Annual Data Retreat Teacher Education Unit Austin Peay State University August 19, 2010

Annual Data Retreat
Teacher Education Unit
Austin Peay State University
August 19, 2010
Attendance: Anne Assad, Bettie Barrett, Shaunda Brown, Benita Bruster, Tom Buttery,
Lisa Barron, Linda Davis, Margaret Deitrich, Ozzie Degosia, Moniqueka Gold, Carlette
Hardin, Joe Jerles, David Kanervo, Lisa Lewis, Tammy Lipsey, Larry Lowrance, Don
Luck, Rebecca McMahan, Darren Michaels, Barbara Peterson, Jody Piro, Jennie PrestonSabin, Norman Puzkar, Ron Robertson, Michelle Rogers, Doug Rose, Tammy Shutt, Karen
Sorenson, Gary Stewart, Jennifer Synder, Anne Wall, Shirely Walrond, Lauren Wells,
Tim Winters, Mary Lou Witherspoon, and Jackie Vogel
Dr. Hardin introduced new faculty and everyone present introduced themselves and the
department they represent
What’s New for 2010-2011
Bettie Barrett gave details on the SRATE conference scheduled for October 28-30 of this year.
She asked those interested to complete the enclosed form and submit it to her today with a check
for conference fees if possible. New faculty were encouraged to attend/present at the conference.
Ready2Teach – Dr. Hardin gave an update to the Ready2Teac program.
Teacher Performance Assessment - Lisa Barron gave background information on the inception
and a detailed overview of PBL. September 1, the student manual will be available and October
1 the video taping equipment will be available. Teacher candidates will turn in their data in
April 2011 and scoring data will be turned in by May 1, 2011.
Four Year Plans – All departments have submitted four-year plans and the freshman beginning
Fall 2010 should follow these plans.
There was a question and answer session afterward.
Revised Milestone III - Dr. Hardin discussed the insert for Milestone III. It no longer includes
Standard I. It includes Standards 5, 6, & 7. The portfolio has already been revised online. The
“forms” insert was explained in detail. Revisions have been made here also to indicate their
major. If the autobiographical form is not filled out, the portfolio will not be graded. Also
students in a field placement will need to submit that information as well or they will not be
graded. Students are encouraged to print out the form and take to their mentor teacher the first
day of classes.
Security Checks – Arrests – Forms that students need are on our website. We have a contract
with TBI for students to be fingerprinted and have a security clearance processed. If students
drop out of school during their program they will need to present a new security clearance. For
those students who have been arrested and had their records expunged, they must still provide
the documentation.
Website - Departments should review their undergraduate and graduate websites to ensure
current information on programs listed. Also those teaching at the graduate level should do the
Review of 2009-2010 data
Dr. Hardin and Dr. Luck gave an overview with discussion on the 2010 Data Retreat manual.
She noted that departments will be asked to write reports for each major based on the data
Below are comments based on the review:
Knowledge of assessment remains a concern for students.
Milestone II scores were inflated for Spring, 2010
Students must complete forms on Livetext so we will have accurate data
We need to improve graduate enrollments
We need to improve recruitment and retention of males and minorities
Group Assignments
Everyone was asked to get into small groups to discuss and present the following topics:
What is going well?
What do we need to improve?
Group I
What is going well?
 Data collection, shared decision-making
 Good communication/collaboration with LEA’s
 Good R2T implementation plan
What do we need to improve?
 Student recruitment/program growth
 Develop a stronger, more objective and systematic tool/instrument to
select mentoring practitioners
 Expand Licensure/endorsements areas (L. Science, ELL, Etc.)
Survey teacher candidates and graduates to identify licensure areas we
could add
Develop workshops (etc.) that would strengthen student research and
technical writing skills
Be consistent, clear and concise when communicating requirements to
students (in writing/verbally)
Group II
What is going well?
 Pedagogical basis
 Content
 Technology – (delivering instruction with technology)
 Teacher Ed. Council – info is shared and debated
 Support staff – very helpful to students (Teacher licensing-milestone, etc.)
 Go beyond the minimum required by TBR
 Good communication with students; advising, website, one on one
 Good Presidential/Provost support
 Responsive to needs of students’ needs (Cohort classes off campus)
 Sensitive about diverse placements
 Redesign courses to align with standards
What do we need to improve?
 Give students more time in field
 Instruction needs to be more relevant to current school situations
 Embed Authentic assessment data into every class/course
 Collaboration/communication with peers
 Understanding importance of contex5tual information for students and
 Curriculum mapping (include TBA, research)
 Work more closely with Ed Psych (Psy 3130) class to improve Praxis
 Curriculum mapping for all courses
 Specially designed core classes for Ed majors
 Benchmarks (milestones) help students to decide about teaching as a
 Overall, students believe they are well prepared to teach
 According to exit and elementary administrator’ surveys, APSU students
use tech to enhance learning
 APSU students communicate well with stakeholders
Group III
What is going well?
 Disaggregating and analyzing data well
 Data trends up in most areas
 Improving our D.D.D. making
What do we need to improve?
 Learn better Q techniques
 Learn more ways to modify instruction strategies
 Encourage HOTS better
 Encourage more integrated learning experiences
 Remember the Arts in teaching instructional strategies
 Improve Math content knowledge
Suggestions Faculty/Student ratio
 Strong push for EC program and ELL program
 Strengthen relationships with secondary (K-12) partners
 More modern Education facility (add Math/Comp. Science Building)
 Develop more ONLINE courses for EDUC, not RODP
Group IV
What is going well?
 Benchmarks (milestones) help students to decide about teaching as a
 Overall, students believe they are well prepared to teach
 According to exit and elementary administrators’ survey, APSU students
use tech. to enhance learning. APSU students communicate well with
What do we need to improve?
 Better response to 5 year graduates’ surveys
 Add academic TPA language vocabulary to courses
 Continued emphasis on our students’ ability to use assessment
 Ask school administrator to help with 5 year graduate surveys
Group V
What is going well?
 Organization of information for COE
 Data collection to inform community
 Relatively low class size
MAT program
What do we need to improve?
 Continue training with redesign
 Recruitment for undergraduates into STEM teaching areas, foreign
Suggestions More faculty lines
 Keep up-to-date on new TBR initiatives
 Develop a way for science majors to interact with K-6, 4-8 science
Group VI
What is going well?
 Ongoing improvement – Data Retreat
What do we need to improve?
 Improve integration of assessment with instruction.
a. Assessment and Instructional Strategies together for backwards
mapping (blocked)
Field experiences ask students to use assessment data
Instruction classes integrate assessment
Coordinate reflection
b. Explicit
Suggestions 2100 – Transfer students
a. Sequence a workshop or period class for:
Grad students as peer mentor within three years of taking 2100
 Junior Level Acceptance into COE
 Continue APSU/District Partnerships
Group VII
What is going well?
 Review Data!!
 Give plenty of opportunities to pass Praxis!!
 All of our students are above average, professional and are reflective
What do we need to improve?
 Our candidates need more practice using assessment to inform instruction
 They need more pr4actice with differentiated instruction
 Improve skill in writing supporting statements
Suggestions Organize critical information for progression through milestones
 Provide additional field experiences prior to student teaching
 Recruit students
 Allow for more flexibility in core
 Improve relations with area school districts
Group VIII
What is going well?
 Tech knowledge has increased
 Generate viable assessment data
 Create an atmosphere of mutual respect
 More info to students re: portfolios
 Reflection on assessment leads to changes in instruction
What do we need to improve?
 Diversity (race, language, gender)
 Development/access to viable PBL
 Elementary dominated program (minor)
Have BIO form be an in-class assignment
More faculty
Full time faculty to supervise student teachers
Program Assignments
Reports are due September 15th –
Dr. Hardin discussed in detail the reports that will be written from each
department and turned in by the above date. She asked the faculty to contact her
if there is data or information the COE has not provided that they need.
Comparison reports are very helpful.