Unapproved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE Tuesday 13 November 2012 2.00 pm Room 5S.4.11 MINUTES Chair Present Secretary In attendance Ms Judith Judd Ms Karen Bush, Mrs Sue Endean, Ms Rachel Fletcher, Prof Anthony Forster, Ms Angela Jones, Mr Colin McAuley, Prof Peter Patrick, Dr David Pevalin, Dr Alison Rowlands, Miss Jovanna Yiouselli Mrs Karen Stephenson Ms Hannah Lamb, Ms Marianne Provan APOLOGIES Noted The Chair noted that apologies had been received from Ms Rachel Earle, Mr Richard Stock, Mr Tyron Wilson and Mr John Wakeman Membership and Terms of Reference (M. 51/12) (Paper EADC/12/16) Approved The revised Terms of Reference were approved MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 MAY 2012 Approved MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Mediation Service (M.41/2) 75/12 Reported 78/12 Mrs Endean reported that the University is working with GLEAMED (Greater London and East Anglia Mediation Service) to pilot an accredited mediation course. Six members of the HR Section and two members of staff from the Academic Section are taking part. It is expected that following successful completion of the course, these mediators will join the UCEA register to form a pool of mediators across several institutions. Being a part of this register will mean that the University will be able to draw from this pool of expertise when appropriate. If successful, it is possible that this model could be extended to provide a mediation service for students in the future. Athena Swan (M.45/12) (Paper EADC/12/17) Reported Ms Bush reported that the data collection exercise is complete, and work is underway to present the information graphically. The Athena SWAN Steering Group has agreed that, due to the amount of work required to put together an application, the University should make its application for a Bronze Award in April 2013 rather than in November 2012 as previously agreed. To assist it in making its application, the University has recently joined the Athena SWAN Eastern Region Network to share ideas, experiences and best practice with other universities. In addition evidence of gender-specific initiatives across all faculties is being sought with a view to assessing the viability of mirroring them in the Faculty of Science and Engineering e.g. EBS has a Women’s Network for both staff and students. The next stage is to look at qualitative data at departmental level. Noted The Vice Chancellor is keen to encourage this work and is of the view that the University should seek to apply this methodology to other areas of the University, in addition to Science and Engineering, as it chimes with the University’s values. He would like to be consulted about ‘rolling’ out this methodology. Student Statistics working group (M47/12) (Paper EADC/12/18) Reported Ms Bush presented a draft new pro-forma for the collection, reporting and monitoring of equality-related student information together with a flowchart on its implementation. A gap analysis on this data was carried out using ECU guidance which identified that the main omissions in terms of the student- 76/12 77/12 79/12 80/12 81/12 related information received by EADC related to progression and outcomes. After discussion it was decided to trial the pro-forma for the February 2013 data collection exercise and to obtain feedback from users on the use of the proforma. Noted Ms Bush highlighted the difficulties the working group had in coming up with an effective follow-up process given that the University currently has no senior person with responsibility for equality and diversity. Agreed The Vice Chancellor recommended that if EADC identified any issues as a result of considering this information, these should be followed-up by USG. Recommended It was recommended that a member of the Senior Management team has responsibility for equality and diversity at institutional level. Noted It was pointed out that the Student Retention officer would be sending information to USG and that duplication should be avoided. Action The pro-forma should be used for the next data collection exercise in February 2013. REF Code of Practice (M.69/12) Reported Ms Bush informed the meeting that the University’s Code of Practice on the REF was not approved by HEFCE in the first round, because it did not contain sufficient detail as to how the Code would be communicated to staff. The Code was subsequently re-drafted to include more detail about communication and resubmitted to HEFCE for approval. Noted Prof Patrick pointed out that one of the reasons stated on the Equality Impact Assessment carried out on the REF Code of Practice as to why a disproportionate number of BME staff may not be submitted to the REF, was that it ‘may be because English is not their first language’. He urged caution with regard to this theory which would require further investigation in order to substantiate it. Action Ms Bush to report back at the next meeting with regard to HEFCE approval of the University’s Code of Practice on the REF. Caring Responsibilities Project (Paper EADC/12/19) Reported Ms Bush presented the Executive Summary of the University’s full Caring Responsibilities report and the meeting discussed its recommendations which were broken down in two groups; staff and students. Agreed It was decided that all of the recommendations should be considered, but three main headline priorities for each category, staff and students, should be identified and looked at in the immediate future and that the others could be dealt with over a period of time. Noted Ms Bush reported that the NUS have invited the University to take part in their research project looking at the issues around students with adult caring responsibilities and that Hannah Lamb, Project Officer for students, would be joining the Steering Group for this project. Action Ms Bush to prioritise the three main priorities for both staff and students, from the Caring Responsibilities Project report and relay them to the Committee at the next meeting. Pregnancy Policy and associated EIA (Paper EADC/12/20) Reported Ms Jones thanked Hannah Lamb for her work in drafting the Pregnancy Policy. The meeting discussed the issue of who will take responsibility within departments for the care of students during pregnancy and maternity. Prof Patrick pointed out that at present, designated staff within departments have responsibility for pastoral care of students. They would need additional training to enable them to support students during pregnancy and maternity. It was suggested that DDLO’s could take on the role. The question was then raised as to whether the responsibility should lie with departments or centrally. Noted The Vice Chancellor pointed out that anyone supporting a student during pregnancy and maternity would need quite a sophisticated understanding of the term ‘reasonable adjustments’. He also pointed out that the meaning of ‘flexibility’ in the report was ambiguous. He suggested that someone would have to take institutional responsibility for decisions. Agreed The meeting agreed that there should be a central institutional point of responsibility and that it could lie with the Deans. 82/12 83/12 84/12 85/12 86/12 87/12 88/12 89/12 90/12 91/12 92/12 93/12 94/12 95/12 96/12 Noted The proposed policy for students is more comprehensive than the policy the University currently has in place for staff and consideration should be given as to whether some of the detail contained within the proposed student policy could be added to the policy for staff. Reported Ms Bush pointed out that the Policy would need to be amended with regard to the availability of the Parent and Baby/First Aid room. This facility has been removed due to strategic space requirements, despite two letters being sent the Space Management Group outlining the need for this facility and the University’s legal obligations under both equality and health and safety legislation. Ms Bush reported that since its removal, there have been seven requests for its use as a parent and baby facility and four cases during Freshers’ arrivals day when it was needed as a First Aid resource. Ms Jones also pointed out that she has had a request from a disabled student who needs a quiet space with a bed to lie down on for half-an-hour each day. Noted Ms Provan pointed there was the possibility of using an existing Students’ Union First Aid space as a temporary solution. However, resources would be needed to adapt it. Noted The Vice Chancellor asked Mrs Endean to contact Prof Jules Pretty directly to try to resolve this issue and to report back to him. Action Mrs Endean to contact Jules Pretty with regard to acquiring space for the Parent and Baby/First Aid Room. Action Mrs Endean to compare the University’s maternity policy for staff with the proposed policy for students with a view to incorporating some of the more detailed information contained within the student policy into the policy for staff. Action Ms Jones to incorporate the changes regarding the Parent and Baby room into the Policy for students. Action Ms Jones and Ms Fletcher to refine the policy for students taking into account the comments made. Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre Review (Paper EADC/12/21) Noted Ms Fletcher explained that this review came about because of a need to review management arrangements for the MFCC as this had not been done since 1991 when the current arrangements were introduced. A particular issue that arose was how MFCC religious representatives and advisers should be ‘indentified’ as this has implications for their eligibility to obtain a staff card, for example, which in turn enables them to register for reduced-rate parking and gives access to the Library. EADC were also asked for their view on the proposal that a representative of the MFCC should be invited to attend EADC meetings. Agreed The Committee agreed that a representative of the MFCC should be invited to attend EADC meetings in future. Noted It was suggested that the ‘name’ Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Visiting Fellow could be used to identify MFCC religious representatives and advisers for the purpose of issuing them with a staff card, although ISS should be consulted on this issue before proceeding. Action Mrs Endean and Ms Fletcher to liaise with regard to finding the best way for MFCC religious representatives and advisers to obtain staff cards and consult with ISS as part of that process. Action Ms Fletcher to inform EADC of the name of the nominated person to represent the MFCC at EADC meetings. Equality Impact Reviews and Assessments Noted Ms Bush gave an overview of the University’s existing processes for assessing the impact on equality of its policies and procedures. 10 (a) EIR on Annual Review Procedures for Academic and Research staff (Paper EADC12/22) Noted The Committee had no comments to make and no further follow-up by EADC was requested. 10 (b) EIA on Student Admissions 2008-09, second progress report (Paper EADC/12/23) Noted The Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions policies have been developed but there has been some delay in publishing them online. There is no requirement for any further follow-up to this EIA. Equality-related admissions information will be presented to EADC in February using the new trial pro-forma. 97/12 98/12 99/12 100/12 101/12 102/12 103/12 104/12 105/12 106/12 107/12 108/12 109/12 110/12 111/12 112/12 10 (c) Recommendation for EIR/EIA follow-up procedure (Paper EADC/12/24) Noted Ms Bush outlined a proposal for a new process to ensure appropriate ongoing follow-up of EIRs and EIA’s is carried out. Agreed The process should be adopted with immediate effect. Completed EIA’s, May to October 2012 (Paper EADC/12/25) Noted Ms Fletcher pointed out that there are many procedures, processes and policies that need EIA’s, which is very time-consuming. Noted Ms Bush replied that when EIA’s became compulsory, some institutions hired staff specifically to conduct them. The ideal is that equality considerations are an integral part of policy development and it was agreed that if the University was going to achieve this ideal it was necessary for responsibility to be taken at the highest level. Agreed After a short discussion about the policy on the temporary restriction on student parking policy, the meeting decided that an EIA should be conducted on the University’s Car Parking Policy as there are ongoing issues around disability and those students and staff with caring responsibilities. Action Ms Bush will contact the University’s Transport Policy Co-ordinator with regard to conducting an EIA on the University’s Car Parking Policy. Any other business Noted Ms Jones asked why student statistics collected do not cover all the protected characteristics. Ms Bush replied that the University is currently only collecting the data that is required by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Noted Prof Patrick pointed out that UCU is encouraging its members to disclose disability and Ms Bush also asked if Prof Patrick could encourage UCU members to complete the Staff Survey. Noted Mrs Endean stated that after the Staff Survey has closed and the initial report from Capita, the survey provider, has been received the University has the option of requesting a specific equality and diversity report in order to obtain more detailed information about the results from an equality perspective. EADC will be made aware of any issues relating to equality arising from the survey Date of next meeting Tuesday 5 February 2013, Room 5S.4.11 at 2.00 pm. Karen Stephenson/Karen Bush December 2012 113/12 114/12 115/12 116/12 117/12 118/12 119/12 120/12 121/12 122/12