Ready2Teach Program Completion Survey (R2TPCS) Austin Peay State University Number of Respondents for 2014 - 2015 N = 79 Respondent Demographics: Percentages by Categories Note: Item percentages may not total 100% because of missing input from some respondents. Gender Female 78.5 Male 21.5 Age Under 21 1.3 21-30 73.4 31-40 15.2 41-50 8.9 Over 50 1.3 Race/Ethnicity American Indian or Alaskan Native 1.3 Asian 2.5 Black or African American 3.8 Hispanic or Latino 1.3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.0 White 89.9 Two or More Races 1.3 Some Other Race 0.0 Page 1 of 8 Ready2Teach Program Completion Survey (R2TPCS) Summary Items Austin Peay State University Number of Respondents for 2014 - 2015 N = 79 Respondent Demographics: Percentages by Categories Note: Item percentages may not total 100% because of missing input from some respondents. Will you complete the Ready2Teach teacher preparation program during the current academic year (by Summer 2015)? No 0.0 Yes 100.0 I am enrolled in the Ready2Teach program at... Austin Peay State University 100.0 East Tennessee State University 0.0 Middle Tennessee State University 0.0 Tennessee State University 0.0 Tennessee Tech University 0.0 University of Memphis 0.0 Have you applied for your teaching license? Yes 93.7 I plan to apply soon. 6.3 I do not plan to apply. 0.0 Have you been offered a teaching position? Yes 25.3 No, but I am seeking a teaching position. 69.6 I do not plan to teach. 3.8 Congratulations! Tell us more about your teaching position (what city, school, grade level, etc.). Any grade K-6 I would accept close to Ft. Campbell, Hopefully DODEA on Fort Campbell. Christian County High School Hopkinsville, KY 11th grade Chemistry Clarksville Montgomery Country Minglewood Elementary School 4th grade Clarksville, Norman Smith Elementary, 4th Grade, Math & Science Clarksville, St. Bethlehem, 2nd grade. Clarksville, TN New Providence Middle School 7th/8th CMCSS - 9th grade English at Clarksville High School Page 2 of 8 Congratulations! Tell us more about your teaching position (what city, school, grade level, etc.). CMCSS Northeast High - Mathematics Dayspring Academy, Greenbrier, TN Position is TBD It is a year long interim position at Dupont Elementary Kindergarten position at Barkers Mill Elementary in Clarksville, TN Kingston Springs Elem. TN 4th grade reading/LA Lexington, TN Lexington Middle School 8th grade science Lincoln Co. Fayetteville, TN High School Math Metro-Nashville - PreK and 3rd grade Northeast Middle School Band Director Oakmont Elementary School - 1st grade Dickson, TN The teaching position is in Dickson County. It is a Dickson High School [unreadable] 9-12. It might end up being a part time position with William James Middle School 6-8 Art. West Creek Elementary in Montgomery County TN SPED Pre-K West Creek Elementary, Clarksville, TN 3rd grade Please share with us why you do not plan to teach. I am going to obtain my masters degree before I teach. [sic] I am starting my Master's For ABA w/an autism focus there I need to be observed by a BCBA. I have to work as a Behavior tech for that to happen. [sic] I plan to go straight into my masters. [sic] I want to work as a tutor. Please rate the overall quality of your preparation as an entry-level classroom teacher by the Ready2Teach program (coursework, field experience, and Residency). Strong academic content knowledge aligned with Tennessee curriculum standards. Development of clear learning objectives and instruction plans for lessons. % Very Well Prepared % Adequately Prepared % Somewhat Prepared 68.4 25.3 6.3 0.0 73.4 24.1 2.5 0.0 Differentiation of instruction to meet all students' learning needs. 46.8 44.3 8.9 0.0 Management of classroom behavior through established techniques and procedures. 48.1 43.0 8.9 0.0 Scaffolding of and support for the academic needs of students. 58.2 36.7 3.8 1.3 Page 3 of 8 % Not Prepared Please rate the overall quality of your preparation as an entry-level classroom teacher by the Ready2Teach program (coursework, field experience, and Residency). Formative assessment to monitor students' progress and adjust instruction accordingly. Summative assessment of student work and achievement in varied ways. % Very Well Prepared % Adequately Prepared % Somewhat Prepared % Not Prepared 67.1 30.4 2.5 0.0 54.4 38.0 6.3 0.0 Adjustment to pacing and timing mandates of the school/district. 41.8 43.0 12.7 2.5 Collaboration with mentors and identified supervisors. 73.4 24.1 2.5 0.0 Understanding of and respect for the cultural and individual diversity of students. 72.2 25.3 2.5 0.0 Development of parent-studentteacher relationships. 40.5 39.2 17.7 2.5 Please rate the overall effectiveness of the Ready2Teach program in preparing you to be an entry-level classroom teacher. Very Ineffective 3.8 Somewhat Ineffective 5.1 Somewhat Effective 24.1 Very Effective 67.1 What elements of the Ready2Teach program did you find to be the most valuable as an entry-level classroom teacher? Why? Academically prepared for the classroom Any hands on experience within the classroom. Behavior analysis class b/c I used it a lot in the classroom. [sic] classroom management Classroom Management classroom management classroom management Classroom management because without a managed class, it is impossible to teach Classroom management class - without this knowledge, my success w/my students would not be. [sic] classroom management class. I feel this should be more than one course. Classroom management is the most important key & we don't get much exposure to it. [sic] Classroom management classes and field experiences Page 4 of 8 What elements of the Ready2Teach program did you find to be the most valuable as an entry-level classroom teacher? Why? classroom management skills, time management classroom management. I learned many new ways to manage my classroom. [sic] Classroom management; it sets the pace for whether the atmosphere will be conducive to learning. classroom mangment. This class prepared us for what to expect. [sic] Clear standards of what was expected of me. I knew what I was supposed to do, so there was no confusion. Collaboration with mentors and identified supervisors courses for classroom management EdTPA, although difficult, prepared me for teaching How to aline goals & objectives in an IEP. [sic] how to build a growth portfolio I found that learning about classroom management and assistance both rewards/discipline were very valuable for my entry level classroom teaching [sic] I found the field experiences to be the most valuable because I could apply what I had learned. I found the multiple field experiences most valuable. I learned more in my subject specific courses than I did in College of Ed. Courses. [sic] I loved having [name removed] as a reading teacher. She truly inspired me. in class observations, lesson plan development, reflecting learning how to differentiate instruction as well as classroom management. learning how to write lesson plans. [sic] Lesson plan structure, a lot of time in the schools. lesson planning lesson planning and differentiated instruction Management preparation and lesson planning Mild/moderate & severe/profound courses, also the ABA course My classroom organization & management class. It really prepared me for teaching My pedgogy classess and mentor teacher were high quality. [sic] practice Real classroom experience. SpEd classes, program specific classes (Early Childhood Ed.) Student teaching, classroom management courses student teaching was an extremely valuable, hands-on experience [sic] Student teaching; it helped prepare me to work in the classroom. Subject specific courses were excellent in setting expectations and preparing me for a classroom. Teaching math K-6 with [name removed] and reading classes taught by [name removed]. Both of these teacher prepared me for real world teaching [sic] template & instruction for lesson plans Page 5 of 8 What elements of the Ready2Teach program did you find to be the most valuable as an entry-level classroom teacher? Why? Templates and online resources provided were very valuable because they were informative and generic enough to fit my school's criteria. The child developmental classes and the mathematics classes because they mostly centered on how children develop and learn. The classroom observations and actual experience with the students because its "real world" application. [sic] The EdTPA seminars, as well as the mini-seminars with our university supervisor. The opportunity to connect with an experienced classroom teacher that could provide guidance and insight. The reading & math programs rock! They prepared me for balanced literacy and conceptual understanding. The reading and math programs are what I found to be most valuable. They gave us many strategies to use in the classroom. The reading and writing classes prepared me for a balanced approach The resources provided because they were very helpful The seminars were very valuable because they helped provide support before and while you were in the classroom. The strong level of content comprehension. The subject specific methods course prepared me to be in the classroom more than the general K-12 education courses. The teachers were for the most part very helpful and wanted to see us succeed. The office of clinical teaching was also helpful. The templates and resources provided. They gave me an example to base my plans on. There was a good alignment between content knowledge and Tennessee curriculum standards. They all were great but what really hit home with me was [name removed] classroom management classes. Time in classroom Time in classroom wide range of class topics Please share any recommendations that you may have that would improve the Ready2Teach program in preparing entry-level classroom teachers. A boot camp for teaching would be great! a class on the first weeks of school for early childhood majors A class teaching "how" to teach different content lessons & grade levels. Allow students to submit the 1st edtpa practice and see if they can score well. [sic] Avoid placing students in spring because of TCAP and testing. Certain teachers are not as willing to adjust w/testing. [sic] better details in the handbook Better preparation for the EdTPA for grad students! clearer list of expectations and personal ability to modify Do more in Res. 1 for English majors - we need to know how to teach the grammar aspects. Also, we need more preparation on classroom management. [sic] Page 6 of 8 Please share any recommendations that you may have that would improve the Ready2Teach program in preparing entry-level classroom teachers. for graduate students, there are not as many initial entry classes offered compared to undergrad. [sic] For MAT students, require secondary majors to take methods courses I do not have any recommendations. I thought the Ready2Teach program was great. I would recommend more practice how to communicate with parents I would suggest more training on how to prepare lesson plans and on relating to teachers. If a student does not get a full second placement, at least let them observe a 2nd. Improve the diversity class. It appears some of the coursework teachers needed to communicate with each other better. Make sure the adjunct teachers know more than the students. more classroom management more courses for classroom management more focus on special education More hands on learning in all courses. more how to teach our content classes [sic] more instruction/classes for strategies to use with special needs students More instruction/help for Task 2 of EdTPA. More opportunities for in class teaching before student teaching more prek-3 specific classes More prep for EdTPA. more preparation for EDTPA for grad students! [sic] More program specific classes! more time being lead teacher in one placement More time in classroom prior to clinical experience. More time in one classroom placement More time in the classroom none Offer secondary-level courses that actually address secondary level requirements. Provide classes to help teachers prepare for the paperwork aspect of the job (IEP, transition paperwork, FBA) Put student candidates into the classroom as soon as the public school starts no matter the university schedule The diversity class. The edTPA seminars in residency I did not prepare me very well. I feel if they are set up like the seminar in Residency II given by [name removed] would have been more useful. [sic] The EdTPA tends to overshadow the first student teaching experience. I'm not sure about recommending an alternative, other than suggesting it is completed at an earlier time. The lesson plans required should be more in line with lesson plans required in the school systems The lesson plans should be more aligned with what we should be using in the field. Page 7 of 8 Please share any recommendations that you may have that would improve the Ready2Teach program in preparing entry-level classroom teachers. The lesson plans/unit plans are too long & unrealistic for a real world setting. The MAT students may have benefited from more assistance during the EdTPA part. The seminars for edtpa instruction during residency 1 could have been much more informational. I did not feel prepared by those. There should be more time in the school system. Very little focus for secondary education majors. Do you have any additional comments you would like to share with us? I learned to create a unit plan before a lesson plan. This is good practice, but felt like a huge project followed by a small one. My work within the math dept. far outstripped any lesson in the College of Ed. No No No No none. none. Nothing completely prepares you for your own classroom. overall, good program Several Gen ed. Teacher classes poorly represented RTI [sic] The edTPA felt pointless and useless and a stressful waste of time while in the field. Page 8 of 8