
 Program completers perform at the same level as teachers state wide in the
following areas:
o 4th-8th grade TCAP science and social studies
o High school End of Course exam composite, Algebra I, chemistry, and
English I
 APSU program completers tend to be less effective than other teachers state wide
on 4th – 8th grade TCAP composite, math, and reading scores.
 APSU Program completers tend to be less effective than other beginning teachers
in Tennessee on 4th – 8th grade TCAP math and reading scores.
 Based on statewide distribution of all teachers, APSU program completers tend to
underperform in 4th – 8th grade TCAP composite, math, reading, and high school
end of course exam composite scores.
 Chalk and Wire will be the new program for the university’s portfolio platform.
 The university will use the same model as we use for LiveText.
 There is a possibility that we may run into a problem with students being asked to
purchase both programs, but until we have to cross that road we aren’t going to
worry about it.
Key Assessments (Anne Wall)
 We have to run a standards report every semester, so it’s critical that all faculty
members complete a key assessment.
 An example of a standards report was provided to all faculty members for them to
 Dr. Wall reviewed the report with the faculty, so they could ask any questions
they had in reference to the report.
 The students will not be able to view any of the dispositions that are entered in
 The dispositions should only take a couple of seconds to complete.
 If you have any questions, please see Dr. Wall.
Review of the data book (Hardin & Luck)
 The College of Education faculty reviewed in detail the data gathered on all the
teacher candidates and their performance for 2014-2015.
Group Assignment
 Faculty was asked to break-up into small groups and discuss/answer the following
o What are we doing well?
o What do we need to improve on?
o What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
Group I
 What are we doing well?
o Looking at data.
o edTPA
 What do we need to improve on?
o Gender and ethnic diversity
o Preparing undergraduates for assessment.
o RTI² prep (confidence, application)
 What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Improve website (scholarship information?)
o Target student athletes.
o High School connections.
What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o Use current students to help recruit.
o Organize enrollment with online resources.
o Publicize scholarship/grant opportunities.
Group II
 What are we doing well?
o Professionalism.
o Completion rates.
o Lesson prep/organization
o edTPA
o New program initiatives
o Good dispositions overall
o Male and minority increased enrollment.
What do we need to improve on?
o Increase male and minority recruitment.
o Tie-in assessment to educational practice.
o Writing skills/grammar
o Creating a professional learning plan (students).
o Improve key assessments
What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Going to FTA chapters in Tennessee.
o AST program/community college.
o Send every student on Dean’s list each semester a letter from the College
of Education.
o STEA need more campus-wide involvement
o Put courses at better times (afternoon/evenings).
What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o More access to Nashville Metro teachers for extra certification.
o Set-up booths at content specific conferences.
Group III
 What are we doing well?
o edTPA (APSU v. state)
o Preparation of students.
o Number of negative disposition reports are down
o Milestone II reviews showed improvement.
o ETS pass rate is 100%
o Cooperation in the Educational Unit.
o Increased graduate numbers: IT, Reading, Math, EDS Leadership
 What do we need to improve on?
o K-6 students are down.
o Re-evaluate secondary area pass rates Praxis
o 1st attempt pass rate
o Recruiting minority and male students
o Male/female ratio across programs
o Decrease number: Advance studies and SPED
o Teacher/parent relationship strategies
What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Strategic plans to convert Tennessee Promise.
o How to use summer more effectively
o Maymester.
What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o EDS – scholarship with mentors
o Current students/grads send information to prospective students
o Increase local/teacher participation in organizations.
Group IV
 What are we doing well?
o Academic support staff is excellent.
o Scores are improving in all areas.
o Students receive personal, caring attention.
o We reflect on data and use it for decisions.
o Leadership supports staff and faculty.
 What do we need to improve on?
o Update technology: smart tables, software applications.
o Bridge the gap between theory and practice: lesson planning, RTI, IEP,
classroom set-up.
o Improve relationship with districts.
 What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Help them get jobs (career services).
o Laws that affect education.
o Provide credit for workshops.
 What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o Outreach to teachers
o Weekend programs
o Capstone project related to district needs
Group V
 What are we doing well?
o edTPA scores compared to nation and overall improvement over time.
o Graduate licensure Praxis scores.
o Graduate math program numbers.
o TVAAS Chemistry scores + high school English scores.
o Good communication within unit.
 What do we need to improve on?
o Diversity is stagnant
o Emphasizing parent/student/teacher relationships
o Adjustments to pacing + timing.
o Data literacy + standardization (at least of the things over which we have
What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Better extra-curricular activities (football team) national or regional
o Scholarships.
o Greater presence in area high schools.
o Paid recruiter for program
o Career days, LEAD conference
What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o Money
o Asking recent grads for recommendation
o Social media communication
o Paid recruiter for program
Group VI
 What are we doing well?
o edTPA
o Mentor teacher perspectives.
o Passing rates for Praxis II (completers).
 What do we need to improve on?
o Recruitment
o Job placement
o Retaining minority male candidates
o Developing parent engagement strategies (Res I Friday seminar)
 What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Compare to similar institutions.
o Job placement information.
o Continue with FTA visit to APSU.
o Continue to build relations with high school – APSU History day – Greek
– Spanish Lang. Fair – STEM fair – etc.
 What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o Recruit from undergraduates
o Increase scholarships.
o Alternative scheduling of programs.
Group VII
 What are we doing well?
o edTPA pass rates
o Workshops
 Praxis
 edTPA
o Science/Social Studies, EOC, Algebra I , Chemistry, and English I
o Analyzing flaws in State’s data collection
 What do we need to improve on?
Pass Praxis on 1st or 2nd attempt.
Where are students learning about edTP (MAT)
Use of assessment data to influence instructional decisions + evaluate
student learning
o 100% MII application rate
What strategies can we use to improve undergraduate enrollment?
o Focus on counties with TFA programs.
o Use social network engagement (Research study on social engagement
practices through social media platform).
o Find funding
o APSU portal development
o Innovative and gains access to students prior to enrollment.
What strategies can we use to improve graduate enrollment?
o Target international country
o Use financial benefits
o Recruit
Data Retreat
August 13, 2015
Chairs for CAEP
 Standard 1 – Bobette Bouton
 Standard 2 - Lisa Barron
 Standard 3 - Anthony Sanders
 Standard 4 - Benita Bruster
 Standard 5 – John McConnell
 Ms. Judy Castleberry will now be helping Dr. Wall with any LiveText issues.
Program Standards
 New Policy was emailed to all faculty members and it will be effective September
 New license for transitional licensing – it will now be a practitioner license.
 Specialty area standards (SAP) – specific requirement of your program
o All faculty members need to read through the implementation standards
(beginning on page 26), because when we have our next visit from the
state we will be required to write about what standards we have met.
Program Matrix Development
 We had a matrix for every program at our last CAEP visit, and those standards
were based on the TN standards.
 They have changed that process.
 There are two different sets of standards; the Tennessee teaching standards and
the program standards (Appendix B).
 All matrices will need to be revised according to the program standards.
 Please make sure all major standards have a key assessment.
Program Changes
 K-6 will now be K-5
 4-8 will now be 6-8 with a concentration
 Secondary programs will now be 6-12
 SPED (will have the biggest change)
o Modified & Comprehensive
o Interventionist
InTASC Model Core Standards
 The state will no longer use the Tennessee standards; they will use the InTASC
Model Core Standards (handout)
 We will have to make sure our standards match the InTASC standards.
The faculty was divided into two groups and was given the task of matching our
standards with the InTASC standards.