Unapproved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE Wednesday 19 March 2014 2pm –4.15pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Jane Wright Present Dr Andrews, Ms Fisher, Dr Luther, Professor Main, Mr McAuliffe, Dr Micklewright, Professor Norval, Ms Padurariu, Dr Penman, Mr Potter, Professor Underwood Apologies Professor Fox O’Mahony, Ms Berntsen, Ms Houlihan, Professor Landman Secretary Mr Stock In attendance Ms Fletcher, Mrs Nixon BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated at the meeting EC/28/14 MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 12 FEBRUARY 2014 (EC/14/12) Approved EC/29/14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted It was agreed that minute EC/10/14 would be amended from: “Multivariate Chisquared analysis was noted as a possible appropriate method for presenting these data to the Committee” to “Multivariate or Chi-squared analysis was noted as a possible appropriate method for presenting these data to the Committee”. EC/30/14 REPORT ON CHAIR’S ACTION (EC/14/13) Noted EC/31/14 CHAIR’S ORAL REPORT Noted The Chair reported to the Committee on various developments: External Examiner Reports As part of the ongoing review and enhancement of the academic governance structures following the establishment of the revised Senate committee structure in August 2013, discussion had taken place regarding consideration 1 EC/32/14 of External Examiner reports. The Committee noted that, as the guardians of academic standards, the Committee needed to ensure appropriate oversight within the new structure. The Education Committee would receive a report at its meeting in June 2014 on the outcome of the institutional review of External Examiner reports, which would set out the key themes for consideration. National Student Survey (NSS) As part of the commitment to student feedback, the student experience and excellence in education, the Education Committee would receive a report on the outcome of the institutional review of the 2013 NSS outcomes at its meeting in June 2014. EC/33/14 Education Committee members were reminded of the importance of maximising response rates for the 2014 NSS, which was currently under way and would close on 30 April 2014. The Secretary would circulate the weblink to the response rate webpages to enable the Executive Deans and Deputy Deans (Education) to review response rates for their respective Faculties. EC/34/14 Review of the Senate Committee Structure Education Committee members noted that a report would be submitted to the July meeting of Senate with the outcome of a review of the operation of the new structure during 2013-14 with a view to making recommendations for enhancement. The Secretary had written to all Chairs and Secretaries of the Committees established under the revised structure requesting comments on how their respective Committees had operated. The focus was on the terms of reference, attendance and engagement and agenda development and management. The Secretary would write to all Education Committee members to ensure views were sought and there were opportunities for members to contribute to the review. EC/35/14 DRAFT EDUCATION STRATEGY (EC/14/14) Received A paper prepared by Professor Wright and Dr Richard Harrison (Head of Strategic Projects and Change) containing the latest version of the draft Education Strategy EC/36/14 Noted The Committee noted that the Strategy had been through a rigorous consultation process, which involved all members of the Education Committee. Members were asked to consider the latest version before recommending it to Senate for approval at its meeting on 23 April 2014. The Committee agreed minor changes, which would be reported to Dr Harrison, and agreed to recommend the Strategy to Senate. EC/37/14 Resolved That the draft Education Strategy, as set out in paper EC/14/14, be recommended to Senate for approval, subject to minor amendments. EC/38/14 REVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENTAL (PERSONAL) ADVISER SYSTEM (EC/14/15) Received A paper prepared by Rachel Fletcher (Director of Student Support) setting out the outcomes and recommendations resulting from the review of the Departmental (Personal) Adviser System, which had been implemented in 2012-13 following the approval by Senate in April 2012 of the Policy for Departmental Support. EC/39/14 Noted The Committee noted that the review outcomes had already been considered by Student Experience Committee and the Faculty Education Committees. Education Committee members were asked to consider the outcomes before EC/40/14 2 submitting the recommendations to Senate for approval at its meeting on 23 April 2014. During discussion, there was general support for the recommendations. The following issues were raised: Resolved There was discussion about support for postgraduate research (PGR) students and the work already under way regarding peer mentoring for research students. It was agreed that paragraph 4.9 would be expanded to include reference to support for PGR students. EC/41/14 The importance of ensuring individual and personalised contact for students by Personal Tutors was highlighted but it was agreed requiring one-to-one meetings was too prescriptive. The policy would be amended so that the responsibilities of the Personal Tutor included a reference to ‘individual or small group meetings’ rather than ‘individual or group meetings’. This would ensure the process remained manageable while safeguarding individual contact for students. EC/42/14 Early contact in the first term between the Personal Tutor and a student was highlighted as being important but the Committee noted that there were also other key points during the period of study where contact with the Personal Tutor played a positive role. EC/43/14 It was agreed that references to the ‘University Skills Centre’ should be replaced with ‘talent development programme’. EC/44/14 The Committee recommended that Rachel Fletcher be invited to attend Senate in April 2014 for the discussion relating to the Departmental (Personal) Adviser System. EC/45/14 That the proposals contained in paper EC/14/15 be recommended to Senate, subject to the amendments described above. EC/46/14 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY MONITORING (EC/14/16 AND EC/14/17) Received A paper prepared by Ray Lashley (Head of Planning and Performance Information) and Natasha Mooney (Planning and Information Officer), which provided further information relating to equality and diversity monitoring as requested by Education Committee at its meeting in February 2014. EC/47/14 Noted The report provided data on the characteristics of the overall student body by level and Academic Department; undergraduate student performance by Department and some protected characteristics; and student withdrawals by Department and some protected characteristics. EC/48/14 The Committee welcomed the provision of the data but noted that those relating to ethnicity against student achievement had not been included. It was agreed that the Committee would request these data to be provided for the Committee’s next meeting in June 2014. The Committee also noted that it would be useful to have access to admissions data relating to ethnicity, although this depended on data provided by UCAS. It was suggested that it may be worth approaching UCAS to ascertain if it would be possible for such data to be provided. EC/49/14 3 The Committee reiterated the decision at its meeting in February 2014 that data submitted in future in relation to equality and diversity monitoring should include analysis that identified significant trends for the Committee to discuss and explore further as appropriate. It was also agreed that Karen Bush (Equality and Diversity Manager) should be asked to prepare a short briefing on how other HE institutions considered equality and diversity matters. EC/50/14 Following the planned consideration of ethnicity data by Education Committee in June 2014, the Committee agreed that the data should be subsequently circulated to Departments via the Executive Deans. EC/51/14 In relation to the data presented in papers EC/14/16 and EC/14/17, the Committee raised the following points: There appeared to be no students having declared a disability in the International Academy. The Committee requested further clarification on this, specifically to explore why students may not be declaring a disability. EC/52/14 Clarification was sought about the data relating to withdrawals in the School of Biological Sciences, specifically confirmation that the increase in young student withdrawals from 67% to 90% related to the number of young student as a proportion of overall withdrawals in the School rising from 67% to 90% over the last five years. EC/53/14 The Committee requested clarification on the proportion of female students in the School of Law, which appeared quite low. EC/54/14 There appeared to be an error in paper S/14/17 (appendix 1, table 2) relating to admissions data. There were fewer total applications to study Economics (763) than the total number of rejections (1483). The Committee requested confirmation and the submission of the correct figures. EC/55/14 The Committee agreed overall that the purpose of considering the data was to identify trends to ensure barriers were removed. It would be inappropriate to recommend action without further and full investigation of any potential issues that were identified. EC/56/14 QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW (EC/14/18) Received A paper prepared by Claire Nixon (Deputy Academic Registrar, Academic Standards and Partnerships), which provided an update on preparations for the forthcoming Quality Assurance Agency Higher Education Review, which was due to take place in December 2014. EC/57/14 Noted Planning for the Review was now well under way, with the focus at this stage on the preparation of the Self-Evaluation Document (SED). It had been agreed by the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and University Steering Group that the thematic element of the University’s submission would be student employability. EC/58/14 4 REPORTS FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE SUB-COMMITTEES FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (HUMANITIES) (EC/14/19) Received A paper prepared by Mr Dan de Sousa (Education Manager, Humanities) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/59/14 Noted There was general discussion about the operation of the Faculty Education Committees (FEC), particularly the development of the agenda and the impact of broader institutional activity on the length of the agenda and the operation of the terms of reference. It was reiterated that the Executive Deans, as the FEC Chairs, should ensure ownership the agenda, working with Professional Services colleagues as appropriate, managing the balance between institutional priorities, Faculty priorities and the fulfilment of the FEC terms of reference. This issue would be addressed as part of the review of the new Senate Committee structure. EC/60/14 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SCIENCE AND HEALTH) (EC/14/20) Received A paper prepared by Ms Kirstie Sceats (Education Manager, Science and Health) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/61/14 Noted Under the revised Senate committee structure, positive engagement from Heads of Department was reported in relation to the work of the FEC. EC/62/14 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) (EC/14/21) Received A paper prepared by Ms Heather Tracey (Education Manager, Social Sciences) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/63/14 Noted The Committee noted the importance of reducing the duplication of effort in relation to the reporting from the FEC to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and the Education Committee. It was acknowledged that the reporting between these committees was required for different reasons depending on the terms of reference. The Secretary would work with the secretaries of the relevant committees to ensure duplication was minimised. EC/64/14 PARTNERSHIPS EDUCATION COMMITTEE (EC/14/22) Noted EC/65/14 ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (EC/14/23) Received A paper prepared by Mrs Claire Nixon providing the standard termly report from Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/66/14 Noted The Committee discussed the proposed arrangements for chairing Periodic Review Panels. It was confirmed that the Executive Dean should chair all Periodic Reviews for their respective Faculties, except where the Review related to their own Department. Under these circumstances, another Executive Dean would be required to chair. This approach was not required for EC/67/14 5 Deputy Deans (Education), who would be members of the Periodic Review Panels for their respective Faculties, regardless of the Department. Resolved That the proposed amendments to Periodic Review Procedure, as set out in paper EC/14/23, Appendix A, be approved. EC/68/14 STUDENT EXPERIENCE COMMITTEE (EC/14/24) Noted EC/69/14 UNIVERSITY CAMPUS SUFFOLK JOINT ACADEMIC COMMITTEE (EC/14/25) Noted EC/70/14 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE RULES OF ASSESSMENT (EC/14/26) Received A paper prepared by Mrs Deanna Walker (Senior Education Manager, Registry) setting out proposed changes to the Rules of Assessment and a request for the Education Committee’s view in relation to the late submission of coursework policy. EC/71/14 Noted The Committee noted that Professor Wright would be asked to take Chair’s action on behalf of the Committee in relation to variations to the Rules of Assessment for programmes in East 15 Acting School for the current academic year to ensure the changes could be submitted to Senate on time. EC/72/14 There was discussion about the operation of the University’s Late Submission of Coursework Policy, specifically whether there was a need to address the practice whereby some students submitted partially completed coursework on time but with extenuating circumstances, which enabled a final version to be submitted later. The need for consistency in the application of the policy was reiterated and it was agreed that further consideration should be given to the matter by appropriate University staff, including student representation, and a recommendation should be made to Education Committee in due course. EC/73/14 That (i) the proposals contained in paper EC/14/26 be recommended to Senate for approval; and (ii) the issue relating to the operation of the Late Submission of Coursework Policy on page 121 of paper EC/14/26 be given further consideration and that a recommendation be submitted to the meeting of the Education Committee on 18 June 2014. EC/74/14 Resolved CHAIRS OF BOARDS OF EXAMINERS FOR 2013-14 (EC/14/27) Received A paper prepared by Stephen McAuliffe (Academic Registrar) setting out proposals to increase the capacity around the chairing of Boards of Examiners for 2013-14 onwards. EC/75/14 Noted Following the changes in the management structure with effect from 2013-14, the Committee noted that it would not be possible for the three Deputy Deans (Education) to chair all the Boards of Examiners. It was proposed that a Faculty Chief Examiner be appointed for three year terms for each Faculty to support the Deputy Deans (Education) by chairing designated Boards of Examiners for undergraduate and taught postgraduate and modular students for their Faculty and on occasion for other Faculties. EC/76/14 6 Resolved It was proposed that the appointment of the Chief Examiner would be part of transitional arrangements, with a view to moving towards identifying further areas of expertise within Departments to support Boards of Examiners and the aim that most Departments would chair their own Boards by 2015-16. EC/77/14 Members were supportive of the proposal to appoint the Chief Examiners to support the Deputy Deans (Education) in chairing the Boards of Examiners but agreed that four rather than three should be appointed, they should work across all three Faculties as appropriate and the title should be changed to Faculty Examination Officer. EC/78/14 Concern was expressed about the longer term proposal to move responsibility for the chairing of Boards to Departments by 2015-16. Members agreed it was important to ensure consistency in the approach and other options should be explored in relation to the longer term arrangements. EC/79/14 That the Education Committee recommends to Senate that (i) four Faculty Examination Officers be appointed for a fixed term of three years to chair Boards of Examiners across all three faculties, with effect from 2013-14; and (ii) work be undertaken during 2014-15 to consider how the University can best manage the work of the Boards of Examiners over the longer term, with recommendations submitted to Senate via Education Committee as appropriate. EC/80/14 PROPOSED CHANGES TO ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR PRE-MASTERS GRADUATE DIPLOMA COURSES (EC/14/28) Received A paper prepared by Dr Nilufer Demirkan-Jones (Graduate Diploma Course Director, International Academy) requesting approval for changes to the academic entry requirements for pre-masters Graduate Diploma Courses. EC/81/14 Resolved That the changes to the entry requirements as set out in paper EC/14/28 be approved (i) subject to ongoing and regular review; and (ii) on the basis that it related to minimum entry requirements. EC/82/14 HEFCE POSTGRADUATE SUPPORT SCHEME (EC/14/29) Noted EC/83/14 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None EC/84/14 Richard Stock, Deputy Academic Registrar Secretary, Education Committee Academic Section 19 March 2014 7