Teachers College, Columbia University Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology

Teachers College, Columbia University
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Program Study Guide for:
Mathematics Education
Degree: Ed.D.
Major Code: MATH
This academic Program Study Guide has been developed to assist you in planning your
course of study at Teachers College. Below you will find the Study Guide for the program
to which you have been admitted.
We hope this Study Guide provides a helpful introduction and orientation to your
program. Given the richness and complexity of graduate and professional programs at
Teachers College, these Study Guides are intended to be illustrative, rather than definitive.
The TC Catalog, for the year in which you were admitted, is available online
(http://catalog.tc.columbia.edu/tc/) and remains the official reference document for College
policies and program requirements and, if applicable, the appropriate doctoral
requirements bulletin.
Congratulations, again, on your admission to graduate study at Teachers College,
Columbia University!
Revised: AY14-15
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education
Doctor of Education Degree (Ed.D.)
Major Code: MATH
Brief Program Description
The Program in Mathematics at Teachers College, Columbia University, offers two programs
leading to the Doctor of Education degree in mathematics education. Both prepare students for
positions of leadership in mathematics education and are designed to develop depth and breadth
in the students’ knowledge of mathematics and pedagogy. For further details concerning general
degree requirements, students should consult the bulletin, Requirements for the Degree of Doctor
of Education, available in the Office of Doctoral Studies. URL:
Prerequisite Requirements
Admission to a Doctor of Education program requires a prior study in mathematics or
mathematics education that includes a combined undergraduate/graduate total of at least 36
semester hour credit in mathematics. Admission of an Ed.D. student to candidacy involves two
stages. The first stage results in “admission” to a program of studies leading toward certification
for the Ed.D. degree. The second “fully certified” stage represents full candidacy for the degree.
Normally a student should achieve certification in the term in which the first 60 points of
applicable graduate study are completed.
Minimum Point Requirement
In consultation with an advisor, the student plans a program of study consistent with the
student’s prior education and oriented toward professional goals. This program plan is approved
by the advisor and then submitted to the Office of Doctoral Studies. A program of study for the
Ed.D. must include a minimum of 90 semester hours of approved graduate credit, at least 45
points of which must be taken under Teachers College registration.
Required Courses
In order to permit the achievement of broad and basic scholarship, each program of study should
include at least 70 points in mathematics and mathematics education and a minimum of 15 points
in related disciplines. Ordinarily, points in mathematics and mathematics education should
include at least 45 points in mathematics content courses, 12 points in mathematics education
courses including MSTM 6037 Professional Seminar (3pts.), and 12 points of research
preparation including MSTM 6500 Research Seminar in Mathematics and MSTM 7500
Dissertation Seminar in Mathematics. Ed.D. programs must include a minimum of 24 points of
coursework at or above the 6000 level. Professional courses taken outside the Program should
normally include 15 points in the curricular, psychological and social foundations of education.
Students are encouraged to select elective courses related to higher education programs and
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Breadth Requirement
Preparation in computing and statistics also is recommended. Programming competencies in at
least one computer language and further computer sciences training equivalent to at least 6 points
of graduate study are desirable. Students whose theses involve statistical analysis are required to
include appropriate statistics courses in their programs. These points can be included either in the
mathematics/mathematics education requirement or can be taken as electives.
Other Program Requirements Such as Grade Requirements and Other Special Degree
Program Plan: All doctoral candidates must have a program plan approved by their advisor. The
approved plan should then be forwarded to the Office of Doctoral Studies. Refer to the Ed.D.
Requirements Bulletin, obtainable from the Office of Doctoral Studies, for a fuller description.
Dissertation Guidelines: The Ed.D. dissertation is a scholarly project contributing knowledge to
the field and should be planned early in the doctoral program when sufficient advanced courses
have been completed to permit the candidate to enroll in relevant research-techniques courses
and pertinent advanced study to enable efficient preparation of the project. Dissertations in
mathematics education can be (1) experimental studies in learning, (2) design and formative
evaluation of mathematics curricula, or (3) analytical studies in policy theory in mathematics
Certification Requirements and Information
All candidates for the Ed.D. degree are expected to demonstrate both mathematics and
mathematics education competencies through a series of certification examinations taken upon
the completion of 60 graduate points.
Certification examinations test the student’s knowledge of current research and theory in
mathematics education and mathematics content. Examinations are offered once in the Autumn,
the Spring and the Summer Terms. See Teachers College Bulletin for dates and times. URL:
Courses recommended as preparation for the mathematics education examination include MSTM
Students must demonstrate acceptable proficiency in three of the following six mathematics
content areas: algebra, analysis, computer mathematics, foundations of mathematics, geometry,
and probability and statistics. Students may sit for the examination in mathematics content
during the regular certification examination times, or, alternatively, students may register for:
MSTM 5036/6036 Topics/Advanced topics in discrete mathematics (3)
MSTM 5031/6031 Topics/Advanced topics in foundations of mathematics (3)
MSTM 5032/6032 Topics/Advanced topics in geometry/topology (3)
MSTM 5035/6035 Topic/Advanced topics in Mathematical Modeling (3)
MSTM 6030 Advanced Topics in Probability Theory (3)
MSTM 6033 Advanced Topics in Algebra (3)
(Continued on next page)
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MSTM 6034 Advanced Topics in Analysis (3)
MSTM 6126 Topics in Mathematical Foundations of Statistics (3)
and, with the permission of the Department, sit for the content area certification examination
upon completion of the appropriate course.
Once you have taken and passed the certification exam, recommendation for certification should
wait until 60 points.
Continuous Registration
Students fully admitted to the Ed.D. program must be in continuous enrollment in Teachers
College coursework for a minimum of three points of credit, or in the program’s dissertation
advisement course (MSTM 8900), in each Autumn and Spring Term, starting with the term
 the successful completion of the Program’s certification examination through receipt of
the Department’s recommendation for Certification, or
 the tern in which the Dissertation Proposal was approved at the Dissertation Proposal
Hearing, whichever comes first, and continuing until all requirements for the degree are
The requirement does not apply to the Summer Term except when a Dissertation Oral Defense
during the Summer Term has been approved. Certification Examinations taken in the Summer
Term are not usually evaluated by departments and programs until the Autumn Term;
consequently, such students will not be obligated for continuous enrollment until the following
Spring Term.
PLEASE NOTE: The Dissertation Advisement course (MSTM 8900) does not carry point
of course credit. The fee is equal to three (3) points at the current tuition rate for each
term. A Certificate of Equivalency for any amount does not meet the requirements of
Continuous Registration.
The obligation for continuous registration ends after the dissertation has received final approval
by the Office of Doctoral Studies. Students have until one month into the start of the following
term after the date of the Dissertation Oral Defense to deposit the first deposit of the dissertation
in the Office of Doctoral Studies without re-registration. Anyone depositing after this date
resumes obligation for continuous registration for that semester and in each subsequent semester
until the final deposit is made.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
By College policy, as much as 45 points of approved graduate transfer credit can be applied to
the Ed.D. degree. If you have taken graduate courses previously at Teachers College additional
points of applicable TC credit can be applied to the Ed.D. degree. Application for transfer credit
evaluation is made through the Office of Admission. Prior TC graduate credit can be applied to
the degree with approval of your advisor. The following website contains general information on
policies and procedures:
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Statement on Satisfactory Progress and Academic Performance
Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of degree
requirements. Program faculty will review each student’s progress annually. If a student is
performing below expectations he/she may be required to complete additional course work. The
program will provide a plan and timeline for remediation so students know the expectation for
them to continue in the program. If satisfactory progress is not maintained a student may be
dismissed from the program. For additional information about Academic Performance, please
refer to Degree Requirements in the TC Catalog.
An average grade of B or better is expected for satisfactory completion of the degree. According
to the Mathematics Education Program policy, no more than 3 points of C may be credited
toward any degree or diploma. Students completing requirements for more than one degree or
diploma may count 3 points of C− toward only one such award. A student who accumulates 8
points or more in C− or lower grades will not be permitted to continue study at the College and
will not be awarded a degree or diploma. Ed.D. candidates must maintain a grade point average
of at least 3.7. Please see the statement on policy of grades at Teachers College. URL:
Standard Policies and Procedures
Services for Students with Disabilities: The College will make reasonable accommodations for
persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Access
and Services for Individuals with Disabilities for information about registration (163 Thorndike
Hall). Services are available only to students who are registered and submit appropriate
Statement on Academic Conduct: A Teachers College student is expected to refrain from any
conduct, including cheating, plagiarizing, or purchasing documents submitted for academic
evaluation, that calls into question his/her academic and/or professional probity. Decisions
regarding academic evaluation in all aspects of students’ work at the college, including course
work, certification examinations, clinical or field experiences, and preparation of dissertations,
are within the sole jurisdiction of the faculty concerned, including as appropriate, the department
or program staff members. Disciplinary actions (e.g., reprimand, suspension, or dismissal) in
cases of academic misconduct can be imposed by the Vice Provost or the Committee on Student
Resolution of Student Academic Program Concerns: Any student who has a concern regarding
an academic matter may seek assistance. The procedure for resolving academic program
concerns (see note of grade correction process below) begins with either the faculty member (if
the concern is related to a course) or the student’s advisor. If the student is not satisfied with the
response or resolution achieved at this first level, or if speaking with the faculty member presents
a conflict of interest for the student, the student should proceed to speak with the Program
Coordinator in the area in which the academic concern resides. If the student is not satisfied with
the response or resolution achieved through the Program Coordinator, the student should proceed
to speak with the Chair of the academic department in which the academic concern resides. If
the student is still not satisfied with the response or resolution achieved through the Department
Chair, or if speaking with the Department Chair presents a conflict of interest for the student, the
next step is to contact the Office of the Vice Provost. At any stage of the process, students are
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welcome to seek the advice and guidance of the Ombudsman, who is charged with attempting to
informally resolve student dissatisfaction of an academic nature on a completely confidential
Grade Correction Procedure: The instructor for a course has the responsibility for setting the
requirements for a course and making an evaluation of students’ work. Once a grade has been
given, the instructor is not free to change the grade unless the instructor indicates to the Registrar
that an error was made in the original grade transmitted. If a student believes that an error has
been made, he/she must take the initiative in bringing about the necessary correction prior to the
conclusion of the semester immediately following the semester in which the course was taken.
The normal procedure for effecting a correction would be through direct discussion between the
student and the instructor. If redress cannot be attained through such discussions, the student may
next appeal to the department chairperson of the department offering the course. If resolution
cannot be attained through appeal, the student may next appeal to the Dean. In situations where
the student feels that such an appeal process might not be in the student’s interest, counsel and
assistance can be sought from the Office of the College Ombudsman and the Office of the Vice
(Continued on next page)
Revised: AY14-15
Point Allocation Chart
Ed.D. Degree in Mathematics Education (MATH-EDD)
1. Breadth in
mathematics content with
sufficient depth in two or
more areas of
mathematics to
communicate content
effectively to teachers
and/or college students.
Examples of Appropriate
MSTM 5031/6031: Topics/Advanced topics in
foundations of mathematics (3)
MSTM 5032/6032: Topics/Advanced topics in
geometry (3)
MSTM 5033/6033: Topics/Advanced topics in
algebra (3)
MSTM 5034/6034: Topics/Advanced topics in
analysis (3)
MSTM 5035/6035: Topics/Advanced topics in
mathematical modeling (3)
MSTM 5036/6036: Topics/Advanced topics in
discrete mathematics (3)
MSTM 5037: History of mathematics (3)
MSTM 5038: Topics in mathematical logic (3)
MSTM 5126/6126: Topics/Advanced topics in
mathematical foundations of statistics (3)
Also Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
2. Mathematics
education competencies.
MSTM 4019: Mathematics teaching and
learning I (3)
MSTM 4020: Mathematics teaching and
learning II (3)
MSTM 4025: Teaching computer mathematics
MSTM 4026: Teaching applied mathematics
MSTM 5010: Mathematics in the elementary
school (3)
MSTM 5012: Mathematics in 2- and 4-year
colleges (3)
MSTM 5020:Mathematics and multicultural
education (3)
MSTM 5022: Mathematics curriculum
development (3)
MSTM 5023: Problem solving (3)
MSTM 5061: Research, education and policy
in mathematics education (3)
MSTM 5520: Seminar in college teaching of
mathematics (3)
MSTM 6037 Professional seminar (3)
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3. Research
MSTM 6500: Research seminar in
mathematics education (3)
MSTM 7500: Dissertation seminar in
mathematics education(3)
4. Background in
professional education.
C&T 4020: Education of the gifted (2-3)
C&T 4021: Nature and needs of gifted
students (2-3)
EDPS 4000: Education and public policy (3)
A&HF 4070: History of education in the U.S.
A&HF 4081: Philosophies of education (3)
A&HF 4083: Philosophies of science and
human inquiry (2-3)
HUDK 4027: Development of mathematical
thinking (3)
HUDK 5023: Cognitive development (2-3)
A&HB 4021: Foundations of bilingual/
bicultural education (3)
HUDM 4050: Introduction to measurement (3)
ORLH 4010: Purposes and policies of higher
education (3)
ORLH 4040: The American college student
ORLD 5053: Organization and administration
of adult and continuing education (3)
C&T 4051: Supervision of elementary and
secondary schools (2-3)
C&T 4052: Designing curriculum and
instruction (2-3)
C&T 5053: Staff development processes and
procedures (3)
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