Internal promotion
The Travel Plan Club’s priority and focus will be promoting Travel Plan measures and travel habit change within its member organisations.
Through this, reduced reliance on the private car and effective use of alternatives will be encouraged. The Travel Plan Club will be strengthened and its profile raised, gaining a reputation as an expert in the field of promoting sustainable travel, and able to showcase best practice in the field of Travel Planning.
To extend the Club’s influence and for the wider community to benefit from the best practice and expertise developed, the Travel Plan Club will develop a network of interested groups and individuals, including local interest and business forums, transport providers and those involved in developing other types of travel plan e.g. area-wide and for schools. This will maximise the ability to exchange information about the need for habit change, raise awareness, promote best practice and exploit synergies.
The Travel Plan Club will advise and inform the Colchester2020 Transport
Sub Group on key issues that fall within the scope of the group or directly affect the achievement of objectives. Lobbying at all levels from local through to national by Colchester2020 will be tailored accordingly.
The Travel Plan Club will report to and be accountable to the Colchester2020
Transport Sub Group
The Travel Plan Club will support Colchester2020 in achieving its sustainable travel goals through a set of short term and long term objectives:
The Club ’s short term objectives (within next 12 months) will be to:
Increase the membership of the Club
Raise the Club’s profile and awareness of it’s work locally, in turn o Increasing membership o Establishing the Travel Plan Club as an expert, including advising members o offering new members best practice examples, a Travel Plan starter pack, a travel plan measures pick list, advice and support
Establishing baseline data on which to measure future progress
These will be achieved through delivery of;
A review of best practice locally, nationally and internationally
Establishment of a work-place travel plan starter pack and membership offer package
Consolidation of the knowledge and experience of the Travel Plan Club members
Improved branding and marketing of the Travel Plan Club,
On-going dialogue between the Colchester2020 Transport sub group and
Club members on key issues
A generic surveying tool, to be developed, for use across the Travel Plan
Club members
A network of people and groups, to be established, with an interest in sustainable transport who can influence or be influenced.
The longer terms objectives will be to agree year on year improvements in:
Reducing Colchester’s overall Carbon footprint through tackling the travelrelated footprint of the 2020 Travel Plan Club member organisations.
Lobbying for improvements to, increase buy in for and uptake of, the range of alternatives to single occupancy car travel, especially the most sustainable modes of walking and cycling to encourage improved public health in Colchester.
Continue to grow the number and range of member organisations
The founding members of the Club consist of six of the largest organisations in Colchester collectively employing over 10,000 staff.
Every member contributes an annual subscription fee which contributes towards funding a central Travel Plan Coordinator to support and direct the
Club and provide the following services to members;
Share best practice examples of Travel Plans from a range of different local, national, large and small businesses and organisations to help assist each member in getting critical buy-in from relevant departments and ideas for tailoring individual Travel Plans to suit specific requirements.
Establish surveying tools and trend analysis to help set objectives and assist in the subsequent monitoring of agreed targets/objectives
Monitor the progress of individual member organisations and the Club overall against agreed targets/objectives
Research and negotiate discounts, deals and generic documentation for promotion of more travel choices for Club members
Develop an annual marketing programme for members to promote travel choices within their organisations and to the wider community where appropriate
Provide support, advice and mentoring where required
Coordinate regular Travel Plan Club meetings
Communicate information, including reporting activities, progress and concerns, between the Colchester2020 Transport Sub Group and the
Travel Plan Club including inputting the Club’s lobbying priorities in to the
Transport Sub Group.
The subscription fee will also include:
Setting up each organisation initially as a ‘group’ on the
Colchester2020traveltogether website, providing the associated administration rights to monitor the scheme and funding the subsequent annual licence fee
Membership of the Association for Commuter Transport
Access to Travel Plan Club marketing materials that can be used to promote sustainable transport such as posters, bus maps, Dr Bike banner, fun bikes etc
Post code mapping (CM and CO postcodes only at present)
In addition the Travel Plan Club offers new members:
A Travel Plan starter pack for implementing the different components of a Travel Plan and advice and support through the process of developing the Plan
Membership of the club is open to any business or organisation wholly or partly based in Colchester that shows clear commitment to the criteria outlined below.
Criteria for membership
Commitment from Senior Management to actively engage with and support staff, including on a one to one basis, to encourage travel habit change.
Commitment to implement a travel plan within one year of joining the Club and to make year on year improvements in reducing car use
Commitment to carry out the bi-annual survey to establish progress against targets/objectives
Ownership in promoting their own Travel Plan and providing internal resources, including funding to achieve this effectively.
Commitment to attend and actively participate in Travel Plan meetings, through sharing ideas, practical experience, and tried and tested measures and providing support to new members
Payment of an annual subscription fee on a sliding scale in relation to the size of the organisation.