Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE Wednesday 12 February 2014 2pm –3.30pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Jane Wright Present Dr Andrews, Ms Berntsen, Ms Fisher, Dr Luther, Professor Main, Mr McAuliffe, Dr Micklewright, Ms Padurariu, Mr Potter, Professor Underwood Apologies Professor Fox O’Mahony, Ms Houlihan, Professor Landman, Professor Norval, Dr Penman Secretary Mr Stock In attendance Ms Earle, Ms Fletcher, Mrs Nixon BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated at the meeting EC/01/14 MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 18 DECEMBER 2013 (EC/14/01) Approved EC/02/14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted The Committee noted that the work in relation to the University’s assessment strategy to develop a set of principles for implementation at Essex regarding module level assessment had started. Proposals would be submitted to the Education Committee before the end of the 2013-14 academic year. EC/03/14 REPORT ON CHAIR’S ACTION (EC/14/02) Noted EC/04/14 PLACEMENT AND WORK-BASED LEARNING Noted Professor Wright reported that work was under way to ensure the regulatory frameworks were in place to support the effective development of placement and work-based learning. It was noted that the Director of Employability was co-ordinating this work, working closely with Faculties and Departments and that Senate and its sub-committees would maintain oversight in accordance with the terms of reference and standard quality assurance processes. 1 EC/05/14 EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2013-14: PROGRESS REPORT(EC/14/03) Received An updated version of the Education Action Plan 2013-14, which included detail on progress to date and timescales for the delivery of each item in the Plan. EC/06/14 Noted There was discussion about the planned undergraduate Curriculum Review and the extent to which the review would be phased or implemented across all courses at the same time. The Committee noted that the review would begin following the approval of the Education Strategy, the final version of which would be submitted to Senate in April 2014. It was expected that Departments would then start the review work during the summer term with a view to completion in February 2015 to enable the new curricula to be taught from 2015-16 onwards, noting the need to ensure effective scrutiny and alignment with the administrative processes that supported implementation. It was also noted that the most significant aspect of the review would be the introduction of the research project, which was envisaged to be a ‘capstone’ piece of work, the skills for which would be developed over the whole period of study. On this basis, it was expected that the new curricula would be available to new students registering in 2015-16. The Committee agreed that flexibility would be required where appropriate to reduce duplication of effort when undertaking the Curriculum Review, specifically within the context of Periodic Review where it may be unnecessary to review a course that would be subject to Periodic Review the following year. EC/07/14 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY ANALYSIS (EC/14/04) Received A discussion paper prepared by the Secretary to enable the Education Committee to agree how it wishes to discharge its responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity. The paper set out proposals on a way forward and raised a set of questions for the Committee to consider. EC/08/14 Noted The Committee noted that the establishment of the Education Committee with a clear remit for matters relating to equality and diversity was an opportunity to improve on previous practice in this area and to agree a new way forward that focused on the institutional commitment to excellence in education and the need to ensure effective and meaningful scrutiny by the most appropriate members of the University. EC/09/14 The Committee agreed that proper statistical analysis was required to enable the identification of statistically significant trends and issues, which could then be explored further as appropriate. Multivariate or Chi-squared analysis was noted as a possible appropriate method for presenting these data to the Committee. EC/10/14 It was agreed that the Committee’s role was to ensure that there were no barriers to students being accepted to study at the University or to achieving their full potential during their studies. The important links were noted between the consideration of equality and diversity-related data and student retention and success, curriculum development and the preparation of assessment strategies. In particular, there was a need for there to be as broad a range of assessment as possible to ensure no student was disadvantaged or favoured because of their background. EC/11/14 2 Resolved Committee members noted that Departments needed to be resourced properly to ensure action could be taken to address issues identified by the analysis of data relating to equality and diversity. Raising staff awareness of equality and diversity generally was also acknowledged as an important part of the University’s work to remove barriers. EC/12/14 (1) That, at its first spring term meeting each year, the Education Committee should consider equality and diversity data and analysis to enable the Committee to (i) request further information from Departments on any trends identified; (ii) consider departmental responses at the following meeting of the Committee with a view to the Committee making recommendations as appropriate to Executive Deans for action, (iii) request that Departments consider any trends and issues identified by the Committee as part of the subsequent autumn term planning round, with a view to agreeing any required action and then report on progress to the Education Committee as appropriate; and (iv) agree and make recommendations to Senate as appropriate about institutional level changes relating to Education policy and strategy. EC/13/14 (2) That the initial data considered by the Education Committee each year should be presented at departmental level along with statistical analysis and should cover: EC/14/14 the characteristics of the overall student body to enable comparison undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students, broken down by these categories data on student progression, student achievement, destination of leavers and student withdrawals, broken down by all protected characteristics for which data are collected in relation to admissions, accepted and rejected applicants by all protected characteristics for which data are collected (3) That, for consideration of data relating to the 2012-13 academic year, the Education Committee should request to receive as far as possible within the timescale, departmental data as described above for consideration at the March 2014 meeting. EC/15/14 (4) That Learning and Development should note the links between analysis of equality and diversity data, curriculum development and the preparation of assessment strategies and should prepare appropriate advice for Departments, which would inform the review of assessment that takes place pursuant to the forthcoming curriculum review. EC/16/14 (5) That the Committee should receive an update at its June 2014 meeting in relation to the actions agreed following the consideration by Senate in April 2012 of the paper on Undergraduate Student Retention, Progression and Success. EC/17/14 REPORTS FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE SUB-COMMITTEES ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (EC/14/05) Noted EC/18/14 PARTNERSHIPS EDUCATION COMMITTEE (EC/14/06) Noted EC/19/14 3 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE RULES OF ASSESSMENT (EC/14/07) Noted EC/20/14 FACULTY REVIEW OF MODULES WITH LOW ENROLMENT NUMBERS (EC/14/08) Noted EC/21/14 STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY ACTION PLAN: STUDENTS’ UNION (EC/14/09) Noted EC/22/14 REVISED TEACHING AND LEARNING INNOVATION FUND (TALIF) MODEL (EC/14/10) Noted The Committee agreed that it was important to ensure that the proposed revised model did not limit the staff available to consider applications and agreed revised wording to reflect this aspect. EC/23/14 Resolved That the wording of the proposed revised TALIF model be amended as follows: EC/24/14 It is proposed that we adopt a system of assessment similar to that used successfully to evaluate CADENZA applications for professional recognition. In other words, TALIF applications are sent to two assessors/readers (normally former TALIF holders), who write a short report/fill out a short form which information is then collated by Learning and Development in preparation for a panel meeting of the three Deputy Deans (Education) or nominee and the TALIF co-ordinator from Learning and Development. This panel will then send forward notification of awards to the Education Committee. REVIEW OF STUDENT ASSESSMENT OF MODULES AND TEACHING: TERMS OF REFERENCE (EC/14/11) Noted The Committee discussed the membership of the proposed Task and Finish Group, which would be chaired by Professor Roderick Main (Deputy Dean (Education), Social Sciences). It was agreed that, as the focus of the Group’s work was related to quality assurance matters, it was not necessary to include a member of the Human Resources team in the membership. Relevant staff could be co-opted if necessary. The Committee noted that a member of the University and Colleges Union (UCU) had also been asked to join the Group. EC/25/14 Resolved That the membership be approved as set out in paper EC/14/11 and, in addition, should include a member of UCU. EC/26/14 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None EC/27/14 Richard Stock, Deputy Academic Registrar Secretary, Education Committee Academic Section 12 February 2014 4