Meeting of the 64th Assembly Of the Student Government Association In UC 307 November 4, 2009 Called to order at 12:20 pm Introduction/Welcome Campus Community 1st 10 minutes are reserved for students with concerns (none) Roll Call Senator Akins, Senator Amabile, Senator Austin, Senator Braem, Senator Broady, Senator Coker, Senator Collier, Senator Cox, Senator Denton, Senator Fisher, Senator Ford, Senator Groves, Senator Hall, Senator Holleman, Senator Murhpy, Senator Schmidt, Senator Stinson, Senator Thomas, Senator Vaughan, Senator Walla, and Senator Worsham were all present. Senator Bloom and Senator Smith were absent. Reading of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes from last meeting by Senator Groves Second by Senator Smith EC Reports Chief Justice Velazquez- no report. Secretary Seesholtz- We’re currently working on the SGA polos. I just wanted to let you all know that. Also, November 14th AP Day is coming up. I’ve only had 2 people sign up. I know you guys may have other obligations that day with other organizations and that’s fine. If you honestly don’t have anything to do then please come and work the table. These are potential students that will be coming here. This is a great opportunity for them to see what we do here on campus. Vice President Kennedy- I accidentally put an evaluation on the agenda but it’s for GHOST. Basically I’m going to make a Google document and send it to all the organizations for GHOST. All the information will be automatically tabulated and will be used to improve for next yet. As far as appointments go, we have 2 seats still available: College of Education and College of Professional Programs. We’ve only had a couple people interested in the seats. We’re trying to get them filled as soon as possible. President Drew- Hey everyone. To help Vice President Kennedy out, if you know anyone from those colleges, especially younger students, let them know the seats are available. Yesterday I was at the TBR office in Nashville. We were working on strategic planning for the 2010 cycle. They do planning every 5 years. The last go around they had such things as ACCESS, which is reaching out to our communities and providing higher education. Quality is a big issue. The next step is Austin Peay will be working on their strategic planning. So Study Abroad will become important. Technology as far as innovation will be implemented more. I’ll be asking for you feedback on a lot of things. You’re going to have to be very forward thinking and broad about it. It’s going to set some direction for our University. It’ll be a little different this time around. Graduation will be the most important thing when it comes to all this planning. It’s just a little heads up. The timeline is for TBR to approve all the campus plans by next September. Something other that’s going on is hiring the new Vice President of Student Affairs. I handed out an Austin Peay organization chart when we had Senate training. Student affairs reports to the Provost office. So the Vice President of Student Affairs will have direct reporting to President Hall. Does everyone remember what’s under Student Affairs? Housing, SGA, …etc. There will be four different candidates coming to our campus. Nov. 13th, 18th, Dec. 4th, and Dec. 7th. So if you’re not in class I strongly recommend that you be there not only to help SGA out but because you’re involved in our campus life and they’ll probably set a new direction for Student Affairs. It’s a great opportunity to see what the interview process is like. The candidates will meet students, faculty, staff and even President Hall. These student forums are so important. This will be highly publicized. It’s not an hour long ordeal. It’s really quick. Next week we do not have Senate meeting. So Nov. 13th is a big day. Be aware that this is going on and that this is very important. Last thing, we’re going to be switching from AP mail to Microsoft Live email. The go live date is scheduled to be Dec. 1st or Dec. 10th. That’ll give students an opportunity for students to use it before the semester ends. I need your feedback on that. Senator Groves- Can you please explain the difference between the two? President Drew- Has anyone used Outlook email before? It’s pretty much the same thing. It’s kind of like a Google email account. All the different applications are on there. The other big thing is that our AP mail won’t be shut off until July so that gives everyone plenty of time to adjust and switch over data. Senator Ford- I’ve talked to Dr. Gomez about this. Is it true that our email right now will not be transitioned to our Microsoft mail? President Drew- That’s what I’ve been informed. You’re concerned about that? Senator Ford- I think so. People that have been here while, it might take them a long time to move all their documents and emails over. Senator Amabile- Why are they deciding to change this all of a sudden? President Drew- Right now we have a campus server that supports 10,000 user names. We’re at capacity right now. So we can continue with what we have or we can upgrade service. The other benefit is that as alumni you get to keep the account for free. So it’s a great opportunity for the Alumni office to stay in contact with us. The one thing I like is that the meeting requests that faculty and staff send out will end up on your calendar. I’m not sure if there are any more facts I can share with you off the top of my head. Do we feel like Dec. 1st is too soon? Senator Ford- If you turn it on Dec. 1st , what is the cut-off date for our AP mail? President Drew- I was told July. Some kind of shut off will take place. Any other thoughts? I meet with them at two today. Senator Murphy- I think the 10th would be better in my opinion. It’s after finals so there won’t be any confusion or documents lost and what not. President Drew- Is that how everyone else is feeling? That December 10th would be better? Senator Ford- Are we going to continue to receive emails to both accounts until July? President Drew- From my understanding it would be shut off. Essentially communication would stop going to AP mail and begin on this new service Senator Ford- I think at least a three week grace period should be allowed for students that may totally shut their brains off for Christmas break or the university send out multiple reminders to let students know that the communication will stop and switch over to the new account. I know it’s going to be double dipping for a while but I don’t think it’ll be a big deal for a couple weeks. Either have it start for two weeks when we first start, maybe into the first week of Spring semester. President Drew- Ok. Does anyone else have anthing? Senator Broady- How are you going to be able to access it? Will they create it? President Drew- It’ll be hosted in One Stop. You’ll see both the AP mail and Microsoft Live email icon. I know the first time that you go in you have to provide some information about yourself. I’m sure you can log in from another site. Senator Groves- I’m kind of old because I never used One Stop. I can’t even log into it anymore. Is it going to be available some other way than One Stop? President Drew- I can ask. I’m assuming you can access Microsoft Live email from Austin Peay completely. Senator Groves- Second thing, don’t finals start the 11th? President Drew- I believe so. Senator Amabile- Finals start the 11th. I would strongly suggest we wait until after finals are over before we try to implement this. President Drew- Ok I guess the question is what about early implementation so peer mentors can help transition new students. Do you think that’s a new way of looking at it? Senator Cox- With that being said I think December 1st would be a better date. If we start it then they still have their peer mentors and people to ask for help and two weeks to figure it out. Senator Drew- I am aware they have some kind of marketing plan to let people know about this. I can figure out more information for you. I was just notified today. Any final thoughts? Can I get a show of hands who are feeling Dec. 1st as the go live date? Dec. 1st- 18 aye Dec. 10th- 3 aye Committee Reports (None) Old Business (continuing with Senator duties from last week) Senator Ford- I had the Office of Graduate Studies. We’re getting a new Grad. Student Director soon. We have a Grad. School SGA as well. We’re getting a doctorate program for education. We’re putting some departmental statistics up. A lot of info isn’t out because the person that does the research for the Grad program is transitioning. Senator Cox- I emailed Dr. Byrd last Tuesday and still haven’t heard back from her. President Drew- She had the topic of summer school services. The only thing I’ve heard from Student Affairs is Foy access. If you just remind her about getting some feedback for our general information. If you want to visit one of the secretaries in the office they might be able to provide feedback a little quicker. Senator Groves- I don’t have any information but I emailed Chris all the candidates I found. President Drew- I have the list of all the candidates. Senator Groves- We do have a candidate from Austin Peay: Dr. Rabidoux. He’s running against Marsha Blackburn. Senator Braem- My topic was the College of Arts and Letters. I met with Dr. Webb who is the interim dean. The goal is to start the interview process and have a new permanent dean in place by the next academic year. She had not heard any student feedback but she did mention holding a forum for students in that college. Senator Stinson- I emailed Officer Biles. We’re meeting next week. He wants to have a meeting with me and Dean about writing legislation Travis Holleman- I emailed the Dean of Math and Science. Basically he just wants to have a meeting with me. President Drew- If you want to bring any other senators with you then do so. Advisor Dean- Folks if I could make a suggestion. When you’re communicating with the faculty, I think they were a little confused because they didn’t know exactly what you were asking. If you’re contacting someone then ask to make an appointment with them. They’re not necessarily going to know what it is you’re actually asking until you see them face to face. They’ve called me or emailed asking for clarification. Sometimes when folks aren’t getting back with you, it’s not because they’re ignoring you. It’s maybe because of their travel schedule and things like that. Dr. Byrd has indicated that she’s willing to look at students having access for the Foy over the summer for students that aren’t enrolled in summer school. I’m fairly certain that it could be implemented. President Drew- If you have any updates then just email me or Facebook will work too. I don’t mind how you contact me. If you’re done with your assignment or have any legislation ideas then let me know. Motion to present Resolution No. 4 by Senator Amabile Second by Senator Vaughn Motion to open floor for discussion by Senator Amabile Second by Senator Worsham Senator Ford- Has there already been research done on how much it would cost to get a dump truck of rocks to put on the sidewalk? Senator Amabile- When I contacted the Physical Plant they didn’t really give me a number. It’s pretty much just legislation. They acted like it was something they could do really easy. They’ve already got rocks and what not. They pretty much already have what they need and it would be low cost. Senator Murphy- You’re wanting a gravel sidewalk? Senator Amabile- Yeah pretty much. I’m not real fond of walking in the mud or in the street over there. Senator Murphy- Why can’t you pave it? Senator Amabile- The paving is up to the city. Vice President Kennedy- Point of information. The road is owned by the city. There was legislation last year that was written about this. Senator Amabile- A real sidewalk is what we’re aiming for but the city isn’t in a hurry to put that in right now. That’s why I proposed to put gravel there. President Drew- I haven’t received an update on the status of putting a sidewalk there. Austin Peay has decided to put a new residence hall there and new parking back there. Yeah I can get back to you on that. I have no idea what the status is. Senator Amabile- I know that where I work we’re trying to get a cross walk and I’ve had to deal with the city and that all they’re really focused on is the new marina this year. I know the little contact I’ve had with them they don’t feel like it’s necessary because the road is away from campus. Vice President Kennedy-Any other discussion? Motion to call to previous question by Senator Amabile Second by Senator Coker Vice President- Point of information. Whenever we finish discussion I will ask for a call to previous question which basically says we’re done discussing and ready to vote. So if you guys do this and not wait for me to ask for a call to previous question then this can go a lot faster. Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Worsham Second by Senator Austin Aye 19 Obs. 2 Opp. 0 Senate Resolution No. 4 passes Vice President Kennedy- Please guys, come talk to us about legislation during our office hours. We’ll help you get it the way you’re supposed to look like. As far as format, the Chief Clerk will format it for you. Just get what you want down. Seeing no other old business we’ll move into new business New Business (none) Announcements AP Day November 14 Senator Ford- The career fair is going on right now. Some of our alumni are here. It’s just down the hall and ends at two. If you could just poke your head in and say hey and make them feel like their time was well spent. Also through new student programs, we’re doing the Feed the Freshmen program, but we’re also doing a new program called feed the faculty where freshmen and sophomores have an opportunity to do the same. Secretary Seesholtz- Hey you guys. Just remember to sign up to work the SGA table at AP Day if you can. President Drew- This Friday, ODK applications are due. It’s a leadership honor society for juniors and seniors. I’d recommend that you apply. Don’t be disappointed if you are not selected. If you’re not a junior or senior then we select people every semester. Last year I got to travel to Phoenix, Arizona for a conference with ODK for practically free. Monday the 16th at 10:00 a.m. we’ll be celebrating reaching the enrollment of 10,000 students. That entire week we’ll be celebrating actually. It’d be a great opportunity for you to come with your organizations or class mates. It’s just a real celebratory time for our university. So please come. We just really want it to be a campus celebration. President Drew- At 12:20 tomorrow we’ll be meeting going over the library focus groups questions. Is anyone else available to help or is interested? Advisor Dean- Refreshments will be provided and SGA can provide lunch to members that participated in the focus group. President Drew- It’ll be in the Student Affairs conference room, 206. Meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.