Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE Wednesday 10 December 2014 2pm –4.30pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Aletta Norval Present Dr Andrews, Ms Berntsen, Professor Colbeck, Professor Landman, Ms Le Carpentier, Professor Fox O’Mahony (until 3.30pm), Dr Luther, Professor Main, Mr McAuliffe, Dr Micklewright, Dr Penman, Mr Petcu, Mr Spencer, Mr Thomas, Professor Underwood Apologies Ms Johnson-James Secretary Mr Stock In attendance Ms Earle, Mrs Nixon EDUCATION COMMITTEE – MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 2014-15 (EC/14/68) Noted EC/187/14 BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated at the meeting EC/188/14 MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 18 JUNE 2014 (EC/14/69) Approved EC/189/14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted EC/190/14 REPORT ON CHAIR’S ACTION (EC/14/70) Noted Professor Norval welcomed the new members of the Committee. 1 EC/191/14 The Committee noted the changes in entry requirements that had been approved by the Chair’s action. There was discussion and clarification around the factors taken into account when proposing and considering entry requirement changes, which included departmental benchmarking analysis, information provided by the recruitment team and mapping against UCAS data. EC/192/14 CHAIR’S VERBAL REPORT Noted Student Attendance Recording and Monitoring The Committee noted the introduction from the start of the 2014-15 academic year of the electronic recording of student attendance. There had been delays in the delivery of the new attendance monitoring software and interim arrangements were in place for 201415 to ensure monitoring continued effectively. The Committee discussed and approved for recommendation to Senate a proposal from the Attendance Monitoring Steering Group an amendment to the definition of unsatisfactory attendance, as set out in the Progress and Appeals Procedures for Taught Programmes of Study. It was noted that the change would only be effective during 2014-15 and would revert back from 2015-16 onwards to the definition approved by Senate in January 2014 when the revised procedures were agreed. The revised definition is set out below: No attendance at any teaching event for a two-week period (thereafter continued non-attendance for a further one-week period would be considered to be ‘unsatisfactory’) (described in the Progress Procedures as ‘non-attendance’) Absence from more than 50 per cent of the timetabled events for the same module in a 2-week period (described in the Progress Procedures as ‘unsatisfactory level of attendance’) Absence from more than 50 per cent of the timetabled events for the course in a 2-week period (described in the Progress Procedures as ‘unsatisfactory level of attendance’). EC/193/14 EC/194/14 Resolved That the amendments to the definition of unsatisfactory attendance, as set out in the Progress and Appeals Procedures for Taught Programmes of Study, be recommended for approval by Senate. EC/195/14 Noted Work-Based Learning The Committee received an update on the work to introduce workbased learning into the curriculum. A steering group had been established for 2014-15, chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), to establish a framework for consideration by the Education Committee and Senate in the summer term 2015. Three task and finish groups would support the work of the steering group, which would cover curriculum development, resource modelling and IT infrastructure. EC/196/14 2 External Examiners The Chair confirmed that the Faculty Education Committees had considered External Examiner reports in November 2014, the outcomes of which would be reported to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and then to the Education Committee in the Spring term 2015. EC/197/14 Kaplan Hong Kong The Committee noted that there were plans to consider the extension of the University’s partnership with Kaplan for the delivery of University programmes of study in Hong Kong. A paper would be circulated for virtual consideration and discussion by the Education Committee in due course with a view to its submission to the January 2015 meeting of Senate for discussion. EC/198/14 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY FRAMEWORK AND SUB-STRATEGY 2015-18 (EC/14/71) Received A paper prepared by Karen Bush (Head of Equality and Diversity), which provided members with an opportunity to comment on the University’s proposed new Equality Framework and Sub-Strategy and accompanying Codes of Practice. EC/199/14 Noted Within the context of the Committee’s terms of reference, which included a responsibility for oversight of equality and diversity matters, the paper had been provided as part of the wider consultation on the new strategy. The Committee noted the draft strategy’s four key themes: promoting equality and diversity; the student experience; the staff experience; and putting equality and diversity at the heart of all we do. The proposed actions contained in the draft strategy covered the full four year strategy period and would have to be embedded in the Education and Research Action Plans as appropriate to ensure alignment with the delivery of the University’s Strategic Plan. EC/200/14 During discussion, members noted the process by which the indicators in the strategy had been developed. There was clarification that the staff recruitment process would remain criteria-based. The ethnicity gap in relation to attainment was a national issue and not specific solely to the University of Essex, although it was an issue taken seriously by the University and a range of activities were being undertaken to address it. Equality and diversity matters were being considered as part of the curriculum review, which included review of assessment strategy. EC/201/14 QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW (VERBAL UPDATE) Received Professor Norval provided a verbal update on the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Higher Education Review (HER), particularly following the HER visit, which had taken place during the week of 1 December 2014. 3 EC/202/14 Noted The Committee noted that the initial findings letter was expected on 19 December 2014 with the draft report scheduled for 15 January 2015 and the final report on 27 February 2015. The Committee would receive a verbal report at its next meeting and the final report would be considered on 25 March 2015. EC/203/14 Professor Norval thanked everyone involved in the preparation for the HER, including the students, and extended particular thanks to the hard work and professionalism of the Academic Standards and Partnerships team. EC/204/14 EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2014-15: PROGRESS REPORT (EC/14/72) Received A paper prepared by Stephen McAuliffe (Academic Registrar) and Rich Alderman (Assistant Education Manager, Policy and Development), which provided the Committee with an update on progress with the Education Action Plan (EAP) 2014-15. EC/205/14 Noted During discussion, the Committee noted that each item contained in the EAP was on course for delivery as expected. The pilot Faculty for the Challenge Essex initiative (A7) was still to be determined. The expectation was that the new system to support Student Assessment of Modules and Teaching (SAMT) (A8) would be operational in time for 2015-16, noting the importance of testing and providing contingency plans to mitigate against any delays. A broad view of resources should be included in the work on facilities and resources for doctoral students (item A11) and should encompass lab-based resources. The important links between A11 and the departmental and faculty planning processes were highlighted. EC/206/14 CURRICULUM REVIEW: PROGRESS REPORT (EC/14/73 Received A paper prepared by Laura Ruddick (Head of Registry), which provided an interim report on the implementation of Curriculum Review (CR), including an update on the Departmental Curriculum Review Reports discussed at the three Faculty Education Committees on 26 November 2014. EC/207/14 Noted The Committee noted that the departmental plans had demonstrated that the CR was on track, with a number of departments undertaking reviews of a significant number of modules. Other key areas included the capstone project, work-based learning, employability and assessment. A more detailed report would be provided on 25 March 2015. The Committee discussed the plans for the University’s partners to undertake curriculum review in line with the University’s Education Strategy. Discussion had taken place at the Partnerships Education Committee and the partners had indicated that they would be able to meet the timeline for the CR set out in the Education Strategy. An event for partners was planned to take the CR forward and the University’s toolkit had been made available to partners. EC/208/14 4 NATIONAL STUDENT SURVEY OUTCOMES 2014 (EC/14/74) (EC/14/75) Received Two papers prepared by Ray Lashley (Planning and Performance Information Manager) and Ben Smart (Planning and Information Officer) and Rich Alderman, which provided overviews of the results of the National Student Survey 2014. EC/209/14 Noted The Committee noted that, due to the improvement in its satisfaction rating, the University had moved into the top 10 (8th position) in the Times Good University Guide ranking, which was excellent news and was a testament to the contributions of colleagues across the institution. The Committee commended the quality and detail of the papers and agreed they should be circulated to departments after the meeting for information and in support of the planning process. EC/210/14 BIENNIAL PEER REVIEW POLICY (EC/14/76) Received In line with the Education Action Plan 2014-15, a paper setting out a proposal for the establishment of a Biennial Peer Review Policy for all members of academic staff engaged in teaching. EC/211/14 Noted The Committee noted that the policy was light touch and set out a flexible approach towards supporting colleagues to reflect on their practice and to promote quality enhancement through peer observation. It was suggested that some of the language relating to ‘requirements’ should be amended to ‘elements’ or ‘components’ in line with the proposed flexible approach. It was also agreed that the title should be changed from ‘Biennial Peer Review Policy’ to ‘Peer Review of Teaching Policy’. There was discussion about the links with the appraisal process during which there was clarification about the role of peer review, which related to academic quality enhancement rather than staff management. EC/212/14 Resolved That the Biennial Peer Review Policy be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/76, subject to the change of title described above. EC/213/14 PARTNERSHIPS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (EC/14/77) Received A paper prepared by Dr Dominic Micklewright (Dean of Academic Partnerships) and Claire Nixon (Deputy Academic Registrar, Academic Standards & Partnerships), which a proposed a strategic framework for the consideration of University partnerships. EC/214/14 Noted The Committee noted that the framework included a set of operating principles to guide the establishment and management of partnerships and to ensure they linked with University strategy. Members were very supportive of the proposed framework and the clarity it would bring to this area of work. EC/215/14 5 Resolved That the Partnerships Strategic Framework be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/77. EC/216/14 MARKS RELEASE POLICY (EC/14/78) Received A paper prepared by Alex O’Neill (Learning Technologist), which proposed a way forward in relation to the establishment of a revised marks release policy. EC/217/14 Noted The Committee welcomed the establishment of a policy to ensure standard practice across the University. During discussion, the importance of ensuring there was no duplication in the inputting of marks into University systems was noted. It was agreed that the policy would be developed in line with the approach described in the paper with a view to consideration by the Education Committee and Senate in March and April 2015 respectively. EC/218/14 Resolved That the proposed way forward for the establishment of a revised marks release policy be approved as set out in paper EC/14/78. EC/219/14 REPORTS FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE SUB-COMMITTEES FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (HUMANITIES) (EC/14/79) Noted The Committee noted the enthusiasm with which departments in the Faculty were undertaking the Curriculum Review. EC/20/14 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SCIENCE AND HEALTH) (EC/14/80) Noted EC/221/14 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) (EC/14/81) Noted During discussion, it was noted that feedback from students had indicated a desire for more use of technology by academic staff and a more holistic approach to technology. Members welcomed the appointment of the new educational technologists in early 2015. EC/222/14 PARTNERSHIPS EDUCATION COMMITTEE (EC/14/82) Noted EC/223/14 ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (EC/14/83) Noted EC/224/14 STUDENT EXPERIENCE COMMITTEE (EC/14/84) Noted EC/225/14 6 Resolved That the recommendations contained in paper EC/14/84 be approved, noting that the Student Surveys Task and Finish Group would be chaired by the Academic Registrar rather than the Executive Dean (Social Sciences). EC/226/14 UNIVERSITY CAMPUS SUFFOLK JOINT ACADEMIC COMMITTEE (EC/14/85) Noted Resolved EC/227/14 That the recommendations contained in paper EC/14/85 be approved. EC/228/14 CURRICULUM REVIEW TOOLKITS (EC/14/86) Noted EC/229/14 ACADEMIC FLEXIBILITY POLICY FOR TAUGHT STUDENTS (SPORT) (EC/14/87) Noted Resolved EC/230/14 That the policy be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/87, with effect from 2015-16. EC/231/14 EMPLOYER ADVISORY GROUPS (EC/14/88) Noted Resolved EC/232/14 That the recommendations contained in paper EC/14/88 be approved. EC/233/14 UPDATED ROLE DESCRIPTORS FOR THE EMPLOYABILITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS (EC/14/89) Noted EC/234/14 SCHEDULE FOR ADMISSIONS ACTIVITY DECISION-MAKING (EC/14/90) Noted Resolved EC/235/14 That the schedule contained in paper EC/14/90 be approved. EC/236/14 REVIEW OF PROFICIO 2013-14 (EC/14/91) Noted EC/237/14 PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING REQUESTS FROM FORMER STUDENTS FOR READMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY: RESEARCH DEGREES (EC/14/92) Noted Resolved EC/238/14 That the Procedure be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/92. 7 EC/239/14 ELECTRONIC REPOSITORY FOR POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH THESES (EC/14/93) Noted The Committee agreed that, as the new policy was being adopted midway through the academic year, students could only be encouraged to submit in line with the new approach from March 2015 until the end of 2014-15, after which the policy should be a requirement from 2015-16 onwards. Members agreed it was important to ensure the change was communicated effectively to students. EC/240/14 A minor change was agreed to paragraph 4.2: EC/241/14 If a student has breached copyright, the student will be liable rather than the University. If the an alleged breach of copyright has been brought to the attention of the University, the thesis will be removed from open-access whilst the claim is investigated, because public access will not be permitted. Once the claim has been investigated, if there is no breach, public access can be provided again. Resolved That the approach to the electronic submission of postgraduate research theses be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/93, subject to the caveat and amendment described above. EC/242/14 PROPOSED CHANGES TO ENTRY REQUIREMENTS IRELAND: UNDERGRADUATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (EC/14/94) Noted Resolved EC/243/14 That the proposed entry requirements be approved as set out in paper EC/14/94. EC/244/14 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH SCALE (EC/14/95) Noted Resolved EC/245/14 That the proposed entry requirements be approved as set out in paper EC/14/95. EC/246/14 PROPOSED CHANGES TO RULES OF ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTS: TAUGHT AND RESEARCH PROVISION (EC/14/96) Noted Resolved EC/247/14 That the changes to the Rules of Assessment for taught provision and progression requirements for research provision be approved and recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/14/96. 8 EC/248/14 STUDENT SURVEYS 2015 (EC/14/97) Noted EC/249/14 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Noted EC/250/14 Richard Stock Deputy Academic Registrar Secretary, Education Committee Academic Section 10 December 2014 9