FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF OPAMP Goal: Construct a two stage opamp and find its, a) b) c) d) Frequency response, Open-loop Bandwidth, 3-dB point and Unity gain frequency. Set up: TWO STAGE OPAMP +10 V R1 10k R2 A + T1 10k - T2 o/p R3 0.01F 10k -10 V Bias Details: 1) First ground (+) and (–) terminals. Now adjust the R1 so that the voltage at A is centered. 2) Similarly, adjust R2 and R3 to center the output. Procedure: 1) Now input a sine wave [1Vpp - 5 Hz – zero DC offset] between (+) and (-). 2) Observe the output using an oscilloscope. 3) Now sweep the frequency from 5 Hz to 5 MHz. 4) Draw the frequency response and phase margin graphs in logarithmic sheets. Frequency response plot Gain in dB Hz Phase response plot Phase in - Hz Analysis: a) Find the 3-db point and the unity gain frequency. b) What is the phase lag at the point of unity gain? Now lets analyze Miller Effect for this opamp. So add a Capacitor of 8 pF across the gate and the drain of T1. Repeat the same procedure 1 through 4. Draw the frequency response and phase response graphs. a) Find the 3-db point and the unity gain frequency. b) What is the phase lag at the point of unity gain? RESULTS: Without miller effect, 1) The 3-dB frequency is ___ 2) The Unity gain frequency is ___ 3) The phase lag at unity gain point is___ With miller effect, 1) The 3-dB frequency is ___ 2) The Unity gain frequency is ___ 3) The phase lag at unity gain point is___