Unapproved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE Wednesday 18 December 2013 2pm – 4.40pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Jane Wright Present Professor Fox O’Mahony, Mr Johnson, Dr Jones, Professor Landman, Dr Luther, Dr Micklewright, Professor Norval, Dr Penman, Mr Potter, Professor Underwood Apologies Dr Andrews, Ms Fisher, Ms Houlihan, Mr McAuliffe, Ms Padurariu Secretary Mr Stock In attendance Ms Clifton-Sprigg, Dr Lashley, Dr Robinson, Mr Stevenson, Mr Williams STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted Items in Section A of the agenda relating to Education Strategy and Policy were starred automatically for discussion. EC/13/34 Item 15(e), Report from the Academic Standards and Quality Committee, was also starred in addition to those items already starred for discussion on the agenda. EC/13/35 BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated at the meeting EC/13/36 MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 16 OCTOBER 2013 (EC/13/11) Approved EC/13/37 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted EC/13/38 REPORT ON CHAIR’S ACTION Noted EC/13/39 1 EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2013-14: PROGRESS REPORT(EC/13/13) Noted Professor Wright reported on the various activities under way to implement the items contained in the Action Plan for the 2013-14 academic year. The Committee welcomed the progress made and agreed that a revised version of the Action Plan would be considered at its February meeting, which would include details on timescales and expected delivery dates. EC/13/40 REVIEW OF ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK STRATEGIES (EC/13/14) Received A paper prepared by Dr Joanne Andrews (Head of Learning & Development) to initiate discussion in support of the review of assessment and feedback and to seek feedback from Education Committee on the supporting frameworks set out in the paper, which could be developed for potential use at Essex. EC/13/41 Noted Introducing the paper on behalf of Dr Andrews, Dr Maxwell Stevenson (Learning & Development Adviser) stated that the work to develop the paper had considered practice elsewhere in the HE sector. There were three main aspects covered: assessment at module level, course or programme level review (using the TESTA methodology) and the development of a Universitywide statement about its overall assessment framework. EC/13/42 During discussion, Committee members expressed strong support for the paper and the ideas it presented. The following issues were covered: Resolved It was suggested that much of what was proposed was likely to be happening already but may not be described as such, although it was reiterated that ensuring that the ideas set out the paper led to the creation of a strategy to support learning rather than facilitating a mapping exercise of existing practice was important. EC/13/43 It was acknowledged that not all the Nicol principles contained in the paper would be desirable or appropriate for Essex, specifically in relation to permitting student choice around the topics, methods, criteria, weighting and/or timing of learning and assessment tasks. EC/13/44 There was discussion about the role of formative assessment, particularly in preparing the groundwork for success in summative assessment. The Committee also noted the need to monitor the overall assessment load to ensure it was not creating barriers to student achievement and success, perhaps by undertaking a review of assessment by credit weighting and ensuring that, where new elements of formative assessment were introduced, they replaced summative assessment to ensure the overall load was not too great. EC/13/45 It was reported that the feedback from the Faculty Education Committees had been very positive, although questions had been raised about next steps and the timescale for implementation. EC/13/46 That the Committee should recommend to Senate that Departments be required to ensure that all assessment criteria were communicated clearly to students so that they are able to understand expectations in relation to assessment tasks. EC/13/47 That Dr Andrews work with relevant colleagues to consider and agree a set of principles for implementation at Essex in relation to module level assessment for submission to the Education Committee before the end of the 2013-14 EC/13/48 2 academic year. That the TESTA methodology be approved as the standard method for reviewing assessment at programme level and should be used to inform the planned curriculum review. EC/13/49 That, once the principles for module level assessment were agreed, work would be undertaken to develop a University-wide statement about the overall assessment framework. EC/13/50 OPERATION OF UNDERGRADUATE EXAMINATION BOARDS AND THE RULES OF ASSESSMENT (EC/13/15) Received A paper prepared by Deanna Walker (Senior Education Manager, Academic Section), which set out the way in which the Rules of Assessment operated and the process by which marks and results were confirmed by Boards of Examiners. EC/13/51 Noted The Committee noted that the paper sought to address some of the queries raised in the summer of 2013 in relation to students who narrowly missed achieving a higher class of degree and considered the proposal for the University to re-introduce a system whereby staff would be required to review the status of x9 module aggregate marks. It was reiterated that, if approved, it would be the performance in the module only that would be considered and any final mark would reflect the standard attained in the module concerned and would not be altered change the overall degree class. The Committee was generally supportive of the proposal, noting the potential for additional work to ensure that all marks were considered ahead of the main Board of Examiners meetings. EC/13/52 Resolved That the proposal set out in paper EC/13/16 be approved and recommended to Senate for approval, to come into effect for the 2013-14 Boards of Examiners meetings. EC/13/53 ACTION PLAN TO IMPROVE POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENT COMPLETION AND AWARD RATES (EC/13/16) Received A paper prepared by Professor Aletta Norval (Dean of the Graduate School) providing an updated version of the action plan to improve postgraduate research student completion and award rates and associated proposals. EC/13/54 Noted Following consideration of the action plan by the Education Committee in October 2013 and subsequent consideration by the Faculty Education Committee in December 2013, members were supportive of the latest version, which would be submitted to Senate in January 2014. EC/13/55 During discussion, the Committee agreed that paragraph 3.2 relating to supervisor training would be amended to ensure it was clear that the offer of online training was only one element of a broader package of training activities for supervisors. It was also agreed that paragraph 2.5 would be amended to remove the following sentence: “Notwithstanding this, students who are ready for confirmation at an earlier date will be allowed to be confirmed earlier.” It was also clarified that students in the Faculty of Science and Health would normally be confirmed at the end of the first, not second, term of Year 2. EC/13/56 3 Resolved That the proposals and action plan set out in paper EC/13/16 be recommended to Senate for approval, subject to the minor changes described above. EC/13/57 TASK AND FINISH GROUP ON THE FUTURE OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND RESEARCH STUDENT PROVISION (EC/13/17) Received A paper prepared by Professor Aletta Norval (Dean of the Graduate School), which provided a summary of the issues considered by the Task and Finish Group and set out recommendations for the future of the Graduate School and provision of support for research students. EC/13/58 Noted During discussion, Committee members were very supportive of the proposals. It was noted that the mainstreaming of postgraduate research student progression casework would impact on the workload of the Deputy Deans (Education). EC/13/59 Resolved That the proposals set out in paper EC/13/17 be recommended to Senate for approval. EC/13/60 MONITORING OF STUDENT PROGRESS AND ATTENDANCE (EC/13/18) Received A paper prepared by Ms Wendy Clifton-Sprigg (Deputy Academic Registrar and Secretary, Attendance Monitoring Steering Group), which set out proposed changes to the University’s Progress Procedures and to related policy and practice on student attendance. EC/13/61 Noted Leading the discussion, Dr Tracy Robinson (Chair, Attendance Monitoring Steering Group) summarised the changes, which were scheduled for introduction from 2014-15 onwards, and welcomed the support of the Students’ Union. Dr Robinson highlighted the proposals for earlier intervention in relation to non-attendance by students and the removal of the two census points with a view to monitoring of all teaching events in all terms. EC/13/62 During discussion, the Committee was supportive of the proposed changes. Members noted the potential for an increase in the workload of the Deputy Deans (Education), although it was hoped that earlier intervention at departmental level would prevent an increase in cases referred to the Deputy Deans. It was agreed that data should be collected on referrals to ensure the impact on workload could be monitored. The Committee also agreed that, before submission to Senate, the wording in recommendation 2 regarding the definition of unsatisfactory attendance should be clarified. EC/13/63 That the proposals set out in paper EC/13/18 be recommended to Senate for approval, subject to the amendments in relation to recommendation 2. EC/13/64 Resolved ESSEX SPORT SUB-STRATEGY: 2013-14 ACTION PLAN (EC/13/19) Received Following approval of the Essex Sport Sub-strategy by Senate in July 2013, a paper prepared by Peter Church (Director of Campus Services) and David Williams (Director of Sport), which provided the Action Plan for 2013-14 and identified how the objectives would be delivered in the current academic year. EC/13/65 Noted Committee members expressed support for the action plan, noting that it was part of a broader agenda to support extra-curricular activity by students. It was noted that, in future years, the annual action plans would be developed for EC/13/66 4 approval in the summer terms preceding each academic year. There was discussion about the role of the Student Experience Committee and it was agreed that, as a sub-committee of Education Committee with a remit to maintain oversight of policy in support of the extra-curricular elements of the student experience, it should consider the annual action plans in future before submission to Education Committee for approval. Resolved That the action plan set out in paper EC/13/19 be approved. EC/13/67 That, in future years, in line with its published terms of reference regarding cocurricular and extra-curricular activities, the Student Experience Committee should consider the Action Plan and make recommendations to Education Committee as appropriate. EC/13/68 STUDENT PERFORMANCE: COHORT ANALYSIS BY TARIFF BANDS (EC/13/20) Received A paper prepared by Dr Ray Lashley (Head of Planning and Performance Information), which presented student completion and degree performance data broken down by tariff bands. EC/13/69 Noted Introducing the paper, Dr Lashley highlighted the clear link between a high tariff score and better performance but noted that there were several counter examples to demonstrate that good student performance was not solely determined by tariff. The Committee discussed the relationship between lower performance and international students and the fact that non-home students from the European Union (EU) often outperformed non-EU students. EC/13/70 The Committee agreed that the work being undertaken by the University Skills Centre to review the existing academic support arrangements should be guided by the data contained in the report. The Committee also noted work that was already under way to establish support for students, for whom English was not their first language, e.g. online initiatives relating to maths and English. It was acknowledged that cultural as well as language barriers needed to be addressed to ensure that students who had not been through the UK education system were not disadvantaged by the University’s approach to education and assessment. EC/13/71 That the work being undertaken to review academic skills support should take into account the data provided in paper EC/13/20, with an important focus on students who had not been educated in the UK system before undertaking study at the University. EC/13/72 Resolved DRAFT EDUCATION STRATEGY (EC/13/21) Received A paper prepared by Professor Jane Wright and Dr Richard Harrison (Head of Strategic Projects and Change) setting out the draft Education Strategy, which had been developed by a Task and Finish Group chaired by Professor Wright, and which included senior academic and Professional Services representation. EC/13/73 Noted Committee members were generally very positive about the latest draft of the Strategy and welcomed the changes that had been incorporated following recent consideration by the Faculty Education Committees. There was strong support from the Students’ Union. EC/13/74 The majority of the discussion focused on the proposal for all honours and masters courses to include a requirement for students to undertake a EC/13/75 5 “significant research project relevant to the discipline(s) they are studying”. The Committee agreed that the inclusion of the project was part of the University’s commitment to research-led education and that it should be a capstone in the final year of study. It was acknowledged though that the term ‘project’ had different meanings in different contexts and may cause confusion. Further thought was required to ensure the Strategy defined properly the principal aim of the proposal, which was to require students to undertake a significant piece of research work. The Committee agreed that definitions of terminology would be a useful way to make clear the intentions of the strategy, specifically in relation to the terms ‘research’ and ‘project’, the former to ensure understanding around the type of the research activity students would be expected to do, and the latter to clarify the meaning of ‘project’ within the context of the Strategy and its aims. It was agreed that any definition should make it clear that the project should be implemented in a way that was appropriate to the discipline. The importance of ensuring the Strategy encompassed all levels of study was also acknowledged. It was confirmed that the Strategy would apply to all University of Essex degrees and should not be restricted by any single learning environment. EC/13/76 It was confirmed that a finalised draft would be considered by the University Steering Group and Senate in January 2014, taking into account the views of the Education Committee, followed by a University-wide consultation process during the Spring Term 2014 and consideration by Senate for final approval in April 2014. EC/13/77 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (HUMANITIES) (EC/13/22) Received A paper prepared by Mr Dan de Sousa (Education Manager, Humanities) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/13/78 Noted The Committee noted the information provided in relation to the annual review of courses. EC/13/79 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SCIENCE AND HEALTH) (EC/13/23) Received A paper prepared by Ms Kirstie Sceats (Education Manager, Science and Health) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/13/80 Noted The Committee discussed the information provided in relation to the annual review of courses. The good practice regarding study abroad tutors in the School of Biological Sciences was highlighted. EC/13/81 FACULTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) (EC/13/24) Received A paper prepared by Ms Heather Tracey (Education Manager, Social Sciences) providing the standard termly report from Faculty Education Committee on the Committee’s discussion and activities. EC/13/82 Noted The Committee discussed the information provided in relation to the annual review of courses. The anomaly regarding the max rule in the Department of Economics was noted and would be discussed at the forthcoming Periodic Review scheduled for the Spring Term 2014. EC/13/83 6 PARTNERSHIPS EDUCATION COMMITTEE (EC/13/25) Noted EC/13/84 ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (EC/13/26) Noted Dr Penman clarified that there were two separate issues in relation to the approval of Sports Therapy. Approval of the Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditation was still outstanding, as noted in paper EC/13/26, but the proposed assessment for a number of modules was likely to require a variation to the Rules of Assessment, which was not directly related to the PSRB accreditation. EC/13/85 Resolved That the proposals set out in paper EC/13/26 be recommended to Senate for approval. EC/13/86 That the membership of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee be amended and recommended for approval by Senate as below: Mr Richard Harrison (Head of Strategic Projects and Change) be appointed as a co-opted member, as a member of staff with experience of the Quality Assurance Agency, in accordance with the Committee’s approved membership structure. Mr Paul Abernethy (Impact and Engagement Manager, Students’ Union) be appointed as a co-opted member, in order to provide continuity and support for the Students’ Union Vice-President (Education). EC/13/87 EC/13/88 STUDENT EXPERIENCE COMMITTEE (EC/13/27) Resolved That the proposals set out in paper EC/13/27 be approved. EC/13/89 UNIVERSITY CAMPUS SUFFOLK JOINT ACADEMIC COMMITTEE (EC/13/28) Resolved That the proposals set out in paper EC/13/28 be recommended to Senate for approval. EC/13/90 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STUDENT SATISFACTION ACTION PLAN (EC/13/29) Noted EC/13/91 STUDENTS’ UNION STUDENT SATISFACTION ACTION PLAN (EC/13/30) Noted The paper would be submitted to the February meeting of Education Committee EC/13/92 STUDENT SURVEYS 2014 (EC/13/31) EC/13/93 Noted Richard Stock, Deputy Academic Registrar Secretary, Education Committee Academic Section 7 18 December 2013 8