Meeting the Senate of the 64 General Assembly In UC 307

Meeting the Senate of the 64th General Assembly
Of the Student Government Association
In UC 307
September 23, 2009
Called to order at by Vice President Kennedy at 12:20 pm
Introduction/Welcome- Vice President Kenny Kennedy
Campus Community
1st ten minutes are reserved for students to voice their concerns. None were seen.
Swearing in of new senators- Chief Justice Velazquez
Roll Call
Senator Akins, Senator Amabile, Senator Austin. Senator Bloom, Senator Braem, Senator Broady,
Senator Coker, Senator Collier, Senator Denton, Senator Ford, Senator Groves, Senator Hall, Senator
Holleman, Senator McKay, Senator Schmidt, Senator Smith, Senator Stinson, Senator Vaughn, Senator
Walla, Senator Weiss, Senator Worsham.
Absent: Senator Fee
Reading of the Minutes
Motion to waive by Senator McKay
Second by Senator Amabile
EC Reports
Chief Justice Velazquez- If you signed up to help out with Mudbowl then you know what times you need
to be where. I’m going to read you guys the Govs Creed to just remind you guys the standard by which
we live as students. You guys all know how to act and make sure when you’re on campus you’re aware
of your public image.
Secretary Seesholtz- Next week we’ll be having four speakers coming to Senate to discuss their different
offices on campus. President Hall, Lori Buchanan, Donna Price, and Ryan Forsythe will all be present.
Please be on time. We will meet for the full 50 minutes.
Vice President Kennedy- I’m still going through Senate appointments right now. There are 3 empty
spots. 2 are for the College of Education and one is for the College of Math and Science. What I did was
contactedanyone that was a write in vote from the Spring semester elections and asked if they were
interested. I’ve only had one response so far. Hopefully we’ll recruit some people soon. We have one
Senate appointment coming through today in new business. As soon as Mudbowl is over, we will hit the
ground running with GHOST. It seems to be a positive outreach to the Clarksville community. I’ve had a
couple of you show interest in helping. I especially need help contacting businesses and helping set up
and tear down. Contact me if you’re interested.
President Drew: Last Friday I went to TBR. We had a lively discussion. I had the opportunity to talk to
TBR council. I talked to Chancellor Manning. He is in charge of TBR. I had a brief report on the current
situation with higher education and we got to ask questions. The biggest concern is, are we going to
limit enrollment. There shouldn’t be any enrollment caps in the future. It puts a strain on university
resources however. Some interesting things are TBR meets quarterly. Tuition and fees are set really late.
We hear of the increase in the summer. They’re looking into setting those fees in December so we have
ample time to apply for financial aid. Approving 2 year budgets was another topic. Right now we’ve only
approved the next fiscal year. Universities will be cranking up admissions standards. I haven’t heard if AP
is looking into it but others are. 2011 is when our stimulus funds go away. They’re looking into how
we’re going to cope with that big of a reduction. Since 2007 the budget has been reduced by 30% from
the State. Just kind of have those things on your radar. I got to serve on the strategic planning
committee with TBR. Basically we’re going to put the new library here, we’re going to be focusing on
graduation initiatives. Today at 4:00 we’ll be meeting with Mudbowl team captains. If you know any
captains then make sure they’re here. Every participant has to have a wrist band. We’re going to
communicate that to the captains. Anyone without a wrist band will not be on the court. The library
director will be coming this week, Lori Buchannan. She’s the faculty Senate President. They’ll be doing a
library focus group series. They’re trying to pinpoint what we want as students from our library. She
wants to host one with SGA officers. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard on issues with
the library. This is probably your one shot to have everyone in the same room and get your questions
Senator Ford- Are admissions standards being proposed or going through yet in Tennessee?
President Drew- Some have considered raising their admission standards. Some are encouraging to go
to community colleges first. If I hear anything then I’ll let you know. Since we’re a regional school, we
kind of act like a community college. I don’t see it happening any time soon.
Committee Reports
1. TISL Committee
Senator Smith- TISL is coming up in a couple months. Registration deadline is 0ct. 30th. The dates are the
12-15 of November. They’ve been meeting since 1966 at capitol in Nashville. They meet and exchange
ideas about local, federal, and state issues. Basically it’s a great opportunity. I wouldn’t go to miss class.
You do have to write legislation. It’s a lot of work but definitely a wonderful experience.
Old Business
New Business
Vice President Kennedy- Lindsey Thomas is here for the Senate appointment for the College of Math
and Science. Lindsey would you like to introduce yourself?
Thomas- I’m majoring in Chemistry, pre dentistry.
Motion to open floor for discussion by Senator McKay
Second by Senator Amabile
No discussion
Motion to close the floor by Senator Weiss
Second by Senator Holleman
Motion to call to previous question by Senator McKay
Second by Senator Amabile
Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Smith
Second Senator Amabile
Lindsey Thomas appointed Senator of College of Math and Science.
Swearing in of Lindsey Thomas, Senator for College of Math and Science
Vice President Kennedy: We’ll be moving forward with more appointments by next week. No new
legislation. Remember that you are required to submit at least one piece of legislation per term. If you
don’t then you’ll be turned in to Internal Affairs. Your format doesn’t have to be exactly like it is online.
Vice President Kennedy- Mudbowl is from 5-10 tomorrow. Only those registered on teams will get in
the mud. The senate reception with President Hall at Archwood is next Wednesday. Dress is business
casual so no flip flops or jeans. Any questions about reception? The number you need to RSVP for is on
the agenda. You must RSVP! Mandatory senate training is October 2nd from 4-7 in the Cumberland
Room. Everyone needs to be present. We’re going to have dinner and go over how to write a bill. GHOST
is Oct. 25.
Advisor Dean- One is that it’s important that Chris was elected the Chair of Council of Presidents. He is
the only student body President to serve twice. We did reference Mudbowl. We’re having some
challenges. The dirt is not able to be delivered yet. The company we contract through cannot drive on
the field because they will get stuck. At the latest we’ll see if they can come dump it this afternoon.
Facilities will help spread everything. If not this afternoon then tomorrow morning will be the plan.
Worst case scenario, we may have to look at postponing Mudbowl. Vehicles can’t go on the field and get
stuck. We also have to coordinate with the fire department to come hose down everything. Obviously
we have no control over the weather. Kenny’s reference about the reception: If you have not called and
RSVP’d you need to do so. They have to coordinate ordering of the food. We need the new senators to
RSVP too. If you have not called, then do so today by 4:00 this afternoon. It’s an embarrassment for us if
you have not responded. This is our 4th meeting this fall and yet no legislation has been submitted. I
encourage you to start researching what you’d like to propose. The only way to affect change is to be an
active participant of it. What are some things that you would like the institution to address? As a
reminder, you do not have to work alone. Two people can work together. That sometimes is more
affective. Don’t wait until spring semester and scramble to get something done. The last thing is Kenny’s
reference to Senate training. We’ve already ordered the food. It’s an important process of part of being
a senator. Please don’t forget.
Motion to adjourn by Senator Amabile
Second by Senator Groves.
Meeting adjourned at 12:55 pm