Adapt the letter below to send out under your own letterhead. Send to each contributor electronically, or in
duplicate hard copy together with two copies of the accompanying Publication Agreement and a selfaddressed, stamped envelope.
Dear [Name],
I am writing to request your consent to publish your article entitled,
in the forthcoming book [title of book] to be published by University of California Press in [insert proposed
publishing season provided by your editor: e.g., Spring 2013]. To help me ascertain who owns the
reproduction rights to the article, please answer the following questions and return this page to me along
with the accompanying Publication Agreement if you control the rights.
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▢ Yes ▢ No
(b) Is the article a revised or adapted version of one that was published previously?
▢ Yes ▢ No
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▢ Yes ▢ No
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publish is therefore necessary.
▢ Yes
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▢ Yes ▢ No
If you answered YES to question 4, please obtain permission in writing to publish the images and
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If you control rights to your article, please sign both this document and the attached Publication
Agreement and return it to me in the envelope provided. The second copy is for you to retain.
In the event you hold the copyright for the Article jointly with a co-author please identify the co-author by
name and address below. It is understood and acknowledged that this agreement will not become valid
until the Publisher obtains a similar grant of rights from the Co-Author.
[Co-Author’s name]
[Co-Author’s address and email]
If you do not control rights to your article, please sign only this page and return it to me in the
envelope provided. The second copy is for you to retain.
Signed by [Name] for UC Press:
Signed by Author:
Author’s address:
The parties to this Agreement dated _______________, are University of California Press (the Press) and
[Please print your name here]
the Author of the Article at present entitled
________________________________________________________________________ (the “Article”).
[Please print the title of your contribution here]
As the Article is to be included in a book tentatively titled [Insert Title], edited by [name(s) of volume
editor(s)] (the “Work”) to be published by the Press, the Author is executing this consent to publish.
Assignment of Rights
The Author hereby grants and assigns exclusively to the Press the entire literary property, including the
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the Article by the Press.
Warranty of Authorship
The Author warrants to the Press that the Article is original and that she/he is the sole author of it [OR, IF
APPLICABLE: that she/he and {name(s) of coauthor(s)} are the sole authors of it]; that the Article is not in
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copyright was duly obtained in the Author’s name; and that he/she has full power to make this Agreement;
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UC Press agrees to provide acknowledgment to the Author as author or co-author of the Article in
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20 percent off the list price plus shipping.
It is understood and agreed that the forgoing shall constitute full and adequate consideration for the rights
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Copyediting and Proofreading
[Select one of the following options as advised by your UC Press editor, deleting the others:
[ALTERNATIVE I: The Author agrees that she/he will not be sent the copyedited manuscript or the page
proofs to review, and that the acceptance or rejection of the copyeditor’s and proofreader’s alterations shall
be within the discretion of the volume editor(s).]
an opportunity to review the page proofs of the Article. You agree to read, correct, and return the page
proofs to UC Press by the date specified by UC Press and communicated to You in writing or by electronic
mail. Your failure to return any corrections to UC Press by the date specified will signify your approval of
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Article. It is specifically understood and agreed, however, that the final decision to publish the Article in
the Work is at UC Press’ sole discretion. In the event UC Press does not for any reason publish the Article,
it shall so notify You and this agreement will terminate and all rights granted to UC Press hereunder shall
revert to You.]
[ALTERNATIVE III: The Press will give the Author the opportunity to review the editing of the Article.
The Author agrees to read, correct, and return the copyedited manuscript to the volume editor(s) by the date
set by the volume editor(s) and communicated in writing to the Author. If the Author fails to return the
manuscript by the specified date, the Press shall be free to proceed with the publication of the Work
without including the Author’s corrections. The Author agrees that she/he will not be sent the page proofs
to review, and that the acceptance or rejection of the proofreader’s alterations shall be within the discretion
of the volume editor(s).]
[ALTERNATIVE IV]: The Press will give the Author an opportunity to review the editing of the Article
and to read the page proofs of the Article. The Author agrees to read, correct, and return the copyedited
manuscript and the proofs to the volume editor(s) by the dates set by the volume editor(s) and
communicated in writing to the Author. If the Author fails to return the manuscript or the proofs by the
specified dates, the Press shall be free to proceed with the publication of the Work without including the
Autor’s corrections. The Author agrees that the volume editor(s) shall exercise discretion in accepting the
Author’s alterations in proofs that are additional to corrections of typesetting errors.]
Signed by [Name] for UC Press:
Signed by Author:
Author’s address: