Meeting of the 64 th General Assembly
Of the Student Government Association
In UC 307
February 24 th , 2010
Senate Minutes
Introduction/Welcome- Vice President Kenny Kennedy
Campus Community- 1 st ten minutes reserved for students with concerns.
(none were seen)
Roll Call- Secretary Seesholtz
The following Senators were absent:
Senator Broady Senator Ventura
Senator Ford Senator Thomas
Senator Mann Senator Willey
Senator Thomas
EC Reports
Secretary Seesholtz reported that Senators who had legislation passed last week, needed to stay after and sign their legislation. She also reported the Joe Mills, Mitch Robinson, David Lemons, and Lantz Biles will be in attendance next week to speak to Senate.
Chief Justice reported that applications are up. He encouraged everyone to apply and campaign by word of mouth. He was disappointed about the Peay Soup turnout. He stated that it was sponsored by SGA.
He encouraged people to come out to things sponsored out by SGA.
Vice President Kennedy reported about the open Senate seats.
President Drew reported that Friday he had a meeting in Nashville and a meeting for strategic planning on Monday. He asked that if you’ve heard of problem of students transferring from a TBR institute to another TBS institute then let him know. Legislation was passed that supposed to make transferring an easy process. The Chancellor said that we should treat funding as a reallocation formula. He also emphasized the importance of promoting Senate applications.
Old Business
Senate Resolution No. 19
A motion was made to open the floor by Senator Amabile.
A second was made by Senator Snider. Motion carried.
(no discussion)
A motion was made to call to previous question by Senator Snider.
A second was made by Senator Denton. Motion carried.
Vote to call to previous question:
Aye all Nay 0 Obs. 0
Vote passed.
Vote on Senate Resolution No. 19
Aye 16 Nay 0 Obs. 1
Vote passed.
Senate Resolution No. 16
A motion was made to postpone indefinitely by Senator Fisher-Schmidt.
A second was made by Senator Amabile. Motion carried.
Vote to postpone indefinitely:
Aye 15 Nay 0 Obs. 2
Vote passed.
New Business
Vice President Kennedy reminded Senators that applications for all positions were available.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:34