UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE TRANSPORT POLICY SUB-COMMITTEE 26 February 2008 MINUTES Chair Present Apologies Secretary Professor Temple, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Resources) Mr Barnard, Ms Harrup, Dr Iacovou, Mrs Leyland, Mr Nightingale, Mr Pearson, Dr Rich, Dr Sellens, Mr Blackshaw, Mrs Totman, Mrs Williams Mrs Leyland, Transport Policy Coordinator CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS None 1/08 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted Item 5 was requested to be starred. 2/08 Minutes of the 6th November 2007 meeting. Corrected annotated minutes to be recirculated to members. 3/08 MINUTES Approved MATTERS ARISING Noted 107/07 Mr Nightingale reported that since planning permission for the site access was only granted at the end of January, there had been no meetings with the Project Manager. A few matters of detail remained that needed resolving before a presentation should be made to the University community. Dr Rich noted that the Project Manager has gone on long term sick leave and Northcroft are appointing a new Project Manager. It was understood that Essex County Council were close to concluding the second stage safety audit of the junction. 109/07 Mrs Leyland reported that information on improvements on Clingoe Hill had gone into the December Wyvern but that details on the junction had not gone into the current edition. 114/07 Mr Nightingale reported that the Quays bus stop works are currently out to tender. 4/08 5/08 6/08 7/08 UNIVERSITY TRANSPORT POLICY CO-ORDINATOR UPDATE Noted With reference to the promotion of the cycle to work scheme at Southend and Loughton campuses, Mr Barnard noted that there was no mechanism for those 8/08 campuses feeding in their opinion to Transport Policy Sub-Committee (TPSC) and that TPSC should give consideration to it. Mr Barnard noted that although the higher proportion of staff registering for car parking suggest they may be a key focus for future travel measures, the fact is that the problem periods in the car parks are during term time and the numbers of students means that both should be targeted. 9/08 Dr Rich questioned the fluctuations in staff registrations over the last few years and that staff figures vary across the year within the institution. He noted that the staff headcount figures do not include a number of temporary part-timers. Mrs Leyland reported that the staff headcount figures had been provided by Personnel and that figures for registrations didn’t include ‘others’ such as Bank employees and Students’ Union staff. 10/08 Agreed Mrs Leyland and Mrs Hobson to examine exactly what figures are being compared. 11/08 Noted Dr Iacovou noted that it would be useful to have a further column indicating numbers of students living off campus and the proportion registering since those on campus were not eligible to register for car parking. 12/08 In response to the staff registration fluctuations, Mr Nightingale noted that there was a significant reduction in 2005/06 when pay and display charges were introduced. He expressed hope that 2007/08 figures indicate a trend because it is the first time that alternative initiatives such as the bus pass have been in place. 13/08 FOLLOW-UP TO ILAB REPORT ON EXCEPTIONS TO CAR PARKING Noted Mrs Leyland highlighted the main points of the paper. Mr Barnard queried why the proposed occasional users permit was going from an hourly to a daily rate as this adds complications for part-timers. He suggested it be revised to an equivalent hourly rate of 25 pence. He also queried whether it was worth distinguishing between part-timers and full-timers given that there is a maximum value on the parking permit. 14/08 Agreed Committee agreed to accept in principle a distinct system for occasional users which is structured in a way that is the least demanding, resource-wise in terms of administration and time, and taking into account the principles of fairness and practicality. 15/08 16/08 Action Mrs Leyland and Mr Nightingale to work out the details for the occasional users together with the details for students on work placement and external volunteers. Arrangements for the latter two priority groups will be done on an adhoc basis, to operate smoothly and fairly and be exactly recorded. CYCLING AT ESSEX Noted Ms Harrup clarified that a bid was being submitted for Colchester to be a ‘cycling 17/08 demonstration town’. Dr Rich noted that the Research Park related timings for the Colchester campus cycle strategy needed updating. 18/08 Mrs Leyland reported that the cycle to work scheme should ideally be beginning 19/08 at the start of the summer term. With approval now from the Committee for the occasional users car parking, she could proceed to set up the online system and people would be able to go out to stores and select their bikes and equipment. Ms Harrup clarified that people could use any cycle store having a franchise with Cyclescheme. In Colchester, the stores were Thomas’s and Colchester Cycles. Dr Iacovou raised the issue that ISER had been unable to use the pool bike because of insurance issues and wondered if the insurance for the cycle to work scheme would cover for pool bikes. Ms Harrup stated that Cyclescheme recommended that individuals be responsible for insuring their bicycles so the pool bike would not therefore be covered. Essex County Council’s pool bikes are covered under their pool car insurance. Dr Iacovou reported that if the pool bike were used solely for University business, then it would be covered by the University’s current insurance but not if there was travel to home involved. For ISER, it was difficult to use the bike solely for University business. It was suggested that this should be discussed further with the University’s Insurance Accountant. 20/08 PAYMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING FEES Noted Mr Nightingale highlighted the main points of his paper. He asked Committee if the University outsourced clamping, was it prepared to forego income from clamping noting it is minimal at present. It was pointed out that a lot of initial revenue (£10,000 -15,000) had been invested in training for clamping so outsourcing would also forego the investment. 21/08 Committee discussed clamping at length and outsourcing it. Mr Nightingale was of the opinion that a year of proper clamping starting in August was required to establish a new culture in car parking compliance. Whilst there were no direct costs of outsourcing, there would be costs associated with the discretion of clamping and dealing with appeals. It was acknowledged that there were internal problems in the management of the current clamping system. A management buyout might provide a sensible solution. 22/08 Action Professor Temple and Mr Nightingale to explore further the failures of the current internal system with input from Mr Barnard. 23/08 Noted Mr Nightingale asked Committee what would be a reasonable maximum length of time to release a vehicle and two hours was suggested, although no firm agreement made regarding overnight release. 24/08 Action Mr Nightingale was asked to pursue the issue and propose specific measures for improving the service. 25/08 CAR PARKING CHARGES 2008/9 Noted Mrs Leyland highlighted the percentage rate increases proposed for the different categories of car park users. Whilst the proposed rate increase to 10p an hour in 2009/10 reflects a 100% increase, it is impractical to do it in other than 5p increments. Mr Barnard spoke against the increase and stated that his union members would want to know what the University has done with the money collected. 26/08 Action Mrs Leyland to compile a table of projects completed and funded from the Transport Fund to be available on the web. 27/08 Noted Whilst there is currently money in the fund for projects, Professor Temple emphasised that in the wider environmental context, the University needs to be generating income to support green measures and deter car use. Mr Nightingale noted that construction costs in the previous period had gone up by 25% and that schemes were now being proposed that required significant sums of money. 28/08 Committee discussed visitors’ rates, registration fee rates and the proposed increase to 10p an hour i.e. from 40p to 80p per day as well as a reduction in the time period from 9a.m. to 4p.m. to offset the higher charges. Dr Iacovou asked whether there might be a linkage between car parking charges and the cost of public transport bus tickets, stating that a number of cities are moving toward that model. Ms Harrup also noted that other Colchester 2020 Travel Plan Club members were looking to raise their parking charges to £1 per day. 29/08 Agreed Committee approved the proposed car parking charges for 2008/9 and noted the proposal to increase the hourly rate to 10p an hour in 2009/10. 30/08 Action Committee agreed to explore revising the staff registration fee to 0.2% of salary (given that staff will also have the option of choosing the ‘occasional users’ permit and the percentage increase impacts less on lower paid members of staff) than a step change in the pay and display rate, and reducing the hourly period in exchange for increasing the pay and display charges. 31/08 USE OF CAR PARKING INCOME 2008/9 Noted Agreed Action Mrs Leyland updated Committee on notional costs for three of the security 32/08 related items. The Chair requested Committee to prioritise the list of items proposed, 1 being high, 2 medium and 3 low. The results and comments are attached to the minutes. Costs associated with the Transport Policy Coordinator and Colchester 2020 Travel Plan Club were excluded from the exercise. The total for priority 1 & 2 schemes is £160,650. Committee approved funding 33/08 for the priority 1 & 2 projects provisional on the confirmation that there is a carryover from 2007/8 of £93,000. Mr Barnard questioned the progress on the North Towers motorcycle shelter. Mrs Leyland to check. 34/08 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None 35/08 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted Wednesday, 9th July 2008, 10.00 am 36/08