Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Educational Leadership

Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Educational Leadership
Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
Rate how well you were prepared in the following areas.
Rate each item on a 3-point scale with 3 = Very Prepared, 2 = Prepared, 1 – Not Well Prepared
I lead based on understanding the multiple dimensions of
I practice effective communication skills with individuals
across populations.
I resolve conflict and manage confrontation.
I lead based on an understanding of ethical/moral issues in
I address problems of practice in organizational situations.
I value the importance of collaboration in leadership.
I implement conditions and strategies for optimal learning.
I design assessment tools to inform and shape future
I collect data using various sources and methods.
I write reports and results of research of publishable quality.
I promote the success of all students by facilitating the
development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of
a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school
I promote the success of all students by collaborating with
families and community members, responding to diverse
community interests and needs, and mobilizing community
I use technology in teaching and learning
I engage in activities ensuring that curriculum decisions are
based on research, expertise of teachers, and the
recommendations of learned societies
I knowledge and understanding of information sources, data
collection, and data analysis strategies
I can formulate hypotheses and conduct research to test these
Overall, how would rate your satisfaction with your
preparation in the Educational Leadership program?
Note: Fourteen students responded to the survey.
1. What do you see as the major strength(s) of the Educational Leadership program?
The professors are very helpful and know their material
The small cohort groups that met weekly and the discussions were helpful as we
shared situations and potential ideas for outcomes and solutions to specific issues.
The insight and experiences of the professors were also helpful. The courses relating
to the case laws/laws were extremely critical to administrators.
The help that professors are always willing to give.
I preferred the hybrid classes that met a few times each semester so that you could
share ideas and discuss real events, problems, ideas, ect. I think the size of the
program and moving along as a class was a major strength.
The strength of the program is the flexibility available for educators to choose areas to
research and to study that will benefit themselves and that are directly related to their
current educational setting. The program adequately prepares students for the
subject area Praxis exam. Also, the course of study is relevant and up to date.
Excellent teachers who know what they are talking about because they have been
successful principals.
The professors are very are very helpful and know their material.
The professors prepare us to think and to do really well on the Praxis test.
Wonderful teachers
I especially liked the case studies and assignments that relate to real issues in schools
and not just theorize from a book.
The teachers
Program relevance
Adequately prepares students for Praxis exam
Interest of teachers
The face to face meeting and the APSU faculty are the strengths.
2. What do you see as the major weakness(es) of the Educational Leadership
The online classes do not provide me with the face to face interactions I
would prefer to experience.
Major weaknesses are not identified.
The online programs are a bit more difficult at times because you do not
have the face to face dialogue but the discussion boards definitely help in
that aspect.
I would not call it a major weakness, but I did not really feel much a part of
APSU. This is probably the case with most online graduate programs. I
would suggest that a mail system for online students only instead of
sending us tons of mail that pertains to campus life. Maybe providing
services designed just for online students.
Students would benefit from having 2 class meetings or assignments
devoted to putting documents in the LiveText Portfolio during each course.
The would avoid having a last minute push at the end of the class.
I did not like the classes that did not meet in person. The computer based
classes did not interest me as much as those that met every week or even
the ones that met half the time in person and held as computer based.
The online classes do not provide me with the face to face interactions I
would prefer to experience.
I liked the entire program with the exception of those professors who were
not regular teachers at APSU - I am not talking about Dr. Shutt and Dr.
Stewart, they are good.
There were too many classes online during the summer
Summer I classes are too intense to have them as online classes.
Need LiveText portfolio meetings in every course
The adjunct faculty is a weakness in some cases.
3. In what ways has earning this degree impacted you professionally?
I believe I will be a better teacher because I am able to see the big picture
now more than before the program.
This degree will allow me to not only pursue and potentially advance in my
career, but it also provides access to information that affects my current
position as a teacher. The information gained from the program promoted
my value of leadership, and how I can support that community as well.
I am starting as a principle at Sycamore Middle School on July 1st 2011
I did apply for one job at Waverly Elementary; however there were several
candidates with elementary experience. I received a wage increase.
I have been given greater responsibility at my school and will head the
mentoring of new teachers this fall. I am being considered for
administrative roles at my school in the coming year.
I wasn't sure that I wanted to become a principle until Dr. Stewart made
me excited about the differences I could make in the lives and educational
experienced of the students and the faculty/staff.
I believe I will be a better teacher because I am able to see the big picture
now more than ever before the program.
Because of this program, I am able to see the bigger picture and
understand my principle's decisions better now. He really appreciates that.
I have applied for an assistant principle position and really want to make a
difference throughout the entire school as a result of the leadership
I believe that I can become a principle and make a difference for the future.
I have already had two interviews for AP positions and have learned a lot
from those experiences.
Team leader for 2011-2012
Improvement plan coordinator for next school year
Part time fill in administrator leadership team
It has exposed me to different styles of leadership and given me an
appreciation of different methods of leading.
4. Add any comments you would like to make about the Educational Leadership
I will continue to recommend the program to others and will always hold
APSU in high regards.
I would have liked to have received a review on my electronic portfolio
after it was submitted electronically via Livetext. Also, additional guidance
on the process and specific forms required for obtaining licensure with the
states of KY and TN would have been helpful.
I felt all of the professors were extremely helpful and I was able to gain a
good knowledge base to move forward in my leadership capacity.
I will recommend the program to others.
I appreciate the support of Dr. Stewart and Dr. Shutt. I know that it is due
to their efforts that many of my classmates and I were successful in passing
the PRAXIS and in completing the program. (Although I am still working on
my EdS). There were a number of good teachers, but it seemed that these
two faculty members were particularly involved in answering questions
and keeping the cohort on track.
The entire program is the best educational experience I have ever
I will continue to recommend the program to others and will always hold
APSU in high regards.
Duplicate and distribute Dr. Stuart to public schools.
It is a really good program and eye opener.
The professors at APSU are the greatest!
I believe them program needs more oversight in the amount of work
expected for each class. For example, the summer program was an
extremely taxing and demanding situation.
14% Are Men
86% Are Women
14% Are Caucasian, Non Hispanic
86% Are African American
7% Are Non-Teachers
93% Are Teachers