Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Curriculum and Instruction Instructional Technology

Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Curriculum and Instruction
Instructional Technology
Fall 2010-Spring 2011
Rate how well you were prepared in the following areas.
Rate each item on a 3-point scale with 3 = Very Prepared, 2 = Prepared, 1 = Not Well Prepared
1. I have an in-depth understanding of technology operations and
2. I can plan, design, and model effective learning environments
and multiple experiences supported by technology.
3. I can apply and implement curriculum plans that include
methods and strategies for utilizing technology to maximize
student learning.
4. I can apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective
assessment and evaluation strategies.
5. I can apply technology to enhance and improve personal
productivity and professional practice.
6. I understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues
surrounding the use of technology in P-12 schools and assign
teachers in applying that understanding in their practice.
7. I promote the development and implementation of technology
infrastructure, procedures, polices, plans, and budgets for P-12
8. I contribute to the shared vision for campus integration of
technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to
the realization of the vision.
9. I seek advice from others and draw on education research
scholarship to improve my practice.
Overall, how would rate your satisfaction with your
preparation in the Curriculum and Instruction –Instructional
Technology program?
Note: Twelve people responded to this survey.
What do you see as the major strength(s) of the Curriculum and Instruction –Instructional
The time spent advising and helping the students. The courses are great!!
Online classes
The teachers and the classes available online.
The faculty
It opened my eyes to the various types of technology available and how to
incorporate them into the classroom. The professors also did an outstanding job of
staying knowledgeable about the upcoming technological advancements. Courses
were constantly changed and updated to make room for technology tools.
The professors are the primary strength of this program, aside from that, I truly
enjoyed and learned from the opportunity to experiment with different applications. I
am also thankful that I was required to read "Understanding by Design" by Wiggins
and NcTigue as that book has changed the way I teach. In my own personal
research, it is amazing to me how often other professional authors use the book as a
For me personally, the fact that the program was almost entirely online was a major
strength. Otherwise, I would not have been able to complete this program at APSU
due to living such a great distance away from the campus. Secondly, I found the
professors very knowledgeable about the subject area. They incorporated a huge
variety of technology applications that were available online and often free. Many of
these we could take directly back to our own classrooms and schools and use them
without any difficulties. Another huge strength was the fact that the college offers
laptops for check out containing those more expensive programs. This made it
possible for us to learn those programs without having to purchase them ourselves.
Overall, I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested in receiving
their Masters in Instructional Technology. i only wish that APSU offered an online
Doctoral Program as well. I would certainly be the first to apply.
The ability to experiment with a variety of different sites to figure out which ones work
best for me.
I am great at finding web sites that are related to topics I am teaching, but I still don't
like feel like I understand programs or anything about the physical structure of a
computer or other technologies.
I saw the Curriculum and Instruction IT program as a great way to extend what I had
already learned in my Communications background. I feel the strengths were writing
multiple lesson plans for various classes, learning and experimenting with Web 2.0
tools, and assignments that used various video technology.
2. What do you see as the major weakness(es) of the Curriculum and Instruction –Instructional
Not enough time with the teachers
The field of technology is rapidly changing. What I learned one semester in one
particular class would be somewhat different than that of the next semester's
student. However, there really is no solution to this as it affects everyone in the tech,
Livetext portfolios are problems.
Often times I found it difficult to get answers to my questions due to living such a
great distance from the campus. However, I think this goes along with doing the
program completely online. On a more positive note though, any time I e-mailed Dr.
Luck and Dr. Stewart for assistance, they always responded and directed me to the
correct office or person. For those of us who were doing this from a distance, that
kind of help was absolutely necessary.
The APSU website isn't very helpful in dispersing information about the program.
Also, I think the thesis paper was unnecessary. Finally, ALL teachers need to require
APA citation.
The lack of depth in given topics. Lesson planning is the major focus of the program,
but I can't trouble-shoot or create anything fun like documents or charts. Also, the
Adobe softwares that are used aren't realistic in the classroom because they are
expensive. Free programs should be used to teach teachers... things they can use in
the classroom.
One of the weaknesses is the portfolio format. Instructors should explain the purpose
of the portfolio as it applies to each class and then suggest assignments to place
within the portfolio over the course of each semester. I didn't realize the impact the
portfolio would have until the last half of my final semester and I was scrounging to
find past assignments to place within the portfolio. I also find that some students in
the program have very little technology experience so maybe the department should
offer some workshops for basic design, video and audio editing.
3. In what ways has earning this degree impacted you professionally?
I am planning to start my doctorate degree and this program prepared me well for
that next step.
Pay increase and it prepared me for a building Ed Tech position
Classroom and instructional effectiveness
I completed something I started a long time ago
I am much more comfortable including tech in my curriculum. My students benefit
from this and seem to have an increased motivation for learning in myy classroom.
I am less afraid to integrate technology into my curriculum.
Classroom and instructional effectiveness
I have never left the technology realm. i am constantly reading other teacher's blogs
and surfing the Internet for Web 2.0 Tools. I have also presented at the TETC
Conference in Nashville since I graduated from the program.
I am asked to fix computers or help people use the programs they aren't familiar
I have the credentials to teach in higher education and have had multiple job offers
upon graduation. I accepted 2 job offers.
4. Add any comments you would like to make about the Curriculum and Instruction –
Instructional Technology program?
Wonderful program
I loved every minute of my studies in this program. I would recommend this degree
to anyone in the education field. I feel that I have obtained valuable knowledge and
skills that will be of great help to me in the future.
Great recommendation
As I stated previously, I enjoyed the program so much that I only wish an online
Doctoral Program was available at APSU. Although completing the program and
working full time simultaneously was difficult and stressful at times, I have now found
myself really missing the online class interactions, as well as learning about new and
upcoming technologies.
Overall, I really enjoyed the program and felt that I learned a lot from it. I have
recommended it to other teachers who want to pursue their Master's Degree.
The program is great, and Dr. Wall and Dr. Luck have some great classes and I
learned so much from them. I would suggest more course offerings for the required
classes in the program each semester.