Unapproved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE Wednesday 16 October 2013 2pm - 4.15pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Jane Wright Present Dr Andrews, Ms Bernsten, Professor Fox O’Mahony, Ms Houlihan, Dr Jones, Professor Landman (from 3pm), Dr Luther, Mr McAuliffe, Dr Micklewright, Professor Norval, Ms Padurariu, Dr Penman, Mr Potter Apologies Ms Fisher, Mr Johnson, Professor Underwood Secretary Mr Stock In attendance Mrs Nixon STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted Items in Section A of the agenda relating to Education Strategy and Policy are starred automatically for discussion. The following additional items were starred for discussion: Committees reporting to the Education Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference (item 5) Art History IELTS Change for Postgraduate Taught Provision (item 14) EC/13/01 EC/13/02 Resolved That, for all future meetings, requests for additional items to be starred for discussion either in the General Business and Academic Business (Section B) Sections of the agenda must be sent to the secretary by midday on the day before the day of the meeting. This approach was in line with Senate and members agreed that it would ensure that any additional information required to facilitate the discussion could be made available and, where necessary, authors of the papers linked to newly starred items could be invited to attend. EC/13/03 BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated at the meeting 1 EC/13/04 EDUCATION COMMITTEE – MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE (EC/13/01) Noted EC/13/05 COMMITTEES REPORTING TO THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE – MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE (EC/13/02) Received A paper prepared by the secretary setting out the membership and terms of reference of the Committees reporting to the Education Committee. EC/13/06 Noted Professor Wright provided the background to the establishment of the Education Committee, which was as a result of the recommendations from the Working Party on the Review of the Effectiveness of Senate in relation to the University’s academic decision-making structures, which had created a new Senate Committee structure. The Education Committee was a major subcommittee of Senate and would be undertaking important and hard work to develop and monitor implementation of the Education Strategy. It was noted that the new structure was genuinely new with significant new features and fresh membership and terms of reference and was not simply a renaming of previous Committees. In particular, it was noted that the Executive Deans would chair the new Faculty Education Committees and Heads of Department would be members. EC/13/07 EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2013-14 (EC/13/03) Noted Professor Wright stated that the Education Action Plan for 2013-14, which had been approved by Senate in June 2013, provided a set of actions for initiation and implementation during the 2013-14 academic year. It was stressed that delivery would be undertaken in partnership across the institution between Faculties, Departments and the Professional Services. Discussions were already under way with colleagues in the Academic Section, Learning & Development and the Strategic Planning and Change Section regarding the timescales and next steps for delivery. EC/13/08 During discussion, the following was noted: Two papers were being prepared for consideration by the Faculty Education Committees and then Education Committee during the Autumn term 2013 in relation to assessment: (i) the principles of good assessment design (Dr Andrews), and (ii) the Rules of Assessment and the processes through which the examination grids were produced, particularly within the context of borderline degree marks and approaches to marking (Mr McAuliffe). EC/13/09 Work was being undertaken to assess practice in relation to the new student adviser arrangements following the approval by Senate in April 2012 of a new policy in this area. EC/13/10 Consideration had already started in relation to the items in the action plan regarding the review of Student Assessment of Modules and Teaching (SAMT) and the plans for a new student experience survey to replace the existing Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS). It was noted that the SSS would run as normal in 2014 with the new survey expected to be run from 2014-15 onwards. Members noted that the timing of the new survey in the academic year would be crucial to EC/13/11 2 ensure that survey feedback could be acted upon in a way that enabled any changes implemented in response to the survey to benefit the students who had participated and provided the original feedback. It was agreed that the new survey should ensure feedback was sought from postgraduate research students. EARLY ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE AGAINST STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (EC/13/04) Received A paper prepared by Dr Sonia Virdee (Director, Strategic Planning and Change) and Dr Ray Lashley (Head of Planning), which provided an early overview and assessment of the University’s performance against the Education-related Key Performance Indicators set out in the Strategic Plan. EC/13/12 Noted While welcoming the University’s strong performance in overall student satisfaction, members expressed caution in relation to some areas, particularly learning resources, personal development, teaching and assessment and feedback where the rankings were lower. It was noted that further work was needed to ensure students were familiar with and understood the terms used in the survey, for example, the definition of learning resources did not focus solely on IT facilities but encompassed the full range of resources available to support learning. It was also acknowledged that the learning resources ranking covered resources available across the University’s three campuses where the planned investment through the establishment of The Forum in Southend and improvements in Loughton would not yet have had an impact. Members noted that the University was also committing substantial resources to personal development through the implementation of the Employability Strategy and that the review of the student adviser system (included in the Education Action Plan 2013-14) was timely. EC/13/13 The University’s commitment to the maximisation of student benefit being at the heart of its core mission was reiterated. The role the Education Committee would play in ensuring that the issues arising from the survey outcomes were addressed properly to meet this commitment was underlined, particularly through the new planning process and reporting to Faculty Education Committees, as well as integration through the development of the Education Strategy. EC/13/14 Members expressed concern about the drop in the overall graduate prospects ranking from 92nd to 113th but welcomed the increase in graduate employment, noting that the decline in performance was attributed to a fall in students continuing on to postgraduate study. Discussion focused on work that could be done to support the uptake of postgraduate study and preparing undergraduate students for further study. Ideas included identifying potential students at the end of level 5 with a view to supporting them to achieve the required 2.1 to enable postgraduate study, particularly where the overall year mark at that stage was just below 60. There was discussion about the impact of small cohorts at postgraduate level on the student experience, where, in some cases, there were as few as one or two students enrolled on a programme of study. It was recommended that the work already started to consider small cohorts was continued to ensure it covered postgraduate courses in order to maximise the most attractive and positive student experience for those wishing to undertake further study at postgraduate level. EC/13/15 It was noted that the University's performance on good degrees correlated strongly with Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) outcomes EC/13/16 3 and that the data for the 2012-13 leavers indicated a significant improvement, which should have an impact in the forthcoming survey. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAMME (EC/13/05) Received A paper prepared by Dr Jo Andrews (Head of Learning & Development) setting out details of the new Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) scheme, which would be available to students from November 2013. EC/13/17 Noted Dr Andrews stated that the new scheme had been proposed as part of the overall work to embed research-led education. It was envisaged that the programme’s impact would be limited initially but was expected to grow over time. Ten bursaries would be available for each Faculty and a light touch application process had been developed. Executive Deans would decide how the bursaries would be allocated within each Faculty. EC/13/18 During subsequent discussion, members noted that the programme would be available in 2013-14 to undergraduate students in the middle year(s) of study who achieved a year mark of 60 or above. This threshold had been set deliberately to safeguard the quality and credibility of the programme. It was noted that the programme was designed to reward excellence and that Departments and Schools were free to undertake their own local programmes if they wished to proceed with different eligibility criteria. It was agreed that the 60 year mark threshold should be retained but that inclusion of the word ‘normally’ would enable flexibility where required. It was also suggested that, once the programme was established, it may be sensible to review the criteria in order to ensure these kinds of opportunities were available more widely as the programme grew in the future. EC/13/19 ACTION PLAN TO IMPROVE POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENT COMPLETION AND AWARD RATES (EC/13/06) Received A paper prepared by Professor Aletta Norval (Dean of the Graduate School) providing progress in relation to plans to improve postgraduate research student completion and award rates. EC/13/20 Noted Members noted that, although completion rates were excellent in relation to Research Council funded students due to stricter rules, around 25% of postgraduate research students currently withdrew each year without completing their award. EC/13/21 Led by Professor Norval, members discussed each item of the action plan. During discussion the following was noted and agreed: Although the University Steering Group had approved some elements of the action plan, other areas required approval by Senate. EC/13/22 Compulsory training for all supervisors would be introduced. It was also suggested that there should be training introduced for Chairs of Supervisory Boards. EC/13/23 Regarding the options for revising the arrangements for confirming postgraduate students, members agreed with the general principle that early confirmation should be sought but there was concern expressed about introducing the changes without considering the full impact. It was agreed that analysis would be undertaken of practice in other EC/13/23 4 institutions alongside further reflection on the impact of introducing the change at Essex. It was noted that there were particular implications for the Faculty of Science and Health. An additional column would be added to the table in the action plan to allow deadlines for each action to be included. EC/13/24 The revised action plan would be considered by Faculty Education Committees on 4 December 2013 and the Education Committee on 18 December 2013 with a view to submission to Senate for approval in January 2014 in relation to those areas that fell within Senate’s remit. EC/13/25 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATION STRATEGY Noted Professor Wright stated that the Education Committee would play a key role in developing the new Education Strategy and confirmed the arrangements for the away day scheduled for 23 October 2013 for Committee members to discuss the Strategy. A small Task and Finish Group had already started developing the key themes, which had been discussed at the recent University Steering Group away day. Documentation would be circulated to the members before the away day. EC/13/26 Members noted that the draft Strategy would be considered by the Education Committee in December 2013 and Senate in January 2014 before being subject to consultation across the University during the Spring term 2014. The final version would be submitted to Senate for approval in April 2014. EC/13/27 QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW (EC/13/07) Noted EC/13/28 REPORT FROM THE ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE (EC/13/08) Noted EC/13/29 VARIATIONS TO RULES OF ASSESSMENT (EC/13/09) Resolved That the proposed variations to the Rules of Assessment in relation to the MA Psychodynamic Counselling and the BA Sociology with Social Anthropology be recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/13/09. EC/13/30 ART HISTORY IELTS CHANGE FOR POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT PROVISION (EC/13/10) Received A paper from the School of Philosophy and Art History requesting approval for a change to the IELTS requirements for Art History postgraduate taught provision. EC/13/31 Noted There was discussion about the reasons for lowering the IELTS requirements. Members noted that the current requirements were not justified in comparison to those in place at other, well-respected institutions and may prevent wellqualified applicants from applying to study at Essex. It was envisaged that the change would support an improvement in the recruitment position but was EC/13/32 5 subject to monitoring of student performance and review for the 2015-16 recruitment cycle. Resolved That the proposed the changes to the Art History postgraduate taught IELTS requirement for 2014-15 entry be recommended to Senate as set out in paper EC/13/10. Richard Stock Deputy Academic Registrar Secretary, Education Committee Academic Section 16 October 2013 6 EC/13/33