UCP Standard Art Inventory Rev. 04/18/16 Author / Title: Date: [Submitted; evaluated; updated] Instructions for Authors 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide separate inventories for plates, figures, and maps. Indicate plate, figure, or map number in column 1. Indicate the chapter in which the art appears in column 3. Choose your sizing preference from the diagram below, and enter in column 4. “Vertical” means the image is taller than it is wide, and vice versa for “horizontal.” 5. Provide short description of image, including the file name, in column 5. 6. Note any other comments after description. Please especially be sure to note if cropping is desired or not allowed. ¼ = one quarter text width vertical horizontal ½ = one half text width vertical ¾ = three quarters text width horizontal vertical For author and Acquisitions use 1 No. 2 Final No. 3 Chapter No. 4 Desired Width 5 File ID and Comments (File name, short description, pairing, cropping, orientation, etc.) F = full text width horizontal vertical horizontal For production editor and compositor use 6 7 8 9 10 Status Final Width Notes to Author/PE Notes to Comp Notes to Prepress Watch for value and contrast when converting to grayscale/B&W, and adjust as needed. Watch for value and contrast when converting to grayscale/B&W, and adjust as needed.