Meeting of the 64 General Assembly Of the Student Government Association UC 307

Meeting of the 64th General Assembly
Of the Student Government Association
UC 307
November 18, 2009
Called to order by Vice President Kenny Kennedy at 12:20 p.m.
Speaker- Shonte Maxey Bookstore Manager
Maxey- Hello. My name is Shonte Maxey and I’m the Bookstore Manager. We have some new staff in
the bookstore. Beverly is our accounting person there. She deals with all the AR charges, financial aid
charges. Craig Oliver is the text book manager. He is the person to contact with ordering your books.
Jamison is in shipping and receiving. We have a pretty new staff. We’re all getting along really well.
Some current programs are the bookstore debit card program. Any student who has financial can charge
their books to their account. The spring dates are out and on the website. You have three days to get
your books if you have direct deposit and a week if you have a balance check. In order to use the debit
program you must have a balance with financial aid, student id card, confirmed classes and confirmation
to charge your account to use. Charge is taken out of your financial aid balance before you get your
refund check. Text express- when a student goes on to register, there is a link to view/reserve/buy
books. The link brings you to our website and the cart is already full with the books that you need. You
can charge these to your financial aid account as well. We can ship it or hold it. Some new merchandise
is large variety of Greek paraphernalia. There are new car decals for just about every organization on
campus. All the dorm supplies are on sale right now. Another sale is during exam week, everything in
the store is going to be on sale. Some new services are we are open on all home football games. At
tailgate we open up a tent and sell stuff. We are trying to get more involved on campus. We are always
willing to work with donations or t shirts made at a cheap price. Some future stuff is remote buy backs
this time. They will be at satellite locations. One will be in the parking lot of Killebrew and Cross and the
circle area at Hand Village. We’ll be giving out cash and the debit cards. Another thing is the bookstore
committee. We’re working on having a committee that is dictating us but more informational. We want
SGA there and faculty there. We’re working with a group to figure out who is going to be on the
committee. It’s so we can find out what people expect from us, what the faculty expect from us. We’re
always trying to promote ourselves. We’re trying to promote as being your campus book store. If you
have any suggestions questions like that we’d love to hear them.
President Drew- When you go to One Stop and reserve your books, when you have a used book and
there are none left, is there a comment that goes back into the system that re-adjusts the account?
Maxey- One thing we’ve done on the website, if we don’t have it in stock then you can’t purchase it and
it’ll tell you on the website.
Campus Community
1st ten minutes are reserved for students with concerns
Swearing in of the New Chief Justice- Trent Gaasch
Roll Call
Senator Akins, Senator Amabile, Senator Austin, Senator Bloom, Senator Broady, Senator Collier,
Senator Cox, Senator Denton, Senator Fisher, Senator Ford, Senator Groves, Senator Hall, Senator
Marler, Senator Murphy, Senator Schmidt, Senator Smith, Senator Stinson, Senator Thomas, Senator
Vaughan, Senator Walla, Senator Worsham were all present
Absent- Senator Holleman
Excused- Senator Braem
Reading of the Minutes
Motion to waive by Senator Amabile
Second by Senator Stinson
EC Reports
Secretary Seesholtz- Hey you guys. Just wanted you to know that polo shirts are being ordered. They’re
going to be black with red embroidery. If you haven’t given me your shirt size then please do so.
Chief Justice Gaasch- There is a new Justice position open. The Associate Justice will be picked after
Thanksgiving break.
Vice President Kennedy- We received a resignation from the College of Arts and Letters. Now we have
three open Senate seats. Joe Marler here is being recommended by the interview committee to be
appointed so there are still two seats available. This term ends in February so we’re trying to get this
filled ASAP. If you have any friends that meet the qualifications then send them my way.
Advisor Dean- Point of information, the term ends in April.
Vice President Kennedy- Sorry about that.
President Drew- Just to clarify, we’re all done with our terms May 7th, May 8th. Monday we met with the
Financial Aid Director. We got really good feedback. One of the things that the EC will be doing is we’ll
be getting the actual emails that get sent out to everyone and read through them to edit them and
make sure nothing is confusing. They are getting a lot of traffic on the Financial Aid TV. They’re looking
at how to advertise to students the best way to fill out the FAFSA. A lot of students wait until last
minute. They had 5,000 students visit the Financial Aid. Office just in the month of August. If you have
further suggestions then just let us know. The Federal Government will be taking care of all students
loans next fiscal year. I want you guys to be in tune to the different messages that go out about Financial
Aid. We’ll have more definite feedback from the Director. She also mentioned that 90% of students use
the Financial Aid office. Be aware of that. Any suggestions please let us know. Any questions for me? Did
everyone receive that email this morning? If you haven’t then please check your email. There was a
resignation. Please just leave it at that. According to the By-laws the Associate Justice immediately takes
office in the absence of the Chief Justice. The EC will be gone Sunday through Tuesday. We’ll be in
Washington for a conference that we take every year. You’re more than welcome to call or email us.
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Senate Appointment for College of Professional Programs and Social Sciences
Vice President Kennedy- Joe Marler is here today. Joe would you like to say a few words.
Marler- My name is Joe Marler. I’m from Knoxville. I’m interested because in high school I was really
involved in SGA.
Vice President Kennedy- Any questions for Joe?
Motion to open floor Senator Stinson
Second by Senator Amabile
Motion to call to previous question by Senator Amabile
Second by Senator Fischer-Schmidt
Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Groves
Second by Senator Bloom
Aye - all Opp. - 0 Obs. - 0
Vote Passes
Swearing in of Senator Joe Marler by Chief Justice Gaasch
Motion to present by Senator Worsham
Second by Senator Fischer-Schmidt
Presentation of Senate Resolution No. 5 by Senator Amabile
Motion to present by Senator Stinson
Second by Senator Bloom
Presentation of Senate Resolution No. 6 by Senator Smith
Motion to present by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Amabile
Presentation of Senate Resolution No. 7 by Senator Smith
President Drew- Kenny Kennedy has been selected to membership into ODK, Omicron Delta Kappa.
(President Drew taps Vice President Kenny Kennedy for ODK)
Vice President Kenny Kennedy- Thank you very much. Any other announcements?
President Drew- You have the opportunity to adjust/change the smoking policy. Just take a look at it. If
you have any comments or changes then bring it to me before Senate meeting. We’ll decide as a Senate
what changes we would like to submit. If you want them implemented right away then changes need to
be submitted by Dec. 1st.
Senator Ford- Twilight in two days. Just kidding. I read the email about the new emails that are coming.
It’s going to get cut off in January. Is that really going to happen?
President Drew- Supposedly they have a PR campaign that’s already being implemented on the One
Stop page. I’ve been told that there is file in your email that can be forwarded to your new email so you
don’t have to pick and choose what you want. There will be an informational video.
Meeting adjourned 12:51