Eriksson Graduate Scholar SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM FOR FALL 2016 FI RS T R O UN D D UE D ATE : J UN E 1 , 2 01 6 If selected as an Eriksson Graduate Scholar, you will be expected to complete courses that will lead to a Master of Arts in Teaching. Minimum Qualifications: 1. 2. 3. Earned BS in a STEM Field with 3.0 GPA. Acceptance into APSU College of Graduate Studies for MAT. Willingness to complete at least 2 courses per semester of funding (recommended to complete 3 courses per semester). Application Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Completed Eriksson Graduate Scholar Application Form. Current Resume/Vitae. Statement of Impact, 500 words or less, in which you address how this opportunity will impact you personally , financially, and professionally as well as the impact your future students. Recommendation from building supervisor, preferably an a ssistant principal or principal, and/or recommendation from a college faculty member familiar with your academic skills. Copy of unofficial undergraduate transcript(s) and, if applicable, unofficial copies of graduate transcript(s). APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Date of Birth: A-Number (apsu): Current Address: Phone: Email: City: State: ZIP Code: Have you applied to the APSU College of Grad uate Studies for Master of Arts in Teaching? Undergraduate Institution: City: State: ZIP Code: Undergraduate GPA: Undergraduate Major: Previous Names: CURRENT EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION (IF APPLICABLE) Current School: School Address: City: Phone: State: ZIP Code: E-mail: City: Fax: State: ZIP Code: Position Held: REFERENCES Reference: (Assistant Principal or Principal): Phone: E-mail: Reference (College Faculty Member): Phone: E-mail: Application materials 1 – 3 should be electronically completed, clearly labeled emailed as attachments to ErikssonPrograms@APSU.EDU . EDH 1 of 1