UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE TRANSPORT POLICY SUB-COMMITTEE 4th December 2008 UNAPPROVED MINUTES Chair Present Apologies Secretary Professor Temple, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Resources) Mr Blackshaw, , Mr Barnard, Mr Budd, Mrs Leyland, Mr Ma, Mr Merrett, Mr Nightingale, Dr Sellens, Mrs Totman, Mr Wakeman, Mrs Williams, Dr Rich Mrs Leyland, Transport Policy Coordinator CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair welcomed Mr Merrett the representative of the Car User Group who was an observer at the meeting. 90/08 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS No additional agenda items were starred. 91/08 Minutes of the 9th July 2008 meeting. 92/08 MINUTES Approved MATTERS ARISING Noted 52/08 A point of information was added that it is not a legal requirement for it to be 30 minutes and the agreement was signed for 15 minutes. 93/08 53/08 It was noted that the Committee had agreed on the need for clear information to be made available about the wheel clamping scheme. 94/08 79/08 The comment on what happened to the interest accruing from monies so far spent had not yet been followed up. Ms Leyland to action. 95/08 85/08 The Students’ Union reported that they had met with Richard Monk and there were a number of actions now arising. 96/08 CAR PARKING POLICY Noted Mr Nightingale introduced the paper. He highlighted that there are more registrations at this point in time but less than at the end of last year and suggested that the enhanced regime has compelled people to register earlier. There are more ‘other’ users this year which is indicative of there being greater controls now over ‘other’ users and the indication was of a significant reduction in student registrations. He drew attention to the very much improved situation 97/08 under podia with a significant enhancement to safety. However, the report of increased vehicle movements has questioned the scheme worked up for the barrier under podia as the current proposed location will be too much of a pinchpoint. Estate Management is reconsidering how to control under podia access. He recognised that unreliability of pay & display machines had been an issue at the start of the academic year, particularly with the recalibration of machines to make the system even more sophisticated. Problems have substantially reduced although it was raised that the University Quays machine is still not working and one Sports Centre car park machine has been problematic. 98/08 Action Ms Leyland to follow up with the Pay & Display machine service engineer. 99/08 Noted Mr Nightingale acknowledged the very positive approach from the Car User Group (CUG), sympathetic to the University’s aims but taking issue with some of the aspects of the implementation of the management system. He stated that the absence of such a group had been a significant omission from the transport groups on campus. He hoped that Committee will agree his recommendation that a Car User Group representative be appointed to the Committee. 100/08 Committee discussed the appeals procedure for wheel clamping. It was noted that appeals are determined by the Security Manager strictly on compliance with the existing regulations. Where the University is in error e.g. in providing wrong advice, reimbursement is made from the car parking income. Where Woodlund Services are in error then reimbursement is made by them. 101/08 Agreed Committee agreed that whilst the volume of appeals was quite high it was not appropriate to introduce any charge for lodging an appeal at the present time. 102/08 Noted It was suggested that it would be fairer if 2 or 3 people heard the appeals, or a sub-committee were set up for that purpose. However, the Chair noted the significant task required for that, and that a balance needs to be struck between being fair and realistic, and having a quick and efficient system. It was also noted that the appeal is against whether someone complied with a set of regulations which is objective, not subjective. 103/08 Mr Merrett noted that a major issue among members of the Car User Group was the sense of confusion about what regulations apply, where they apply and to whom. He anticipated the level of appeals to diminish because people were becoming more aware. 104/08 Other issues arising, related to signage, communication etc were agreed to be included with the Car User Group paper covered under agenda item 8. 105/08 Mrs Totman noted that with respect to the categories of car parkers, she had a major concern with car parking outside Wivenhoe House and the Constable Building. 106/08 UPDATE ON Projects 2008/9 FUNDED FROM CAR PARKING INCOME Noted Ms Leyland highlighted the additional project request (converting four Pay & Display machines to mains power) and increased budget item request (motorcycle shelter) and that there are additional funds available in the current year. 107/08 It was noted that the costs of converting the Pay & Display machines to mains power is comparatively high and reasons for the original choice of solar power were highlighted. 108/08 Agreed Committee agreed to support both requests but that improvement options to solar power be checked first before implementing works to convert the machines to mains power. 109/08 Noted Committee reviewed the project list update. 110/08 Action Mr Nightingale committed to expedite the installation of the bus shelter at University Quays. Noted The bus turnaround project is awaiting a response from First and is likely to cost considerably more than would be funded from Transport Funds. Ms Leyland explained that some projects require to be implemented during less busy holiday periods whereas others can be installed whenever procured. 111/08 Action Once the cycle storage on top of the boiler house roof is installed, cycles along the North Towers causeway should be removed from the railings. Ms Leyland to follow up. 112/08 Noted There is a sustained commitment to improve the passage of cyclists at the barrier on Boundary road this academic year and to implement measures as soon as feasible, taking account of the Sustrans cycle access report. Progress on cycle storage cctv surveillance will be presented next meeting. 113/08 Action Committee agreed the need to identify projects related to transport being funded by the University, such as the provision of bike lockers at University Quays, so that members are aware, even if the measures are not funded from car parking income. Ms Leyland to include in future project updates. Ms Totman pointed out that if she had known of the bike lockers, they might have procured additional ones for Wivenhoe House. 114/08 Action Ms Leyland to follow up on procurement of seats for Boundary Road bus stands. It was noted also that there were issues related to the siting of cycle storage at Loughton. 115/08 Action Committee discussed the communication of completed work funded from car parking income. A list of completed projects should be available on the University website and an article prepared for the Wyvern next term. The list should also be forwarded to the Car User Group for use on their website. 116/08 Action Committee agreed that the list should be updated for presentation at the next meeting. Completed projects should be transferred to the web list. Ms Leyland to follow-up. 117/08 Action Dr Sellens noted that with recabling works scheduled for North Towers car park, thought should be given to providing power points for electric cars. Committee noted that it is something to be explored with the Car User Group. 118/08 Noted Ms Leyland noted that this year, with the process of developing projects and having them costed up for approval at the February Transport Policy Subcommittee (TPSC) meeting, the requirements this year for funding to be rolled 119/08 over should be ameliorated. It was reported that the Network Centre Cage is no longer available for storage of cycles as it is required for robotics work by a PhD student. It was only intended as a temporary cycle storage. 120/08 CYCLING STRATEGY FOR UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX Noted Mrs Leyland highlighted key points from the paper including the specific objective to have cycle storage adjacent to residential accommodation equivalent to one cycle for every two resident students by 2013 and from the report from Sustrans, suggesting that overall provision should increase to storage for around 3000 cycles. Current provision is for around 900. Cost per cycle storage depends on whether it is secure, covered storage or simple Sheffield stands. 121/08 Whilst the document was commended, it was noted that there was a need to 122/08 integrate the cycling strategy within other ongoing University strategies, such as that for the Research Park. The document requires more statistics to underpin what is being requested, particularly regarding actual demand and costs. Committee noted that the volume of storage proposed seemed excessive although in the context of the Cycling Town infrastructure and the construction of the upper Wivenhoe to University cycle route, a substantial increase in cycling and need for secure, convenient storage was anticipated. It was suggested that provision of residential cycle storage may not be appropriate for funding from car parking income where the remit is to reduce car journeys to campus. However, the remit of the TPSC in relation to the University’s Sustainable Transport Strategy is broader than recommending on the expenditure of car parking income. Action Action Committee agreed that a small group composed of Mr Nightingale, Ms Leyland, a union representative and two cyclists should modify the draft strategy to one appropriate for the University and for subsequent presentation to the TPSC. It was noted that the broad suggestions and expertise in the draft strategy needs to be complemented with the knowledge of how it impacts on the operations and plans of the University. 123/08 Ms Leyland also highlighted that one of the projects proposed for 2009/10 includes cycle storage to address the needs of both commuters and residents. Secondly, the Sustrans report addendum regarding traffic calming at the Boundary Road barrier is an urgent issue for the cyclists and the Cycling England recommendations of installing bollards should be feasible. It was noted that when the barrier was first installed, motorcyclists circumvented the barrier and hence the motorcycle hoops, good practice at the time, were installed. 124/08 Committee agreed that the measure to improve the passage of cyclists at the Boundary Road barrier will be done as a matter of urgency. 125/08 LIST OF POTENTIAL PROJECTS FOR 2009/10 Noted The Chair noted that at the next meeting, Committee will be considering approval for funding those projects prioritised for detailed costing at this meeting. The budget notionally will be in the order of £150,000 which will be known more precisely next meeting. Projects were agreed to be prioritised according to A= vital, B= desirable, C= not necessary. The assessment of the Committee is appended to the minutes. 126/08 With regard to the existing overflow car parking areas, the legal position is complex and experience elsewhere at the University of using plastic mesh grid has been unsatisfactory and potentially dangerous. 127/08 Action Estate Management to give consideration to infilling large ruts/holes on the grass area and to exploring the option of expediting the Research Park car parking allocation for University use in the first instance. 128/08 Action Committee agreed that a number of cycling projects in the list be considered by the small group already delegated to work on the cycling strategy. The group should check the projects fit with agreed University strategy and rank and order them. 129/08 Noted It was proposed that the contribution to bus turnaround on campus be taken off the list as it was still being explored and not yet ready for costing. 130/08 Action Committee agreed that the funding of hoardings at Hythe Station advertising the University of Essex was not something to be funded from car parking income. However, the project should be referred to External Relations who may or may not be in a position to fund it. 131/08 CAR USER GROUP PAPER Noted Committee discussed the proposed ideas covered in the paper. 132/08 On signage, the first two ideas have been covered in previous items. On the third, Committee agreed that it was more positive to show people where they can park, rather than where they can’t, particularly given the campus historic parkland status. Improving the package of signage is an ongoing process and has not been helped this term by limited signwriting capacity at the University. It was noted that it is difficult to see the parking bay lines outside Constable Building and some people consequently park poorly. The visitors parking area was noted as needing improvement and the need to burn off redundant marking was highlighted. The Car User Group representative stated that as long as it was clarified, they would be satisfied. It was further clarified that the University does do some yellow lining where Health & Safety e.g. fire access is an issue, but not in other places. 133/08 Agreed Committee agreed to forward spend monies on signage up to £20,000. 134/08 Noted On clamping, the £5 credit card charge was still being investigated although it was reported that Woodlund Services are likely in breach of their merchant agreement. 135/08 It was clarified that the agreement with Woodlund Services includes the £50 wheel clamping fee but no requirement to release vehicles between 8.30pm and 9.00am (except where payment is made between 6.15pm and 8.30pm in which case the release must be done within two hours.) Woodlund, of their own accord, chose to provide the option of release during the overnight period for a charge of £25 which was only stated on their clamping notice affixed to clamped cars. There is now University signage that clearly says there is a £25 charge for release after 8.30pm. It was acknowledged that the definition of the clamping day, commencing at 12.01 am should be reviewed for the next year so that cars left overnight would not automatically be liable for two days clamping charges. 136/08 Committee agreed to review at next meeting the criteria for the contract with 137/08 Action Woodlund Services, assuming that the University wishes to renew the contract in September. Criteria would include the clamping day and that it would be expected that there would be no charge for credit card payments. Action A clarification of the £75 fee should be made on the website. With regard to the £5 credit card charge, it was suggested that there should be some University collective involvement, including speaking again to Woodlund Services about the contravention of their merchant agreement. It was agreed that it would be unhelpful if the approach resulted in Woodlund Services removing the credit card facility. 138/08 Agreed Given that University signage is now up regarding the £25 charge, and that there are only a small number of students and staff who have paid £75 in wheel clamping fees, a majority of the Committee voted to authorise repayment from car parking income of £25 to those who paid £75, subject to discussion between Woodlund and the Director of Estate Management regarding any relevant details in the Agreement. 139/08 Agreed Committee also voted that a representative of the Car User Group be appointed to the Committee. 140/08 Noted It was agreed that an email be sent out, clarifying the changes, probably linked with updating the Frequently Asked Questions on the wheel clamping service. Committee was also sympathetic to the proposal to extend the time, currently 15 minutes, between a parking violation being noted and before the vehicle is clamped. 141/08 The elaboration of the car-sharing scheme was reported as being part of an ongoing process. The issue of courtesy cars was agreed to be deferred to the next meeting. 142/08 The proposed ideas/views of the Car User Group with regard to future projects (installation of drop kerbs and expansion of cycle storage) were agreed to be deferred to next meeting as part of a broader discussion on using car parking income for a range of transport projects. Mr Blackshaw made the comment that it was entirely inappropriate of the Car User Group to discuss whether or not money be used to benefit cyclists or other transport users on site and that it is not the business of the Car User Group which has become the lobbying group on behalf of other issues. He stated that the Transport Policy Sub-committee has a clear remit to reduce the number of cars coming on to campus and that the group represents different interest groups including cyclists. 143/08 Committee agreed that the appeals process should continue, noting that the Car User Group is not happy but that with improvements in signage and information, the volume of appeals should diminish. The issue could be returned to if there is sustained discontent regarding the processing of appeals. 144/08 CAR PARKING STRATEGY ON LOUGHTON CAMPUS Noted This agenda item is deferred to next meeting. 145/08 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None Being his last meeting, the Chair thanked Mr Blackshaw very much for his valued contribution to the Committee’s discussions and his perspective and 146/08 wished him all the best in his new post. Ms Totman noted that her urgent issue of concern regarding parking at Constable Building/Wivenhoe House had not been addressed. The Chair agreed that it could be taken forward through her. 147/08 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted Tuesday 24th February 2009, 10am. 148/08