Unapproved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE 10 May 2012 Room 5S.4.11 2.00 pm MINUTES Chair Present Ms Judith Judd Ms Karen Bush, Dr Wayne Campbell, Mrs Sue Endean, Ms Angela Jones, Mr Syd Kent, Prof Peter Patrick, Dr Alison Rowlands Secretary In attendance Mrs Karen Stephenson Ms Hannah Lamb, Ms Marianne Provan, APOLOGIES Noted The Chair noted that apologies had been received from Ms Rachel Earle, Ms Rachel Fletcher, Mr Colin Macaulay, Dr David Pevalin, Prof Colin Riordan, MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 7 February 2012 37/12 Approved MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Mediation Service (M.87/11) Reported Mrs Endean reported that, having completed the options appraisal, a hybrid model of in-house/external mediation provision is the preferred model for the University to take forward. Prospective in-house mediators would go through an accredited training course which could also be open to other organisations e.g. the NHS, local Councils. Once qualified the in-house mediators would deal with low-level cases. More complex cases would be handled by an external provider. Mrs Endean is preparing final costings after which a preferred provider will be identified. Noted Ms Provan made a request for a SU representative to take part in the mediation training. Action Ms Endean to report back on progress at the next meeting. Dignity and Respect Community Principles (M.90/11) Reported Dr Campbell reported that he had met with the Dignity and Respect Group regarding the Dignity and Respect Community Principles, the wording of which was agreed and the Principles have since been published. At the meeting it was agreed that the Principles should be incorporated into the University’s ‘Values and Behaviours’ document. Action Dr Campbell to amend the University’s ‘Values and Behaviours’ document. Athena Swan (M114/11) Reported Mr Kent, Ms Bush, Prof Raines and Ms Alex Seabrook have met and a review of how other institutions have implemented Athena Swan has taken place. Work is underway on a data collection exercise and a timeline is also being prepared with the aim of applying for a Bronze Award by November 2012. Action Ms Bush will report back at next meeting. Student Statistics (M.20/12) Reported The Working Group has met and is using Equality Challenge Unit guidance, to identify what information relating to students the University should publish and how this compares to the information currently available. In addition the Group is looking at the issues the Committee asked it to consider at its meeting in February. Action Ms Bush will report back at the next meeting Reported Ms Fletcher informed the meeting that Executive members of the Chinese Society were approached to take part in focus groups to try to find out why Chinese students are under-represented as clients of Student Support in relation 38/12 39/12 40/12 41/12 42/12 43/12 44/12 45/12 46/12 47/12 48/12 to the percentage of Chinese students in the overall student population. None of the students attended. Student Support is now working with Chinese Societies to try and make them aware of what Student Support is and what it offers. Change of EADC membership (M34/12) Reported Ms Provan reported that the Students’ Union Council had agreed that the Students’ Union Vice President International Students’ post could replace the elected student member position on the Committee. Noted The Committee welcomed this change. Action Mrs Stephenson to amend the Terms of Reference to reflect the change and to pass on to Council for formal approval. Review of progress on Single Equality Strategy and Policy Action Plan, including progress towards equality targets. Reported Ms Bush reported that after a review of actions, one year on, Equality and Diversity are pleased with the progress made. The main points to note are: for some objectives, no actions have been taken – this is because the action plan spans a three year period and some actions will take place in future years; re action 2.1, although an Admissions Policy has been approved by the University, it is not yet available on the web; re action 2.2, Equality and Diversity are working with Stonewall with regard to a communications plan for the collection of data on sexual orientation and religion and belief; re action 2.3, the Caring Responsibilities project is progressing well with just under 400 survey replies received. (Post-meeting note: 500 survey replies have been received.); there has been a very positive response to the communication sent to Heads of Departments and Sections about the need to conduct Equality Impact Assessments on the policies they own; Noted In the area of Admissions the Committee are keen to be kept updated about ongoing work in relation to the recommendations that arose from the EIA conducted in 2009 Action Ms Bush to contact the Admissions Sub-Group to follow up on the progress of the Admissions Policy and to request a further update on progress made on the recommendations arising from the EIA conducted in 2009. Noted A full review of the Policy is due in 2014 but some minor revisions may take place earlier due to the appointment of a new Vice Chancellor and to take into account the University’s revised strategy. Noted Dr Campbell and Mr Kent both thanked Ms Bush for her hard work on the Action Plan. Noted The current arrangements for following up on progress made against the recommendations from an EIR panel are not satisfactory as the Committee only receives information once, a year after the EIR has been completed. Action Equality and Diversity to consider how best to address this. Harassment Advisory Network Equality Summary report Reported Mr Kent reported that the network with the new advisers is working well. In the calendar year 2011 there were more staff cases than student cases. He also thanked Ms Bush and Mrs Stephenson for their work with HAN and Ms Provan thanked Mr Kent for his years of service to HAN. Staff Equality Statistics including overview and analysis Reported Ms Bush reported that the information presented had been developed by the working party constituted to look at what information the University should publish in order to demonstrate it is meeting the general equality duty. Ms Bush highlighted the main findings of the analysis of the statistics which related to the disclosure of equality and diversity information, benchmarking and the use of positive action and sought approval for the following recommendations; any future benchmarking analysis of staff data should be conducted against whichever group, or groups, the University decides is appropriate; consideration should be given, where appropriate, to using positive 49/12 50/12 51/12 52/12 53/12 54/12 55/12 56/12 57/12 58/12 59/12 60/12 action to encourage under-represented groups to apply for particular roles. Approved Noted The Committee approved both recommendations. The Committee commended the University on having a considerably higher percentage of BME professorial and academic staff than the sector as a whole, the 1994 Group and the East of England universities. The Committee also found the breakdown of academic and research staff by gender and department useful and suggested the statistics in future were broken down by department across all protected characteristics for which information is available. Noted There are imbalances in certain staff groups in terms of gender, age and ethnicity. Ms Bush suggested that the Athena SWAN project may help address this issue and several Committee members suggested that a more effective appraisal system, mentoring and coaching could also be useful tools in supporting staff. Noted Mrs Endean advised the Committee that work is currently being done to tie the appraisal system in with the Annual Review cycle and that a review is taking place of in-house management and leadership training provision. In addition, the new Vice-Chancellor has also expressed the view that there could be a better framework of support for staff seeking promotion. Noted A large proportion, 44.4%, of Professors at Essex are in the 56-65 age range and only 11.1% are in the 36-45 age range. Mrs Endean advised that, due to the abolition of a compulsory retirement age, the University’s Steering Group is looking at the age profile of University staff to avoid a skills shortage. Action Equality and Diversity and Human Resources to investigate the possibility of reporting staff statistics across all protected characteristics at department level in the future. REF Code of Practice Reported Ms Bush reported that the REF Code of Practice had been developed jointly by the Research and Enterprise Office and Equality and Diversity and EADC were being invited to make comments on it as part of the consultation process. Of particular note is the commitment in the Code to conduct Equality Impact Assessments at key stages of the selection process and the requirement for . any member of staff involved in the selection process to have completed Module 1 of the Equality and Diversity online training programme. In addition face-toface REF-specific equality and diversity training is being given to members of the Research Strategy Committee and the Individual Staff Circumstances Committee. The draft Code will be submitted to Senate for approval on 4 July so that it can be submitted to HEFCE by the deadline of 31 July 2012. Agreed The Committee recommended the following suggested changes and questions be submitted to the Research and Enterprise Office for consideration: Update the RSC membership to reflect changes to the names of the Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Graduate School and consider whether it is necessary to include names of individuals. The Committee members are predominantly male – is there any scope to change this? Set out more clearly the grounds for appeal and have a clear route for staff to challenge decisions made about the quality of their research; Provide an option for external assessment before the appeal stage and give external assessors guidelines on what is expected of them; Consider expanding the ‘Transparency’ section to cover transparency in the operation of the procedures; In the EIA section, change the words - ‘If any unjustifiable inadvertent discrimination’ to ‘If any discrimination…’ and set out exactly what is meant by the ‘equality profile’ of staff. Action Ms Bush to pass these suggested changes and questions on to the Research and Enterprise Office for consideration. Positive Action in Recruitment Agreed The Committee agreed that the position adopted at the EADC meeting on the 12 May 2011, not to adopt Section 159 of the Equality Act, should remain unchanged. Any Other Business 61/12 62/12 63/12 64/12 65/12 66/12 67/12 68/12 69/12 70/12 Noted Noted Action Noted The Committee joined Dr Campbell in wishing Mr Kent, Equality and Diversity Officer, a very happy retirement. Dr Campbell paid tribute to Mr Kent for his hard work in Equality and Diversity and as a member of the Equality and Diversity Committee. Mrs Endean thanked Dr Campbell, who is leaving the University, for his contribution to the Equality and Diversity Committee. Mrs Stephenson to invite the new Students’ Union Equality and Diversity Officer, Mr Tyron Wilson and the new Students’ Union Vice President International Students, Miss Jovanna Yiouselli, to the next EADC meeting on Tuesday 13 November 2012. Date of next meeting : Tuesday 13 November 2012 in Room 5S.4.11 at 2.00 pm. Karen Stephenson/Karen Bush - May 2012 71/12 72/12 73/12 74/12