Pakistan Studies 12 Class OBJECTIVE

Pakistan Studies 12th Class
Short Questions and Answers
1. Who was the first president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan?
Answer: The first president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was skandar Mirza.
2. Of which organization is UNICEF the abbreviated forms?
Answer: UNICEF is one of the specialized agencies of United Nations and the abbreviated form of "United Nations International
Children Emergency Fund."
3. Which institution was inaugurated by the Quaid-e-Azam in July 1948?
Answer: The State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam in July, 1948.
4. Name the rivers on which the Mangla Dam and the Tarbela Dam are built.
Answer: Tarbela Dam is built on River Indus and Mangla Dam is built on River Jhelum.
5. Name two famous poets of Pushto language.
Answer: The famous and popular poets of Pushto language are:
(i) Kazim Khan Shaida
(ii) Rehman Baba
6. Who are the famous poets of Sindhi languaeg?
Answer: The famous and popular poets of Pushto language are:
(i) Syed Abdul Karim Muhammad Hashim.
(ii) Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
(iii) Sachal Sarmast
(iv) Pir Muhammad
(v) Makhdoom Noah
(vi) Makhdoom Ahmed Bhatti
7. Who are the famous poets of Punjabi Language?
Answer: The names of famous poets of Punjabi language are given below:
(i) Sultan Bahu
(ii) Bullah Shah
(iii) Shah Hussain
(iv) Waris Shah
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(v) Madho Lal Hussain
(vi) Ghulam Farid
8. Was the constitution of 1962 of presidential or parliamentary type?
Answer: The constitution of 1962 introduced the presidential form of Government.
9. Name the natural regions of Pakistan.
Answer: Pakistan is divided into six natural regions.
(i) Northern Mountain Range
(ii) Mountains of Western Frontier
(iii) Plateau of Potowar and Salt Range
(iv) The Plateau of Baluchistan
(v) Upper Indus Plain
(vi) Lower Indus Plain
10. Write the objectives of U.N.O.
Answer: The main aims and objectives of United Nations (UNO) are:
(i) The first and foremost aim of U.N.O. is to prevent war and maintain peace in the world through collective efforts.
(ii) To create good will among the nation of the world through economic, social, political humanitarism means.
(iii) To replicate the evils of caste, colour and creed by means of education.
(iv) Cultivation of friendly relations amont the people on the basis of equality and the principle of self-determination.
(v) Preservation of human rights and fundamental freedom all over the world.
11. Of which organization is R.C.D. the abbreviated from? What is its new name?
Answer: R.C.D. is the abbreviated form of "Regional Cooperation for Development." The new name is E.C.O. (Economic
Cooperation Organization)
12. Describe briefly the causes that led to the creation of All India Muslim League?
Answer: Following are the causes of the formation of All India Muslim League:
(i) Congress - A Hindu Organisation: Hume laid the foundation of Indian National Congress in 1885. But Congress
by its policy and propaganda proved itself a Hindu Organisation.
(ii) Unhappy Events of Partition of Bengal: Hindu's attitude towards Muslim interest and the partition of Bengal had
exposed Hindu feelings beyond any doubt.
(iii) Safeguard for Urdu: Urdu-Hindu controversy was one of the causes of the creation of Muslim League.
(iv) Propaganda Agains Islam: Some Hindu leaders had raised the slogan "India is for Hindus Only." They started
propaganda against Islam and Muslims.
13. When, where and with whom did the members of the Simla Delegation go to meet?
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Answer: On 1st October 1906, a Muslim deputation consisting of 35 representative met the Viceroy Lord Minto at Simla and
presented some demands of Muslims. The Viceroy gave a patient hearing to the demands of the Muslims presented by the Simla
Delegation and he promised to give athetic consideration to the demands of Muslims and assured them that the interests of the
Muslims would be safeguarded.
14. When and why was the Khilafat Movement started? Who were the leaders of the Movement?
Answer: After the First World War, the fate of Ottoman Turkish Empire (Khilafat) was sealed. The Turkish Sultans had claimed
to be the Caliphs of the Muslim World. The general impression among the Muslims was that the Western Powers were waging a
war against Islam to rob it of all its powers. Muslims of South India took up courage and started "Khilafat Movement in 1919. It's
aim was to:
(i) To save Khilafat
(ii) To protect Holy Cities from non-Muslim control
The leaders of Khilafat Movement were:
(i) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Maulana Shaukat Ali
(iii) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
15. What do you know about the regional languages of Pakistan?
Answer: Besides the national language Urdu, certain regional languages are spoken in Pakistan. These languages are spoken in
a limited area, therefore, their status is of regional of provincial language. There are four porvinces in Pakistan. Each province
has its own language:
(i) Punjab Punjabi
(ii) Sindh Sindhi
(iii) N.W.F.P Pushto
(iv) Baluchistan Baluchi
16. When were the general elections for the central legislature Assembly held in India and how many seats were captured by All
India Muslim League?
Answer: The general elections for the central legislature Assembly were held in India in December. 1945. The Muslim League
won 86.6% of the total Muslim seats. Out of total 102 seats in the centreal Assembly, the Muslim League won 30 seats.
17. Write names of the member countries of the SAARC organization.
Answer: The following are the member countries of SAARC:
(i) India
(ii) Pakistan
(iii) Bangladesh
(iv) Sri Lanka
(v) Nepal
(vi) Bhutan
(vii) Maldives
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18. When and which treaty was signed between India and Pakistan with respect to canal water dispute?
Answer: The water dispute had its origin in the partition of Punjab. It came to light on April 1, 1948, when India cut off the flow
of canal water to West Punjab in Pakistan, causing a great threat of famine and loss of crops in West Punjab.
With the Intervention of World Bank, on September 19, 1960, an agreement was concluded between the countries which is
known as "Indus Basin Treaty". The treaty was singed by President Ayub Khan from Pakistan side and by Pandit Jauhar Lal
Nehru from India in 1961. According to this agreement the Chenab, Jhelum and the Indus rivers were allocated to Pakistan adn
three Eastern rivers Sutluj, Bias and Ravi were given to India.
19. When and where as the first session of the All India Muslim League held?
Answer: The first session of the All India Muslim League was held at Karachi on 29th and 30th December, 1907.
20. When and who dissolved the first constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
Answer: The first constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dismissed by then the Governor General Ghulam Muhammad on
October 24th, 1954.
21. When and where was Allama Iqbal born?
Answer: Allama Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot.
22. Name any two cash crops of Pakistan?
Answer: Cash crops supply raw material to industires. Foreign exhange is also earned through export of these crops. The cashcrops of Pakistan are:
(i) Cotton
(ii) Sugar-Cane
23. How many administrative divisions are there in Sindh?
Answer: There are four administrative divisons in Sindh.
24. Name the main industries of Pakistan.
Answer: The main industries of Pakistan are:
(i) Textile Industries
(ii) Cement Industries
(iii) Paper Industries
(iv) Sugar Industries
(v) Steel Industries
(vi) Fertilizer's Factories
25. On what date was the Day of Deliverance observed as announced by the Quaid-e-Azam?
Answer: When the congress ministrers, resigned in October, 1939, the Quaid-e-Azam appealed to the Muslims of India to
observe a "Deliverance Day" on December 22, 1939 and expressed their relief at the termination of Congress rule which had
been too hostile during the last two years. He also appealed that the Day should be observed peacefully. The Deliverance Day
was observed peacefully throughout the country.
26. When was the Zakat system introduced in Pakistan?
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Answer: The Zakat System was introduced in the country through the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance on June 20, 1980. According
to this ordinance, Zakat fund would be established to collect these sorts of gifts and it was compulsory for every Sahib-e-Nisab
Muslim whether male of female to pay Zakat by deducting it from his or her account in the bank.
27. Name the four casts of Hindu Society.
Answer: The Hindu society was divided into the following four casts:
(i) Brahman
(ii) Khatri
(iii) Vaish
(iv) Shooder
28. Which caste is respected the most in the Hindu society?
Answer: The Brahmans are considered the most superior in the Hindu society.
29. What are the works given to the Khartis?
Answer: The occupation of Khatris was to fight and defend the country.
30. What is the occupation of Vaish?
Answer: The people of the Vaish caste are farmers, traders, industrialists and artisans.
31. What was the occupation of Shooder?
Answer: The people of Shooder caste were considered the lowest of other castes. They had to serve the other castes, i.e. they
were slaved.
32. How did Urdu language came into being?
Answer: The Mughal army consisted of people belonging to different communities of India and speaking different langauges. By
intermingling of these people, a new language by the nameof Urdu came into existance.
33. Name the Sufis who worked for the spread of Islam in South Asia.
Answer: The sufis and saints who worked for the spreading of Islam in South Asia are:
(i) Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh
(ii) Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti
(iii) Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani
(iv) Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander
(v) Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria
34. What do you mean by "Ideology of Pakistan?"
Answer: Pakistan came into existence of the basis of one ideology and this ideology refers that Islam is the religion of all the
Muslims and this Islamic ideology is the Ideology of Pakistan.
35. Which province did not have any constitution during the British rule?
Answer: The British had made North West Frontier Province as "Non-Constitutional Land."
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36. When did partition of Bengal take place and who benefited from it? When and hod did the annulment of partition took place?
Answer: The partition of Bengal took place in 1905 and this was the first right step taken by the British towards the interests of
Muslims, but the narrow-minded Hindus could not bear this and due to their opposition the annulment of partition took place in
37. Why did the Muslims not accept the Nehru Report?
Answer: In the Nehru Report, the Hindus did no respect the rights and interests of Muslims and not fulfilled the promises made
by them. Therefore, the Muslims did not accept the Nehru Report.
38. Why did Quaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points?
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points in reply to the Nehru Report.
39. Why did the round table conference failed?
Answer: The Round Table Conference failed due to the narrow-mindedness and negative attitute of the Hindus.
40. Write down the points of Indian Independence Act of 1947.
Answer: The important points of Indian Independence Act are:
(i) The legislative supremacy of the two Dominions.
(ii) The legislatures of the two Dominions were given full powers to make laws having extra-territorial jurisdication.
(iii) The Brigish Government was to have no control over the affairs of the Dominions, provinces or any part of the
Dominions after 15th August, 1947.
41. What were the important points of 3rd June Plan?
Answer: The important points of 3rd June Plan are as follows:
(i) India was to be divided into Hindustan and Pakistan.
(ii) Pakistan was to comprise the Muslim majority areas with a right to secede from the rest of India.
(iii) The Muslims majority areas would be demarcated by a Joint Boundary Commission.
(iv) Bengal would be partitioned into Muslim and Hindu majority areas.
42. Which party formed the Government of Britain when the sub-continent was partitioned?
Answer: The Labour Party ruled the Government of Britain when India was partitioned.
43. Write the name of some Muslim Leaders who worked during the Pakistan Movements.
Answer: (i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Nawab Salim Ullah
(iii) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(iv) Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
(v) Sir Agha Khan
(vi) Allama Iqbal
(vii) Quaid-e-Azam
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44. During the World War II, what promise did the British Government made towards the people of sub-continent?
Answer: The British Government promised the people of sub-continent that India will be partitioned after the end of the Second
World War.
45. How many resolutions did the U.N. passed regarding Kashmir Problem?
Answer: The Security Council of United Nations passed two resolutions on 17th August, 1948 and 5th January, 1949.
46. What did Quaid-e-Azam said about Radcliff Commission?
Answer: The Quaid-e-Azam remarked about Radcliff Commission or Radcliff Award:
"The award was a parting kick of the British Government."
47. What was the percentage of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir according to the census of 1941?
Answer: According to the census of 1941, the Muslim population in Kashmir was 96% and in Jammu, it was 70%
48. What do you known about Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula?
Answer: In the period of third Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Ali Bogra, great efforts were made for the preparation of the
constitution. In the light of the recommendations of the committee he was able to prepare a draft bill of the constitution which is
known as "Muhammad Ali Bogra's Formula." In this formula, it was suggested to give equal representation to East and West
49. When was the Objective Resolution passed?
Answer: The Objective Resolution was passed on 12th March, 1949 in the Constituent Assembly.
50. Which event took place in the history of constitution making of Pakistan 1955?
Answer: It was hoped that after Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula, a constitution would be made in the country but in 1954, the
Governor General dismissed the Constituent Assembly and in 1955, a new constituent Assembly was elected which started the
work of constitution making.
51. How long did the 1956 constitution last?
Answer: The constitution of 1956 lasted for only two and a half years. On 7th October, 1958, the army took over the
52. According to the constitution of 1962, name the council that was established to point out the non-Islamic things.
Answer: The council which was established to point out the non-Islamic things is known as "Islamic Ideology Council."
53. How long did the constitution of 1962 last?
Answer: This constitution lasted for 7 years. On 25th March, 1969, Ayub Khan resigned and gave teh power to the army.
General Yahya Khan dismissed the 1962 constitution and enforceed Martial Law in the country.
54. When was the legal frame work Order issued?
Answer: The legal frame work order was issued on March 30th, 1970. The said or4der contained the fundamental principles of
the constitution to be framed by the elected assembly as well as the number of seats in National and Provincial Assembly for the
General Elections to be held.
55. When were the Shariat Courts formed and where is its head office?
Answer: Shariat Courts were established in 1979 and its head office is at Islamabad.
56. When was the interest-free banking system introduced in the country?
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Answer: On 1st January, 1981, an interest-free banking system was introduced in the country. According to this system, the
account holder was made a partner with the bak in its profit or loss by shring it according to his investment in the bank.
57. Under what circumstances did General Zia-ul-Haq took control of power on 5th July 1977.
Answer: The elections held in the country were not fair. The people started the Nizam-e-Mustafa Movement. The government
held discussion but no results were obtained. As a result, the army on 5th July 1977 took control of the power.
58. Give the location of Pakistan.
Answer: Pakistan is geographically located between 23.45 to 36.45 North Latitude and about 61 to 75.5 East longitude in South
Asia. The country is surrounded by Bharat in East, Afghanistan in the North West, Iran in the West and the Arabian Sea in the
59. How much is the area of Pakistan.
Answer: The total area of Pakistan is 796096 square kilometers.
60. What does the word "Doab" mean?
Answer: The land or space between two rivers is known as "Doab."
61. Give a brief account of the seasons in Pakistan.
Answer: There are four seasons in Pakistan.
(i) Summer - From May till September
(ii) Winter - From November till February
(iii) Spring - The season of March and April
(iv) Autumn - Spetember and October
62. Write down the names of some important departments of Governmetn of Pakistan.
Answer: The important departments of Government of Pakistan are as follows:
(i) Foreign Office
(ii) Defence Department
(iii) Interior Ministry
(iv) Finance Department
(v) Education Department
(vi) Health Department
(vii) Communication Department
63. How does the Government control the affairs of F.A.T.A. (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) ?
Answer: The Federa Government through its appointed agent keeps in touch with the leaders of tribal areas and controls the
system of these areas. The shol are comes under the control of Jirga. This Jirga is a council comprising of the religious and
experienced people of these tribes.
64. What do you mean by culture?
Answer: Culture is the history of the society and reflects its social past. Culture means behavior peculiar to its human beings.
Culture consists of languages, literature, ideas, beliefs, customs, habits, codes, dress, diet, art, moral, institution, laws, etc.
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65. From which areas did civilized life begin?
Answer: Human civilization started from those areas where water, air and other geographical conditions were in much condition
for life. Therefore, fertile valley of rivers include Dajla Dafrat (Iraq), Valley of Nite (Egypt) and Indus Valley (Pakistan). The
evolution of population started from these areas and civilised life began.
66. The land of Pakistan is famous of which civilizations?
Answer: The land of Pakistan is proud to have the birth fo the historical civilization of the valley of Indus. This civilization was
at its peak about four or five thousand years ago.
67. Which land do you mean by Indus Valley?
Answer: Indus Valley means those areas which are situated near the River Indus and it's neighbouring Rivers. It's present
name is Pakistan.
68. What do you mean by Gandhara Art?
Answer: The areas of Pubjab and N.W.F.P. which at present situated near Rawalpindi and Peshawar were in the old days given
the name of Gandhara Civilization. About two and half thousand years ago, this civilization was at its peak whose art and culture
especially art of painting and stone carving are famous.
69. Write down the names of certain important buildings of Muslim Era.
Answer: (i) The Fort of Agra
(ii) Taj Mahal, Agra
(iii) Shahi Qila, Dehli
(iv) The Tomb of Jehangir, Lahore
(v) Badshahi Mosjid, Lahore
(vi) Masjid Wazir Khan, Lahore
(vii) Jamai Masjid, Thatta
70. What do you mean by imperialist system?
Answer: The Britishers brought an imperialist system. The imperialist system means that local cultural and social agencies
should be so bound by a political structure that they loose ther identification.
71. When did the Muslims invade South Asia?
Answer: Muslims invaded South Asia in 712 A.D. when Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated the army of Raja Dahir and established
an Islamic Welfare State.
72. Which artists did Humayun brought back from Iran?
Answer: Humayan brought back two artists Mir Syed Ali Tabrezi and Khawaja Abdul Samad from Iran.
73. Which type of painting flourished during the era of Jehangir?
Answer: Jehangir had great interest in the art of painting. He claimed that he can identify a painter by seeing his paintings. In
this era, this art was at its peak. Beautiful pictures of flowers. plants, animals, birds and natural scenes were made. The pictures
of war fighting are magnificient examples of realistic art.
74. Who was the first musician of the Muslim era?
Answer: Amir Khusro was the first musician of the Muslim era. He invented many rags in music.
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75. What did the extremist Hindu Movements wanted to do against the Muslims?
Answer: Hindu extremist Movement such as Shoodhi, Shungthan and Arya Samaj wanted to convert Muslims to Hundus and
wanted diminish the separate identity and culture of the Muslims so that the Muslims could leave India.
76. What message did the Allama Iqbal gave to the Muslims of the sub-continent?
Answer: Allama Iqbal gave the message to the Muslims of India that they should develop the feeling of Islamic brotherhood
and Jihad so that they could become independent.
77. What did Quaid-e-Azam said about the objective for the creation for Pakistan?
Answer: Quaid-e-Azam described the main objective of the creation of Pakistan in the following words:
" We have not demanded Pakistan only to get a piece of land, but our aim was to get a laboratory where we could practise the
principles of Islam."
78. Pakistani culture is a mixed culture. Comment.
Answer: Pakistani culture is a mixed culture. There is still some impact of foreign traditions in our society. We have adopted
Western Music and their style of living. Although majority of the people are Muslims, there is a mixed culture of Hindus,
Britishers and Muslims.
79. The basis of Pakistani culture is on Islam. Comment.
Answer: Pakistan was established so that the Muslims could lead their lives according to the teachings and principles of Islam.
Pakistani culture is predominantly an Islamic culture. Pakistan inspite of the differences of religion, language and customs
commonly follow the religion of Islam.
80. What are the Pakistani arts?
Answer: Pakistani are include the following:
(i) Stone Carving
(ii) Carpet Making
(iii) Embroidery
81. How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?
Answer: In Pakistan, about 30 small and big languages are spoken. These include Urdu, Sindhi, Pushto, Punjabi, Baluchi,
Kashmiri and Brahvi.
82. What were the different names of Urdu in its different periods?
Answer: In the beginning Urdu was given the name Hindavi, Hindi and Hindustani. Later on, it was given the name Urdu-eMoalla and Rekhta. And now it is given the name Urdu.
83. When did Pushto language begin?
Answer: Pushto is the language of N.W.F.P. The people speaking these languages are called Pukhtoon or Pushtoon. This
language started about 5000 years in Afghanistan. Bakhtar or Bakht. Due to this it was given the name Bakhto which later
became Pukhto or Pushto.
84. Whom began Sindhi language in Arabic script?
Answer: Abul-Hasan Sindhi began Sindhi Language in Arabic script.
85. Which things are distinct in Punjabi literature?
Answer: Folk tales are very popular in Punjabi literature. The poets gave thses tales into poetic forms. These tales include
romances like Hir Ranjha, Sasshi Panhu and Sohni Mahiwal.
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86. Write down the names of famous Balochi tales?
Answer: The famous tales of Balochi language are:
(i) Chakar Khan
(ii) Hamal Rando - Hanaz
(iii) Berang-o-Grahan
(iv) Nazshah Hured Dahanni
87. Name three classical poets of Urdu.
Answer: The classical poets of Urdu are:
(i) Mir Taqi Mir
(ii) Mirza Ghalib
(iii) Mir Dard
88. Who is considered as the first poet of Pushto?
Answer: Amir Krore is considered the first poet of Pushto.
89. Which languages influence Sindhi Language?
Answer: Sindhi language is influenced by Darawdi, Sanskrit, Greek, Turkish, Pushto and other languages.
90. 'Shah-Jo-Risalo' is the poetic collection of which poet?
Answer: Shah-jo-Risalo is the poetic collection of famous Sindhi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai.
91. Which civilization does Punjabi language has a link?
Answer: Punjabi has its links with Hadmai or Draudi civilizations.
92. Name the different styles of speech of Punjabi.
Answer: The different styles of speech of Punjabi language are Mulsani, Saraiki, Shahpure, Potohari, etc.
93. Name three classical poets of Punjabi.
Answer: Three classical poets of Punjabi are:
(i) Shah Hussain
(ii) Bulleh Shah
(iii) Sultan Bahu
94. Who wrote Hir Ranjha?
Answer: Hir Ranjha was written by Waris Shah
95. Which is the famous book of Hashim Shah?
Answer: The famous tale of Hashim Shah is Sassi Panhu.
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96. Which language does Baluchi link to?
Answer: A Baluchi language has its link with Aryan Languages.
97. Write down the different style of speeches of Baluchi.
Answer: The two styles of speeches of Baluchi are:
(i) Mehrani
(ii) Sulemani
98. Name the ascents of Kashmiri.
Answer: Kashmiri has many ascents. These are Salmani, Hindki, Gandro and Gami but Gandro leads all the ascents.
99. Write down the salient features of the foreign policy of Pakistan.
Answer: The following are fundamental principles of Pakistan's foreign policy.
(i) Protection of freedom and sovereignty.
(ii) Close relations with Muslim countries.
(iii) Keeping away from big power politics.
(iv) Support for self-determination
(v) Implementation of United Nations Charter
(vi) Promotion of peace and friendship
(vii) Non-Alignment
100. Pakistan is the member of how many international organisations?
Answer: Pakistan is the active member of the following internation organisations:
(i) United Nations Organisation (U.N.O.)
(ii) Non-Aligned Movement (N.A.M.)
(iii) Organization of Islamic Conference (O.I.C.)
(iv) Economic Cooperation Organization (E.C.O.)
101. When was the foundation of United Nations laid?
Answer: The foundation of United Nations (U.N.O.) was laid on 24th October, 1945.
102. Name the organs of U.N.O.
Answer: The organs of U.N.O. are:
(i) General Assembly
(ii) Security Council
(iii) Economic and Social Council
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(iv) Trustee-Ship Council
(v) Secretariat
(vi) Internationl Court of Justice
103. Name the agencies of U.N.
Answer: There are several specialized bodies which are asssociated with the work of the United Nations. The most specialized
bodies are:
(i) UNICEF - United Nations Internation Childeren Emergency Fund.
(ii) UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
(iii) FAO - Food and Agricultural Organisation
(iv) WHO - World Health Organisation
(v) ILO - International Labour Organisation
(vi) WB - World Bank
104. What is the objective of Non-Aligned Movement?
Answer: The main objective of Non-Aligned Movement was not to join any of the big powers and to keep away from big power
105. When was the foundation of R.C.D. laid?
Answer: In July 1964, Iran, Pakistan and Turky with mutual understanding laid the foundation of R.C.D. (Regional Cooperation
of Development). Now, its new name is Economic Cooperation Organization (E.C.O.).
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