ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 509 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 9, 2015 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES JANUARY 20, 2015 The Board of Trustees of Community College District 509, Counties of Kane, Cook, DuPage, McHenry and DeKalb, State of Illinois, held a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, in Building E, Room 100.01, located at Spartan Drive Campus, Elgin Community College, 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin, Illinois. 1. Call to Order by Presiding Officer Chair Redmer called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. and asked Ms. Kerruish to call roll. Trustees present: Dr. Redmer, Ms. MacKinney, Mr. Getz, Dr. Ollayos Trustees absent: Ms. Causey (arrived at 3:08), Mr. Sauceda (arrived at 3:11), Mr. Severson (arrived at 3:14), Mr. Duffy ECC Staff and others present: Dr. Sam, president; Ms. Konny, Ms. DiGerlando, Ms. Kerruish, Mr. Julian, Ms. Sawyer, Dr. Lehmacher, Mr. Pasnick, Ms. Amenta, Ms. Lucca, Ms. Wons, Ms. Scholl, Mr. Dawson, Dr. Schaid, Dr. McGee, Mr. Vogt, Ms. Moushon, Mr. Kernler, Ms. Gundrum, Ms. Tait, Dr. Miller, Ms. Cook, Ms. Bucek, Mr. Vernon, Ms. Bethke, Ms. Gondek, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Gathman and Ms. Franck 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of the Committee of the Whole, December 8 and 9, 2014 Chair Redmer requested approval of the minutes of December 8 and 9, 2014. Motion: Second: Voice Vote: Trustee MacKinney moved to approve the minutes as presented. Trustee Ollayos seconded the motion. All aye by voice vote; motion passed. 3. College Reports A. Construction / Remodel Update A written report was submitted under separate cover. There were no additional questions or comments. B. College Initiatives 1. Cultural Competency A written report was submitted under separate cover. There were no additional questions. Trustee MacKinney stated she appreciated being made aware of the growth in the area of cultural competency, as indicated on the charts included with the report. 4. Review Board Actions on the January 20, 2015 Agenda A. Purchases 1. Expand College’s Network, Phone, Surveillance and Internet Services to the Public Safety Training Center (PSTC) 2. Gas Chromatograph (GC) Equipment 3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Injector System 4. Used Tractor for Truck Driver Education Program Page 1 of 3 ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 509 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 9, 2015 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES JANUARY 20, 2015 There were no questions about board action items, including the purchases listed above. 5. Presentations / Updates A. Math, Science and Engineering Dr. McGee recognized the staff in attendance who assisted in preparing an overview of the Math, Science and Engineering division, including Professor Moushon, Professor Vogt, Ms. Bethke and Ms. Gondek. Enrollment trends over the past five years were reviewed. Class options (on-line, classroom, hybrid), facilities and equipment improvements, and faculty development were among the areas elaborated on. Professor Vogt highlighted the Biology department; and Professor Kernler provided a presentation on the Math department. B. Sabbatical Report Catherine Moushon, Professor of Mathematics, provided a presentation on her recent sabbatical at Caterpillar, Inc. in Peoria, IL. The board recessed at 4:08 p.m. and reconvened at 4:17 p.m. 6. Old Business Chair Redmer distributed copies of an email from Trustee Getz regarding the Open Meetings Act, including her feedback on his inquiry to the attorney general’s office. She summarized her responses to the questions addressed in the email, stating the actions (in question) of the Board were appropriate. Trustee MacKinney read a statement from Trustee Duffy, current parliamentarian, declaring a trustee may not speak as a private citizen during a Board meeting. Trustee Getz felt the response from the attorney general’s office indicated trustees may speak as citizens at meetings. Chair Redmer stated the information provided was reviewed and clarified by the college’s attorney, who affirmed the response provided by Chair Redmer and Trustee Duffy. After further discussion, it was recommended topics related to the Open Meetings Act and FOIA requests be included on the retreat agenda. Trustee Ollayos reviewed recent events she attended, including the Martin Luther King Remembrance and Celebration Dinner; the ICCTA luncheon reception in Springfield following the House and Senate swearing in ceremonies; and an ACCT Executive Committee Teleconference. Trustee Getz summarized the inauguration events he attended, and Student Trustee Severson provided information on the recent ISAC meeting he participated in. 7. New Business A. Items of Professional Growth 1. Upcoming Community Engagement Events An updated schedule of the Board’s 2014-2015 community engagement list was provided. Reminders of upcoming events will be sent to trustees via email. 2. ACCT Legislative Fly-In Ms. Amenta distributed a memo summarizing the upcoming Federal Fly-In. She reviewed details, noting agenda items are being finalized. Packets will be provided to trustees by February 5. Page 2 of 3 ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 509 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 9, 2015 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES JANUARY 20, 2015 B. President’s Remarks Dr. Sam announced he is the chair elect for the Elgin Area Chamber for 2015. He commented on the positive feedback he has been receiving about Chuck Underwood’s presentation at Convocation, noting additional events involving Mr. Underwood returning to campus are being reviewed and discussed. Dr. Sam mentioned several upcoming events, including the entrepreneurial group presentation on January 29, which trustees are invited to attend; as well as the opening of the Spartan Food Pantry on February 17. An orientation session for trustee candidates may be scheduled; and potential dates will be sent to the three candidates involved. C. Chair’s Remarks Chair Redmer reviewed recent events she participated in. D. Announcements There were no announcements. E. Issues for Next Month’s Agenda There were no additional issues mentioned for next month’s agenda. Adjournment Motion: Second: Voice Vote: Trustee Ollayos moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee MacKinney seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote at 5:04 p.m. ___________________________________ John Duffy, MS Ed, Board Secretary ___________________________________ Diane Kerruish, Board Recorder Page 3 of 3