Chair Present In attendance Secretary Approved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE (2-4 pm) Room 6.348 MINUTES TUESDAY 9 MAY 2013 Ms Judith Judd Ms Rachel Earle, Mrs Sue Endean, Ms Rachel Fletcher, Ms Angela Jones, Prof Peter Patrick, Mrs Marianne Provan, Ms Katie Rakow Ms Katie Rakow, Ms Marianne Provan, Rev. Julia Murphy Mrs Karen Stephenson APOLOGIES Noted The Chair noted that apologies had been received from Ms Karen Bush, Prof Anthony Forster, Mr Colin Macauley, Mr Stephen McAuliffe, Dr Tracy Robinson, Dr Alison Rowlands, Mr John Wakeman, Mr Tyron Wilson, Ms Jovanna Youselli. Noted The Chair welcomed the Reverend Julia Murphy, the new Chaplain in the MultiFaith Chaplaincy Centre, to the meeting. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2013 Approved MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Pregnancy and Maternity Policy (M.12/13) Reported Ms Provan reported that the temporary Parent and Baby Room room is now being located in the Disabled Toilet on Level 2 of the Students’ Union building and will be ready in approximately two weeks’ time. The change has come about because of the lack of space in the Disabled toilet on the ground floor near the Students’ Union Bar. Student Admissions Equality Report (M.19/13) (Paper EADC/13/03) Reported Ms Jones reported that the perceived upward trend/variation in rejection rates within departments for disabled students compared to non-disabled students for 2011-2012 has been investigated in association with Ms Tallentire and Ms Bush. She pointed out that the figures may be skewed because the numbers involved in some departments are extremely small i.e. 50% of students in Humanities = 1 person. Another reason could be the fact that in other departments the numbers look high i.e. HHS - 41% rejection rate for disabled students but the overall rejection rate for non-disabled students is 71%. Action Ms Jones will monitor the figures for next year to find out if this is a trend or a one-year event. Equality Profile of Students (M.35.13) (Paper EADC/13/09) Reported Ms Jones reported that on further investigation of the data there is no significant decline in the number of students with asthma, diabetes, hearing and sight problems. The recent reported decline was only for a period of one month which is not a sufficient period of time to collect accurate data. A review of a full year’s data will take place next year. Ms Jones also recommended that the category covering Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy should be changed to one category – ‘long-standing illness’ in line with the UCAS system. Action Ms Jones to monitor next year’s data for a decline or otherwise in the number of students with asthma, diabetes, hearing and sight problems. Research Council UK (RCUK) Equality and Diversity expectations (M.40/13) (Paper EADC/13/11) Reported In Ms Bush’s absence it was reported that she contacted the Research and Enterprise Office to let them know about the RCUK expectations but they were already aware and acting upon them. Student Statistics Progression and success of Undergraduate Students (Paper EADC13/13) Reported Ms Rakow reported that: - Males are more likely than females of not continuing in education and not attaining a good degree 47/13 48/13 49/13 50/13 51/13 52/13 53/13 54/13 55/13 56/13 - - Compared with young students mature students are more likely to fail/withdraw and less likely to attain a ‘good’ degree. Students who have declared a disability are no more likely to fail/withdraw or attain a good degree when compared with students who have not declared a disability An equivalent proportion of Minority ethnic students and White students failed/withdrew in 2011-12. However, Minority ethnic students were less likely than White students to be awarded a ‘good’ degree. Professor Jane Wright is leading a Task & Finish Group to examine learning, teaching and the student experience from the perspectives of Equality and Diversity in order to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate fully and to succeed at the University of Essex on the basis of merit and regardless of protected characteristics (ethnicity, gender, disability etc). Action Ms Bush to contact the ‘Task and Finish’ group and feedback developments to EADC. Progression and Award classification report for Postgraduate taught students (Paper EADC/13/14) Reported Ms Rakow reported that the issues were very similar for Postgraduate Taught students. She also pointed out that action is being taken to address the issues University-wide. Males were significantly less likely than females to be awarded a Distinction or Merit. Young students (less than 25 years on entry) were significantly less likely than mature students (25 years or over on entry) to be awarded a Distinction or Merit in 2011-12. In 2011-12, students of minority ethnic background were significantly more likely than White students to have an unsuccessful academic outcome. This is mainly attributable to a higher proportion of minority ethnic students receiving a lower qualification than they had originally aimed for. Similarly, minority ethnic students were less likely than their White counterparts to be awarded a Distinction or Merit in 2011-12. Review of progress on the Single Equality Strategy and Policy Action Plan (Paper EADC13/15) Reported In Ms Bush’s absence, Mrs Endean referred the Committee to the highlights of the Paper on Page 21. The Equality and Diversity online programme take-up was discussed with regard to the suitability of its content and delivery. A review of the new staff induction process is being carried out by Learning and Development and the results will be reported at the next EADC meeting. It is hoped that the programme will be become compulsory for all staff during the next year. 57/13 58/13 59/13 Ms Provan said that she was considering having Equality and Diversity training available for SU staff. Ms Provan also pointed out that a Forum was being set up for student carers, to be led by a Student Officer. Ms Endean reported that the Athena SWAN Bronze award application has been submitted and the ‘Two Ticks’ symbol has been awarded to the University for another year until February 2014. An application to the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is going to be submitted in September 2013 and the University is going to use Capita to help with the analysis and compilation of the Equal Pay Review report, with a particular emphasis on gender. Action Action Monitoring of sexual orientation, gender identity and religion is now underway for staff and has been integrated into the new IHR system, which allows staff to access and review their own personal information. Ms Endean and Ms Bush to look at the content of the Equality and Diversity programme and how it is delivered. Ms Bush to report on the outcome of the Learning and Development new staff induction review. 60/13 61/13 Progress towards equality objectives (Paper EADC/13/16) Reported In the absence of Ms Bush, Mrs Endean reported that good progress had been made towards the first two main objectives as noted on Page 39 of the Papers: 62/13 First objective Current position with regard to: Completion rates for Module 1 of the University’s Equality and Diversity online programme from November 2012 to the end of April 2013. 24 out of 38 departments returned their figures as follows: 110 new staff - 52 of which successfully completed Module 1 (47.2%) Second objective Current position with regard to: Collection of information on religion or belief and sexual orientation of students. Religion or belief : Response rate 80.73%; Disclosure rate 73.39% Sexual orientation: Response rate 80.73%; Disclosure rate 71.32% Third objective Current position with regard to: Promotion of the University’s Values of diversity, equality of opportunity, integrity, leadership and the highest academic and professional standards through a series of awareness-raising activities. Staff Survey 2012 – target for agreement with statement that ‘generally people at the University of Essex treat each other with fairness and respect’ was 85%. Actual number was 75%. Shortfall is disappointing and HR is going back to Capita for additional reports. Professor Jules Pretty is taking the lead. Noted HR is currently working to improve the employment experience by looking at workload modelling, pay and reward schemes and stress management. Staff Equality Statistics, including overview and analysis (Paper EADC/13/17) Reported In Ms Bush’s absence Ms Endean reported that the overall proportion of female academic staff (including academic, academic R staff and professors) has risen from 38.36% to 39.81% between December 2011-2012. 63/13 64/13 During that period there was also a rise in the number of all staff aged 66 or over from 2.2% to 3.1%. The number of Professional staff aged 66 or over also rose from 11% to 13.5%. The report recommends that the Athena SWAN model could be used not only to improve rates of women in science, but it could also be applied to all female academic staff and across the nine protected characteristics. Noted Ms Fletcher asked if data is being gathered on pregnancy and caring responsibilities on the new IHR system. Noted The point was raised that the removal of the compulsory retirement age raises issues around performance management for staff at the end of their careers and for succession planning. It was suggested that support in this area may be needed for Heads of Department and Managers. Noted It was pointed out that there was a problem with loss of anonymity with regard to staff statistics as the numbers in some areas are so low. ISER or the Planning office should be consulted as they have a policy for this issue. Noted Professor Patrick noted the increase in part-time teachers and indicated an interest in learning more about the ratio of part-time teachers to full time staff. Action Ms Bush to consult with ISER or the Planning Office with regard to their policy on the publication of staff statistics on the web. Action Mrs Stephenson to find out if data can be collected on the IHR system with regard to pregnancy and caring responsibilities. Action Mrs Endean to discuss the provision of staffing statistics relating to the numbers of part-time staff in different types of contracts, with Ms Bush. Harassment Advisory Network equality summary report (Paper EADC/13/18) Noted It was felt that due to the low take-up of male clients, the Harassment Advisory Network should consider reviewing their advertising with a view to attracting 65/13 66/13 67/13 68/13 69/13 70/13 71/13 72/13 more men to use the service. It was also noted that there are only two male advisers on the Harassment Advisory Network and this should also be looked at during the next recruitment campaign. Action Ms Bush to look at ECU website for guidance on the issue of attracting more men to use this type of service. Any other business – N/A Post meeting note Ms Bush has consulted with the University’s Records Manager who confirmed that the staff statistics are suitable for publication. Noted Karen Stephenson 2013 73/13 74/13